ISHPES Congress2011 From GymnasticstOSports– Relations,Interactions,Contradictionsin the Past andthe Present: ACongress on the Occasion Ofthe FOunding Ofthe GermanTurnerMOvementin1811 Frankfurt,August8-12,2011 Program and Abstracts Content Greetingsfrom..................................................................1 GudrunDOll-Tepper................................................................1 RainerBrechtken...................................................................3 AnnetteHOfmann andGertrudPfister...................................5 Committees......................................................................7 WhOisWho.......................................................................8 GeneralInfOrmation .......................................................10 PrOgram..........................................................................11 MondayAugust 8,2011 .......................................................11 TuesdayAugust9,2011 ......................................................12 WednesdayAugust 10,2011 ...............................................14 ThursdayAugust 11,2011...................................................16 FridayAugust 12,2011........................................................18 YOungSchOlarPrOgram.................................................19 Abstracts ........................................................................20 Greetingsfrom GudrunDOll-Teppe r Greetingsfrom GudrunDOll-Tepper Dear CongressParticipants, Itis mygreatpleasure towelcomeall representAtives, delegates, friendsand pArtners as well as academics andmembers of ISHPES in the name of myself andonbehalf of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) tothe congress in Frankfurt.Embedded in an idyllic surrounding, the seatof the GermanOlympic Sports Confederation,the German GymnasticsFederation(DTB) and severalother sportorganizAtions are located in the midstof the urban forestin Frankfurt.IamveryhappythatISHPESdecidedonthis location,expressingthe close relationshipbetween turnen ,sportand gymnasticsand their long traditioninourcountry.The ISHPES Congress 2011 picksuptopicsthatcombineand connectall three movementcultures. Itis devoted totheirrelationships, mutual influencesaswell as the societal expectAtions andpoliticaldemands. The central congress topicsare of greAtimportance, regarding the comprehensionofourcurrentmovementculture.OriginAting from Europe, turnen,gymnastics andsportdeveloped worldwide. Their fascinationisdisplayed Atthe Olympic Games and bothatnational and international championships as wellasworld championships, World Games,CommonwealthGames and the Universiades. Their variousopportunities,educational values and social possibilities 1 Greetingsfrom influence people of all countriesand continentsfar beyond internAtional sportevents. In order tocope withall currentchallenges, weneedtocultivAtethe rootsofourmovement.Onlybyrecollecting ourhistoryandby campaigning for ourvenerable values, can wefulfilloursignificant role in society withregard tothe education of young people. In thissense,Iwish youall asuccessfulcongress. Mygoodwishes are connected withgratitude and appreciationfor the work of ISHPES and ourexcellentcooperAtion. This should be of greAtmotivAtionfor ustokeepupAnd extend ourfruitfulcooperationinthe future. Yours faithfully, GudrunDoll-Tepper Vice-Presidentof the German OlympicSportsConfederAtion (DOSB) 2 Greetingsfrom RainerBrechtken RainerBrechtken Dear CongressParticipants, th 2011 is devoted tothe 200 anniversaryof turnen in Germany.The DTB celebrates thisunder the motto“200 Years of Turnen–200 Years of Social Responsibility”. Withabout fivemillion members, the German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) is the second biggestsportsfederationinGermany.Itis responsible for elitesports, leisure sportsand healthactivitiesfor womenand men,old andyoung,aswell as people of diverse social and ethnic backgrounds. This is mirrored in itsbrands, namely “Turnen”,“Gymwelt” and“Kinderturnen”. Currently,more than 1.6million children participAteinthe Kinderturnensportsprograms provided bythe German Turn- and Sportsvereins (sportsclubs) . Theyare acknowledged as the “nurseriesofsports”.The turner movementtakes over agreAtamount of responsibility withregard tohealthpromotionthrough exercise. Turnen andgymnasticsconstitutethe framework for the various programs forbothmen and womenofanyage withinthe fitness and the recreAtional sportsector (GYMWELT) of the Turnvereins. Approximately2.2million women between the age of 18 and 70 3 Greetingsfrom constitute70%ofall membersofthe Turnvereins.900,000 members are over the age of 60. The turner movementand its Turnvereins wereasupportingpillarin the freedom movementof 1848 and the following democratic developmentsinGermany.The manymembers who take on honoraryresponsibilitiesinthe Vereins havebeen an indispensable componentof civic involvementin sport.Solidarity and social community are formAtiveelementsofthe turnermovement. The ISHPES congress will on the onehandbeapossibility tospread the ideological ideasand the physical conceptsof turnen internAtionally;onthe otherhand, itis importanttosee how turnen , gymnasticsand sporthavedeveloped in other countries. Iwish youallaninteresting congress and fruitfuldiscussions. Rainer Brechtken Presidentof the Deutsche Turner-Bund (DTB) 4 Greetingsfrom AnnetteHOfmann GertrudPfister AnnetteHOfmann andGertrudPfister Dear Colleaguesand Friends, In the name of ISHPES,wewanttowelcome youtoFrankfurtandto the Congress “From Gymnastics toSportsRelations, Interactions, Contradictionsinthe Pastand the Present:aCongress on the Occasionofthe Foundingofthe German Turner Movementin 1811”. We areveryglad thatabout 80ISHPES members from almost20 countries found their wAytothe “Walter-Kolb-Haus–Lindner Sports Academy” toshare their knowledge on the global historyof turnen , gymnasticsand sports. We are looking forward toexcitinglectures and fruitfuldiscussions. We thankthe GermanGymnastics Federation (DTB) for hosting usin th itsSportsAcademyandwewill celebratetogetherthe 200 anniversaryof the German TurnerMovement. The establishmentof the firstgymnastics ground ( Turnplatz )inBerlin in 1811 byFriedrich Ludwig Jahn markedthe beginningofanew movementculture called turnen.Whereas Jahn’spredecessor Johann Friedrich GutsMuths emphasized the importance of gymnasticsfor the education of bodyand mind,Jahn aimedat 5 Greetingsfrom pAtriotismand militarypreparedness of young men. Atthe same time, PerHenrik Ling “invented”Swedish Gymnastics and modern sport th emerged in England. In the 19 century, turnen,gymnasticsand sport spreadacross Europe andsoon gained worldwideacceptance. All three movementcultureswere invented bymenand for men; women were “latecomers”andbegan toparticipateinthe secondhalfofthe century.Before World War I, newformsofgymnastics inspiredby modern dance became A“women’smovement” in European countries. Gymnastics, turnen andsportnotonlycompeted witheach other but also influencedeach other in variouswAys. As aresultof sportificationprocesses, artistic andrhythmic gymnasticsdeveloped intocompetitivesportsatnational andinternational levels. th In the 20 century“Sportfor All”withanemphasis on health, funand recreation became pArtof aglobal bodyculture movement.In addition,anincreasing number of traditional sportsand games as well as newsporting activities found their enthusiastic adherents. The 2011 ISHPES Congresswillcover thisbroad range of topics related tovariousmovementculturesaround the world, as well as to the relationshipsand influences between them. We wish youall an interesting andexcitingCongress and an enjoyAblestAyin Frankfurt. Annette Hofmann and Gertrud Pfister OrganizAtionCommittee 6 Committees HonOrary Committee: Rainer Brechtken (German Gymnastics Federation, DTB) GudrunDoll-Tepper (German Olympic SportFederAtion, DOSB) Committees Organization Committee: Chair of Committee (German GymnasticsFederAtion,DTB; Ludwigsburg University of Education) GertrudPfister (University of Copenhagen) SandraHeck (Ruhr-University Bochum) Kai Reinhart (University of Münster) DieterDonnermeyer (German Gymnastics Federation,DTB) Martina Dröll (German Gymnastics Federation,DTB) ScientificCommittee: Chair of Committee: GertrudPfister (University of Copenhagen) Annette Hofmann (DTB; Ludwigsburg University of Education) Gigliola Gori (University of Urbino) Patricia Vertinsky (University of British Columbia) ThierryTerret (University of Lyon) Aino Sarje (Jyväskylä University) Gerald Gems (NorthCentral College) Leena Laine (Jyväskylä University) ManfredLämmer (German SportsUniversity Cologne) Malcom MacLean (University of Gloucesterhire) Maureen Smith (California StAteUniversity AtSacramento) Michael Krüger (University of Münster) Sandra Heck (Ruhr-University Bochum) 7 WhOisWhO WhOisWhO Anne tteHOfmann Head of the OrganizingCommittee GertrudPfister Organizing Committee andHead of the Scientific Committee Martin aDröll OrganizingCommittee,DTB 8 WhOisWhO SandraHeck OrganizingCommittee Responsiblefor Young Scholars Silke Buck Organizing Committee I rinaHuber Organizing Committee KaiNörrlinger Shuttle Service andTechnician 9 GeneralInfOrmation GeneralInfOrmation Internetaccess: There are twocomputers Available Atthe hotel lobby.Ifyouneed internetin the conference roomsyouneed tobuy acode. POwerPOint Please bringyourPowerpoint-file about 10minutes beforeyour sessionstartstoinstalliton the computer. Meals Lunch is providedonAugust9-11. On August11, wewill also haveadinnerinthe Lindner hotel which is includedinyourregistrationfee.
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