Volume 19 Issue 10 Published monthly by the Union of Ontario Indians - Anishinabek Nation Single Copy: $2.00 December 2007 IN THE NEWS Respect Yourself Protect Yourself Respect Yourself Over 5,000 Protect Yourself copies of the “Respect Your- self, Protect Yourself” dvd promoting HIV/AIDS awareness have been distributed with this month’s An- ishinabek News. If you didn’t receive a copy and would like one, please contact Jody Cotter, HIV/AIDS coordinator at the Union of Ontario Indians (705) 497-9127 ext. 2231. The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network has launched a new website www.caan.ca/aaaw. “We need your voice and espe- cially our leaders to speak loud and clear about HIV/AIDS,” says Kevin Barlow, Executive Director of the Canadian Aborig- inal AIDS Network, “Together we can turn this epidemic around and together, we can make a dif- ference for those now living with HIV or AIDS.” Bolivia passes Norval Morrisseau – the founder of the Woodlands School of Native art – passed into the Spirit World just days after learning indigenous law he was being honoured for lifetime achievement by the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation. See page 3. LA PAZ, Bolivia – Bolivia has become the Anishinabek declare war on drugs fi rst country Evo Morales in the world GARDEN RIVER FN – Chiefs of organized crime,” said Beaucage. inadequate resources to police their the case as one of urgency. to adopt the the 42 member Anishinabek Nation “Our war on drugs will employ communities. “This is a signifi cant case and United Nation’s recently-passed communities have unanimously the same tactic as our struggle to Chiefs at the Grand Council could be precedent-setting,” he Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as national passed a resolution giving First protect our rights, including passing Assembly heard Curve Lake First said. law. President Evo Morales an- Nation councils the authority to rid new laws and strictly enforcing Nation’s Keith Knott describe his Curve Lake legal counsel nounced the passage of National their communities of drug dealers. them, demanding action by other community’s attempts to ban the Linda Whetung said there was “no Law 3760 – legislation that is an “Just as we have treaty rights governments whose citizens are partner of a community resident question” that the First Nation has exact copy of the UN declaration and inherent rights, we have a right involved in the drug trade – even convicted of possession of property the legal right to evict the man. – allowing Native peoples the to demand drug-free communities,” staging blockades to call nation- obtained by crime, possession of a “The question before the courts right to preserve their respective says Grand Council Chief John wide attention to criminals preying weapon for a dangerous purpose, is not whether the First Nation political, social, economic, jurid- Beaucage during a special fall upon our youth.” and possession of drugs for the can evict him, but rather, what is ical and cultural institutions, and assembly of Anishinabek leaders. The Anishinabek Nation purpose of traffi cking. the procedure to be followed in recognizes their rights to self-de- “Today our Chiefs told their citizens leader said First Nations need On Nov. 27, the man – the doing so. The First Nation looks termination. Morales noted, in his speech at the event, that only they are willing to go to any lengths cooperation of outside agencies in common-law spouse of a Curve forward to the court’s guidance on 40 years ago Quechua, Aymara to make their communities safe – to their ongoing struggle to deal with Lake band member who operates a this important issue and will act and other Native people from the use force if necessary. problems associated with illicit convenience store in the First Nation accordingly.” eastern part of Bolivia were not “This is what true leadership and prescription drug use in their community north of Peterborough “This is not about one allowed to enter the Government is about – being prepared to be communities. He said organized -- was back home on the reserve individual’s rights. This is about the Palace, nor were they allowed to aggressive, to take extraordinary crime and criminal gangs may after a federal judge agreed to let right of the Curve Lake First Nation walk on the sidewalks in certain steps to rid our First Nations of drug be targeting First Nations for him return despite being banished. to act in its own best interests as a cities. abuse, traffi cking and associated drug traffi cking since they have Justice Michel Shore described healthy, productive community. “ Page 2 Anishinabek News December 2007 2007 Grand Council Assembly Garden River First Nation Indian Act makes Indians extinct By Marci Becking while there are some benefi ts GARDEN RIVER FN – An- of Bill C-31, hidden within the ishinabek Chiefs-in-Assembly amendments is a two generation passed a resolution demanding cut-off for Indian Status which that the Government of Canada guarantees the extinction of Sta- comply with its Charter of Rights tus Indians at most, if not all, and Freedoms and comply with First Nations in Canada. rights guaranteed by the United “I believe this is the single Nations Declaration on most signifi cant chal- the Rights of Indigenous lenge facing our peo- Peoples by recognizing ple,” points out Beaver, First Nations’ right to de- in an overhead slide pre- termine citizenship. sentation delivered in his This resolution stems absence by Alderville from the June 7th, 2007 Chief J. R. Marsden. McIvor decision where Wayne Beaver The two-generation Grand Council Chief John Beaucage presents thousands of Era of Action postcards to Hon. Michael Bryant the British Columbia Su- cut-off occurs when an while Sault MPP David Orazietti looks on. – Photo by Marci Becking preme Court ruled that the Gov- Indian marries a non-Indian or ernment of Canada breached its a non-status spouse. When out- own Charter of Rights and Free- marriage occurs in two succes- doms through its application of sive generations, the children of Ipperwash recommendations “Status Indian” designations un- the second generation out-mar- der the Indian Act. riage will, according to Bill C- The federal government has 31, be deemed to be non-status decided to appeal the McIvor de- Indians. signifi cant priority: Bryant cision and it is estimated that the “Some of the rights that are appeal of this decision will cost being extinguished are tax ex- By Marci Becking tices for a long time and we’re still previous Progressive Conserva- the Government of Canada mil- emptions, the non-insured health GARDEN RIVER FN – The An- waiting for some action.” tive government, it was Minister lions of dollars that can be better benefi t, hunting and fi shing ishinabek Nation has a host of Minister Bryant told assembled Michael Bryant in his then-capac- spent on services and programs rights, the right to travel freely allies supporting its call for the Chiefs that “It is a signifi cant pri- ity as Attorney General who called to address the deplorable condi- across the Canada/US border, Government of Ontario to begin ority of this government to imple- the Ipperwash Inquiry into the tions on First Nation reserves. post-secondary education assis- implementing the recommenda- ment these important recommen- events that led to Dudley George’s Wayne Beaver, citizen of Al- tance and on-reserve housing,” tions of the Ipperwash Inquiry. dations.” shooting death by an OPP sniper derville First Nation, says that says Beaver. During November’s Grand “With respect to the return of during a land claim protest. Council Assembly, Grand Council the park, [Chief Bressette] will be “Ontario citizens seem to un- Chief John Beaucage presented hearing from me soon and you will derstand the Ipperwash message The Hon. Michael Bryant, Min- start to see some of the implemen- that resolving treaty and land is- Chiefs applaud blueprint ister of Aboriginal Affairs, with tation of the Ipperwash recommen- sues is the key to a harmonious By Marci Becking cil Chief John Beaucage, “We thousands of postcards that were dations in the new year,” he told and prosperous future for every- GARDEN RIVER FN – The can’t talk about self-government sent by church groups, municipal Chiefs. “The Era of Action sup- one in the province,” said Grand Anishinabek Nation Economic if we’re dependent on someone leaders, teachers unions, commu- porters have spoken loud and clear Council Chief Beaucage. Blueprint is ready to be fi nalized else to pay for our government.” nity members and health profes- that we need to see some resolu- Commissioner Sidney Linden by the Union of Ontario Indians Dawn Madahbee and Ray sionals in support of the “Era of tion of these aboriginal issues and called for the creation of a stand- Leadership Council, which will Martin, co-chairs of the Anishi- Action” campaign launched in to improve relationships between alone provincial Ministry of Ab- then lead to development of an nabek Nation Economic Blue- June 2007. The postcards high- all people in the province.” original Affairs, a post currently implementation plan projecting print committee presented the light the major recommendations After years of stalling by the held by Bryant. how to create op- chiefs at the fall of the Ipperwash Inquiry fi nal re- portunities, generate assembly with the port, including the creation of a revenue, and estab- blueprint summary. Treaty Commission in Ontario. ‘We’re all in the same canoe’ lish a fi nancial base “Other reports “This isn’t only a message By Marci Becking to support the goals advise what the from First Nations citizens, this is GARDEN RIVER FN – The Honourable Michael Bryant, Ontario of the Anishinabek external govern- a clear message from all people in Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, brought encouraging words to people.
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