2012 - 2014 | CATALOG 237 W. Kellogg Road | Bellingham, WA 98226 Tel: 360.383.3000 | VP: 360.255.7182 | FAX: 360.383.4000 www.whatcom.ctc.edu www.whatcom.ctc.edu | 1 | W E L C O M E W H A T C O M C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E the Sick and Injured). The College was one of the original President’s Welcome community colleges in the country to offer classes with- out a centralized campus. As a result of that commitment, early faculty and staff became experts in developing WELCOME TO WHATCOM alternative modes of instruction to reach students with varying interests. Another early commitment was COMMUNITY COLLEGE individual attention to the educational goals and learn- Kathi Hiyane-Brown, College President ing styles of each student. The College became known throughout the country for its unique approach and as On behalf of the Board of a result grew to such an extent that centralized facilities Trustees, the faculty and the and a campus became the preferred solution to reach- staff of Whatcom Community ing the thousands of students seeking access each year. College, I want to extend a warm “Whatcom Welcome.” By the mid 1980s, the commitment to serving as many students as possible led the Board of Trustees Our tradition of serving the to begin developing a central campus in the Cordata community with a student- neighborhood. As the campus developed, younger centered approach is what makes students sought access in increasing numbers. Though our College so special. Whether you are preparing to the College has grown rapidly, it has retained a com- transfer to a university, pursuing a new career through mitment to personalized instruction and promotion of our professional technical programs, or participating success for students of all ages. in courses for personal or professional enrichment, The original philosophy of considering what was best Whatcom is a great place to be. for students was necessary for our early development WCC offers a wide range of programs, degrees and and continues to guide the actions of all who serve certificates instructed by exemplary faculty. Staff and Whatcom Community College. faculty express our shared commitment to student achievement by actively assessing instructional approaches to ensure we are helping students reach WCC FOUNDATION their goals. The campus itself is one of the most beautiful in the state and offers high-quality student Established in 1987, the mission of the Whatcom services. Student life is active and exciting with a strong Community College Foundation is to strengthen educa- student leadership team, as well as numerous student tional opportunities by providing student scholarships, clubs, activities and sports. The campus is enriched supporting faculty and staff development, and assisting by our diverse student body. International students, with key College initiatives such as student services, students of color, older students, high school students facilities and equipment needs, and community build- … they come together at Whatcom and enhance the ing activities. campus community’s understanding of our roles in a Since 2001, the Foundation—with support from global society. community members, businesses, and professional All of us at Whatcom Community College look and charitable organizations—has provided nearly $2 forward to helping you achieve a rich and fulfilling million to fund student scholarships and key college educational experience. It is an investment that will initiatives. In 2010, the Foundation established The most certainly last you a lifetime. We do hope to see President’s Circle, a new initiative that recognizes and you on campus soon. encourages annual leadership giving, providing the flexibility and strength the College needs to fulfill its mission. This generous community support helps the College achieve its mission in ways not possible with HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY state funds alone. For more information or to make a OF THE COLLEGE contribution, contact the WCC Foundation: Whatcom Community College has been serving the Phone: 360.383.3320 community since 1967 with its first programs being of- Email: [email protected] fered in 1970 (Farm Management and Transportation of Web: www.whatcom.ctc.edu/foundation | 2 | www.whatcom.ctc.edu W H A T C O M C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E Table of Contents Strategic Plan Whatcom’s strategic plan includes a mission state- ment, vision statement, promise statement and guid- ing themes and objectives. Welcome /About the College ..............................................2 Academic Calendar / Tuition and Fees ............................7 Mission Statement Whatcom Community College contributes to the Admissions / Registration / Student Records ..............13 vitality of its communities by providing quality edu- cation in academic transfer, professional-technical Student and Educational Services ...................................19 and life-long learning, preparing students for active Academic Information .........................................................29 citizenship in a global society. Degree / Certificate / Diploma Programs .....................39 Vision Statement Whatcom will be an innovative College, engaged with Course Descriptions .............................................................81 our diverse and changing communities. College Policies ....................................................................149 Promise Statement Faculty and Administration .............................................158 We transform lives through education. We accomplish Index ........................................................................................170 this by: t 4VQQPSUJOHTUVEFOUHSPXUI Campus Map .........................................................................174 t 3FTQFDUJOHTUVEFOUJOWFTUNFOU t &NCSBDJOHEJWFSTJUZ t 1SPNPUJOHFYDFMMFODF t $SFBUJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFT Guiding Themes & Objectives Expand Opportunities for Students to Achieve Their Potential t *ODSFBTFTUVEFOUTVDDFTTJOUSBOTGFSBOEDBSFFS preparation t *ODSFBTFBDDFTTBOETVQQPSUGPSTUVEFOUT t *ODSFBTFTVQQPSUGPSEJWFSTFBOEDIBOHJOH student populations t *OUSPEVDFOFXPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSTUVEFOUMFBSOJOH and engagement t &OIBODFVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGPVSSPMFJOBHMPCBM society Strengthen the Culture of Learning t "TTFTTBOEFOIBODFJOTUSVDUJPOBMEFMJWFSZBOE student learning t &TUBCMJTIB5FBDIJOHBOE-FBSOJOH$FOUFS t 1SPNPUFQSPGFTTJPOBMEFWFMPQNFOUGPSGBDVMUZ and staff (continued on next page) www.whatcom.ctc.edu | 3 | A B O U T T H E C O L L E G E W H A T C O M C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E Contribute Actively to the Vitality of Whatcom The College is recognized by the American Council County on Education, and is a member of the American Asso- t *ODSFBTF$PMMFHFTUBUVSFBTBDPNNVOJUZBOE ciation of Community Colleges, the Northwest Athletic educational partner Association of Community Colleges, and the Washing- t -FBEDPMMBCPSBUJWFFòPSUTXJUIPUIFSFEVDBUJPOBM ton Association of Community and Technical Colleges. institutions t #FBOBDUJWFQBSUOFSJOFDPOPNJDEFWFMPQNFOU STATEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL VALUES Model Sustainability WCC is committed to providing an educational t "EWBODFTVTUBJOBCJMJUZUISPVHIPVUUIFDBNQVT experience that is transformative. The College’s community promise statement outlines the following five values t *OUFHSBUFTVTUBJOBCJMJUZUISPVHIPVUUIF which guide that work: (1) supporting student growth, curriculum (2) respecting student investment, (3) embracing t *NQMFNFOUOFXiHSFFOwDFSUJöDBUFTBOEEFHSFF diversity, (4) promoting excellence, and (5) creating pathways opportunities. These values provide focus for the t 1BSUOFSXJUIDPNNVOJUZPSHBOJ[BUJPOTUP College’s collective efforts and context for measuring advocate for sustainability in the local and global its effectiveness. arena Strengthen the College’s Ability to Deliver Its CORE LEARNING ABILITIES Mission t $SFBUFBOENBOBHFHSPXUIUISPVHIöTDBM Whatcom Community College’s core learning capital, technological and human resource abilities—communication, critical thinking, global development awareness, information literacy, and quantitative t %JWFSTJGZBOETFDVSFGVOEJOHSFTPVSDFTGSPN literacy—are overarching skills that are emphasized external sources and reinforced throughout all courses at WCC. They t %FWFMPQQSPDFTTFTUPQSPNPUFBTBGFS define the skills that the College expects its students to environment for teaching, learning, and working develop by the time they graduate. The most up-to-date t 'PTUFSBDVMUVSFPGDPOUJOVPVTJNQSPWFNFOU information pertaining to the College’s core learning based on institutional effectiveness abilities can be found at www.whatcom.ctc.edu under Adopted November 19, 2009 About Whatcom, Assessment and Accreditation. LEARNING OUTCOMES ACCREDITATION Program outcomes are overarching skills that are Whatcom Community College is accredited by the emphasized and reinforced throughout several courses Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, an in a specific program. They are measurable statements institution accrediting body recognized by the Council that define the skills the College expects its students to for Higher Education Accreditation and/or the Secretary develop–over and above the core learning abilities–by of the U.S. Department of Education. The Commission is the end of a certificate or degree at Whatcom. Course located at 8060 165th Avenue NE, Suite 100, Redmond, outcomes are the most important skills the College WA 98052-3981. expects its students to develop by the end of a course and are unique to a specific course. For specific program The College’s programs of study are approved
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