» ENJOY! Jewish Observer A publication of the Jewish Federation of Central New York of Central New York PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID, SYRACUSE, NY & ADDITIONAL OFFICES SYRACUSE, ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD | WWW.JEWISHFEDERATIONCNY.ORG AUGUST 2020 | TAMMUZ-ELUL 5780 JEWS and FOOD LOOK: DON’T MISS: INSIDE: LOCAL COOKBOOKS RABBIS JEWISH OLD AND NEW WHO COOK BAKERS ( 10 ) ( 11 ) ( 12 ) Jewish Observer August 2020 of Central New York Published by D’var Torah Jewish Federation of Central New York From the Editor 5655 Thompson Road DeWitt, NY 13214 The relationship between Speaking Holy-Eating Holy Jews and food is very intense. by Rabbi Irvin S. Beigel phone: 315-445-2040 x106 Even meeting God does not fax: 315- 445-1599 An entire TV channel is seem to deter us from a good jewishfederationcny.org meal, as we read in Exodus: dedicated to food. The gov- “They saw the God of Israel; ernment is charged with and there was under His feet assuring that food sold to the like of a paved work of us is safe and unadulter- sapphire stone….and they ated. Responsible parents are careful that their children do not subsist only on candy. Newspapers employ food critics President/CEO ......................................................................................................Michael Balanoff Barbara Davis beheld God, and did eat and Board Chair.............................................................................................................Neil Rosenbaum drink.” to review restaurants. The theme of this Jewish Observer is Editor ...............................................................................................................................Barbara Davis “Jews and Food.” It would seem that what we eat is a mat- If you Google “Jewish cookbook” you get 4,760,000 results. ter of significant concern to a lot of people, including a lot If you search on Amazon, you get over a thousand purchasing of Jews. So I am perplexed when I hear someone say with suggestions, some with clever titles like Shuk and Sababa or authority and conviction that “it is not what goes into your Eat Something: A Wise Sons Cookbook for Jews Who Like Food mouth that matters, but what comes out of your mouth.” Put and Food Lovers Who Like Jews. There are Jewish cookbooks aside the fact that this statement is a paraphrase of a verse The Jewish Federation of Central New York is a proud member of the Jewish Federations of North America. for paleo dieters, traditionalists, gourmets, vegetarians, food- in the Christian Bible. Jews who say this are usually ratio- ies, kids, the gluten-free, food processors and slow cookers, nalizing their non-observance of kashrut. The irony is that Southern belles, princesses, internationalists, low-fat dieters, the same Jews who will say that what goes into your mouth kosher carnivores, Jewish-Americans, Italian Jewish-Ameri- is unimportant will have lengthy conversations about their Produced by cans, people who like Israeli food and those who love delica- favorite restaurants. tessen. There’s a literary cookbook of Jewish fairy tale feasts, To be clear, Jewish tradition is very concerned about the a Jewish Food Hero Cookbook and an Easy Way Out Passover words that come out of our mouths. Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan cookbook. There’s a Jewish vegan cookbook and another en- (died 1933) wrote a book called Chafetz Chaim. It is entirely titled The 100 Most Jewish Foods: A Highly Debatable List. devoted to speech that is permissible and speech that is Publisher/Chief Revenue Officer .......................................................................................Barbara E. Macks There’s even a Book of Schmaltz. forbidden by the Torah and Jewish law. Judaism is also con- [email protected] Gil Marks’ 656-page Encyclopedia of Jewish Food provides Creative Director .......................................................................................................................................J.P. Thimot cerned, however, with what we eat at home and away. Spiritu- [email protected] a fascinating measure of the depth and breadth of Jewish ality is to be found not on the mountaintop, but in the activi- food. So does this month’s Jewish Observer. You will read Lead Designer ..................................................................................................................................Kimberly Miers ties of everyday life. Animals and people need food. People, [email protected] about rabbis who cook, Jews who bake and a Jewish writer unlike animals, can use eating as a means to inculcate in Senior Graphic Designers ........................................................................Josh Flanigan, Nicholas Vitello who collects local recipes for posterity. There are articles ourselves spiritual and ethical values. We live in a time of Sales Director ....................................................................................................................Cynthia Oppenheimer about a Jewish garden, a unique food store and a unique res- great turmoil and anxiety. Everything seems to be changing [email protected] taurant owned by members of our community. We hope you and the future is uncertain. We look for an anchor, a mooring Sales Executives ....................................................................................................................................Keren Green will enjoy this issue and will, in the words of my grandmother, in something that is enduring and meaningful. Judaism pro- [email protected] ess gesundheit – eat in good health. vides that mooring. Contrary to popular misconception, the But in today’s world, we cannot discuss food without also Torah nowhere mentions health or hygiene as a reason for considering its corollary: food insufficiency. When the food keeping kosher. It does mention holiness, a concept incorpo- pantry at Temple Concord closed due to the pandemic, one rating the values of self-discipline and compassion. significant source of food for those who need it was cut off. Let us look more closely at what the dietary laws teach Submissions: Federation created the Matan b’Seter/Giving in Secret food us. First, there is connection to other Jews. When we observe Submit editorial stories, photos, and calendar items by the 1st of cabinet at Menorah Park as an alternative resource for a kashrut, we strengthen the bonds that tie Jews together. the preceding month of issue to: [email protected]. group of people whose nutritional needs are jeopardized by When we keep kosher, we are being inclusive because we To Advertise: the coronavirus: health care aides. These heroic workers face make it possible for every Jew to eat with us, and we are put- To advertise, call Cynthia Oppenheimer at 716-783-9119 x2240. many challenges on their jobs, not the least of which is pay- ting Jewish hospitality into practice. Ad space & materials are due by the 16th of each month prior to ing both bills and food costs. The community food cabinet Secondly, kashrut teaches respect for all life and for all of publication. For a rate card and any additional information, please provides non-perishable staples like canned fruits and veg- God’s creation. There are living things forbidden to us for food. email Cynthia Oppenheimer [email protected] or etables, pasta and grains, canned sauces, meats, tuna and pea- Animals that we are permitted to eat must be slaughtered in Barbara Macks [email protected]. nut butter for the hardworking aides and their families. We accordance with Jewish laws that assure minimal stress and To Subscribe: also stock it with detergent and soap, as they always have to no pain. Professor Temple Grandin, a noted scientist and ani- To subscribe, email [email protected]. Free for wash their clothes the minute they get home from work. mal rights activist, has demonstrated that kosher slaughter is Central New York area residents and donors to the Federation’s The cabinet is stocked anonymously and people take what humane slaughter. We are taught to care about the pain of an annual campaign. Non-resident subscription is $36 for 12 issues, they need when they need it. As members of the Jewish com- animal and, how much more so, of human beings. payable to the Jewish Observer. munity, we have an obligation to help those in need. We also We are required to drain blood from an animal before pre- THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) have an obligation to express our gratitude to those who, paring it to eat. Blood is life, and we must not partake of it. Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published quite literally, put their lives on the line to serve the most vul- 12 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit Meat and milk are not eaten together. Milk sustains life, and corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions $36/year; nerable in our community in the midst of a pandemic. Please meat has come from a slaughtered animal. student $10/year. POSTMASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. help. Share some of your groceries with people who may not Every time we eat, wherever we are, we are reminded that have the time, money or transportation to get to Wegman’s we are part of a holy people, that all of God’s creation must The Jewish Observer of Central New York reserves the right to cancel any advertisement when they
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