Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Human Extraterrestrial Missions (2015) 1005.pdf EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY AND PLANETARY PROTECTION. J. A. Buffington1 and N. A. Mary2, 1EVA Exploration Architecture Lead, EVA Management Office, NASA Parkway/FX, Houston, TX, 2EVA Explora- tion Architecture, EVA Management Office, NASA Parkway/FX, Houston, TX Introduction: The first human mission to Mars Layered Engineering Defense Plan: A Layered will be the farthest distance that humans have traveled Engineering Defense Plan, which includes 6 layers, from Earth and the first human boots on Martian soil in should be utilized to help mitigate the effect of dust on the Exploration EVA Suit. The primary functions of the suit materials, the transfer of dust on the suits, for- the Exploration EVA Suit are to provide a habitable, ward and backward contamination to the crew and hab- anthropometric, pressurized environment for up to itation, cleaning and protection (interior and exterior) eight hours that allows crewmembers to perform au- and the use of air quality contamination zones. [1] tonomous and robotically assisted extravehicular ex- The 1st layer includes materials and engineering de- ploration, science/research, construction, servicing, and sign. Fabrication of an EVA suit with resistance to im- repair operations on the exterior of the vehicle, in haz- pact and abrasion from the Martian dust poses a signif- ardous external conditions of the Mars local environ- icant engineering challenge. Technology advances are ment. The Exploration EVA Suit has the capability to required for the material layup for both space and plan- structurally interface with exploration vehicles via next et environments, and can include material exposure to generation ingress/egress systems. Operational con- dust, abrasion, punctures, cuts, hypervelocity impacts cepts and requirements are dependent on the mission (micrometeoroids and secondary ejecta), and general profile, surface assets, and the Mars environment. This vehicle materials compatibility without compromising presentation will discuss the effects and dependencies suit mobility. [2] Dust tolerant mechanisms, seals, of the EVA system design with the local Mars envi- bearings, and electrical connectors are necessary to ronment and Planetary Protection. Of the three study prevent connector shorts, and mechanical failure of areas listed for the workshop, EVA identifies most connector. These particulate tolerant mechanisms strongly with technology and operations for contamina- should also be maintainable so that any tion control. dust/dirt/particulates can be periodically cleaned out. Study Area 1, Microbial and Human Health Moni- Pockets and folds should be minimized such that they toring: It is assumed that most of the microbial and do not collect particulates and sensitive equipment environmental monitoring related to particulates and should include dust impermeable covers. backward contamination will be provided by the vehi- The 2nd Layer deals with operational controls, cle Environmental Control and Life Support System which includes eliminating, to the extent possible, suit (ECLSS) and external tools, such as a detection kit. ingress to the habitable volumes. Among multiple rea- The suit includes sensors for pressure regulation, O2 sons that constitute the need to perform nominal EVAs pressure, CO2, and humidity levels. Other contami- from habitable elements, EVA space suit components nants such as dust would not easily get inside the suit have a limited life duration and must be maintained during an EVA with the bladder underneath the suit during a long duration human mission. The space suits restraints being air tight, and the suit at an ambient need to be brought inside a habitable volume for nomi- pressure greater than the Martian atmosphere. Opera- nal and contingency maintenance, which will introduce tions such as ingress, suit maintenance, etc. have poten- some amount of dust. The process will be a multi-phase tial to result in external dust contamination also within integrated operation to limit dust introduction into the the vehicle/facility, not just the suit, as discussed under suits and into the crew cabin. ECLSS will provide air Study Area 2. This is where technology and operations circulation and revitalization for contamination and for contamination control fit in. particulate control in the cabin. Study Area 2, Technology and Operations for Operational controls also include ingress/egress Contamination Control: Dust contamination and methods that will mitigate dust transfer into the cabin, Planetary Protection must be treated with increased (i.e. rear-entry airlocks, suitport-airlocks, and suit- sensitivity on Mars. EVA is essential for exploration ports). Past methods of ingress/egress through airlocks and a primary method for the efficacy of exploration would have the crewmember traversing/translating mission success, research, and the goal of human pio- directly through the dust that was brought in after an neering. Each EVA performed on the surface of Mars EVA both after the crewmembers doff their suits and allows dust to come into contact with the suits. Boots, prior to donning their suits. A next generation airlock is gloves, elbows and knees will likely see the most ac- needed to provide readily available EVA capability, cumulation of dust. particulate mitigation, and backward and forward plan- Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Human Extraterrestrial Missions (2015) 1005.pdf etary protection by donning/doffing the rear-entry EVA bers don Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the suit through a bulkhead, such that the crewmember extent necessary, along with utilizing floor mats, pres- does not translate through the dust shirtsleeve during sure differentials, dust containment curtains, mud vehicle ingress and don/doff. To further prevent back- rooms, etc. ward contamination, consideration is underway to Finally, the 6th Layer includes air quality contami- leave the EVA space suits behind on the surface. nation zones. This is linked to engineering and opera- The 3rd Layer includes contamination prevention. Ex- tional design of the ingress/egress method as well as ploration of Mars must be conducted with planetary the overall asset architecture. As mentioned above, a protection requirements, considering both forward and conventional airlock would include a single volume for backward contamination prevention. Space suits inher- bringing the suit inside a pressurizeable volume for ently have some amount of venting/leakage. Human conducting suit maintenance. Next generation airlocks systems introduce the risk of forward contamination such as rear-entry airlocks/suitlocks and suitport- through venting of organics through water vapor with airlocks could include a secondary chamber or mud trace contaminants such as gases (CO, methane, etc.) room to further contain contamination and increase air and liquids (body oils, ointments, etc.) and leakage quality as the crewmember translates to the cleanest through flanges and fabric-to-metal attachment points. areas of the vehicles, such as habitats, pressurized rov- Some of the next generation airlock methods minimize ers and ascent vehicles. the volume of consumables being vented from the ve- Strategic Knowledge Gaps for EVA: Strategic hicle; however, there is still gas during depress that is Knowledge Gaps include the need for an agen- vented to the atmosphere. Vented gas as well as gas cy/program endorsed document that includes the fol- contained by reclamation systems can help reduce this lowing characteristics of the environment: chemical with the proper amount of filtration in place in the ve- and physical properties of dust/dirt, particle size, hicle’s ECLSS. Likewise these same human systems shape, composition, toxicity, static electricity, electri- introduce the risk of backward contamination to the cal conductance, dust storms, etc. Guidance for use of crewmembers and to the Earth and need to be evaluat- dust simulants is needed for testing. If JSC-Mars 1 ed by human health and performance. Despite possible simulant is not adequate for testing mechanical sys- engineered controls designed within the suit and other tems, what is? [3] Do certain corrosive materials need assets, operational controls for planetary protection are to be added to the simulants for materials testing? anticipated to establish “keep out zones” or special What are the mitigation protocols? Do the dust proper- regions prohibiting human presence in Martian areas ties change when exposed to a habitable environment deemed to be highly likely to contain life. These zones (pressure, humidity, increased O2, etc.)? What type of would probably be established by robotic precursor hazards does the dust present to humans? A program- missions to conduct sensitive analyses before an EVA matic requirement for allowable levels of Martian con- crewmember arrives. Flight rules and operational con- tamination within the habitable volume is needed. Next cepts need to be understood to work around potential special regions. generation airlock analogs/testing should be demon- To the extent possible, Layers 4 and 5 are directed strated to study levels of dust mitigation/planetary pro- toward external and internal cleaning and will help tection. Closure of knowledge gaps can significantly in- minimize the amount of dust brought into a pressuriza- crease the fidelity of early development testing of EVA ble area or ingress/egress method and minimize the suit materials and will
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