개방형 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 연구 (A Study on Strategies for Invigoration of Open Mobile Ecosystem)

개방형 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 연구 (A Study on Strategies for Invigoration of Open Mobile Ecosystem)

10 Ⅰ 정책 Ⅰ 24 개 방 형 모 바 일 생 태 계 활 성 화 전 략 연 구 2 0 1 0 . 10 경 북 대 학 교 정보통신정책개발지원사업 10-정책-24 개방형 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 연구 (A Study on Strategies for Invigoration of Open Mobile Ecosystem) 2010. 10. 31 주 관 기 관 : 경북대학교 산학협력단 정보통신정책개발지원사업 10-정책-24 개방형 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 연구 (A Study on Strategies for Invigoration of Open Mobile Ecosystem) 2010. 10. 31 주 관 기 관 : 경북대학교 산학협력단 총 괄 책 임 자 : 한 기 준 (경북대학교) 제 출 문 지식경제부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 『개방형 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 연구』의 연구결과보고서로 제출합니다. 2010. 10. 31 주 관 기 관 : 경북대학교 산학협력단 총괄책임자 : 한기준 (경북대학교) 참여연구원 : 요 약 문 1. 제목 개방형 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 연구 2. 연구의 목적 및 필요성 o 현재 국내 모바일 유관기관(단말 제조사, 이통사 등)은 개방형 모바일 플랫폼을 개발하기 위한 다양한 노력을 하고 있으나 중·장기적인 국가 정책은 미흡하며 국 내에서도 모바일 플랫폼 개발에 투자하여 국가 경쟁력을 강화해야 한다. o 최근 모바일 SW 시장은 오픈 마켓 추세에 애플, 구글 등 글로벌 기업의 주도하 에 개방형 모바일 플랫폼 확보 및 콘텐츠 개발의 경쟁구도가 가속화되어 가고 있 어, 국내 기업 중심의 개방형 플랫폼기반 생태계 조성이 시급하다. o 현재 스마트폰 시장 성장에 따라 모바일 SW플랫폼에 대한 관심이 높아진데 반 해, SW플랫폼에 관련된 체계적인 현황 분석 자료가 없음. 따라서 모바일 SW플 랫폼 관련한 정책 수립에 도움이 될 수 있도록 각종 플랫폼의 전반적이며 통합적 인 동향 분석이 요구된다. o 최근 몇 년 동안 모바일 플랫폼 관련 환경에 많은 변화가 있었다. 개방형 3G 통신 환경의 확산과 더불어 모바일 단말의 다양화가 가속화되고, 최근에 Android, LiMO(Linux Mobile Foundation) 등 개방형 범용 OS 기반의 모바일 플랫폼들이 등장했다. 하지만, 국내 기술로 개발한 개방형 플랫폼은 전무하며, 관련 개발도 미 흡한 상황에서 관련 정책 연구가 요구된다. - 1 - o 목적 : 최근 모바일 SW 시장의 오픈 마켓 추세에 대응하기 위하여 개방형 모 바일 플랫폼의 체계적인 동향 분석, 모바일 네트워크의 동향 분석, 그리고 모바일 생태계 활성화 방안을 마련하고자 한다. - 개방형 모바일 플랫폼 동향 분석 - 모바일 네트워크 동향 분석 - 모바일 생태계 활성화 방안 마련 3. 연구의 내용 및 범위 연구내용 연구범위 o 국내·외 모바일 SW 시장 현황, 전망 조사 및 분석 개방형 플랫폼의 동향 o 심비안, 블랙베리 OS, 아이폰 OS, 윈도우즈 모바일, 안드 분석 로이드, LIMO 등의 모바일 SW 플랫폼의 현황, 특징, 장단점, 비즈니스 모델 등에 대한 심도 있는 분석 스마트폰을 가능하게 o 모바일 네트워크 기술에 대한 체계적이고 통합적인 분석 한 통신 방식 등 제반 및 비전 제시 (G3, G4, 와이브로, 와이파이 등) 기술에 대한 분석 모바일 생태계 활성화 o 기존 개방형 플랫폼의 문제점 분석 방안 연구 o 모바일 생태계 활성화 전략 도출 4. 연구 개발 결과 o 최종보고서 o 모바일 플랫폼 동향 분석 자료 - 2 - 5. 정책적 활용내용 o 모바일 생태계의 활성화 방안 제시에 활용 o 지식경제부의 휴대폰, TV 등을 포괄하는 SW 플랫폼 정책에 참고자료로 활용 o 모바일 산업의 글로벌 경쟁력을 제고하기 위한 정보통신정책개발지원사업 시 행계획 수립에 반영 o 모바일 생태계의 활성화 전략 제시를 통하여 모바일 소프트웨어 산업의 육성 전략 수립에 활용 o 모바일 생태계의 비즈니스 활성화를 위한 지경부의 정책 자료로 활용 o 미래의 다양한 모바일 플랫폼 서비스 솔류션 및 콘텐츠 개발 방향 제시에 활 용 6. 기대효과 o 모바일 생태계 활성화는 통신은 물론 엔터테인먼트, 뱅킹, 결제, 쇼핑, 방송 등 각종 컨버전스 서비스를 휴대 단말기 하나로 해결하는 `모바일 생활혁명'의 기폭제 역할을 할 것이란 점에서 한국 이동통신 산업의 미래와 모바일 강국 한국의 위상을 제고하고 다양한 산업 분야에서 동반 성장의 기회를 제공 o 모바일 응용 분야 국내 업체의 해외시장 개척을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고 새로운 한류상품으로 부상할 가능성 제공 o 주요 성장 산업에서 모바일 서비스의 새로운 수익원 창출 기회를 제공하고 투자를 유발하며 신규 서비스의 개발 투자에 대한 위험 부담을 줄일 수 있 을 것으로 기대 - 3 - SUMMARY 1. Title A Study on Strategies for Invigoration of Open Mobile Ecosystem 2. Objective and Importance of Research o The mobile platform is extremely powerful tool for providing various mobile service on smart phones which help to take industries, carriers, and government the next step forward the future of IT-Korea. o Mobile platform market is rapidly rising, and service providers are rushing to expand their business. In particular, mobile service technologies are most suitable to Korea to exploit its excellent IT infrastructure. So, we need the visions associated with mobile platforms, including Android and LiMO (Linux Mobile Foundation), to create a new profit and business model for promoting mobile service. o Our work will be best utilized as input data for designing and planning mobile platform services for implementing successful open mobile ecosystem. o Recently, there have been many changes in mobile platform ecosystem, however, we do not have our own open platform yet. So, we need to make plans for invigorating open mobile ecosystems. o The goal of this research is to survey mobile platforms and some related key issues to suggest a invigoration of open mobile ecosystem. - 4 - - Survey of open mobile platform - Survey of mobile networks for smartphones - Suggestion of approaches to invigorating open mobile ecosystem 3. Contents and Scope of the Research In this research, we survey some major strategical policies for suggestion of approaches to invigorating open mobile ecosystem. Topic Scope o Market analysis of mobile SW Survey of open mobile o Analysis of various mobile platforms (Symbian, platform Blackberry, I-Phone, Windows Mobile, Android, LIMO) Survey of mobile o Analysis for mobile network technologies (3G, 4G, networks for smartphones Wibro, WiFi, LTE) Suggestion of approaches o Problem alalysis of current open platforms to invigorating open o Suggestion of strategies for invigorating open mobile ecosystem mobile ecosystem 4. Research Results o Final report o Analytical report for mobile platform trend - 5 - 5. Policy Suggestions for Practical Use o Can be utilized as a supporting data for planning mobile platform service in the government and planning approaches to invigorate mobile ecosystem o Suggest strategies and an action plan for implementing open mobile platform service o Can encourage development of mobile service and solution for global markets o Can be utilized for planning governmental strategies for development of mobile software platforms and mobile contents technologies in various fields 6. Expectations o Can be utilized for planning governmental IT policy and can contribute to making appropriate mobile business model for global market in various fields including communications, entertainment, banking, payment, shopping, and broadcasting o Can be utilized as a basic political data for planning invigoration strategies of mobile IT industry to develop global market o Can contribute to making a new profit model for mobile service in growth industry, and attracting investment - 6 - 목 차 제 1 장 서 론 ························································································18 제 1 절 모바일 혁명 ·········································································18 제 2 절 모바일 환경의 변화 ···························································19 제 3 절 모바일 시장 패러다임의 변화 ·········································22 제 2 장 모바일 플랫폼의 기술 동향 ············································24 제 1 절 모바일 플랫폼의 정의 ·······················································24 제 2 절 모바일 플랫폼의 기본 구조 ···········································24 제 3 절 개방형 모바일 플랫폼 ·····················································26 제 4 절 시사점 ···················································································28 제 3 장 모바일 플랫폼의 시장 동향 ············································32 제 1 절 모바일 플랫폼의 국내외 시장 전망 ·····························32 제 2 절 스마트폰의 국내외 시장 전망 ·······································36 제 3 절 시사점 ·················································································41 제 4 장 모바일 플랫폼의 종류 및 특성 ······································48 제 1 절 리모 ·····················································································48 제 2 절 아이폰 OS ·········································································54 제 3 절 안드로이드 ·········································································60 제 4 절 심비안 OS ·········································································69 제 5 절 블랙베리 OS ·····································································75 제 6 절 윈도우 모바일 ···································································79 - 7 - 제 7 절 삼성 바다 플랫폼 ·····························································84 제 8 절 팜의 웹 OS ·······································································86 제 9 절 주요 플랫폼 특징 비교 ·····················································88 제 10 절 시사점 ·················································································91 제 5 장 모바일 플랫폼의 비즈니스 모델 및 애플리케이션 시장 동향 ·······························································95 제 1 절 개요 ·······················································································95 제 2 절 모바일 플랫폼의 비즈니스 모델 ·····································98 제 3 절 비즈니스 모델 비교 ·······················································104 제 4 절 모바일 애플리케이션 시장 동향 ·································107 제 5 절 모바일 콘텐츠 동향 ·························································114 제 6 절 시사점 ···············································································121 제 6 장 모바일 플랫폼의 주요 이슈 ············································129 제 1 절 HTML5 ············································································129 제 2 절 WAC ················································································133 제 3 절 모바일 플랫폼 보안 ·······················································141 제 4 절 기타 이슈 ·········································································146 제 5 절 시사점 ···············································································150 제 7 장 모바일 네트워크 동향 ······················································157 제 1 절 모바일 통신 시장의 변화 ·············································157 제 2 절 차세대 모바일 네트워크의 기술 동향 ·······················161 제 3 절 모바일 네트워크의 종류 ···············································165 제 4 절 시사점 ···············································································176 - 8 - 제 8 장 모바일 생태계 활성화 방안 ············································181 제 1 절 한국형 모바일 플랫폼 개발 전략 ·································182 제 2 절 한국형 통합 앱스토어 활성화 전략 ·····························183 제 3 절 HTML5 기반의 웹 플랫폼 개발 전략 ························186 제 4 절 각 전략별 비교 평가 ·····················································188 제 5 절 실행 계획 ·········································································198 제 9 장 결 론 ······················································································210 참고문헌 ································································································212 - 9 - CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ·························································18 Section 1 Mobile Revolution ·······························································18

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