The Professional Bulletin of the Armor Branch, Headquarters, Department of the Army, PB 17-08-2 Editor in Chief Features LTC SHANE E. LEE 6 Using Tactical Site Exploitation to Target the Insurgent Network Managing Editor by Michael Thomas CHRISTY BOURGEOIS 14 Human Terrain Mapping: A Critical First Step Commandant in Winning the Counterinsurgency Fight by Lieutenant Colonel Jack Marr, Major John Cushing, BG DONALD M. CAMPBELL, JR. Major Brandon Garner, and Captain Richard Thompson 19 How Information Operations Enable Combatant ARMOR (ISSN 0004-2420) is published bi- Commanders to Dominate Today’s Battlefi eld monthly by the U.S. Army Armor Center, ATTN: by Lieutenant Colonel Scott K. Fowler ATZK-DAS-A, Building 1109A, 201 6th Ave- nue, Ste 373, Fort Knox, KY 40121-5721. 22 Win the Battle – Lead to Peace Disclaimer: The information contained in AR- by Colonel Bruno Duhesme, French Army MOR represents the professional opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect 26 An Approach to Route Security the official Army or TRADOC position, nor by Captain Nicholas C. Sinclair does it change or supersede any information presented in other official Army publications. 33 Ground School XXI – The Next Step Official distribution is limited to one copy for in Combined Arms Simulation Training each armored brigade headquarters, ar mored by Colonel Robert Valdivia cavalry regiment headquarters, armor battal- ion headquarters, armored cavalry squadron 36 Predator Palace: Gaining a Foothold headquarters, reconnaissance squadron head- by Captain Peter J. Young Jr. quar ters, armored cavalry troop, armor com- pany, and motorized brigade headquarters of 43 Team Enabler: Combining Capabilities the United States Army. In addition, Army li- braries, Army and DOD schools, HQ DA and During the Execution of Full-Spectrum Operations MACOM staff agencies with responsibility for by Captain David J. Smith and First Lieutenant Jeffrey Ritter armored, direct fire, ground combat systems, organizations, and the training of personnel for 46 Training the Warrior Mechanic to Meet such organizations may request two cop ies by Challenges of the 21st-Century Battlefi eld sending a request to the editor in chief. by Captain David Campbell Authorized Content: ARMOR will print only those materials for which the U.S. Army Armor 51 2008 Armor Warfi ghting Conference: Center has proponency. That proponen cy in- “Forging the Thunderbolt in an Age of Persistent Confl ict” cludes: all armored, direct-fire ground combat systems that do not serve primarily as infantry 52 2008 Armor Warfi ghting Conference/Armor Trainer Update Schedule carriers; all weapons used exclusively in these systems or by CMF 19-series enlisted soldiers; any miscellaneous items of equipment which Departments armor and armored cavalry organizations use exclusively; training for all 19-series officers 2 Contacts and for all CMF-19-series enlisted soldiers; and 3 Letters information concerning the training, logistics, history, and leadership of armor and armored 4 Commander’s Hatch cavalry units at the brigade/regiment level and 5 Driver’s Seat below, to include Threat units at those levels. 48 Reviews Material may be reprinted, provided credit is given to ARMOR and to the author, except where copyright is indicated. Request all orga- nizations not affiliated with the Department of the Army contact ARMOR for reproduction/re- printing permission. Periodicals Postage paid at Fort Knox, KY, and additional mailing offi ces. Postmaster: Send address changes to Editor, ATTN: ATZK-DAS-A, ARMOR, 201 6th Avenue, Ste 373, Fort Knox, KY 40121-5721. March-April 2008, Vol. CXVII, No. 2 USPS 467-970 “From My Position...” “… Son can you play me a memory? I’m not really sure how it goes, miss the exultant, unrestrained joy of returning home after a deploy- but it’s sad and it’s sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a ment. No satisfaction of a job well-done was ever greater. No antic- younger man’s clothes.” ipation of better days was ever brighter, and no homecoming was Billy Joel from Piano Man, 1973 ever sweeter. Although I’m certainly not the old man sitting at the bar described Of course, I’ll miss much more than the few things I’ve listed inside in Billy Joel’s classic song, I can nevertheless relate to the mixture the boundaries of this page with a touch of occasional sadness. I of both sad and sweet emotions that flood over me as I write my fi- also know, however, that those same memories are the very ingre- nal editorial for ARMOR. As my term as editor in chief comes to a dients that will bring sweetness to my future life apart from the dust, close and my retirement date draws near, I know that I have a great mud, searing heat, and sometimes bitter cold of the track-based deal to look forward to. Nevertheless, at this moment, the memories heavy Army. They are memories both sad and sweet seasoned with of the things I will miss most about the Army easily displace any grateful pride. thoughts I may have of the future. Of all the things I have to be proud of, I’m most proud of the answer They are memories of the simple, universal, and ultimately pro- I’ll be able to give my son one day when he asks me, “Daddy, what found things to which many of my brother warriors can relate. As kind of Soldier were you?” any Abrams tanker will tell you, there is always a small, but palpa- With the conviction and passion born of sleepless nights, ble, element of doubt associated with telling the driver to, “crank it Dusty road marches, up,” especially if your tank has just completed services. With that in And the crackle of the command net, mind, I will surely miss the reassuring, lowered pitch of the engine’s whining turbine blades at the end of a successful start cycle. In fact, I’ll be able to tell him that I was honored and privileged that whistling engine is probably what sealed my decision to choose To have served with a small, powerful and magnificently heroic few armor branch more than any other factor. In the age of Top Gun, Who willingly bore the heaviest burdens of the many. there was nothing cooler than commanding a 70-ton, rolling ma- Some of them drew their power from their faith; chine that not only moved with the sound of a jet but sometimes flew Others from the depth of their training and the quality of their equipment; like one as well. Still others from the richness of their heritage, the character of their leaders, and their love of soldiering; I’ll also miss other things, such as the delirious, fatigue induced laugh- ter of a soldier’s joke that never seemed to be quite as funny when But ultimately all of them, repeated in the comforting, well-rested, confines of garrison life; or From their confidence in and love for their brothers. the taste and smell of a hot-A grilled steak in the field. No home- They were tankers and troopers; first sergeants and corporals of horse. cooked fillet of grade-A beef ever tasted as good or was nearly as They were Conquerors, Tigers, and Death Dealers. satisfying as a rib-eye earned at the successful completion of Tank They were Buffalo Soldiers and 9/12 Lancers. Table VIII. I’ll miss the snorting, belching, chug-chug-chug of ugly, idling M88s, whose grating, guttural, unmistakably mechanical tones A few of them were Marines. always sounded like sweet music as soon as they arrived to recov- They moved with speed, audacity, and precision er your mount from the vacuum-like clutches of a skirt-deep mire; And thought in miles rather than in yards. the scruffy, bone-tired, grease-stained, but unquestionably first-rate, They were and still are a unique band of brothers track mechanics who crewed them; the crack of man-made thunder And I was humbled to serve in their presence. at the command of “on the way!;” the recoil of the cannon; the sweet, For you see I wasn’t just any Soldier. acrid smell of cordite and the satisfying sound of “target, target, tar- I too was a mounted warrior — a Soldier who rode steel! get” over the net. Although, I will not miss the gut-deep, uncertain, sadness of leaving loved ones behind at home, I will most certainly S.E. LEE By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: JOYCE E. MORROW GEORGE W. CASEY, JR. Administrative Assistant to the General, United States Army Secretary of the Army Chief of Staff 0800401 DSN prefix – 464- Points of Contact Commercial prefix– (502) 624- ARMOR Editorial Offices U.S. Army Armor Center Editor in Chief Commanding General (ATZK-CG) LTC Shane E. Lee 4087 BG Donald M. Campbell, Jr. 2121 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor Deputy Commander (ATZK-DCG) Christy Bourgeois 4582 COL Peter Bayer, Jr. 7555 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Editor Vivian Oertle 2610 Chief of Staff (ATZK-CS) E-mail: [email protected] COL Peter D. Utley 1101 E-mail: [email protected] Art Director Mr. Jody Harmon 3923 Command Sergeant Major (ATZK-CSM) E-mail: [email protected] CSM Otis Smith 4952 Editorial Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Kathy A. Johnson 2249 E-mail: [email protected] Command Sergeant Major to DCG (ATZK-DCG-CSM) TBA 7091 E-mail: ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: To improve speed and accuracy in editing, Special Assistant to the CG (ARNG) (ATZK-SA) manuscripts should be originals or clear copies, either typed or printed COL Marlin Levendoski 1315 out double-spaced, with a 3½-inch disk in Microsoft Word, Rich Text E-mail: [email protected] Format, or ASCII (please indicate wordprocessing format on disk or cov- er letter).
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