CISCCONTENTONTENT:CONTENRTRREPORTEPORTEPORT CC ReviewОбзорОбзор of новостейaudiovisualновостей рынка content производства production and ии дистрибуциидистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоаудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента контента Media«»«MediaМ«»ÌЕДИÅÄÈ ResourcesА ResourcesÀРЕСУРСЫÐÅÑÓÐÑÛ МManagement ÌManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТÅÍÅÄÆÌÅÍÒ » №№20, №121(9) №213 №2 October April января, 1 April, 30, 2014 201320122011 2012 тема FOCUSномераFOCUS DEARсловоDeAr COLLEAGUESColle редакциAguesи УжеWeWe areareв первые happyhappy to toдни presentpresent нового youyou года thethe AprilOctoberнам, issue редак issue of цthe иofи conferences,ПервыйLast autumn номер members international Content of Russian contentReport association выходитmarket and ofв televiкsevану- н- КИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й ContentCIS:the CIS:Content Report, Content Report сразу Report whereстало where понятно,we triedwe tried toчто gather toв 2011gather theм eralСтарогоsion special and movie Нового events producers года,in order который chose to achieve Red (наконецто) Squaresynergy, Screen learn за - mostthe most interesting interesting up-to-date up-to-date information information about rapidlyabout aboutings as current the most trends important of the industry international event ofmedia the season. busi- РЫНTVО MARKETS:К В УКРАИН Е : все мы будем усердно и неустанно трудиться. За вершает череду праздников, поэтому еще раз KIEV MEDIA WEEK 2014: нимаясьdevelopingrapidly developing подготовкой content contentproduction первого production andвыпуска distribution and обзора distribu mar но-- nessхотимThe idea and пожелать of create the forum unified наши aimed communicationм at подписчик showcasing platformа theм Russianв 201 for 1 UKRAINE,ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ BELARUS,Я КА К востейketstion ofmarkets рынкаthe CIS of производства region.the CIS Asregion. far asи As аудиовизуальногmost far as of most the locallyof theо mediaгодуcinema найти professionals for the свой international верный worldwide. путь film иcommunity следовать belongs ему с HOW IT WAS контентаproducedlocally produced в seriesэтом годand seriesу , TVмы andmovies с радостью TV moviesare further обнаружили are distribfurther-, упорством,to Yevgeny Gindilis трудясь – Red не Squareпокладая Screenings’ рук. У каждог execuо- ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д чтоuteddistributed даже and вbroadcast новогодние and broadcast mainly праздники mainly inside inside the р аCISбота the territories, CIS во terriмно- Inсвояtive the director, lightдорога, of recentfounder но цельpolitical and уproducer насevents одн the generalа television– развивать of Russian mar- и GEORGIA, MOLDOVA ket of Ukraine was forced to change a bit the genre РАЗВИТИ (25)Я (25) гихwetories, продакшнахpicked we pickedup the идет upmost the полным interesting most interesting ходом, and а originalдальше, and original proj как- улучшатьfilm company отечественный TVINDIE. He is рынок.also a member По коням, of Euro го- (23) говорится,ectsprojects with withthose станет those script еще script-ideas ideas больше. that Как thathave неоднократн have international internaо- ofсподаpean the Filmcontent! Academy aired. (EFA). The entertaining In an exclusive content interview loses to былоappealtional отмечено, appealand may and furtherвследствие may travelfurther кризиса abroad travel to основательнabroad Europe, to AsiaEuо- itsCIS: relevance Content andReport may he seem told quiteabout defiant achievements, against the pri - измениласьorrope, the NorthAsia or конъюнктураAmerica the North both America рынка,as readymade both поменялась as readymade product ра сor tragicorities events.and plans Content of his Reportcompany editorial and his team own held as well a становкаformats.product Besidesorсил formats. и возможностей, there Besides are a lot there of поэтомуfull-length are a lotр featuresа ботатof full-ь discourseas about the with experience Ukrainian of 1+1 international TV ChannelАртем coproduction. program Вакалю- к действительноrecentlylength features launched есть recently into и productionбудет launched над чем. in into Russia, Подтверждproduction Ukraine, еin ming director Andrei Koval who toldГлавный how the редакто broad- р интервью номера Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries casting schedule is formed today. Content Report ниемKazakhstan тому является and other количество CIS states собранного that for sure в это mayм And one more thing we’d like to remind you. Plan- (полупраздничном)havethat notfor sureonly successfulmay have номере notinternational only материала successful distribution. interna but- Andning one you more business thing we’dcalendar like to for remind 2013 you. do not Planning forget сергеINTERVIEWIntervй каратIаewев : alsotional be distribution the award winnersbut also andbe the nominees award winners of different and yourto book business time calendar to visit for the 2015 major do not event forget for to televibook - internationalnominees of film different festivals. international Despite large film festivals. portion of De in-- «на данный момент В сегодняшней теме timesion toand visit media the major professionals event for television in the CIS and region media - formationspite large on portion the new of movies,information shows on theand new series movies, you’ll AnDещеrEI оKстOVAаютсl:я “If we номера мы останови professionalsKIEV MEDIA in theWEEK CIS region2013, - SeptemberKIEV MEDIA WEEK10-13, YEVGENY GINDILIS: alsoshows find and the seriesdetailed you’ll report also on find the the recent detailed distribution report лись на одной из са 2015.2013. Organized Organized by byMedia Media Resources Resources Management Manage - нерsucceedаспроданны to receiveе филь мыfor, deals.on the recent deals of international distributors with которTHEые б WORKыли соз OFданы до мыхthe CIS-partners.болезненных тем company,ment company, this unique this media unique industry media project, industry one andproj - production the same отечественной киноин onlyect, ofone a kind and in only the ofCIS a andkind Central in the andCIS Easternand Central Eu- budgetкEUROPEANризи сasа» we(31 used) дустрииInIn our our “Focus” “Focus” – рынке we we continueкино would like the to cycle tell aboutof articles KIEV dedi ME-- ropeand Easternis a one stopEurope destination is a one for stop the wholedestination range offor to spend for russian театров.catedDIA WEEK to theНа - aстраницахcurrent unique situationproject for on media TV markets market ofin the internationalfive international events media for media industry industry events. professionals. PRODUCERS CAN’T Contentpost-SovietCIS region Report countries.and мыCentral не The and region Eastern is developing Europe – rapthat- Please do not forget that we are here to be your local content acquisitions, однократноidlytook both place in termsonпублико September of its TV 15-19market gathering volume andnumer the- Please do not forget that we are here to EVEN BE COMPARED source of information and analytics. I think we will be able валиnumberous мненияtelevision, of players о том,movie on что itand led mediaby such business states asexperts Rus- be your local source of information and TO THE ONE WE HAVE едваsia,from Ukraine лиall overне andtheосновной world.Kazakhstan. This year In KIEVprevious MEDIA issue WEEK we analytics. toСОДЕРЖАНИЕ establish an efficient проблемойfocusedpresented on high-level TV(хотя markets этуconsolidation of Tajikistan, of Uzbekistansix professional and We wish a pleasant reading! TO DO (25) темуKazakhstan, активно and поднима this time we’ll provide a short analy- production process” ютsis все, of such кому territories не безраз as Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia We wish a pleasant reading! ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) личнаand Moldova. судьба нацио СЕРИАЛ (31)(2) нального кинематогра фа), сдерживающей ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) развитие индустрии ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) «полного метра» на постсоветском про АНContentsИМАЦИЯ (12) CONTENTS странстве, является ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) катастрофическая не roduction (2) PProduction:: (2) хватка кинозалов. Од К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) SSerieerieSS (2) (2) нако рынок продолжа ет стремительно раз Д И СТР И Б TVУЦИЯ mo V(ie15)S (8) TV moVieS (7) виваться. И если по TV ShowS (10) АДРЫ (20)TV ShowS (9) водов для оптимизма К eaTure FilmS FFeaTure FilmS (12) (11) относительно увеличе Т ЕЛЕdПistributionО КАЗ (21) (19) ния количества кино distribution (16) театров попрежнему Т ЕХНОЛОГИИccinemainema dd istribution(istribution22) не так много , то по Year 2013 внедрению совре ПРОYКearАТ В 2012 УКРАИНЕ (24) менных технологий за о in kraine (24) in u kraine (22) прошлый год имеются нк u О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве все основания для гор а focus (25) МЕР ОfocusПР ИЯТ И(23)Я (29) дости за это. Между тем попытаемся разо interview (31) леси С interview (25) браться, есть ли свет в О конце тоннеля?!. Рис. Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Mediawww.mrm.ua Resources Tel.: Management. +380 (44) 459-4610; 22 Zakrevsky e-mail: St., [email protected] 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua production production production №20, October 2014 series A rElATIVE frOM MOSCOW Ukrainian production company 1+1 Production is shooting Producer: Elena Vasilieva. 1+1 PrODuCTIOn 20-episode sitcom A relative from Moscow. The project pre- Director: Semen Gorov. miere is set for this year. Script: Nikolai Kutsik. Cast: Yuri Gorbunov, Nazar Zad- niprovsky, Igor Skripko, Galina Synopsis: When Valera’s father runs away to Great
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