{,~: ."4 ~' '--'~:': l~~'~"!"'-I,~;;-~~~;::'~ ':',~ .. '~":;';/Ie~-.:~~:r;:~~~"~",:,-"'" i ~ T:·:;i~:0J~~~W~T1.W_Yrl'!'ft""t;\:'l;~~ (} '. 'C":'~ ..... I$soliir,ifit~IS:' '. ~ 1417 Protest of massive t0wers: on resi,dential streets by Utility Oompany 1418 Claims & Demands - September, 1972 '. 1419 Support of Federal-Aid Urban System 1420 Request Marin County Board of Supervisors adopt Resolution requesting State Dept. of Public Works approve procedures for determining Fed. Aid-est. Fed. Aid Urban System Comm. 1421 Accepting e~sement for street purposes over and upon certain real property from Geo. C. & Lois J. Davison . 1422 Report of Cost & Assessment-San Francisco Blvd. between SFD & City Limits allowing payment of asse'ssments in installments. 1423 Opposition to Proposition 14 and urging its defeat in November 1424 Claims & Demands - October, 1972 1425 Setting Policy for orderly destruc~ion of records-City Clerk's Offioe & Finance , . Office 'r. vC t C"C-4•• ~ .. ' 1426 Authorizing agreement for the Purchase of Tax Deeded Property from County of Marine,) 1427 Acoeptance ,of improvements on a portion of Laurel Avenue (i:>c .zCc S'~(;-( 1428 Claims & Demands - November, 1972 1429 Transfer of territory in S.A.· owned by Robert B. Hamil ton & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kupbens, to San, Rafael 1430 Fee for a Design Review application 1431 Claims & Demands - December, 1972 1432 Intention to Incur bonded indebtedness for acquisition of, Open Spaoe. Lands (Election­ 1433 Appointing speoial bond counsel and authorizing execution of agreement (Election) .1434 Appointing :financial oonsu1tants and authorizing execmti,on of agreement (Election) 1435 Requesting Board of Supervisors of the County of Marin to permit County Clerk to render specifi~d services relating to the conduet of an election (Eleotion~ 1436 Accepting deed from County of Marin for purchase of property (max-deeded)4 parcel~ 1437 Requesting allocation of funds irom the County Road Fund of th.e County of Marin Pursuant to Section 1680 et Sequitur of the Streets and Highways Code (Urban Thoroughfare Funds, Phase II) " '{-, ~. 1:, 1438 ,Declaring Intent to ASSign Topics Allocations to County of Martn ¥ ' 1439 Deelaring intent to commit city matching funds for Topics Project :j. ~, '~{ 1440 Claims & Demands - Jamaary, 1973 ;: i: 1441 Proelaiming the existence of a Looa1 Emergency ~J'~ 11442 Urging the PresideRt and the Congress of the United States to Restore funds ~.."'.' for certain ti.M.l local assistance pregrams (1<:IIAP) Establish;l.ng arrproeedure and-method for the arderly and reasonable resolution f~3'.l~:'i~' ,,:':;'.' ' ,:' of.prob1ems concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of elltploymeJlt of the employees of the Oi ty of San Anselmo ' ffi (",. , ':"'"""'''''-''''''1 "'" r RESOLUTIONS 1 I ! 1444 Setting +ees for filing of tentative parcel maps and final.map checking fee !'.: 1445 Claims & Demands - February, 1973 1446 Deleting Luna Lane from acceptance into the San Anselmo Public Street System (See Res. 1252 & 1373) 1447 Reaffirm~ng, readopting, and ratifying actions and proceedings of the \ San Anselmo City Council during the 1972 calendar year \ ...... It. i 1448 Applying for eligibility to the sale of flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program (Flood & Mudslide Ins.) \'--' 1449 Designating Applicant's Agent - Obtaining Federal financial assi.stance DISASTER RELIEF ACT 1450 New Voter Educational Research ~undation (Marin County-Peter Meyer) 1451 Claims & Demands for March, 1973 1452 Endorsing AD 77 - controlling papulation of dags & cats -" 1453 Endorsement: 'Requirement that Cammission\of Housing & Community Development adopt specified rules and regulations relating to soil and geological reports on subdivisions 1454 Opposing AB 136 to render 32 hours a legal work week 1455 Opposing reducing from 180 to 30 days the period in which a decision by a government body regarding a subdivision may be challenged. 1456 Public Employees' Retirement System-Retirement allowances-annual cost-of-living provo 1457 Supporting SB 547 or AB 831 in order to restore full enforcem~nt power to the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District 1458 Claims & Demands for April, 1973 1459 Declaring a certain building located at 24 Timothy Avenue to be a public nuisance and ordering the demolitipn or rehabilitation thereof 1460 Supporting the development. of an area criminal justice education and training center at Santa Rosa 1461 Intention to approve an amendment to contract between the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System providing for age 50 as the minimum voluntary retirement age for local safety members with benefit payments commencing prior to age 55 subject to actuarial discount 1462 Requiring filing campaign statements before and after each election and according to a specific schedule 1463 Supporting legislation to exempt from property taxation the value of a possessory interest arising from· a life e$tate, in property certified by the Department of Parks & recreation as being of significant historical importance and value where a remainder interest in fee is vested in the state. 1464. Supporting Legislation allowing legislature to exempt from taxation the dwellings of persons aged 62 or older with an income not more than maximum set by legislature ·1465 Supporting legislation making it a misdemeanor· ·to smoke in any portion of any publicly or privately owned building, structure, transportatian equipment which is used primarily by the leneral public that is not opened to the sky :~ $ .;~ C•• iiMS & Be_ads fOl' Mar. 1974 ., .,:. "" .... , .. ". RESOLUTION NO. 1465 A RESOLUTION OF THE SM~ ANSELMO CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTING LEGISLATION ~JUCING IT A MISDEMEANOR TO SMOKE IN ANY PORTION OF ANY PUBLICLY OR PRIVATELY Ol~ED BUILDING, STRUCTURE, TRANSPORTA­ TION EQUIPMENT WHICH IS USED PRI}~RILY BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAT IS NOT OPENED TO THE SKY tiHEREAS smoking, like other addictive behavior, is poorly controlled by the smoker in the absence of externally imposed controls or strictures, and TNHEREAS A.B. No. 202 makes it a misdemeanor to smoke in any portion of any publicly or privately owned building, structure, transportation facility, or intrastate transportation equipment which is used priw~ri1y by the general public that is not opened to the sky, and , J ! I h~EREAS smoking affects both smoker and non-smoker obliged to utilize public areas, buildings or ,- services, ~~EREAS tobacco smoke is of unquestioned harmfulness to both smoker and nearby non-smokers alike, WHEREAS unrestricted smoking places the preferences and pleasures of a minority of smokers (37% of Americans) above the health and comfort of non­ smokers, including children, those disabled by allergy or by cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases, i I WHEREAS there is a growing epidemic amongst young people involving the use of unnatural and toxic substances, said use predicated primarily upon y ~i adult models of drug-abusing behavior, ,I,' WHEREAS studies document the adolescent use of marijuana and far more dangerous substances to be highest in homes where both parents smoke, and negligible in homes where neither parent smokes, ~IEREAS at lease our ideals and principles regarding drug use (if not our prac/ our practices) should be consistent with verbalized pronouncements, and that laws regarding common or public areas, buildings and carriers represent society's clearest indication of these ideals and principles, NOW THEREFORE, the San Anselmo City Council, rising above its own immediate pleasures and long-accustomed habits, in the public interest, supports A.B. No. 202. ~7Jbj_Jc?~~ ___ Helen Ragan, City Cler~ /1 I hereby certify Resolution No. 1465 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the San Anselmo City Council held May 8, 1973 by the following vote: I I AYES COUNCILMEN: Councilmen Anderson, Blinder, Stewart NOES:COUNCILMAN: Councilman Capurro ABSENT COu~CILMM~: Councilman Perry J ,~ Ae.!-,,-v ,.~~ j'-. < .-.;,. ,;,.- r'o RESOLUTION NO. 1464 A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN ANSELMO CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTING LEGISLATION ALLOWING LEGISLATURE TO EXEMPT FROM TAXATION THE DWELLINGS OF PERSONS AGED 62 OR OLDER WITH AN INCOME NOT MORE THAN MAXI}flJM SET BY LEGISLATURE lVHEREAS, the usual method of planning for retirement years (finite, time-limited expenses such as mortgage, reduction of consumption, etc.) is not feasible with regards to residential property taxation which historically has increased nearly geometrically, and in a manner beyond control of those homeowners on fixed or decreasing income, and WHEREAS A.C.A. No. 28 allows Legislature to exempt from taxation the dwellings of persons aged 62 or older with an income not more than maximum set by LEgislature and to define "dwellinglf and Ifownership" and makes exemption unavailable if other constitutional exemp- tions on homes are granted. NOW THEREFORE, the City a San Anselmo resolves to support A.C.A. No. 28. rk I hereby certify Resolution No. 1464 was duly passed and adopted ata regular meeting of the San Anselmo City Council held May 8, 1973 by the following vote: AYES COUNCILMEN: Councilmen Anderson, Capurro, Blinder, Stewart NOES COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Councilman Perry !--,.7 s'-'""'''- f ..s::: ~ , RESOLUTION NO. 1463 A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN ANSELMO CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTING EEGISLATION TO EXEMPT FROM PROPERTY TAXATION THE VALUE OF A POSSESSORY INTEREST ARISING FROM A LIFE ESTATE, IN PROPERTY CERTIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION AS BEING OF SIGNIFICA1~T HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE AND VALUE
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