I I I National Highway Authority (Procurement and Contract Admlnlstratlon Section) I 28 Mauve Area, Sector G-911, Islamabad (Paktstan) I Phone: +92-St-9O32727, Fax: +92-5L-926O419 t I I FRrfxo'vui$r.a'Als I DOCUMENTS FOR SUBMISSION I TO t PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATORY I AUTHORITY I FOR I CottsuLTANcy SpnvtcEs FoR DpstcN flEvIEw AND COWSTRUCTIONSUPERVISION OF t HOSHAB.AWARAN.KIIVZDAR SPCIION OF M.8 PNO.TPCTPACKAGE.I: HOSHAB. I ATTTARAN(146KMl T I June, 2O2I I t I I I (Seerequlation 2) CONTRACTAWARD PROFORMA . I I in Seryiqeg& GoodsW-ofih, Fiftv Million or more NAMEOF THE ORGANIZATION/DEPTT. NationalHiqhway Authority I FederalGovt (Atonomous BodY) FEDERAL/PROVINCIALGOVT. TITLEOF CONTRACT Consultancy Supervisionof Hoshab-Awaran-KhuzdarSection of M-8 Project I Hoshab-Awaran(146 KM) TENDERNUMBER 6(511) BRIEFDESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT Hoshab- Khuzdarsection of MotorwayM-8 is the missinglink to I completethe MotoMayM-8. Nowgovernment of Pakistanthrough NHA intendsto developthe 146 km portion(Hoshab - Awaran)of remainingpart of MotorwayM-8. Completionof remainingportion of MotorwayM-8 i.e Hoshab- Awaran- Khuzdarsection, shortest T routewill be developedto Gwadarport and it is anticipatedthat not only CPECtraffic, but also the localtraffic will adoptthis route for Gwadar and surroundingareas being shorter distance for Gwadar.Project road is also a strategicroute and will help to improvethe law and order/ securityissues of the projectarea I (M-8)is approx.892 Km East-WestMotorway in The Motorway Pakistan,connecting Sukkur- Larkana to Gwadar.Out of 892 Km, 492 Km sectionsi.e. Ratodero- Khuzdar(242 Kn) & Hoshab- Turbat- Gwadaf(250 Km).have been alreadybeen constructed t and operational.Theproposed project is the missinglink in the MotoMayM-8. t Pak.Rs. 175,550,080/- TENDERVALUE I ENGINEER'sESTIMATE (for civil works only) NotApplicable ESTIMATEDCOMPLETION PERIOD (40months) WHETHERTHE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLUDEDIN t ANNUALPROCUREMENT PLAN? Yes x No ADVERTISEMENT: (i) PPRAWebsite (Federal Agencies) Yes No x I PPRAUploading date is Septembet18,2020 (ii) NewsPapers 2 Dailies"ROZNAMA JANG" Dated Septembet 18,2020 and "The (lf yes,give names newspapersand date) I of EXPRESSTRIBUNE" Dated September 18,2020 TENDEROPENED ON (Dateand Time) TECHNICALBIDS OPENEDON October09, 2020 AT 1200 HOUR t FINANCIALBIDS OPENED ON NOVEMBER13,2O2O AT 1530 HOUR NATUREOF PURCHASE Procurementof Services I EXTENSIONIN DUEDATE (if ANY) Yes x No NUMBEROF TENDER DOCUMENTS SOLD THE REQUESTFOR PROPOSALWAS UPLOADEDON NHA I (Attachlist of Buyers) WEBSITEFOR PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS WHETHERQUAL|F|cAT|oNcR|TER|AWAs|NcLUDED' BIDDING/TENDERDOCUMENTS (lf yes enclose a copy) (COPYOF QUALIFICATION CRITERIA ATTACHED) I WHETHERBID EVALUATION CRITERIAWAS INCLUDED Yes No X BIDDING/TENDERDOCUMENTS (if yes enclose a copy) (COPYOF EVALUATIONCRITERIA IS AfiACHED) I Page1 of2 I t (SeereEulation 2) I PUBLIC PROGU REM E NT REGU LATORY AUTHORITY (PPRAI CONTRACTAWARD PROFORMA - I I To Be FilledAnd Uploadedon PPRAWebsite in Respectof All PublicContfacts of Services& GoodsWgrth Fiftv Million or more > WHICHMETHOD OF PROCUREMENTWAS USED:- (Tickone) I a) SINGLESTAGE - oNE ENVELoPEPROCEDURE f b) sTNGLEsrAGE - TWo ENVELoeEpRocEDURE ffi o)TWOsTAGEBIDDINGPRocEDURE ffi t - pRocEDURE d) TWo srAGE TWo ENVELoeEBTDDING ffi - Pleasespecifu il any other methodof orocurementwas adopted with brief reasons (.e. Emerqencv. Direct N/A t Contraglilq.Neqotiatpd T.enderino etc. WHOIS THEAPPROVING AUTHORITY NHAEXECUTIVE BOARD > WHETHERAPPROVAL OF COMPETENTAUTHORITY I WAS OBTAINEDFOR USING A METHODOTHER THAN OPENCOMPETITIVE BIDDING > NUMBEROF BIDS RECEIVED t > WHETHERTHE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS Yes No X LOWESTBIDDER I > WHETHERINTEGRITY PACT WAS SIGNED Yes No x T I I I I t I t I I Page2 of 2 I I I I CONTRACTAWARD PROFORMA - II To Be FilledAnd Uploadedon PPRAWebsite in Respectof All PublicContlacts of Works, I Services& GoodsWorth Fiftv Million or more > NO.OF BIDDERSPRESENT AT THETIME OF OPENING OF BIDS Six (06) I (Pvt.) > NAME& ADDRESSOF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER M/s ZeerukInternational Ltd. in JV with M/s Loya Associates and M/s APEX Consulting Enoineerino I Address: Time Square Plaza, 3rd Floor, l-8 Markaz,lslamabad. RANKINGOF SUCCESSFULBIDDER IN EVALUATIONREPORT I HighestRanked Bidder (i.e.1't,2nd,3'd EVALUATED BID) I > NEEDANALYSIS (Why the procurement was necessary?) China Pakistan EconomicCorridor (CPEC) is essentiallya developmentcorridor comprising of multiplecomponents including energy, transport and infrastructure,Gwadar Port and industrial I cooperationinvolving gigantic foreign investment. Oncedeveloped, this Corridorcan bringrevolution in energyand transport sector. Proposedroad is a part of westernalignment of I China PakistanEconomic Corridor (CPEC). The porposedsection is the missinglink in MotorwayM- 8.lt is anticipatedthat not only CPEC (central route) traffic,but alsothe localtraffic will adoptthis route l for Gwadarand surroundingareas being shorter distancefor Gwadar. I IN CASEEXTENSION WAS MADE IN RESPONSETIME, WHAT Nit WEREREASONS (Briefly describe) WHETHERNAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR PRICES Yesl{lNo x I WEREREAD OUT AT THETIME OF OPENING OF BIDS DATEOF CONTRACTSIGNING (Attach a copyof agreement) 05thMarch.202't t (Copyattached) CONTRACTAWARDPRICE Pak.Rupees 1 75,550,080/- I WHETHERCOPY OF EVALUATIONREPORT GIVEN TO ALL YeslxlNol{ BIDDERS(Attach a copyof bidevaluation report) (Copyaftached) I ANYCOMPI'{INTS RECEIVED (lf Yes,result thereof) es x No ANY DEVIATIONFROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE Yeslxlt,to I TENDERNOTICE/ DOCUMENTS (lf yesgive details) I > DEVIATIONFROM QUALIFICATION CRITERIA (lf yesgive details) YeslxlNolr' > SPECIALCONDITIONS, IFANY Brief Nil I Page1 of 1 I I I t I T T I I Copyof t I Qualification t I Criteria I I I I I I I r I-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I Say No to Comrption Evaluation Sheets STIMMARYEVALUATION SHEET FOR FI]LL TECHIVCAL PROPOSALS :iFirm l r : Rati -Score.: .:Ritirls 'Si:6ie l. Firms Eroerhnce 100 I -a GeneralErcperience in road Transport Sector 25 l-b. Specific Experience related to particular Assimment 75 2. Approach rnd Methodologr 2s0 La Aowecialionoft!,u Ptoiect 70 (i) Evidenceof SiteVisit wirh Photoeraphs (30) (ii) Cluity of appreciation 20) (iii) Comprehensivenessof appreciation (20) 1d Problern Sfatement/rmderstandins of obiectives 50 (i) Identificationof ProblemVObiectives f30) 0D QSryo49lb 9f ProposedServices e0) 2-c. Methqdoloev fi) ProposedSolutions for this Proiect (30) (ii) Que[ty of Metbdoloey Qol (iii)Conciseness,clanifu and completeness of oroposal* (30) 2d- SuggestedChaneesforlmprovernent in TOR t0 2-e. WorkProsam 20 2-f. Staffing Schedule 20 3. Kcy Personncl** 450 DcsigLBcyiew le4m: a) Highway Desien Engineer l0 b) StructureEaginqq 05 c) Drainage F.qgineer/Hydroloeist 05 d) Traffi c/ PavernentAnalyst 05 9) GeotechnicauSoil & MaterialEngineer 05 e0nstructlouSupgn'isionTeam: 0 Chief Resident Enebeer 60 e) ResidenrEngineer-I & tr 2x40 UL M4lerialEngineer-I&fi 2x35 i) @Lact Specialist 45 4=:: i) ARE(Hiehwavs)Emineer-I & II 2x35 zt*6$ry1 k) ARE Stqcture/HjghwayEngineer-I & tr 2 x35 t- 4. Perfolmence Ccrtificrtion from clicnts*** "t 100 --^'-) $l: 5. Presentcoqmitmenis (cunui cngrgcmentand aveilablestrensth - iustificatbn) 50 r'lJ 6. TrensJer of Knonledge (Methodology/ Phns)***t ft 50 -4.> tl TOTAL: 1000 lrcelfenl I llXl% Vcry Good-W-99% AboveAverrge - 8lt{9% everege- ZfZfz score: Madmumwefbtrgc x rrting / l{x}. Minimumqueliging scoreis z0% or 7fi) narks. 'coterBdebdtu t0wko'dmbkdllbfuecd'*b.l'dtuFwb1rtttd'bt&tutdffibdw,qeerM.an&,tbrbsad'efisd.d,ps'dpwt "FtnMfup{.@dFsE)eb25Mbed,t5otub(ce+r.boUtqdspgqad.rdd,tB@terlZdrdetFtryrdF'.,',). '#jAd-199:4?44nryy*_"d&e 8tutswdtevhMtcMbnedidtuhtrhdntutubtdd&d'ddqntd4a &dbd2pqtw tlqutat q, efrwr.ue6ct (4pbt hat Bpa d p ryh6t etd d tlBt pt@d h T.drttd propd Fq*). -.'&tu bh Neftn t dt e rlibh ta @rtd a.t rrEtuM 3 'oia6 b 6wr DesigrReview and Consfruction Supervision of Hoshab- Awaran- KhuzdarSection of M-SPtojecfP-ckage-i: Hoshab - A*arar (146KM) -20- IITIIIfIIIIXITIII II I I Say No to Comrption Evaluation Sheets PERSOI\NELEVALUATION SHEET Percentage Weighted Percentage Weighted Percentage Weighted (Show all er<pertsto be evaluated) (A+B+C) Ratine Ratins (A) Ratine Ratine (B) Rbtins Ratins(C) Desisn Review Team: (a) HighwayDesign Engineer O) SfuctureEngineer (c) DrainageEngineer/Hy&ologist (d) Traffic/PavementAnalyst (e) GeotechnicaUSoil & MaterialEoginer ConstructionSunenision Teem: (f) ChiefResidentEngineer (g) ResidentEngineer-I&il O) MaterialEngineer-I&U (r) CoutractSpecialist (i) ARE(Highways)Engineer-I&U (k) ARE StrucnnelHighwayEngineer-I & II - - -90-99o/o Rating: Excellent 1fi)7o Very good Above Average * 81L899/o Average-7U79Vo Below Average- l-690/o Non-complying- Do/e Score: Maximum Wcig[tage X rating/ 100. * For Qualification of aboveKey Personnel,refer to Clause5.6 of TOR ** 6 months'older employee- l$V/o; Less than 6 months or associates-0olo DesignReview and constmstion Supervision of Hoshab- A*".an - rturzaar sectlon -21- I I I I I I I I I I Copyof Bid t l EvaluationReport I I T I I I I T I I I (As Per Rule35 of PP Rules.2004) I L Nameof ProcuringAgency: NationalHighway Authority 2. Methodof Procurement: SingleStage Two Envelope Procedure t 3. Titleof Procurement: ConsultancyServices for Design Reviewand ConstructionSupervision of Hoshab-Awaran- I Khuzdar Section of M-8 Project Package-l: Hoshab-Awaran (146 KM) I 4. Tenderlnquiry No.: 6(s11) 5. PPRARef. No. (TSE): TS431377E I 6. Date& Timeof BidClosing: 9thOctober.2020 at 1130hours local time 7. Date& Timeof BidOpening: 9thOctober.2020 at 1200hours local time 8. No
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