, VOL. IX, No. 19 OCTOBER 15, 1973 FORUM 25 CENTS ship. Senate Majority Leader Ray John­ POLITICS: REPORTS son may run for the State Supreme Court next spring, but if he loses that battle, he may contest Steinhilber for the special convention "will provide the nomination to succeed Warren. • WISCONSIN another occasion for Republicans to get together and hate one another." Despite the party's admitteJ internal COLORADO MAD ISO N - With both a problems, a number of possible can­ senatorial and gubernatorial election didates have already surfaced for next DENVER - Colorado Gov. John coming up in 1974, the Wisconsin Re­ year's nominations - many of them Vanderhoof (R) looks like a man publican Party is in difficult straits. from the State Senate. caught between a rock and a hard If a $500,000 debt wasn't adequate With former Defense Secretary Mel­ place . as he resists calling a special affiiction, the GOP also faces two for­ vin Laird out of the gubernatorial pic­ session of the Colorado Legislature to midable opponents in Sen. Gaylord ture in Washington, Attorney General deal with the Denver's annexation Nelson (D) and Gov: Patrick Lucey. Robert W. Warren is the leading can­ powers. (See the September 1973 Nelson won re-election in 1968 against didate for governor. However, Warren FORUM.) If Vanderhoof calls the Jerris Leonard, later a top Justice De­ is also interested in a federal judge­ session, he loses the support of Denver partment official, with 62 percent of ship (assuming the post does not go Republicans; if he does not, he loses the vote. to U.S. Rep. Glenn Davis, who would vast numbers of suburban votes. Republicans are also bedeviled by like it) and still might even run for Gov. Vanderhoof earlier said he their own internal problems. The par­ re-election. wouldn't call such a session unless a ty's ruling faction led by Republican Three other state senators mention­ majority of the legislature requested it. National Committeeman Ody J. Fish ed for the gubernatorial nomination The legislative leadership now claims and former Gov. Warren Knowles lost are James Devitt, who refers to him­ to have such a majority. In a last at­ control of the Republican State Com­ self as the "Will Rogers of the State tempt to salvage a compromise agree­ mittee earlier this year, but the divi­ Senate," because he says he never met ment between local governments on the sions between the Knowles-Fish fac­ a bill he didn't like; Robert Kasten, annexation issue, the governor called tion and a younger, "principled con­ a moderate-conservative freshman; and selected local councilmen and commis­ servative" group continue. Robert P. Knowles, the moderate and sioners to his office. One indication of the divisions is wealthy Senate president pro tempore Meanwhile, Frank Southworth (R), continued disagreement over party pol­ who succeeded his brother (former Denver school board president, has sug­ icy on convention endersements. This Gov. Warren Knowles) in the State gested that the real reason suburbs sur­ year's GOP convention voted to end Senate. rounding Denver oppose annexation is mandatory convention endorsements. If For the Senate nomination, two eld­ racial. (Denver is both a city and coun­ next year's convention also takes a sim­ erly state senators, Milo G. Knutson ty and has the constitutional right to ilar vote, the mandatory endorsements, and Gerald D. Lorge, who both un­ annex adjoining unincorporated land.) which were meant to avoid expensive successfully sought the GOP Senate Denver is now busing under court party pririlaries, will be eliminated. nomination against Sen. William Prox­ orders to preserve racial balance in the schools, but the suburbs are unaffected The prevailing party sentiments this mire in 1970, are possible reruns. State year was that with so little prospect for Sen. Knowles has suggested freshman by that order. Ironically, Southworth was elected to the Denver school board election victory and so large a debt, State Sen. Thomas E. Petri for the open primaries might in fact aid the nomination. Businessman Vern Reed, only a few years ago on a bitter, anti­ .party by giving candidates more ex­ who sought to unseat U.S. Rep. Glenn busing plank. posure. The party leadership, however, Davis in a primary battle last year, Southworth is expected to seek the concerned that the termination of en­ may seek the GOP candidacy. GOP congressional nomination to op­ dorsements would diminish their pow­ Assuming Warren does not seek re­ pose U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder (0- er, has decided to call a special state election, State Sen. Jack D. Steinhilber, 1st CD.) Former astr.onaut Jack Swig­ convention for January to resolve the the assistant majority leader, is report­ ert has reportedly realized that he must • issue. As one GOP office-holder said, edly set to seek the attorney general- return to Denver from his congres- sional job in Washington if he expects fever from fellow U.S. Rep. Wayne tion in the state, White House aide to have a shot at the same congression­ Owens and is said to be giving the Jill Ruckelshaus might have been near­ al nomination. race serious consideration. Owens' Salt ly as strong a candidate as her hus­ In other congressional races, Alan Lake City district may provide him band.) Merson is expected to square off with a stronger base for the race than Recent speculation had centered on against State Rep. John Carroll in the would McKay'S. (Former Democratic Senate President pro tempore Phillip .aJ Democratic primary next year for the National Chairwoman Jean Westwood E. Guttman (R) and Republican State .., right to oppose freshman U.S. Rep. recently announced she would also seek Chairman Thomas S. Milligan. In- James Johnson (R-4th C.D.). Merson the Democratic nomination.) diana GOP officials, however, have be- lost a tight race to Johnson last year If McKay or Owens engage in a gun a drive to convince Mayor Lugar after knocking off veteran U.S. Rep. bitter primary battle with Attorney that he is the only viable candidate Wayne Aspinal (D) in the primary. Donald Holbrook, the candidate cur­ who has a chance of defeating the pop- One Democrat and one Republican rently favored by the Democratic es­ ular Bayh. Pressure has been brought have already announced for governor: tablishment, Republicans might stand by GOP county chairmen on the of- House Speaker John Fuhr (R) and a good chance to pick up one or both fices of the GOP state committee, Re­ State Rep. Richard Lamm, a 38-year­ of their seats. In McKay's 1st C.D., publican National Committeeman L. old attorney. • House Speaker Howard C. Nielson Keith Bulen (the mayor's closest po- (R) of Provo or fonner GOP State litical adyisor) and Mayor Lugar on Chairman Richard Richards might run. the grounds that Republicans may lose John Birch Society member Joe Fer­ a number of county courthouses if the UTAH guson is already prepared to make a GOP's ticket is led by a weak candi- rerun of his unsuccessful 1972 prima­ date. ry race. Bulen has stated publicly that he is SALT LAKE CITY - The deci­ In the 2nd C.O. captured last year rethinking his advice to Lugar against sion of former Michigan Gov. George by Owens, his predecessor, former U.S. making the race. Lugar himself is not Romney not to enter next year's Sen­ Rep. Sherman Lloyd (R), may try a expected to reach a decision until early ate race has apparently prompted an­ comeback. Lloyd is currently a visiting next year - after he makes the rounds other candidate to seek the race. professor at Utah State Uruversjty. Al­ of Lincoln Day dinners in the state. L. Ralph Meacham, vice president ready actively in the running is John Lugar's status as a "loyal party sol­ of Annaconda Copper, and resident Dwan, a former field representative dier," may have a strong bearing on lobbyist for Annaconda in Washing­ for Lloyd. Two" Salt Lake County com­ his decision, as may pressure from ton, has been making contacts in Utah missioners are also the subject of spec­ the members of the Circle City Qub in preparation for the race. Meacham, ulation: Republican William E. Dunn who back Lugar's political efforts. a former vice president at the Uni­ and Democrat Ralph MCClure. A ticket led by Lugar mIght also versity of Utah, is also a former ad­ Meanwhile, former HUn Secretary boost Republican chances of saving ministrative assistant to retiring Sen. Romney has resigned as chairman of several marginal congressional seats - Wallace Bennett and is expected to the National Center for Voluntary Ac­ including those occupied by U.S. Rep­ pick up support among former Ben­ tion and will return to Bloomfield resentatives Earl F. Landgrebe, David nett workers. Hills, Michigan. Romney reportedly W. Dennis, and William H. Hud­ Although Salt Lake City Mayor Jake may join the National Conference of nut.• Garn (R) remains interested in the Citizenship now led by former Su­ race, Attorney General Vern Romney preme Court Justice Tom Clark. • (R) may prefer waiting for a 1976 gubernatorial race. U. S. Rep. Gunn McKay seems to have caught some of the senatorial INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS - In the past, In­ dianapolis Mayor Richard Lugar (R) has repeatedly ruled out a senatorial race against Sen. Birch Bayh (D) next year. But now, "the dynamic young mayor is re-evaluating his position in the wake of what Republican politi­ cians describe as a genuine "draft" movement. The Indiana Republican Party earlier lost one strong contender to Nixon Administration job shuffies. Now in the Justice Department, Deputy Attor­ ney General William Ruckelshaus has removed himself from Senate consider­ ation.
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