December 8, 1977 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 38849 By Mr. ROYBAL (for himself and Mr. ing; to the Committee on Government Op­ tion: Ticket to Dignity"; to the Committee PATTISON of New York) : erations. on House Administration. H.R. 10283. A bill to provide for payment By Mr. PEPPER: H. Res. 934. Resolution providing for the by the United States for certain medical H. Con. Res. 441. Concurrent resolution printing of the Committee Print "Federal services and treatment provided to U.S. citi­ providing for the printing of the report "New Responsibility to the Elderly"; to the Com­ zens and permanent residents suffering from Perspectives in Health Care for Older Amer­ mittee on Reuse Administration. physical injuries attributable to the atomic icans; to the Committee on House Admin­ bomb explosions on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, istration. Japan, in August 1945; to the Committee on H. Res. 932. Resolution prcviding for the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS the Judiciary. printing of the report "Mandatory Retire­ By Mr. GILMAN: ment: The Social and Human Cost of En­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, forced Idleness"; to the Committee on Mr. BONKER introduced a bill (H.R. H. Con. Res. 440. Concurrent resolution House Administration. 10284) for the relief of Chitra Schlotterbeck; urging a continuing Presidential commit­ H. Res. 933 . Resolution providing for the whic.h was referred! to the Committee on the ment to improving Federal regulation mak- printing of the report "Senior Transporta- Judiciary. SENATE-Thursday, December 8, 1977 The Senate met at 1 p.m. and wa.s Considering only the traditional stra­ [From the New York Times, Dec. 8, 1977] called to order by Hon. SAM NUNN, a tegic doctrine of the United States, the JANE'S EDITOR SAYS B-1 DECISION MAY DOOM Senator from the State of Georgia. President's decision on the B-1 was, at THE WEST test, in my view ill advised. The strategic LoNDON, December 7.-President Carter's PRAYER defense of the United States has for two decision to scrap the B-1 strategic bomber The PRESIDING OFFICER. In the decades depended for its credibility on may help bring about a Western defeat if a absence of the Chaplain, we will have a the triad o.f strategic bombers, sub­ general nuclear war breaks out, according to minute of silent prayer. marine-launched ballistic missiles the editor of "Jane's All the World's Air­ [Pause.] craft" m a preface to the 1977-78 edition. <SLBM's), and intercontinental ballistic The editor, John W. R. Taylor, writes in Amen. missiles <ICBM'S). Unless the effective­ the authoritative annual that rejection of ness of each force is credible, the stra­ the bomber, which Mr. Carter considered too tegic posture of the United States is costly, may endanger the military balance APPOINTMEN':' OF ACTING PRESI­ severely threatened and it wa.s only the that has prevented war between the two DENT PRO TEMPORE crzdibility of the triad ccnce_pt and its major powers for a generation. The new 900- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The components that allowed us to accept the page edition, is being published tomorrow clerk will please read a communication by Jane's Yearbooks of London. unequal limitations imposed by SALT I. The Soviet leaders "must be surprised to the Senate from the President pro The B-1 bomber, to replace the aging beyond belief that the U.S. President has dis­ tempore (Mr. EASTLAND ) . and obsolescent B-52's, was designed to posed of the B-1 without asking any Soviet The assistant legislative clerk read the maintain that credibility. That consid­ concession in return," Mr. Taylor wrote. "If following letter: eration alone should have been sufficient our planet is subjected one day to the un­ U.S. SENATE, to justify the President's continuation imaginable horrors of a third world war, 1977 PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, of the program in my opinion. But there might be recorded as the year in which the Washington, D.C., December 8, 1977. is another consideration potentially seeds of defeat for the Western powers were To the Senate: sown." Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, more important, and that is the Presi­ President Carter decided earlier this year of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby dent's reliance on the development of to cancel the B-1 program, after four test appoint the Honorable SAM NUNN, a Senator air launched cruise missiles as the justi­ planes had been built. He said that the !rom the State of Georgia, to perform the fication for the termination of the B-1. United States armed forces should rely on duties of the Chair. Notwithstanding the criticisms of the the older B-52 bomber and the new cruise JAMES 0. EASTLAND, cruise. missile program contained in the missile. The Senate then voted to cut off President pro tempore. New York Times article, I believe the funds for new B-1's, but the House voted Mr. NUNN thereupon assumed the cruise missile concept to be an important yesterday to appropriate money for two more chair as Acting President pro tempore. test planes. The Senate must now vote again and valuable breakthrough in the defen­ on the issue. sive systems of the United States. How­ ever accurate the description of the in­ CITES MISSILES' LIMITED ABILITY RECOGNITION OF THE herent limitations of that cruise mis­ Mr. Taylor said that cruise missiles, which LEADERSlllP travel slower than the speed of sound, were sible program contained in the Times incapable of jamming enemy defense radar The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ article may be. the Carter administration and were intended primarily for use against pore. The Senator from West Virginia. is also in the process of developing artifi­ undefended targets. cial limitation, I believe, in the SALT II Only one military leader in history, Adolf negotiations that make even less sense, Hitler, has put his confidence in such a THE JOURNAL considering the B-1 decision. If the re­ weapori, wrote Mr. Taylor, who is a world aviation authority. And that device, the V-1 Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, ports are accurate, and I believe they are, the Carter administration is willing missile that was known as the "buzz bomb," I ask unanimous consent that the read­ caused Britain little difficulty in World War ing of the Journal of the proceedings of to impose limits on the range of the II, he said. Mr. Taylor suggested that Mr. yesterday, Wednesday, December 7, 1977, cruise missiles and our development of Carter's unilateral action probably was the be dispensed with. alternative delivery systems. reason the Soviet Union did not stage its The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ In my mind the combination of the usual display of air power at celebrations in pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. decision on the B-1 program and the October marking the 60th anniversary of the apparent intent to negotiate severe Russian revolution. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Mr. Taylor said that perhaps only West I have no need for my time. limits on the program touted as justifi­ Europeans, living within range of two power­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ cation for that decision raises severe and ful Soviet aircraft, the Tupolev bomber, pore. The Senator from Tennessee. significant questions concerning this ad­ known in the West as the Backfire, and the ministration's will and determination to Sukhoi Su-19 attack plane, felt strongly maintain an unchallengeable strategic apprehensive when their own aircraft were THE B-1 BOMBER defensive posture. ranged alongside the Soviet arsenal. That The New York Times article, referenc­ force includes about 1,400 intercontinental Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, an article ballistic missiles, 600 in-termediate- and that appeared in this morning's edition ing this year's edition of "Jane's." fur­ medium-range missiles, 950 submarine­ of the New York Times concerning the ther underscores this concern; and I ask launched missiles and 200 older long-range President's decision to terminate the B-1 Mr. President, that it be printed in its bombers, "each capable of annihilating a development program reflects the con­ entirety at this point in the RECORD. city in a second of time," he wrote. cerns that many of my colleagues on There being no objection, the article DEFENDS LIMITED B-1 PRODUCTION both sides of the aisle in this Chamber was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Mr. Taylor said the United States did and in the House share. as follows: not need to base its B-1 decision on a 38850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE December 8, 1977 previously estimated full fleet of 244, with President pro tempore (Mr. METCALF). Mr. President, one of John McClellan's an initial cost of $28 billion. "Even 100 B-1's Under authority of the order of De­ lifelong interests was the provision of would have compelled the Soviet Union to cember 7, 1977, the Secretary of the Sen­ adequate health care for our citizens. expend huge sums of money and immense Much of his time and energy in the last effort on developing, producing and main­ ate, on December 8, 1977, received a taining defenses against air attack," he message from the House of Representa­ few years was spent in an effort to make wrote. tives: this dream a reality by securing the con­ The editor warned that the United States The message announced that the struction in Little Rock of a modern re­ also was delaying replacement of its inter­ House has passed the bill (S. 1340) to au­ placement veterans hospital.
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