9:Ëj 8ek`$>Xe^ Gfc`Z\ :FD9@E<;=FI:<J JG<:@8C<E=FI:<D<EKLE@K 9I@K@J?:FCLD9@8 :=J<L$9:@JD8;<LGF=GFC@:<F==@:<IJ=IFD18YYfkj]fi[Gfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek#:XeX[X9fi[\iJ\im`Z\j8^\eZp# :\ekiXcJXXe`Z_Gfc`Z\J\im`Z\#;\ckXGfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek#E\nN\jkd`ejk\iGfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek#Fi^Xe`q\[:i`d\8^\eZp f]9i`k`j_:fcldY`X#GfikDff[pGfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek#IfpXc:XeX[`XeDflek\[Gfc`Z\#JXXe`Z_Gfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek# KiXej`kGfc`Z\#MXeZflm\iGfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek#M`Zkfi`XGfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek#N\jkMXeZflm\iGfc`Z\;\gXikd\ek% Fk_\igXike\ij`eZcl[\k_\:XeX[`Xe8jjfZ`Xk`fef]:_`\]jf]Gfc`Z\Xe[k_\@ek\ieXk`feXc8jjfZ`Xk`fef]:_`\]jf]Gfc`Z\ Xe[k_\Fi^Xe`q\[:i`d\8^\eZpf]9i`k`j_:fcldY`XF:89: #X]lccp`e[\g\e[\ekXe[gifm`eZ`Xccp$[\j`^eXk\[gfc`Z\X^\eZp% ▸ :=J<L$9: Fi^Xe`q`e^X^X`ejk fi^Xe`q\[Zi`d\Xe[^Xe^j The Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia is the province’s anti-gang police unit. It is an integrated joint forces operation that draws and develops highly-specialized officers from federal, provincial and municipal agencies around the province. This integrated approach enhances intelligence sharing, coordination and strategic deployment against threats of violence posed by organized crime groups and gangs in B.C. Our police officers and civilian staff are highly motivated, progressive and known for developing groundbreaking methods and techniques. Being flexible and innovative in the way we pursue gangs and organized crime D<JJ8><=IFD9:ËJ enables us to reduce the public safety threat on our citizens. CFSEU-BC is governed by a Board 8EK@$>8E>GFC@:<LE@K of Governance that includes RCMP and municipal law enforcement officers and representa- tives of the province. We are extremely pleased to present you Our investigators have been involved in a number of high-profile investigations in- with our first Community Report. As the cluding Project E-Pavid that led to the discovery of an underground tunnel in Chief Officer of the Combined Forces Aldergrove used to transfer drugs between Canada and the United States and Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia, I am privileged to lead a Project Blizzard which involved 700 targets in a massive international money team of 400 officers and civilians who laundering scheme. are committed to the suppression of organized crime and gang violence throughout our province. As we have I<:<EKJL::<JJ<J1 seen too often, gangs and organized crime groups have a callous disregard for the safety of others and when disputes ▶Gifa\Zk<$E`^_kj_X[\ arise, it potentially puts us all at risk. We’ve K_\dli[\if]B\cfneX]Xk_\i;X`e had some gang murders that have taken Gifa\Zk<$E`kif^\e◀ place in public places such as Kelowna, G_`cc`gj#i\jlck\[`ej\Zfe[[\^i\\ K_\dli[\if]AfeXk_Xe9XZfe Vancouver and Burnaby—few cities and dli[\iZ_Xi^\jX^X`ejkknf]lcc$ `eB\cfneXi\jlck\[`edli[\i towns are immune to gang violence. This is gXkZ_?\ccj8e^\cj Z_Xi^\jX^X`ejkk_i\\^Xe^ unacceptable to me and to the law enforce- ment community. Recently, we have seen d\dY\ij[\\gcp`emfcm\[`e some worrying gang trends in our province k_\Zlii\ek^Xe^ZfeÕ`Zk especially in the use of weaponry, such as ▶Gifa\Zk<$E`dYlj explosives. There is also growing instability 8e`ek\ieXk`feXc^le$kiX]ÔZb`e^ in the overall organized crime environment ZXj\i\jlck`e^`ek_\j\`qli\f] J\`q\[_le[i\[jf]Ôi\Xidj◀ in Canada and that is reflected in the rising /'Ôi\XidjXe[k_fljXe[jf] F]n_`Z_*(+_X[ZfeÔid\[ violence among organized crime groups, mainly located in B.C., Ontario and Que- ifle[jf]Xddle`k`fe c`ebjkfZi`d\)'(( bec. We have seen these criminal groups begin to align with one another in order to commit violent acts to target the opposing =FCCFNLJFE gangs. Gang and organized crime members Z]j\l%YZ%ZX are more mobile now relocating to the other provinces but continuing their crimi- nal activity here in B.C. CFSEU-BC was ahead of the curve as we have already aligned with our law enforcement partners in British Co- lumbia through this important integrated unit. Senior officers meet weekly as part of the National Tactical Enforcement Priority (NTEP) and Provincial Tactical Enforcement Priority (PTEP) programs. These strategies n\Ëi\j\i`flj% are key as criminal groups migrate around the country establishing new criminal alli- ances that have an impact on our citizens. We are organizing against organized crime and gang violence. This is our story…. Dan Malo CFSEU - BC Chief Officer :=J<L$9:D8E;8K<1KFK8I><K#@EM<JK@>8K<#GIFJ<:LK<#;@JILGK8E; ;@JD8EKC<K?<FI>8E@Q<;:I@D<>IFLGJ8E;@E;@M@;L8CJK?8KGFJ<K?<?@>?<JK I@JBKFGL9C@:J8=<KP;L<KFK?<@I@EMFCM<D<EK@E>8E>M@FC<E:< ▸) ▸ 9:ËJ8EK@$>8E>GFC@:< FI>8E@Q<;:I@D< 8E;>8E>J@E k_\k_i\Xk% 9I@K@J?:FCLD9@8 In 1980, law enforcement listed just a handful of gangs and organized crime groups operating in British Columbia. Today, it is estimated that 188 criminal groups exist in a province where the gang and organized crime landscape is enterprise-driven. Gangs are no longer based on ethnicity. Due to sustained law enforcement efforts, they are reluctant to identify themselves. Even outlaw motorcycle gangs like the Hells Angels are reluctant to wear their “colours” regularly. :=J<L$9:efkfecp\dgcfpj`eefmXk`m\\e]fiZ\d\ekd\k_f[jX^X`ejkm`fc\ek^Xe^jXe[ Fm\ik_\p\XijXe[kf[Xp1 fi^Xe`q\[Zi`d\^iflgj#k_\X^\eZpXcjf_flj\jXifYljkXe[XZk`m\i\j\XiZ_j\Zk`fek_Xk XeXcpj\jk_\^Xe^Zi`d\\em`ifed\ek`ek_\i\^`fe%K_`j_\cgjcXn\e]fiZ\d\ek^X`eXY\kk\i (00'j$<k_e`Z$YXj\[^Xe^j le[\ijkXe[`e^f]k_\n_f#n_p#n_Xk#n_\i\Xe[_fnk_\j\`eZ`[\ekjXi\fZZlii`e^%=fi`ejkXeZ\# ▸@e[f$:XeX[`Xe#8j`XeXe[ ^Xe^$i\cXk\[_fd`Z`[\jXi\ZXi\]lccpkiXZb\[Yp:=J<L$9:i\j\XiZ_\ijk_ifl^_flkk_\p\Xi% D`[[c\<Xjk\ie CXk\(00'j Æ)'''j1Dlck`$<k_e`Z^Xe^j N<LJ<JG<:@=@::I@K<I@8N?<E8E8CPQ@E> ▸Le`k\[EXk`fej^Xe^#I\[JZfig`fej >8E>$I<C8K<;?FD@:@;<J@E:CL;@E>1 9XZfe9ifk_\ij #@e[\g\e[\ekJfc[`\ij )'('Æ)'(*1<ek\igi`j\^iflgj >Xe^$i\cXk\[_fd`Z`[\j`e9:)''-$)'() All homicides relating to organized crime ▸9lj`e\jjXcc`XeZ\jf]^iflgjk_Xkn\i\ groups, including OC members, family members +' Xkfe\k`d\fggfj`e^fe\Xefk_\i and/or any innocent bystanders during an ▸C\jj\dg_Xj`jfe`e`k`Xk`feXe[YiXe[`e^ incident. *- *, ▸Dlck`gc\Zi`d\^iflgjZfd`e^kf^\k_\i Victims who were targeted as a result of their kfj_Xi\\og\ik`j\`efi[\ikfZXgkli\ involvement or association with all levels of *' *) `cc`Z`kdXib\kj organized crime groups. ), )* Homicides as a result of gang disputes, external Z]j\l%YZ%ZX and internal conflicts, vendetta, intimidation, )' (/ (/ =FCCFNLJFE enforcement, retaliation. Circumstances surrounding the incident are (, taken into consideration to ascertain if the occurrence is gang-related. (' 0 0 , )''- )''. )''/ )''0 )'(' )'(( )'() N?8KFLII<J<8I:?J?FNJ1 ▸ Average age of the victim is about 30 K_\kXb\XnXp1 years old ▸ The majority of victims—96 per cent— While the gang-murder rate and ensuing :=J<L$9:]XZkj1 are men violence is down from a peak in 2009, ▸ BC’s largest Integrated provincial ▸ 29 per cent of the victims were flagged some of these murders have taken police unit as dangerous, violent, or armed place in high-density areas, which puts ▸ 14 law enforcement agencies ▸ Over 60 per cent have been charged or the health and safety of our citizens make up CFSEU-BC convicted of one criminal offence with at risk. However, it should be noted that ▸ Over 400 employees more than 20 per cent charged or many of these murders—78 per cent—did ▸ Nine investigative teams and six convicted of a violent offence take place close to the victims’ homes specialty service teams ▸ 78 per cent of the bodies were found in or vehicles. ▸ Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Coordinators or near their cars or homes ▸ Asset Forfeiture Investigative Team (AFIT) ▸ Two thirds of the murder victims’ bodies ▸ Uniform gang enforcement teams were found in their home jurisdiction ▸ Firearms Enforcement Team ▸ The majority—over 80 per cent—were ▸ Four offices around the province: killed by gunshot Prince George, Kelowna, Vancouver Island and Metro Vancouver ▸* ▸ :=J<L$9: @kËjXJXkli[Xpe`^_kfe>iXem`cc\Jki\\k#`ek_\_\Xikf]MXe$ Zflm\iËj\ek\ikX`ed\ek[`jki`Zk%G\fgc\Xi\]fid`e^c`e\jXk k_\[XeZ\ZclYjle[\ik_\^cfnf]e\fe#Xgifd`e\ekc`^_k`e^ ]\Xkli\fek_\>iXem`cc\jki`g\dYiXZ\[YpZ`kpf]ÔZ`Xcj%K_`eb f]`kXjE\nPfibËjK`d\jJhlXi\YlkfeXjdXcc\ijZXc\% jXkli[Xpe`^_k% Six members of the Uniform Gang Enforcement team wind their way through the crowded downtown street. The gang enforcement teams, in their distinctive dark uniforms, are the high-profile public face of the Combined Forces Special Enforce- ment Unit of British Columbia (CFSEU-BC)—the province’s anti- gang police unit. As an integrated unit on tonight’s team, there are officers from Delta, Vancouver and the RCMP. A white Jeep Grand Cherokee catches the eye of constables Vick- en Movsessian and Eric Davis.
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