\\VI THIS WEEK IN TEXAS February 17-23,1989 TWT NEWS Ft.Worth Outreach SPECIAL REPORT Hampton Demonstration TRAVEL Venezuela Escape HIGHLIGHT Black History Month TELEVISION Grammy Awards W :r: f-- ~QblI~ljI~ 17 NEWS Fort Worth Community OJtreach Center 27 SPECIAL REPORT Austin Demonstration Over Judge Hampton 29 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 35 HIGHLIGHT February Is Bbck History Month by Lars EIQhner 38 BACKSTAGE Leslie Nielsen, Pia Zadora, Harvey by Donalevan Maines 40 TELEVISION Music: Grammy Awards by Donalevan Maines 43 CLASSIC TwT 8 Years Ago This Week in Texas by Donalevan Maines 46 HOT TEA After-Mardi Gras Weekend Mayhem and Parties 54 TRAVEL Winter Escape to Venezuela by Dovld Meunier 57 STARSCOPE The Eclipse of the Full Moon by Milton von Stem 61 SPORTS Tririty River Aquatic Members to Ccmpete In IGLAC by Bobby Miller 62 COVER FEATURE Roger McClintock of Fort Worth photos by Doran Robertson 67 CALENDAR Special One-Time Only and Non-Profit Community Events 68 CLASSIFIED Want Ads and Notices 76 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory TWT (This Week In Texas) is published by Texas Week" Publishing Co" at 3900 Lemmon In Dallas, Texas 75219 and en Westhelmer In Houston Texas 77CXJ6. OpInions expressed by cdumnists are not necessarl" those of TWT or of ~s staff, Publcatlon of the name or photograph of any person Q( oroorszoton in articles or advertising In TWT Is not to be construec as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or Q(garjzatlon. suoscroton rates: $69, per year, $55. per ho~ year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany 01 orders. Copyright © 1989 by Texas Week" Pubnshlng Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement news, article Q( feature, copy Q( phatogaph from TWT ~ specIfIcaly proliblted by federal statute. PAGE 9 TWT FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23 1989 USA p~~~ 18th ANNUAL IN THE DISTRICT • MISS GHouston PAGEANT Sunday, February 19 with Emcee Bubba McNeely Dyan Michaels Miss Gay Houston 1988 Miss Gay Texas/USA 1988-89 For applications and information contact USA Pageantry at (713) 523·5293 or Rich's at (713) 759·9606 Friday, Feb. 17 KEYSTROKE • Saturday, Feb. 25 EPAH TWT FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23 1989 u • A• • ~l\O~S 0 1:U~~ ned in 'to 651.~f~s~~1: ~fotS (\tst O~~"eti1\S _.Ill I ?~s1: ~ da'Jt\\e 0 a\ a1\d\In: '"e at\ ~to\1\t\\e "o\lt \0'1 c.\ to s\lt'/\: '1' ~. \969, ~ _-' t\\e 6.> c\\l"s\:. ~at. ~e"t\l3.t'J· e1\a"\~ t\\1\esi~t '1't>att\C\l l ott \\as 1:\\o\lS \It\\t'J\: 1\o\lt S\lt>i\ls\\t oi ~ ca'J cot1\tn:tt t\\tO\lSdt\\e 6; \. 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FORT WORTH SOUTH TEXAS JENNINGS 817·332·07~5 f'G/i~/ifltl· Guaranteed Car Repair \\WI THIS WEEK IN TEXAS FEBRUARY SPECIALS Weekly Clrc:ulatlon: 20,000 ----------:=1 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 Hours: 11a.m.-5 p.m. :ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC SERVICEI Closed Thursday and Sunday 3900 Lemmon Ave .. Suite 220 Dallas. Texas 75219 95 Dallas Fax Line (214)521-0638 : $29 : HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527·9111 I I Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Weekdays Closed Saturday I- Computer analyze engine performance I 811Westheimer. Suite 106 - Eliminate guesswork on performance I Houston. Texas 77006 I problems Houston Fax Line (713)527-9305 I- Perfect !or the do-it-yourself home I mechanic PUBUSHER Chuck Patrick ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTORS I- Complete engine repair and rebuilding I Richard Bang/Kent Edson Smith I available I GRAPHIC ARTISTS - Includes fuel injection and computer cars Kirk Poweil. William Parr. Bryan Bachelot I- Individuals only-NO garages, dealers or I ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Donalevan Maines I~ervicestation~ I NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick SPORTS EDITOR Babby Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS i on., FILTER & LUBE I O. Flores Alvarez. Mitch Bartlow. Brian Keever. Donalevan Maines. David Meunier. MI~on von Stern. II-Includes up to 5 quarts 30W or lOW -40 oil II Phil Johnson. WW. Wells III TYPOGRAPHERS - New oil filter Richard Hebert. Babby Miller - Lubricate all chassis parts recommended I DISTRIBUTION I by manufacturer Shane Ruff Check all fluid levels STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS I- I Doran Robertson. GW. King. Chris Zimmerman. Carl Davis. Roger Rutherford 95 SALES EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER : $19 : Jim Veteto I I Advertising rates are available on request by tele- I Buy one get one free during February I phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. C---------:l DEADUNE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. I TRANSMISSION SERVICE 1 AUSTIN Bobby Compian ond Chris Zimmerman . (512) 441-6126 95 DALLAS : Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0622 : $19 FORT WORTH I I Steve Miles. (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON I- Includes labor for automatic transmission I Jim Veteto. (713) 527-9111 fluid and filter change I SAN ANTONIO/CORPUS CHRISTI I - Road test Joe Virjan. (512) 828-7072 I- Filter, gasket, hydraulic oil additional I \....Complete....- transmission repairs available CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS -- :.....J Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Arby Burnett RMS Automotive 1759Westheimer at Woodhead Houston TWT MAGAZINE © Texas Weekly Publishing Co. 713 / 529-5855 Owner-James D. Cagle TWT FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23 1989 PAGE 15 NEWS gram about Dealing With Living, an AIDS support group. Debra Julian, noted AIDS counselor, is coordinating the week-to-week activities of the program. One of the primary reasons for the center's recent relocation was to be able to pursue the new program, which began AI Ft, Worth Community Outreach Center are (t-r) Thomas operation this month, explained Kenith Bruner-executive director, Tina Martin-volunteer servo Whitten, office manager of the Community ices coordinator, and Kenith Whitten-office manager, Outreach Center of Fort Worth. TWTNEWSphoto by Doran Robertson, AUSTIN'S NEW NEW PROGRAMS CHRISTOPHER HOUSE NEW ADDRESS Residential AIDS Hospice Community Outreach Center Care Center Opens at Starts New Programs at 905~A West Oltori, New Fort Worth Location. AUSTIN - Christopher House is this city's new nonprofit residential hospice and FORT WORTH - After months of talk- care center dedicated to serving people ing and planning, the PWA Day Program with AIDS who are too ill to care forthem- began operation on February 6 a the Com- selves and who have no other resources. munity Outreach Center, newly located at Christopher House provides an option 1125 W. Petersmith at South Henderson. for those who are dying and who prefer a Still in the hospital district, and not far non-institutional setting in the final stages from its previous location, the center now of their illness, explained office manager has close to three times as much space for Anne Zabolio. offices and programs. The mission of Christopher House is to The addition of new staff, the need to provide highest quality, patient-centered expand the food pantry and the desire to care that will meet the physical, emotional, start the PWA Day Program made the psychological and spiritual needs of the move necessary. people receiving services. That new program schedule spotlights The nurse-led interdisciplinary teams of three events on Mondays: The Family Con- paid professional staff and trained volun- nection at 6:30 p.m., Spirituality & Sexuali- teers are committed to providing care in ty at 7 p.m., and Sex Addicts Anonymous a manner that promotes patient dignity at 7,p.m. and enhances the patients' quality of life. Tuesdays are devoted to Adult Children All persons associated with Christopher of Alcoholics, beginning at 8:30 p.m. House recognize and support the right of Wednesdays feature two programs: the patient to participate in his or her HIV-Impacted Women at 1 p.m. and Care health care in a compassionate environ- Contacts at 6:30 p.m. ment that encourages the involvement of Thursdays' schedule includes three 7 both family and loved ones. p.m. programs: The Men's Houron the sec- Services are provided without regard to ond and fourth Thursdays, Men in Transi- ethnicity, religion, sex, age, sexual pref- tion on the alternating first and third erence or ability to pay, said Zabolio. Thursdays, and The Women's Hour on the Christopher House is located at 905-A second and fourth Thursdays. West Oltorf. Contact (512)442-2606 for Fridays are devoted to a 7:30 p.m. pro- services and information.
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