SAMUEL COLMAN 1780 - 1845 Margaret Whidden Ph.D. University of Edinburgh 1985 ' ' INDEX ^ ^ , ■ ■ ■ :'s ' ■ . ■ ' ' ■ ■ . ■ ■ - . ■ , " . ' ' . 533 Acraman, D.W: 55 verses): Addison, Joseph: 113-114, 123 Canticles: see Song of Solo¬ Alciati (or Alciato), Andreas: mon 353, 393 I Chronicles: 368-369 Alison, Archibald: 115, 122 (Chapters 15 and 16) Allan, David: 164 II Chronicles: 343 (36.5-23), Allston, Washington:- 48, 255 370 (Chs 5 and 6, Altdorfer, Albrecht: 315 especially verse 5 of 'Amicus Protestans': 210, 224 Ch. 5), 371 (6.41) Angelico, Fra: 355 Colossians: 400 (1.12) Apocalypse, The: 87, 136, 148, I Corinthians: 302 (15.31), 214, 323, 380-382, 394, 457-458 (7.29-31), and Chapter Nine (pp. 402- 460 (13.8-10), 461 462) especially pages 412, (13.13), 462 (13.12) 417, 442, 451 and 461 Daniel: 134 (5.31), 248, 250 Apollo Belvedere: 443 (Ch. 5), 251-252 (5. 1-10), Ash, Richard: 169, 205, 231 ■253 (5.12 and 5.29), 254 (politics), 233 (Church (5.30), 419 (7.9, 10) Rates), 234-235 (scandal at Ephesians: 398 (6.12) Zion Chapel), 244, 289 Exodus: 242-243 and 248 Associationalist theory: 115, 330 (Ch. 14), 248 (Ch. 15), Atherstone, Edwin: 399 313 (6.4, 14.24 and Ch. 15), 314 (15.20,21 and Babylon (as a symbol of Rome or 14.24), 315 (14.25,26), of Roman Catholicism): 316-317 (33.20-23), 320 246, 381, 382, 383 (17.6), 374 (15.13, 17) Baillie, James Evan: 203, 206, Ezra: 248, 253 (Ch. 1) 244 Galatians: 198 (3.28), 302 Baines, Edward: 226-227, 456 (6.14) Baptists: 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, Genesis: 134 (3.15), 240 100, 217 (3.14, 15), 297 (10.5), Barker family, panorama artists: 340 (2.10), 343 (11.1-9), 110 360 (2.21-24), 375 (3.15), 430 Barret, George: 339 . (7.11) Barton, Bernard: 95-96, 157, Hebrews: 371 (Ch. 8) 299, 312 (poem), 389-390, Isaiah: 134 (45.1-6), 236 408-409 (52.10), 238 (35.1), 248 Barry, James: 139, 143-144, 257 (Ch. 45), 253 ( 44.28 and The 'Beast" of Revelation 13.3: 45. 1-5), 267 (45.13), 296 240-1 ( 66.23), 311 (2.2), 329 Beaumont, Sir George: -60, 109 (41.18), 346 ( 62.5), 359 Beckford, William: 47, 101, 149, (11.1 and 53.2), 373 157, 446 (59.20 and 60.1-22), 376 Berkeley, Bishop George: 397 (9.6, 11.6,8 and 40.11), Bible, as a source of poetic and 381 (13.4, 13, 19), 383 visual ideas: 87-88, 113, (Chs 2, 3 9, 10 and 13), 114, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 384 (9.14-16 and 10.4,5,6; 131, 132-137, 140-145 and also 13.5 and 2.12-17), Chapter Seven (292-361) 385 (2.10, 11, 16 and Bible, references to specific 3.8; also 10. 20, 24, 25), Books and texts (the num¬ 386 (10.33,34 and 2.13), bers in parentheses indi¬ 387 (10.17-19 and cating the chapters and 10.33,34; also 11.7,16 and 534 35.10), 388 (2.4 and 435 (84.11), 447 (104.2, 1.18-20), 389 (2.11), 3), 453-454 (Ps. 19 and 391-392 (11.6), 449 (53.2), 91.4), 458n (103.1516), 460 (40.11) 460 (20.7, 8 and 37.30), Job: 294 461 (37.6) Joel: 329 (3.18) Revelation: 57n (6.2 and John: 135 (3.14), 269 (8.12) 19.11, 12), 240 (12.17 and I John: 360 (3.2) 13.3), 241 (13.5), 246 I Kings: 354 (5.6), 369 (14.8), 285 (1.7), 286 (10.22) (21.8), 329-330 (21.6), 330 II Kings: 343 (Chs 24 and (22.1), 340 (21.6), 346 25) (21.2, 9), 360 (22.17), 399 Leviticus: 296 (23.32) (Chs 21 and 22), 400 Luke: 18 (Ch. 3), 79 (3.6), (22.5), 402 (11.15), 41 On 100 (14.16-24), 105, 128 (13. 2-4), 411 (20.2-7), (3.9), 236 (3.6), 239 412 (Ch. 13), 413 (10.5 (3.9), 421 (18.8) and 6), 420 (Ch. 20), 421 Malachi: 322 (4.2), 450, 452 (1.7 and 19.20 and 20.4), (4.1,2), 453-454 (4.2), 461 422 (1.7, 19.20) 423 (4.2) (20.4, 5), 439 (15.3), 440 Matthew: 106 (3.4), 238 (4.3), 441 (19.7, 9), 442 (3.7), 285 (Ch.. 24), 286 (19.13, 15, 19), 452 (24.29-31 and 27.52-3), (11.15), 459 (19.17) 288 (6.19, 20), 298 Romans: 80 (10.4), 195 (27. 413 45), (24.30, 31), ' (8.21), 240 (16.20), 371 421 (24.30, 31), 422 (10.4), 429 (8.38, 39) (24.38), 445 (24.30), 461 I Samuel: 324 (7.12), 364- (6.19, 20 and 28.20) 366 (25.1-42), 370 (18.6, Numbers: 270 (21.9), 320 18.7) (20.8), 323 (21.8) II Samuel: 368 (6.12-23), Philippians: 385 (2.10) 369 (6.20) Proverbs: 183 (14.13), 186 Song of Solomon: 345 (14.13), 329 (13.14 and (4.12, 15), 348 (4.12), 349 14.27), 341 (25.26) (4.12-16), 354 (2.5, 5.15), Psalms: 239 (4.3), 287 356 (8.13, 14 and also 4.6 (127.1), 288 (20.7, 8), and 2.8), 357 (4.8, 14, 292, 295 (91.5), 296 16), 358 (4.6 and 6.1, 2, (95.1), 296-297 (18.2), 297 11), 360 (8.14), 363 (18.11 and Psalm 97), 298 (general reference) (Psalm 104), 302 (27.1, I Thessalonians: 286 5), 311 (48.1) and (4.16-18) 121.1,2), 313 (Ps. 18 and II Thessalonians: 442 (2.8) 27.5; also 77.19, 20 and Biblia Pauperumi 345 78.13, 14 and Psalms 105 Bigg, William Redmore: 162n and 106), 316 (27.5 and Bird, Edward: 48, 57, 59, 60, 91.4), 318 (Ps. 90), 320 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 161, (78.15, 16), 325 (23.2), 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 186 326 (36.7 and 91.4), 328- Bishop Gray of Bristol: 284 329 (36.8, 9), 341 (137.1- Blair, Hugh: 113n, 114 4), 343 (137.8), 360 Blake, William: 58, 91, 93, 106, (92.12, 13), 366 (37.18), 113, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 372 (100.4), 374 (78.54), 132, 133, 135, 136, 141, 378 (90.2), 399 (Ps. 137), 147, 155, 157, 257, 303, 535 304, 305, 335-336, 337, 382, British Constitution: 219 383, 393, 430n, 440, 444, Brixton: 31 447, 453-454, 458, 459 Bronte, Charlotte: 85 Bohme, Jacob: 155 Brothers, Richard: 403, 404 Bone, H.P.: 449n Brougham, Henry, Lord: 202, Bosch, Hieronymus: 152 213, 226 Bowden, J.: 166 Brown, Revd John: 411, 420 Boydell & Co., publishers: 2, 92, Bruegel, Pieter the Elder: 117, 107, 142, 144, 449n 118, 185, 186, 351 and Braikenridge, George Weare: 52, Plates 12 and 13 53, 64-65 Brueghel, Jan ('Velvet' Brueghel): Branwhite, N.C.: 60, 63, 64, 99 336-337 Brereton, Colonel: 283 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward: 101, Briggs, H.P.: 396 112, 262 Bristol Bunyan, John: 88-89, 91, 92, 98, artists: 28, 29 and pages 130, 131, 180, 181, 182, 183, 48-75 184, 185, 193, 224, 383, Bristol Mercury: 17, 24, 386, 398 25, 48, 49, 50, 77, 80, Burke, Edmund: 107-108, 113, 101, 105, 157, 233, 242, 115 257, 268, 272, 280 and Burns, Robert: 275 Appendix Three Burrington Combe: 72, 319, 322 Castle Green Chapel: 18, and Cat. 57, PI. 10 19, 28, 66, 80, 82, 103, Buxton, Thomas Fowell: 199, 195, 221, 271, 372, 418, 202, 267 462 Byron, George Gordon, Lord: city in the 19th century: 99, 149, 183, 396 see especially 15-17 and 101-102 Calvin, Jean, and Calvinism: Independency (and 79, 224, 289, 306-307, 309, Congregationalism) in 380, 416 (The Last Bristol: 18, 76-79, 82, Judgement), 450 (again, the 160-193, 372 Last Judgement), 457, 458 Institution: 23, 50, 51 Caravaggio, Michelangelo de: Political Union in Bristol: 379 282, 283 Carey, William: 139, 141 politics: 86, 160-193 Carlyle, Thomas: 96, 212, 444 (St James's Fair), 194-290 Carse, Alexander: 164 (especially page 276), 383 Castle Green Chapel, Bristol: riots: 16-17, 26, 27, 64, See Bristol, Castle Green 235-236, 281-284, 383 Chapel Society of Artists: 23, 29, Catastrophe, School of: see 166 School of Catastrophe St James's Fair: 160, 166- Catel, Franz Ludwig: 332 175 Cather, Willa: 397 Zion Chapel: 27, 28, 29, Catholic Apostolic Church: 213 42, 76-79, 80, 83, 84, 91, Catholic Emancipation: 86, 146, 100, 103, 195, 205, 231 195, 206, 207-224 (politics), 233-235 Cayme, Elizabeth (Mary Colman's (scandal), 235 (riots), 271, sister): 32 and Appendix 273, 371, 372-373, 462; One also Cat. 15 and Plates Cayme, James Sr. (Mary 70-73 Colman's father): 9, 10, 11 536 and Appendix One 423 Cayme, James Jr. (Mary career and background: 9-36 Colman's brother): 11, 32 criticism of his art in and Appendix One relation to the Bristol Chalmers, Dr Thomas: 77, 78, School: 66-75 79-80, 84, 192, 212, 216, 371 death: 35, 36 Charles X of France: 200, 221, marriage: 9-10 263-264, 279 mysticism: 308, 310, 311 Christ, symbols of: 269-271, optimism demonstrated in his Chapter 7 (292-361), esp.
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