• C IN E MAti • PRODUCTIOM GUIDE by Michael Dorland and Tom Perlmutter Markle p. man. Mark Allan d,o.p. Mark Irwin, csc Nadeau p. coord. Roseline Poulin p, ICCt Muriel IDEACOM INC. I. p. Rob Lowe. Patrick Swayze, Ed Lauter, Cindy Lize- Pothier p, see. Johanne La Barre trainer Gibb. Sylvain L' Abb~ P. mts. Bernard Vincent ~runo (514) 274 -6538 Bazin, Pierre Guillard, Nicole Hilareguy, Lucie he following is a list of films in production (actually before the cameras) Bouliane d, Robert M~nard sc, Claire Wojas 1st and in negotiation in Canada. Needless to say, the films which are still PRENDRE LA ROUTE * METROMEDIA a.d. Michel Gauthier 2nd a.d. Louis-Philippe Tin the project stage are subject to changes. A third category, I n Pre­ Five TV-hour series on 16mm film about high­ (416) 469-5192 Rochon cont Th~r~se B~rube d.o.p. Guy Dufaux production, will be used to indicate films which are in active pre-production, way safet y, and car accidents throughout the mt Clm. Robert Guertin gaffer Daniel Chr~tien world, shooting on location in Canada, the U.S.. EVERGREEN best boy Claude Fortier key grip Yvon Boudrias having set a date for the beginning of principal photography and being the U. K, Sweden, Germany and France, in co­ Si x-part miniseries for NBC-TV. Shooting New grip Jean-Pierre Lamarche lISt grip Ren~ Guil­ engaged in casting and crewing. Films are listed by the name of the company venture with the National Film Board, for a York in June, Toronto in July, Israel in Sept. for lard, Lyne Charlebois art d. Vianney Gauthier which initiated the project, or with which the project is popularly associated. Radio-Canada airdate in Spring '86. Budget : 13 wks. ApproL budget: $1 0 min. nee. p, Edgar props. Pierre Gauthier on-ut props. Daniel Huys­ This is not necessarily the name of the production company. Where the two over $1 .5 min. Shooting Sept.-Oct (episode 3) ; Scherick assoc. p. Bruce Puston p. Phil Barry d. mans cost dos. Mich~le Hamel lilt cost Louise Oct-Nov. (episode 4) ; editing final episode as Fielder Cook sc. Jerome Kass p. man. Grace Richard drmer Huguette Gagn~ mike-up Pierre companies are different, the name of the production company, if known, is also of Spring '85. Series completion : Dec. '85. Gilroy IDe. man. Keith Large 1st ad. John Board. Saindon s.d. Michel Charron mt Id. Paul Dian given. In instances where a producer has asked us not to list a project, or to series d. Don Brittain series host (French) Pierre ed. Michel Arcand lut ed. Alain Belhumeur mus. withhold -certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, we have respected his Nadeau exec. p. Jacques Nadeau, Jean-Guy Germain Gauthier, Marie Bernard Lp, Olivette request. The guide only lists productions or series whose duration will be one Jacques cam. Barry Perles d. Robert Fortier, Paul Thibault, Jean Dalmain, Jacques Godin, Roger Cowan. Mike McHenry ed. Roger Hart ae. Robert LeBel, Pierre Curzi, Guy_l'Ecuyer. hour and over. Duncan, based on an idea by Jacques Nadeau Please telephone additions and up-dates information to : sd. John Martin p. Marie-Eve Thibeault HERITAGE THEATRE* 25-1/2 hour original historical dramas, began LES PRODUCTIONS Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354 shooting July at CHCH studios in Hamilton p. INDEPENDENT Elsa Franklin d. Nigel Napier-Andrews sc. Listel VISAGE PALE FILM CREDIT ABBREIIATIONS PICTURES INC. Sinclair host Pierre Berton. (514) 521-1984 d. director IIIl d. assistant director ac. script adapl adaptation dial. dialogue ph./dop. (416) 960-6468 photography ap. ph. lb. special photographic effects Id. editor aup. Id. supervising editor VISAGE PALE ad. sound ad. Id. sound editor ad. rle. sound recording p. dl .. production designer Irt. d. art (604) 687-8905 NANOUK FILMS Theatrical feature on the adventures of an director set die. set decorator m. music coal costumes I.p. leading players IUC. p. (514) 521-1984 errant Canadian among the Inuit began prin­ MY AMERICAN COUSIN * cipal photography July 30 on Quebec's North executive producer p. producer IUOC. p. associate producer IInl p. line producer p. aup. Bittersweet feature of a young girl's first ro­ THE LEADING EDGE Shore until end-Sept p. Yuri Yoshimura-Gagnon production supervisor p. man. production manager p.e. production company dial mance. With the participation of Telefilm Canada The official film of Expo 86's Preview Centre. d. Claude Gagnon. distributor An asteriskl*) following the film's title indicates financial participation by and the CBC. Production financing arranged by using Imax 105mm camera A documentary on Telelilm Canada's Broadcast Program Development Fund. Spectrafilm. Shooting began Aug. 20 in Okana­ transportation. from the wheel to the future, gan Valley, B. C. p. Peter 0' Brian d./sc. Sandra began shooting May 9 around the world for a OUINTI,NA Wilson p. man. Tom Braidwood p. acct Joanne winter completion. Budget : $2 min. p./d./d.o.p. PRODUCTIONS Jackson p. coord. Gabriella Martinelli unit man. Michel Brault p. man./I.d. Pierre Magny asst cam. Nikos Theodosakis p./liaison Coralee Testar until Sylvain Brault sd. Dominique Chartrand elect (514) 935-4570 pub. Virginia Kelly (416) 979-1490 1st a.d. Ed Emmanuel Lepine. ON LOCATION Folger 2nd a.d. Matthew'O'Connor p, ants. Orest HITCHHIKER Haba, Greg Coyes, Kellie Benz se. sup. Candice lOx 30-minute TV series for pay- TV and HBO between CBC 's Agriculture and . Resources Field d,o.p. Richard Leiterman 1st asst cam. LES PRODUCTIONS updates de la Fontaine's moral fables. Principal ACPAV Department and the National Film Board of Harvey La Rocque 2nd mt cam. Trig Singer PRISMA INC. photography began Aug. 28 for 10 weeks in (514) 849-1381 Canada Aird.te: January 1985 exec. p. Doug stills Kirk Tougas art d, Phil Schmidt set dee. Montreal and surrounding area,. Rif Markowitz Lower p./d. Peter Raymont cam. Brian Hebb. Joey Morgan asst set dee. Barry Kootchin props (514) 866-3568 p. man. Mychele Boudrias d, David Wickes, Chris LES LlMITES DU CIEL * master Dave Roberts asst props Stewart Bradley LIVRE OUVERT/OPEN BOOK* Leitch, Mai Zetterling, Richard Rothstein d.I. .. Paul van der Unden. Feature-Iengtll docudrama explores the group DALCO PRODUCTIONS sd. mixer Garrell Clark boom op. Daryl Powell klY 13 X 15-min. series of 4 8'-minute short films dynamics of changing sexual relationships in grip Bill Mills glffer Malcolm Kibblewhite cost based on illustrated children's books from the context of a 'love-in' at Maniwaki. Budget : INC. des. Philip Clarkson make-up Jayne Dancose ed. Canada, France, Italy and Germany, shooting REGATTA $260,000 with financing from Telefilm, SGC, (514) . 342~2340 Haida Paul dlat Spectrafilm Lp. Margret Lan­ May-November. Budget : $500,000 with finan­ Radio-Qu~bec. Shooting on location Aug. 15- grick. John Wildman, Richard Donat Jane cing from Telefilm and Radio-Canada" Marcia PRODUCTIONS Mortifee, T.J. Scott Camille Henderson, Darcy Sept 15. Spring '85 release. p. Marcel ·G. MEATBALLS III Couelle adapt/d. Claude Godbout, R~al Tremblay (514) 932-7688 Theatrical comedy shooting on location in Bailey, Allison Hail, Samantha Jocelyn, David Sabourin dJIr.. Yvan Dubuc, d.o.,. Robert Van­ mus. Alain Clavier Id. Fran~ois Gill. Alrdltl : herweghen I.d. Lulu Tremblay. Hudson, QC, July 16-Aug. 31 . Budglt $5.2 min. Peterson, Babs Chula, Terry Moore, Brent Se­ Sunday mornings, Radio-Canada, 9:30-9:45, BOY IN BLUE* Release date : summer 1985. ExIC. ,. John verson. Ian Wilson, Carter Dunham, Julie Nevlon, as of Dec. 16, 1984. Lusty romantic adventure film began prin­ Dunning, Andr~ Link p. Don Carmody d. George Alexis Peat Mickey Mauncell, Kitty Wilson, Ben cipal photography Aug. 14-0ct 11 at Montrea~ CBC Mendeluk sr.. Michael Paseornek. Bradley Wall. Quebec and Ontario locations. "r.. ICC, with (416) 935-3311 ext 4461 Kesden d.o.p. Peter Benison sd. David Lee Id. LES PRODUCTIONS financing from 20th Century Fox, Telefilm Debbie Karen ,. des. Charles Dunlop set die. Canada and in association with the CBC. Ellr..,. THE BOY NEXT DOOR JOZAK-DECADE SDA LTEE Mark Freeborn sp. IlL Martin Malivoire ward. (514) 866-1761 Steven North p, John Kemeny' Charles Jarrott 1-hr drama for Far Tbt Rlcord series shooting Aug. Mary McLeod 1st a.d. Don Granbery UDIt 'u~. ENTERPRISES sr.. Douglas Bowie,. mil. St~phane Reichel II" 12-28. ,. John Zaritsky, Sig Gerber IC./d. John Susan Chernoff (514) 341-5661 Lp. Salley APLEIN TEMPS* mil. Peter Bray 11r.. miL Fran~ois Sylvestre ,. Hunter ISSOr.. p. Harris Berge d.o.,. Ken Gregg Id. Kellerman, Shannon Tweed, Ronnie Hawkins, AI PRODUCTION Principal photography on this 36 x 30 min. TV coord. Dominique Houle DIil PIL Prudence Gord McLellan p.dll. Arthur Harriot L,. Chapelhi Waxman, Patrick Dempsey, George Buza, Isa­ series about a Montreal neighborhood in which Emery Lp. Nicolas Gage, Cynthia Dale, Christo­ Jaffe, Chris Owens, Michael Hogan, Kate Reid. (604) 926-7511 belle Mejias, Mark Blutman, Maury Chaikin, human cllaractes and puppets intermingle began . pher Plummer, David Naughton, Melody Ander­ Charles Templeton. Pam Collyer, Caroline Arnold. CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR principal photography Aug. 23 . Budglt: $3 son. Sean Sullivan. LOVE AND LARCENY Non-Canadian theatrical film. Began shooting min. p. Fran~ois Champagne d. Fran90is COte Ie. Three 1-hr dramas about farm girl from wood­ DEVINE VIDEOWORKS July 4 in B.C. skedded to wrap late Oct 84 . Elizabeth Bourget Ren~ Gingras, Fran~ine Tou­ RSL ENTERTAINMENT stock who turns to a life of crime in 19th century Budget $16 million me.
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