DutfC"0* Cf^U^ sovnH Clemson College Library Campus EXAMINATIONS NEELY IS NEW COACH CKaer EXAMS START JAN, 24 HE ROARS FOR CLEMSON VOL.. XXVI. Clemson College, S. C, Wednesday, January 21, 1931 No. V* l^ COACH NEELY TO TAKE SOPH HOP TO USHER IN EXAMS CONFRONT MCCLELLAND RARCLAY DR. SIKES LAUDS LEE, OVER CODY'S POST 1931 SOCIAL SEASON CORPS DURING TO PICK TAPSJEAUTIES JACKSON, _AND LINCOLN 0 Formerly Coached at Ala- Plute Wimberley's South Caro- COMING WEEK Photographs of Fifty Young In Chapel Speech Presdent bama; Highly Praised by lina Gamecocks to Fur- Women Already Entered Praises Three Greatest nish Music Civil War Leaders Wallace Wade To Begin January 24 and End The call for candidates for the Beauty January 31 section of Taps found over fifty photo- Disciples of Bacchus and worshipers Jess Neely, who since 1928 has been graphs of charming young ladies enter- Dr. E. W. Sikes, speaking in the of the great god, Pan, await with glee end coach at the University of Alabama Final examinations for the first se- ed. In looking over this array of young college chapel at noon last Thursday I and anticipation the night of February and assistant to the renowned Wallace mester are to begin next Saturday womanhood, one gathers the opinion under the auspices of the United j the sixth, for that night is destined to Wade, was selected by the Clemson Col- afternoon, Jan. 24th., and continue that the sons of Clemson have an ex- Daughters of the Confederacy, vividly ! remain forever a pleasant memory in lege athletic Council at their meeting through next week ending Saturday, cellent eye for beauty. contrasted the lives of Robert E. Lee, j the minds of those smiled upon by last Friday night to be the successor to Jan. 31st. Mr. McClelland Barclay, who is Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson, and Ab- Lady Luck. Then will merry be made, Josh Cody who resigned the position The schedules have been posted for known far and wide as the famed raham Lincoln, whom he described as laughter and enjoyment manufactured. of Head Coach here last Thanksgiving several weeks, and for the last few illustrator for Fisher Bodies, has been the three greatest leaders of the Con- day. Coach Neely accepted the offer Then will examinations and their woe days those having conflicts have been selected as the judge. From his illus- federate war. made him, and the results of the actions be forgotten, cares tossed away, worry scurrying about trying to rearrange trations one would not have to guess "Lee was a Chevalier Bayard, Jack- of the Council were announced last thrown to the prevailing gale. A new dates accordingly. The large number twice to realize that Mr. Barclay is a son a Cromwell, but there has only Saturday afternoon. The new mentor semester will be begun with appro- of irregular students makes it almost rare judge of beauty. Mr. Barclay's been one Lincoln", said Doctor Sikes will not formally take over the reigns priate weapons—songs and dance the impossible to arrange a schedule that task, although pleasant, is not an easy as he compared these men with other of athletics here until September 1; effervescence of youth. The Sopho- is agreeable to everyone. This necessi- one. He is to select eight of the fifty great men of history. however, he will spend a part of his more Dance, the first of the year 1931, tates a great deal of shifting and com- photographs to represent the Beauty The greatest instances in the lives time here this spring in order to super- will take place. promising of dates in order to avoid con- Section of the 1931 year book. of these leaders, according to Doctor vise as far as possible the spring prac- Momentous as they are the coming flicts. The problem seems to have been The golden hair of the blonde; the Sikes, were: for Lee, as he stood be- tice of the Tiger football squad. examinations have not been overwhelm- solved for the most part by an agree- dark tresses of the Spanish senorita; fore his faithful but exhausted soldiers ing enough to prevent the majority ment to hold a number of examinations the bright lustre of the auburn-haired at Appomattox and told them that he Selection of Mr. Neely to fill the of cadets from ardently proffering at night. miss; and the long, dark ringlets of was forced to surrender; for Lincoln, post left vacant by the popular "Big their bids to the ladies of their hearts Due to the existing quarantine, exam the brunette will put Mr. Barclay to as he, a self educated man, delivered Man" came only after a thorough inves- and forerunning indications promise a grades will probably be slightly higher, the test. The various profiles, complex- his immortal Gettysburg address, where . tigation of all men who were possible fair assemblege that will be stunning. as a whole, than they were last year, ions, dimples, smiles, and comely fea- the principal speaker of the day was a candidates. The council spent several Sec. Perry Parrott has been nego- because the disconcerting influence of tures will furnish Mr. Barclay with in- Harvard graduate; and for Jackson, weeks considering all possible prospects, tiating with Plute Wimberly and the week-end leaves will not be an ele- spiration for his illustrations for some as he outwitted the enemy in the Val- finally settling their attention upon a Carolinians and if tentative plans ma- ment in their determination. The cur- time to come. The fame of Venus, ley campaign and completely surprised man whom Wallace Wade said was terialize the University of South Caro- rent question at this time of the year Cleopatra, and Helen of Troy as beau- them where they least expected him. largely responsible for the recent suc- lina orchestra will furnish the motivat- seems to be: "Will I be able to pass?" ties of their day will become a mere Doctor Sikes began his speech by cess of the Alabama football team when ing power for the fiesta. This redoubt- token of the past as the fifty photo- portraying the early lives of Lee, they met and defeated the strong Wash- able band is composed of eleven scintil- graphs pass under the watchful and Jackson, and Lincoln individually, and ington State eleven in the annual lating musicians, each a master of the INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC critical eyes of Mr. Barclay. naming the characteristics which made Tournament of the Roses at Los blue. Including the alternates there is The Beauty Section of last year's them great. A summary of the speech Angeles, California. a total of twenty-four instruments. Taps composed of sixteen beauties, was follows: Lee, the son of a great Revo- DECIDEDLYJN WANE judged by the widely known John lutionary general, said Doctor Sikes, Coach Neely is a product of the same This factor alone promises a musical Held, Jr. Realizing that sixteen was too school and the same great teacner of program with a variety rare indeed in There has been a great improve- attended West Point and after a bril- many, the 1931 staff reduced the num- football players and coaches as is Josh a college jazz orchestra. "Medicine ment *in the influenza situation during liant career graduated second in his ber to eight. This reduction will give Cody, being graduated from Vander- men for the blues" if applied to them the past week. Among the cadets there class. He served in the Mexican war prestige to the winners that could not bilt University in the year 1922. Dan would be a statement worthy of such are now only forty-two cases, while a' and was cited for bravery by Gen. be had with sixteen contestants entered. McGugin, "that grand old man of foot- men as George Washington and others this time last week there were one hun- Winfield Scott. Later when war broke Meanwhile, the work on the book ball" has said that Jess Neely is the who created a vogue for the truth. dred and twenty-two. There is one case out between the states, he refused the is progressive. Twenty clubs will be greatest captain of any football team Other officers of the club are Bob of pneumonia, but the patient is well position of commander-in-chief of the represented. Taps will again be free that he has ever coached. While at Miller, Pres., and Linky Rivers, Vice on the road to recovery. Quite a num- United States army to fight for his of sponsors, who were so plentiful as Vanderbilt, Coach Neely played end as Pres. ber of cases of flu are reported in the state. With him, love for his state to give the book a co-ed appearance in his long-suit but was also a halfback residential section of the campus, but was greater than love for his country. the publications preceeding the 1930 of no mean ability. He ranks as one are now well under control. Jackson also graduated from West of the greatest forward passers the Much credit is due Doctor Milford edition. Point, but only after a hard struggle It is thought that the Taps will be South has ever known. The majority RIFLE TEAM EXPECTS and his staff of nurses for the efficient in which he, naturally slow witted, finished early in May*, which will give of his work with the Bengal gridders way in which they have handled this climbed from near the bottom of his ample time for distributions before the will be training the backs and ends.
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