SUB Hamburg B/112744 FAITH IN PAPER The Ethnohistory and Litigation of Upper Great Lakes Indian Treaties # Charles E. Cleland WITH Bruce R. Greene, Marc Slonim, Nancy N. Cleland, Kathryn L. Tierney, Skip Durocher, and Brian Pierson THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS Ann Arbor Aagwonay, 275 Abbott, F. H., 255, 261 aboriginal title, 13 abrogation of treaties, 41 acculturation, 232 Act of 1843, 234 Act of 1846, 234 Act of 1871, 246, 247, 249, 252, 253 Act of July 4,1884, 280 Act of March 3, 1893, 256 Act of June 21, 1906, 257 Adams, J. C, 252 Adams, John Quincy, 151 Aishkebogekoshe (Flat Mouth), 107, 109, no Aitken, William, 119, 205 Bradley, George, 301 alewife, 90 Bradley, Joseph, 307 Allen, Edward, 305 Bresbois, Bernard, 119 allotment of land, 15, 16, 26, 84, 86, 199, 216-17, Z54> Brevoort, H. B., 146, 151 236, 238, Z47, 276-77, 280-82, 293, 296, 304, 309, Brewster, William, 64 314-16, 321 British period, 25 American Fur Company, 63—64, 118—19, 165, 181, 205 Brockway, William, 205, 223, 298, 318 Anderson, Marge, 139 Brooks, E. J., 304, 320 Andre brothers, 302, 304 Brothertowns (Munsee), 149, 150, 161 Anishnabe (Anishnabeg), 19, 20 Brown, Orlando, 186 Apokisigan (Smoking Mixture), 54, 65 Brunetti, Dominick, 147 Arnold, I. E., 302 Brunson, Alfred, 113 Arnold, J. E., 304 Buchanan, James, 267 Assagon (Little Ant), 84-85 Buckland, Romulus, 324-Z5 Assiginac (Blackbird), 59 Buffalo (Kechewaishke or Peshekee), 113, 121 Assinines, Edward, 212, 213, 317, 318, 319 Burket, George, 205 Atkins, J. D. C, 304 Bushnell, David, 108, no, 204 Awseneece (Small Stones), 206, 308 Butler, B. F., 70 Ayamataw (Fish Spawn), 155, 169, 171 Cadotte, Louis, 84 Bad River band, in, 127, 310 Cadotte, Michael, 205 Baird, Henry, 170 Calhoun, John, 146 bands, 23 Campeau, Andrew, 301 Baraga, Frederick, 205, 213, 223, 308, 316, 318, 319, canal lands, 311-12, 316 32-7 canons of treaty construction, 42, 228 Baraga Township, MI, 331 Carron, Glode (Konot), 141, 145, 169 Barbano, Henry, 319 Carron, Josette, 148,151, 153,167,168,186 Barbeau, Peter, 205, 213, 308, 318 Cass, Lewis, 13, 30, 51, 59, 61, 70-72, 85, 101, 103, Bartelme Township, WI, 258 145, 151, 153,209, 212, 286 Bass, William, 317 Cass Lake, 101 Bay de Noc, 140 Catlin, George, 167-68 Bay Mills Indian Community, 89, 94 Central Algonquian, 140 Bedell, David, 326 Chakauchokama (Old King), 141, 145, 148 Bell, Akin, 307 Chandler, Zachariah, 279 Benjamin, Melanie, 284 Chapman, George, 272-73 Betts, George, 303, 304, 312, 313-14, 3*° Chappues, Stanislaus, 147 Biddle, Edward, 54, 66 Charles, Darius, 242, 245, 247 Binnayshi, Charles, 206, 209 Chase, Thomas, 251 Black Hawk War, 167,177 checkerboarded reservations, 199, 226-27, %54> X97 Black River, 145, 180, 181 Chemebowme, 176 Black River band, 286, 293 Chequanmegon Bay, 204 Blair, Austin, 300 Chipman, I. L., 84 Blatchford, Henry, 12 Chippewa, 19, 20 Bois Blanc Island, 54 Chippewa-Dakota warfare, 100, 103 Bois Forte band, 217 Chippewa Nation, 107, 115, 117, 210 Bonduel, F. J., 177, 186 Chippewa of Lake Superior, 107, 112, 117, 122, 219 Borup, Charles, 119,121 Chippewa of the Mississippi, 105, 107, in, 112, 117, Boutwell, William, 109 265, 271 Boyd, Brenda, 135 Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority (CORA), 339 Boyd, George, 149,167,168-69, 174-76, 232 Chippewa River, 180, 181 385 386 INDEX cholera, 167, 187 ethnohistory, 5, 8-9, 101, 342 Chosa, James, 326 Ewing, Thomas, 119 Citizens Party, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 242, 245, 258, Executive Order 7868, 258 260 Civil War, 177 faith in paper, 37, 269 clans, 13, 23, 27, 140, 144, 204, 341 Feley, Laurent, 146 Clark, John, 6<) Fillmore, Millard, 122 Clark, William, 101, 145 Fitch, A. W., 298, 309, 316 Clay, Eric, 333 five-year reservations, 79-80 Cleland, Charles, 135, 192, 262, 333 Follies Avoines, 140 Cleveland, Grover, 274 Fond du Lac, 100, 103, 104, 105, 108, 111,112 Clifton, James, 214, 262 Fond du Lac band, 107, 111, 117, 118, 122, 217 Clitz, John, 62 forts Clothier, Charles, 205 Brady, 61, 63 Cohen, Felix, 200 Crawford, 167 Collier, John, 327 Drummond, 209 commercial Indian fishing, 337 Howard, 148, 164, 167 commercial rice harvest, 337-38 La Baye, 141 "competent" Indians, 293, 304 Mackinac, 52, 60, 62, 141, 209 congressional intent, 259, 260-61, 284-85 Michilimackinac, 28, 30, 74 Conner, Henry, 154 Snelling, 107, no, 123, 132, 204 Copeway, George, 205 Fox, Noel P., 91-92 Cox, Jacob, 240, 246 Fox River, 141, 143, 157, 159, 161 Crabb, Barbara, 129, 196 "fradulent treaty," 192 Crawford, T. Hartley, 77, 79, in, 113, 187 Francher, I. A., 302 Crebassa, Peter, 205, 213, 308, 318 fur trade, 15, 22, 24-25, 31, 33, 58, 63, 64, 73, 95,118, Creel, Herbert, 325 119, 141, 148, 203, 213 Crooks, Ramsey, 63, 64, 119, 165, 191 Crow Wing, MN, 100, 116, 219, 266 Gahbow, Art, 134—35 Curot, Michael, 9 Gallup, Albert, 233 Gardner, Stephen, 245, 248 Dakota (Sioux), 20, 100—101 General Allotment Act (1887), 17, 199, 254, 256, 280, Dakota uprising of 1862, 267, 268 306, 322, 323, 332 Daughtrey, Martha Craig, 334 gens de lac, 203 Davids, Bert, 258 gens de terre, 203 Davis, Michael, 137 George, Benjamin, 317 Dawes, Henry, 280 gift exchange, 28, 36 Dawes Act, 17 Gilbert, Henry, 82, 85, 88, 89, 90, 122, 216, 228, 292, de Langlade, Charles, 141, 148 293,298, 308, 309, 310, 313 Delano, Columbus, 240, 248 gill nets, 88, 89, 90 Denver, J. W, 83, 293, 315 Gilman, Rhonda, 119 Dodge, Henry, 105, 107, 108-11, 170, 172, 179, 188, Godfroy, John, 94 210 Gorence, Patricia, 262 Dole, William, 267, 300, 309 Gorman, Willis, 123 domestic rice harvest, 338 Graduation Act (1830), 289 Doty, James, 151, 169, 189 Graduation Act (1854), 295 Dougherty, Peter, 73 Grand Kaulaulin, 146 Dousman, Hercules, 118 Grandmother Earth, 308, 341 Doyle, James, 125-29 Grand Portage band, 117, 208, 217, 220, 275 Drew, John, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66 Grand River Ottawa, 58, 59, 65, 70, 84, 85, 300 Drummond Island, 59, 61 Grand Traverse band, 59, 90, 93, 339 Dubay, Jean, 205 Grant, U. S., 240, 245, 248, 249, 253, 303 Dubois, Robert, 214, 223, 318 Great Father, 35, 63, 64, 65, 83, 103, 104, 269, 303 Duck Creek, 151 Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission Dunkley, Joseph, 135 (GLIFWC), 339 Durbin, J., 294 Greeley, Horace, 56 Duschaine, Maggie, 324 Green, Dan, 3 Green Bay, 141, 143, 157, 159, 161 Eaton, John, 153, 155 Green Bay Company, 165 Edmonds, John, 66 Greene, Bruce, 3, 4, 6 egalitarianism, 23 Greene, David, 109 Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, 285 Grignon, Augustin, 148, 161, 165 Ellis, Albert, 177, 178, 179, 184, 234 Grignon, Charles, 154, 171 equal footing doctrine, 126, 137-38,139 Grignon, Louis, 165 Index I 387 Grignon, Pierre, 165 Johnston, William, 58, 61, 62, 63, 66, 75 Gull Lake band, 117, 268 judicial power, 284 Gurnoe, Joseph, 310 Kachakawasheka (Notch Maker), 141 HR 2.93, 218 Kafura, Fred, 262 Hall, Abel, 223, 318, 319, 327 Kauskkaunonaive (Grizzly Bear), 141, 153, 155, 159, Hall, Sherman, 111, 118 160, 164, 168 Hamlin, Augustin (Kanapima), 61, 64, 65, 81, 84 Kawgayosh (Gull), 63 handicraft industry, 338 Kaygwaydash (The Attempter), 265, 271 Harris, Carey, 6% 70, 73, 74, 76, 79, 106, no, 169, 170, Keeshketawwug (Cut Ear), 206, 209 286 Kegg, Herman, 135 Harrison, William H., 282 Kelly, Lawrence, 262 Hauke, C. F., 324 Kemble, Edward, 250, 251, 303 Hayes, James, 118 Kesewaaush (Little Eagle), 206 Hayes, Rutherford B., 269 Kewayqwaskum, 78 Hayt, E. H., 251 Keweenaw Bay band, 127 Herriman, David, 218 Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, 200, 324-25 Herring, Elbert, 59, 61 Keweenaw Bay Reservation, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, Hickerson, Harold, 100 225 Ho Chunk (Winnebago), 20, 102, 103, 116, 119, 120, King, David, 205, 212, 308, 318 209, 230, 231 Kirkwood, Samuel, 272 Hole in the Day (elder), 37, 107, 112 Kitchimeheegun (Big Wolf), 118 Hole in the Day (younger), 37, 117, 265, 267, 269 Kohl, Johann, 309 Holliday, James, 317 Komanikin (Big Wave), 151, 155, 169, 171 Holliday, John, 62, 64, 65, 205, 308 Komanikeenoshah (Little Wave), 155, 169, 171 Holliday, Mary, 64, 65 Holliday, William, 205 Lac Courte Oreilles band, 46, 105, 107, 113, 114, 124, Howe, Timothy O., 246, 247 125, 126, 127, 131 Hubbard, L. R., 274 Lac du Flambeau band, 46, 106, 107, 127, 203, 209, Huebschmann, Francis, 189, 235, 236, 237, 238 228, 326 Hulbert, John, 64, 66 La Chat, 141 Hull, William, 72 Lac Vieux Desert band, 206, 213, 226, 308, 312 Lake Poygon, 177 Indian country, 227, 263, 266 Lake Winnebago, 140, 159, 230 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, 259 Lake Winnebago Reservation, 236, 237, 241, 243, 250, Indian Party, 233, 234, 235, 238, 241, 242, 245, 251, 258 258, 260 La Motte, 141, 189 Indian Peace Commission, 240 L'Anse, 204, 205, 206, 207—8, 214, 321 Indian Removal Act, 15, 65, 78, 95, 106, 169, 174, 210, L'Anse band, 114, 205, 211, 226, 308, 312 215,230 L'Anse Catholic mission, 205 Indian Reorganization Act, 17, 26, 258, 327, 329 L'Anse Methodist mission, 205 Indian sovereignty, 200 L'Anse Reservation, 206, 221-23, 313, 321, 322 Indian title, 13 Lapham, Increase, 176 indigenous treaties, 27 La Pointe subagency, 204 inland consent decree, 98 L'Arbre Croche band, 59 interpreters, 9, 33, 34, 37, 38, 76, 84, 112, 171, 174, 308 Lasley, William, 64, 65 Iroquois, 20 LaVake, Henry, 64, 65 Irwin, Samuel, 147 Lawe, George, 176, 178, 188 Isabella County, 291, 295, 298 Lawe, John, 146, 148, 165 Isabella Reservation, 296, 297, 301, 302, 305 Lay, Donald, 138 Iskkininew, 169 Lea, Luke, 81, 82,122, 188,189, 293 Iwyematan (Iometah), 147, 148 Leach, DeWitt, 300 LeBlanc, Abe, 88, 91 Jackson, Andrew, 64, 68, 73, 77, 92, 153, 154, 155, 230, Lee, George, 305, 320 3°7 Leech Lake, 100, 107, 109, 111, 268, 271 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 323 Leech Lake band, 102, 107, in, 275 James, Bill, 3 Leeds, William, 250 Jannetta, Jim, 3, 193 legal cases Jawbawadic (Waishkey) (Young Caribou Buck), Alaska Pacific Fishery Co.
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