BOARD MEETING DATE: WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL 2015 TIME: 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. VENUE: BOARDROOM, WAVERLEY GATE, 2-4 WATERLOO PLACE, EDINBURGH EH1 3EG Members are reminded that they should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. It is also a member’s duty under the Code of Conduct to ensure that any changes in circumstances are reported to the Corporate Services Manager within one month of them changing. AGENDA Agenda Lead Item Member Welcome to Members of the Public and the Press Apologies for Absence 1. Items for Approval 1.1. Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 4 February 2015 BH * 1.2. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting held on 4 March 2015 BH * 1.3. Running Action Note BH * 1.4. Performance Management AMcM * 1.5. Royal Bank of Scotland Bulk Cash Service SG * 1.6. Strategic Planning Committee Revised Remit and Membership AMcM * 1.7. Corporate Risk Register DF * 1.8. Healthcare Associated Infection Update MJ * 1.9. Unscheduled Care MJ * 1.10. Edinburgh Partnership Community Plan 2015-18 AMcM * 1.11. Committee Chairs and Memberships BH * 1.12. Audit & Risk Committee - Minutes of 19 February 2015 JMcD * 1.13. Healthcare Governance Committee - Minutes of 21 January 2015 MB * 1.14. Finance & Resources Committee - Minutes of 21 January 2015 GW * 1.15. Strategic Planning Committee - Minutes of 15 January & 12 BH * February 2015 1.16. East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership Shadow Board- MA * Minutes of 22 January 2015 1.17. Edinburgh Community Health Partnership Sub-Committee - Minutes SA * of 13 November 2014 * = paper attached # = to follow v = verbal report p = presentation ® = restricted For further information please contact Peter Reith, 35672, [email protected] 1.18. Midlothian Community Health Partnership Sub-Committee Minutes PJ * of 15 January 2015 1.19. West Lothian Community Health & Care Partnership Board - Minutes FT * of 3 February 2015 1.20. West Lothian Community Health & Care Partnership Sub-Committee FT * - Minutes of 12 February 2015 2. Items for Discussion (subject to review of the items for approval) (9:35 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) 2.1. Waiting Times Performance, Progress and Elective Capacity JC * Investment 2.2. Quality Report DF/MJ * 2.3. Financial Position to February 2015 SG * 2.4. Financial Plan 2015/16 - 2019/20 SG * 2.5. Person-Centred Culture, Feedback and Complaints MJ/AB * 2.6. Local Delivery Plan 2015-16 AMcM * 2.7. Corporate Objectives 2014-15 AMcM * 2.8. Corporate Objectives 2015-16 AMcM * 2.9. Improving Access to Psychological Therapies JF * 2.10. Staff Survey Results - Presentation AB p 2.11. Impact of Research in NHS Lothian JI * 3. Next Development Session: Wednesday 6 May 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Boardroom, Waverley Gate. 4. Next Board Meeting: Wednesday 24 June 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Boardroom, Waverley Gate. 5. Resolution to take items in closed session 6. Minutes of the Private Meeting held on 4 February 2015 BH ® 7. Matters Arising 8. Royal Hospital for Sick Children & Department of Clinical Neurosciences SG ® - Addendum to Full Business Case 9. Improving Older People’s Care in Edinburgh - 2015-2016 SG ® 10. Any Other Competent Business Board Meetings in 2015 Development Sessions in 2015 6 May 2015 24 June 2015 15 July 2015 5 August 2015 2 September 2015 7 October 2015 3 November 2015* 2 December 2015 * Tuesday DRAFT 1.1 LOTHIAN NHS BOARD Minutes of the Meeting of Lothian NHS Board held at 9.30am on Wednesday 4 February 2015, in the Boardroom, Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EG Present: Non-Executive Board Members: Mr B Houston (Chair); Mrs S Allan (Vice Chair); Mrs K Blair; Mr J Brettell; Councillor D Grant; Councillor R Henderson; Professor J Iredale; Mr P Johnston; Councillor C Johnstone; Mr A Joyce (Employee Director); Mrs A Meiklejohn; Mrs A Mitchell and Dr R Williams. Executive and Corporate Directors: Mr T Davison (Chief Executive); Mr A Boyter (Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development); Mr J Crombie (Director of Scheduled Care); Dr D Farquharson (Medical Director); Mrs S Goldsmith (Director of Finance); Ms M Johnson (Executive Director Nursing, AHPs and Unscheduled Care); Professor A K McCallum (Director of Public Health and Health Policy) and Professor A McMahon (Director of Strategic Planning, Performance Reporting and Information). In Attendance: Mr D Weir (Corporate Services Manager) and Mr S R Wilson (Director of Communications & Public Affairs). Apologies for absence were received from Mr M Ash, Dr M Bryce, Mrs J McDowell, Councillor F Toner, Mr G Walker and Mr G Warner. Declaration of Financial and Non-Financial Interest The Chair reminded members they should declare any financial and non-financial interests they had in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. There were no declarations of interest. 79. Welcome and Introduction 79.1 The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting. He also welcomed back Mrs Blair who he advised had resumed her duties as the Chair of the Acute Hospitals Committee. 80. Items for Approval 80.1 The Chairman reminded members that the agenda for the current meeting had been circulated previously to allow Board members to scrutinise the papers and advise whether any items should move from the approval to the discussion section of the agenda. No such requests had been made. 80.2 The Chairman sought and received the approval of the Board to accept and agree the following recommendations contained in the previously circulated ‘For Approval’ papers without further discussion. 80.3 Minutes of the Board meeting held on 3 December 2014 – Approved. 80.4 Minutes of the Special Board meeting held on 14 January 2015 – Approved. 80.5 Running Action Note – Noted and approved. 80.6 Performance Management – The Board received the update on the existing performance against current 2014/15 HEAT targets and other relevant standards. 80.7 Corporate Risk Register – The Board agreed the recommendation to use the NHS Lothian corporate risk register, highlights of which had been contained in section 3.21 of the paper and summarised in appendix 1, to inform healthcare governance assurance requirements. 80.8 Committee Memberships - The Board agreed to appoint Mrs Julie McDowell as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. The Board also agreed to appoint Mr Iain Buchanan, Chair of the West Lothian Public Partnership Forum, to the West Lothian Community Health and Care Sub-Committee. 80.9 Audit and Risk Committee – Minutes of 8 December 2014 – Adopted. 80.10 Healthcare Governance Committee – Minutes of 25 November 2014 – Adopted. 80.11 Finance and Resources – Minutes of 12 November 2014 – Adopted. 80.12 Strategic Planning Committee – Minutes of 13 November and 11 December 2014 – Adopted. 80.13 East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership Shadow Board – Minutes of 6 November 2014 – Adopted. 80.14 Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership Shadow Board – Minutes of 18 July 2014 – Adopted. 80.15 Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership Shadow Board – Minutes of 23 October 2014 – Adopted. 80.16 West Lothian Health and Care Partnership Sub-Committee – Minutes of 18 December 2014 – Adopted. 80.17 West Lothian Health and Care Partnership Board – Minutes of 9 December 2014 – Adopted. Items for Discussion 81. Healthcare Associated Infection Update 81.1 The Board noted that both the staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and clostridium difficile HEAT targets had been breached at the year end. 2 81.2 The Board noted in terms of Ebola preparedness that a tabletop exercise had been arranged at the Western General Hospital on 13 January 2015 and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh on the 15 January 2015. It was noted that NHS Lothian was the host of the Scottish National Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Testing Service and this replaced the requirement to transport Scottish specimens to the rare and imported pathogens laboratory at Portendown, Wiltshire. It was noted that the turn around time for high possibility samples was 6 hours from time of receipt at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. 81.3 The Board noted that NHS Lothian had recently dealt with 3 possible Ebola cases and although these had tested negative at the Scottish National Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Testing Service the incidents entailed activation of local and national action plans which had worked well through a structured national public health approach that involved key local and national agencies. It was noted that staff continued to be trained in the use of personal protective equipment. 81.4 The Board noted in terms of the Vale of Leven enquiry that the Scottish Government Health Department had provided a template to Boards to undertake a review against the recommendations and would be publishing their response to the recommendations in spring 2015. It was noted that NHS Lothian would be progressing actions to address the gaps in the remaining recommendations. Details of the submission to the Scottish Government Health Department had been shared with the Healthcare Governance Committee with the recommendations cross referenced to other work including the Scottish Patient Safety Programme. It was noted that feedback was awaited from the Scottish Government in relation to NHS Lothian’s submission as well as other Health Board submissions. It was noted that work was in progress in any event to progress the recommendations. 81.5 The c-difficile position demonstrated that NHS Lothian was an outlier against other Health Boards. There had been a recent cluster of cases at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and a specific action plan was being developed in order to address c- difficile issues.
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