Open Space, Smart Growth, Urban Sprawl Kai Anderson, GSA Congressional Science Fellow Discussions with friends and col- presence of polluted industrial sites called leagues who live and work beyond the “brownfields.” Developers are commonly Washington, D.C., Beltway commonly loath to assume the regulatory risk and lead to the question of how the impeach- considerable expense associated with ment trial of President Clinton affected cleanup of such sites and choose instead my work as a Congressional Science Fel- to develop in cheaper, previously undevel- low. I compare the atmosphere on Capitol oped “greenfields” on the outskirts of Hill during the impeachment process to a existing communities. persistent but not impenetrable fog at San Greenfields development is only one Francisco International Airport. Much as of the forces that contributes to sprawl; foggy conditions cause re-routings and migration to the suburbs reflects people’s Open space is one of the most obvi- flight delays, impeachment proceedings in desire to live in a safe, healthy environ- ous casualties of urban sprawl. Farmland the Senate chamber disrupted the legisla- ment near open space and quality schools. and forests disappear as residential and tive routine at the beginning of the 106th For those who live in suburbs across the commercial development radiate away Congress. country, morning and evening commute from urban centers and crop up along My experience within the belly of the times are on the rise as traffic congestion roads and highways. In many cases, com- impeachment beast suggests that the com- grows more pronounced, in part because munities are hard pressed to raise the mon perception that the trial brought the more folks seek to realize the perceived money necessary to purchase and protect Senate to a standstill is only partly true. advantages of suburban life. In many urban and suburban green spaces for per- The trial slowed the pace of Senate busi- places, vigorous suburban development manent conservation. This problem is ness, and legislative initiatives were placed has led, ironically, to the disappearance of compounded by the reality that the most in a temporary holding pattern as their the open space so coveted by those who successful open space conservation authors waited for the impeachment fog led the population migration away from requires coordinated local and regional to clear. However, during the trial, out of urban centers. Bulldozers and construction planning efforts. These observations sug- view of most of America, legislation con- projects have leapfrogged toward the gest that the most productive federal cerning issues as disparate as open space countryside as development has spread efforts to mitigate urban sprawl may prove conservation and education funding was outward from urban centers. This growth to be those that provide funds to help fos- being written, vetted, and rewritten. As has stranded many suburbanites—an hour ter regional, state, and local collaborative soon as the trial ended, legislators intro- or more of stressful driving from their planning and those that provide financial duced a flurry of bills in an effort to make places of work—in subdivisions that lack assistance for state and local acquisition up for real and perceived lost time. the urban amenities they once traded for and enhancement of open space. Although the regular Senate business open space and a quieter lifestyle. suffered an extended slowdown during the Bills for Bills impeachment saga, the same was not true Where Are Those The Land and Water Conservation for my particular workload. At about the Wide Open Spaces? Fund of 1964 (LWCF) represents a viable, same time Kenneth Starr delivered his Open space is increasingly a priority though traditionally underappropriated, report to the House of Representatives, my issue for Americans. In November 1998, source of federal money dedicated to open mentor, Senator Lieberman’s longtime voters passed more than 70% of state and space conservation. The fund is authorized environment and energy advisor, was local ballot initiatives designed to encour- to receive up to $900 million annually in promoted to a post as the minority staff age smart growth and protect open space. royalty revenue from outer continental director for the Government Affairs Com- Nationwide, the desire to protect open shelf oil and gas production. The purchase mittee. My supervisor’s promotion caused space and mitigate and avoid the negative of the Headwaters Forest of Northern Cali- an order of magnitude increase in the vol- impacts of urban sprawl are contributing fornia is a recent example of LWCF open ume of paper landing on my desk and a to a groundswell of support for so-called space acquisition. In practice, because the similar increase in my portfolio of issues. smart growth practices. fund is subject to the annual appropria- The temporary but dramatic expansion of Smart growth is seen by many people tions process, it rarely receives full fund- my responsibilities early in my fellowship to be an antidote to the plague of unmiti- ing. Moreover, despite the widespread year allowed me the opportunity to play a gated urban sprawl. Many things con- popularity of the fund, the portion of it significant role in designing Senator tribute to urban sprawl, and unraveling allocated for use by state and local govern- Lieberman’s environment and energy leg- the direct relationship between cause and ments has been defunct for the past five islative agenda for 1999. effect is challenging. The Senate Smart years. Growth Task Force (SGTF), in which my The presence of an authorized vehicle Paradoxes of Urban Sprawl boss is participating, provides a forum for (the LWCF) and the bipartisan grassroots One issue that has captured the atten- better delineating the effects that federal demand for both open space conservation tion of some lawmakers is the relationship policies and programs have on urban and smart growth planning efforts pro- between open space conservation and sprawl. For example, the SGTF hosted a vides a rare opportunity to create a perma- urban sprawl. Issues such as urban sprawl, dialogue on how federal funding for trans- nently dedicated trust fund, exempt from which reflect many interrelated problems, portation projects has impacted commu- the annual appropriations process, to sup- require multifaceted solutions. To compre- nity development historically (for better port federal, state, and local open space hensively address urban sprawl, communi- and worse) and how future transportation acquisition. Several bills introduced in the ties must understand the barriers to urban funding might best be used to encourage Senate this year aim to capitalize on this renewal and the incentives that drive smart growth practices and prevent urban opportunity: migration to suburban areas. One key sprawl. • Dianne Feinstein’s (Democrat—Cali- obstacle to urban redevelopment is the fornia) Conservation and Recreation 10 GSA TODAY, July 1999 Improvement Act of 1999 guarantees that Summer Outreach Conundrum money in the LWCF would be available annually without further appropriation. • Similar to the Feinstein bill, the Con- I Want to Lead a Field Trip— servation and Reinvestment Act of 1999 introduced by Senator Mary Landrieu Now All I Need is an Audience (Democrat—Louisiana) would exempt LWCF money from the annual appropria- Wendy Cunningham, Senior Project Coordinator, GSA tions process. In addition, the Landrieu bill would provide $1.24 billion dollars of “impact assistance” to coastal and Great Summer is here! For many of us, sum- Some good places to start locating these Lakes states through a formula based on mer means opportunities for field work, groups are: your town’s chamber of com- coastline length, coastal population, and professional development, and (let’s face merce; the phone book (community production of oil and gas on federal outer it) fun. Summer is the perfect time to pages); churches, synagogues, temples; continental shelf properties. develop and participate in enjoyable out- community centers (YMCA, YWCA); com- • A third contending Senate bill is the reach activities, especially those that give munity newspapers; school district offices; Permanent Protection For America’s Re- you an excuse to get outside. Leading field community Internet pages. sources 2000 sponsored by Barbara Boxer trips is a great way to enjoy the outdoors • Do not be discouraged if you do not (Democrat—California). As with the Fein- while supporting your community by find an audience right away. Ask groups stein and Landrieu initiatives, the Boxer enhancing public knowledge of and you contact if they know of other groups bill stipulates that the LWCF be available appreciation for Earth and its resources. who might have the ability or interest to every year without further appropriation. For many geoscientists, the hardest part of go on field trips. Moreover, it earmarks additional funds conducting a field trip is finding an audi- • Once you have made a contact, work generated by the outer continental shelf ence and preparing the trip for non-geo- together to develop a field trip that will royalties to be used for a broad range of scientists. Below, we have provided some cater to the knowledge and interests of conservation activities, including habitat ideas to guide you in developing reward- your audience. restoration and farmland protection. ing, successful field trips. • Be sure to explain what geoscientists do I spent much of my time during the • Come up with a few ideas for field trips and how geoscience impacts everyone’s impeachment proceedings evaluating that you would feel comfortable leading. If lives. You might also consider wearing these proposals and drafting an open you are not sure what would be of interest your field gear on the trip. space conservation bill more sensitive to to the public, ask a nonscientist friend or If leading a field trip doesn’t appeal to the priorities of non–petroleum-producing relative. Check the newspaper for issues of you, there are multitudes of other oppor- coastal states such as Connecticut.
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