INTERNATIONAL CALLING RATES International Rates The following International rates apply to the SIP Trunking and FusionWorks products only. For Fusion360 rates, please see the Partner Desktop or contact [email protected]. Initial Billing Increment / Additional Billing Increment Standard 30 sec / 6 sec Mexico, all carriers 60 sec / 60 sec Destination Code(s) Rate / min Afghanistan Areeba Mobile AF0009377M $0.84 Afghanistan At Mobile AF0009375M $0.78 Afghanistan Awcc Mobile AF0009370M $0.79 Afghanistan Etisalat Mobile AF0009378M $0.77 Afghanistan Other AF0000093L $0.66 Afghanistan Roshan Mobile AF0009379M $0.84 Albania Amc Mobile AL0035568M $1.00 Albania Eagle Mobile AL0035567M $0.93 Albania Olo AL3554249L AL3554250L AL3554251L AL3554252L $5.20 Albania Other AL0000355L $0.22 Albania Plus Mobile AL0035566M $0.39 Albania Tirana AL0355422L AL0355423L AL0355424L $0.12 Albania Vodafone Mobile AL0035569M $0.79 Algeria Algiers DZ0021320L DZ0021321L DZ0021322L DZ0213982L DZ0213983L $0.11 Algeria Mpta Mobile DZ0002136M DZ0021398M DZ0021399M $0.42 Algeria Orascom Mobile DZ0002137M DZ0021396M $0.54 Algeria Other DZ0000213L $0.26 Algeria Wataniya Mobile DZ0002135M $1.54 American Samoa Mobile AS0016842M AS0168473M $0.08 American Samoa Other AS0001684L $0.36 Andorra Mobile AD0003763M AD0003764M AD0003766M $0.35 Andorra Other AD0000376L $0.08 Angola Movicel Mobile AO0024491M AO0024499M $0.54 Angola Other AO0000244L $0.30 Angola Unitel Mobile AO0024492M AO0024493M $0.14 Anguilla Digicel Mobile AI1264536M AI1264537M AI1264538M AI1264539M AI1264543M AI1264581M AI1264582M AI1264583M AI1264584M $0.78 Anguilla Mobile AI1264235M AI1264469M AI1264476M AI1264729M AI1264772M $0.78 Anguilla Other AI0001264L $0.39 Antarctica All Country AQ0006721L $4.83 AG1268464M AG0126872M AG1268732M AG1268734M AG1268736M AG1268764M AG0126877M AG1268780M AG1268781M AG1268782M AG1268783M AG1268784M Antigua Barbuda Mobile $0.20 AG1268785M AG1268786M AG1268788M AG1268789M Antigua Barbuda Other AG0001268L $0.53 Argentina Buenos Aires AR0005411L $0.03 Argentina Central AR0054230L AR0054232L AR0054291L AR0054299L AR0054342L AR0054348L AR0054353L AR0054358L AR0054381L AR0054387L $0.16 Argentina Cordoba AR0054351L $0.03 Argentina La Plata AR0054221L $0.03 Argentina Mar Del Plata AR0054223L $0.03 Argentina Mendoza AR0054261L $0.03 Argentina Mobile AR0000549M $0.27 Argentina Other AR0000054L $0.03 Argentina Rosario AR0054341L $0.03 Armenia Armentel Mobile AM0037491M AM0037496M AM0037499M $0.24 Armenia Karabakh AM0037447L $0.51 Armenia Karabakh Mobile AM0037497M $0.27 Armenia Non Geographical AM0037460L $0.23 Armenia Orange Mobile AM0037455M AM0037495M $0.25 Armenia Other AM0000374L $0.43 Armenia Viva Cell Mobile AM0037477M AM0037493M AM0037494M AM0037498M $0.24 Armenia Yerevan AM0037410L $0.16 Aruba Digicel Mobile AW0029763M AW0029764M AW0029773M AW0029774M $0.78 Aruba Mobile AW0029756M AW0029759M AW0297600M AW0297622M AW0029766M AW0029769M AW0029796M AW0029799M $0.32 Aruba Other AW0000297L $0.27 Ascension Island All Country AC0000247L $5.75 AU0061261L AU0061262L AU0006128L AU0006129L AU0061380L AU0061381L AU0061382L AU0061383L AU0061384L AU0061385L AU0061386L AU0061387L AU0061388L Australia Metro Cities AU0006139L AU0006173L AU0061860L AU0061861L AU0061862L AU0061863L AU0061864L AU0061865L AU0061870L AU0061871L AU0061872L AU0061873L AU0061874L $0.03 AU0061881L AU0061882L AU0061883L AU0061884L AU0061892L AU0061893L AU0061894L Australia Mobile AU0006114M AU0006116M AU0000614M $0.17 AU0061401M AU0061402M AU0061403M AU0061411M AU0061412M AU0061413M AU0061421M AU0061422M AU0061423M AU0061431M AU0061432M AU0061434M Australia Optus Mobile $0.18 AU0061435M AU0061466M AU0614683M AU0614684M AU0614685M AU0614686M AU0614687M AU0614688M AU0614689M AU0061478M AU0614790M AU0614791M Australia Other AU0000061L $0.03 Australia Special Services AU0006113L $0.06 Fusion Voice Calling Rates | Effective April 1, 2015 | Page 1 Copyright ©2018 – Fusion, All rights reserved Destination Code(s) Rate / min AU0061400M AU0061407M AU0061408M AU0061409M AU0061417M AU0061418M AU0061419M AU0061427M AU0061428M AU0061429M AU0061437M AU0061438M Australia Telstra Mobile AU0061439M AU0614444M AU0061447M AU0061448M AU0061457M AU0061458M AU0061459M AU0061467M AU0061477M AU0061487M AU0614880M AU0614881M $0.17 AU0614882M AU0614883M AU0614884M AU0614885M AU0614886M AU0614887M AU0614889M AU0061498M AU0061499M Australia Territories All Country AU0000672L $5.33 AU0061404M AU0061405M AU0061406M AU0061410M AU0061414M AU0061415M AU0061416M AU0061420M AU0061424M AU0061426M AU0061449M AU0061450M Australia Vodafone Mobile $0.19 AU0061451M AU0061452M AU0061453M Austria Corporate AT0043501L AT0043502L AT0043503L AT0043504L AT0043505L AT0043506L AT0043507L AT0043508L AT0043509L AT0043517L AT0004357L AT0004359L $0.03 Austria H3g Mobile AT0043660M AT4367833M AT4367890M AT4367891M $0.13 Austria Mobile AT0043711M AT0043730M AT0043740M AT0043810M AT0043820M $0.48 Austria Mobilkom Mobile AT0043664M AT0043680M AT0043688M AT4369988M AT4369989M $0.13 Austria Orange Mobile AT0043681M AT0043699M $0.14 Austria Other AT0000043L $0.04 Austria T-Mobile Mobile AT0043650M AT0043676M AT0043677M $0.06 Austria Vienna AT0000431L $0.04 Azerbaijan Mobile AZ0099444M AZ0099450M AZ0099451M AZ0099460M AZ0099470M AZ0099477M $0.50 Azerbaijan Other AZ0000994L $0.33 BS1242357M BS1242359M BS1242375M BS1242376M BS1242395M BS1242421M BS1242422M BS1242423M BS1242424M BS1242425M BS1242426M BS1242427M BS1242428M BS1242429M BS1242431M BS1242432M BS1242433M BS1242434M BS1242435M BS1242436M BS1242437M BS1242438M BS1242439M BS1242441M BS1242442M BS1242443M BS1242445M BS1242446M BS1242447M BS1242448M BS1242449M BS1242451M BS1242452M BS1242453M BS1242454M BS1242455M Bahamas Mobile BS1242456M BS1242457M BS1242458M BS1242462M BS1242463M BS1242464M BS1242465M BS1242466M BS1242467M BS1242468M BS1242470M BS1242471M $0.32 BS1242472M BS1242473M BS1242474M BS1242475M BS1242476M BS1242477M BS1242478M BS1242479M BS1242481M BS1242524M BS1242525M BS1242533M BS1242535M BS1242544M BS1242551M BS1242552M BS1242553M BS1242554M BS1242556M BS1242557M BS1242558M BS1242559M BS1242565M BS1242577M BS1242636M BS1242646M BS1242727M Bahamas Other BS0001242L $0.41 Bahrain Mena Telecom Wimax BH0097377L $0.09 Bahrain Mobile BH0097331M BH0973322M BH0973383M BH0973384M BH0973385M BH0973388M BH0097339M $0.05 Bahrain Mtc Mobile BH0097336M BH0973377M BH0973663M BH0973666M $0.26 Bahrain Other BH0000973L $0.23 Bahrain Premium BH0973900L $0.10 Bahrain Viva Fixed BH9731310L BH9737178L $0.50 Bahrain Viva Mobile BH0097333M BH0973340M BH0973341M BH0973343M BH0973344M BH0973345M $0.17 Bangladesh Chittagong BD0088031L $0.07 Bangladesh Dhaka BD0008802L BD0880666L $0.07 Bangladesh Mobile BD0088011M BD0088015M BD0088016M BD0088017M BD0088018M BD0088019M $0.07 Bangladesh Other BD0000880L $0.21 Barbados Digicel Mobile BB1246256M BB1246257M BB1246258M BB1246259M BB0124626M BB0124682M BB0124683M $0.74 Barbados Mobile BB0124623M BB0124624M BB1246250M BB1246251M BB1246252M BB1246253M BB1246254M BB1246255M BB0124645M $0.30 Barbados Other BB0001246L $0.32 Belarus Minsk BY0037517L $0.36 Belarus Mobile BY0375255M BY0375256M BY0375257M BY0375259M BY0037529M BY0037544M $0.42 Belarus Mts Mobile BY0375292M BY0375295M BY0375297M BY0375298M BY0037533M $0.42 Belarus Other BY0000375L $0.47 Belarus Telematic BY0375602L $3.22 Belgium Base Mobile BE0003248M $0.20 Belgium Mobile BE0032463M BE0324681M BE0324682M BE0324683M $0.63 Belgium Mobistar Mobile BE0003249M $0.23 Belgium Other BE0000032L $0.12 Belgium Proximus Mobile BE0032460M BE0003247M $0.10 Belgium Special BE0003270L $0.09 Belize Mobile BZ0005016M $0.39 Belize Other BZ0000501L $0.36 Benin Bell Benin Mobile BJ0022992M BJ0022993M $0.33 Benin Globacom Mobile BJ0022968M BJ0022998M BJ0022999M $0.35 Benin Libercom Mobile BJ0022990M $0.34 Benin Moov Mobile BJ0022964M BJ0022994M BJ0022995M $0.34 Benin Mtn Mobile BJ0022966M BJ0022967M BJ0022996M BJ0022997M $0.32 Benin Other BJ0000229L $0.35 Bermuda Mobile BM0014413M BM0144150M BM0144151M BM0144152M BM0144153M BM0144155M BM0144159M BM0014417M $0.05 Bermuda Other BM0001441L $0.20 Bhutan Mobile BT0097516M BT0097517M BT0097577M $0.16 Bhutan Other BT0000975L $0.31 Fusion Voice Calling Rates | Effective April 1, 2015 | Page 2 Destination Code(s) Rate / min BO5914400L BO5914401L BO5914402L BO5914403L BO5914404L BO5914405L BO5914406L BO0591441L BO0591442L BO0591443L BO0591444L BO0591445L BO0591446L Bolivia Cochabamba $0.12 BO0591447L BO0591448L BO0591449L Bolivia Entel Mobile BO0059167M BO0059168M BO0059171M BO0059172M BO0059173M BO0059174M $0.22 BO5912500L BO5912510L BO5912511L BO5912512L BO9125131L BO5912514L BO9125188L BO9125189L BO9125190L BO9125191L BO5912520L BO5912521L BO5912522L BO5912523L BO5912524L BO5912525L BO5912526L BO5912527L BO5912528L BO9125291L BO9125292L BO9125293L BO9125294L BO9125295L BO9125296L BO9125297L Bolivia Equal Access BO9125298L BO9125299L BO9125310L BO9125311L BO9125312L BO9125313L BO9125314L BO5912600L BO9126052L BO9126053L BO5912610L BO5912612L BO9126130L $0.11 BO9126131L BO5912614L BO9126178L BO9126179L BO9126190L BO9126191L BO9126211L BO9126212L BO5912622L BO5912623L BO5912624L BO5912625L BO5912626L BO5912627L BO5912628L BO9126310L BO9126311L BO9126312L BO9126313L BO9126314L BO9134150L BO9134151L BO5913420L BO5913421L BO9134220L BO9134221L BO5913462L BO5913463L BO5913464L BO5913465L BO5913466L BO5913467L BO9134710L BO9134711L BO9134712L BO9134713L BO9134714L BO9138310L BO9138311L BO9138312L BO9138313L BO9138314L BO5913842L BO9138439L BO5913844L BO5913845L BO5913846L BO5913847L BO5913850L BO5914600L
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