Gillian K. Russell Dianoia Institute of Philosophy (cell) +1 (858) 205{2834 Locked Bag 4115 MDC [email protected] Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 https://www.gillianrussell.net Australia Current Employment Professor of Philosophy Dianoia Institute at ACU in Melbourne 2020| 1 Arch´eProfessorial Fellow ( 5 th time) University of St Andrews, Scotland 2019{2023 Employment and Education History Alumni Distinguished Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2019{2020 Professor of Philosophy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2015{19 Associate Professor in Philosophy Washington University in St Louis 2011{2015 Assistant Professor in Philosophy Washington University in St Louis 2004{2011 Killam Postdoctoral Fellow University of Alberta 2005 Ph.D. in Philosophy Princeton University 2004 M.A. in Philosophy Princeton University 2002 M.A. in German and Philosophy University of St Andrews, Scotland 1999 Areas of Specialisation Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology Areas of Competence Logic, History of Analytic Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science and Mathematics Books { Truth in Virtue of Meaning: a defence of the analytic/synthetic distinction (Oxford, 2008) { The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Language, with Delia Graff Fara (eds.) (Routledge, 2011) { New Waves in Philosophical Logic, with Greg Restall (eds.) (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012) Accepted and Published Papers { \Social Spheres" forthcoming in Feminist Philosophy and Formal Logic Audrey Yap and Roy Cook (eds) { \Logic: A Feminist Approach" forthcoming in Philosophy for Girls: An invitation to the life of thought, M. Shew and K. Garchar (eds) (Oxford University Press, 2020) { \Waismann's Papers on the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction" in Friedrich Waismann: The Open Texture of Analytic Philosophy, D. Makovec and S. Shapiro (eds.) (Palgrave MacMillan, 2019) { \Speech Acts and Speaking Up" in D. Sosa and E. Lepore (eds) Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language. { \Logical Pluralism without the Normativity" (with Christopher Blake-Turner) in Synthese. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-018-01939-3 { \Varieties of Logical Consequence by their Resistance to Logical Nihilism" in N.Pedersen, N.Kellen, and J.Wyatt (eds.) Pluralisms in Truth and Logic, Palgrave MacMillan, pages 331{361, 2019. { \Logical Nihilism: could there be no logic?" in Philosophical Issues, volume 28, issue 1, pages 308-324, 2018. { \Deviance and Vice: strength as a theoretical virtue in the epistemology of logic" in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, DOI: 10.1111/phpr.12498 { \Logic isn't Normative" in Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2017.1372305 { \An Introduction to Logical Nihilism" in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress Hannes Leitgeb, Ilkka Niiniluoto, P¨aiviSepp¨al¨a and Elliott Sober (eds), College Publications, pages 125{135, 2017. { \Indexicals and Sider's Neo-linguistic Account of Necessity" in Res Philosophica, vol. 94, issue 3, pages 385{397, 2017. { \The Justification of the Basic Laws of Logic" in the Journal of Philosophical Logic, vol 44, issue 6, pages 793{803, 2015. { \Hybrid Identities and Just Being Yourself" in Inquiry, Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 455{465, 2014. { \Metaphysical Analyticity and the Epistemology of Logic" in Philosophical Studies Volume 171, Issue 1, pp 161-175 October 2014 { \Quine on Analyticity" in A Companion to W. V. O. Quine (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy), Gilbert Harman and Ernie Lepore (eds.) (Blackwell, 2013) { \Logical Pluralism" in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Ed Zalta (ed.) (CLSI, 2013) { \Practicing Evil" in The Philosophy of the Martial Arts, G. Priest and D. Young (eds.) (Routledge) { \Lessons from the Logic of Demonstratives" in New Waves in Philosophical Logic Greg Restall and Gillian Russell (eds.) (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012) { \Necessity and Meaning" in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language, Gillian Russell and Delia Graff Fara (eds.) (Routeldge, 2012) { \Indexicals, Context-Sensitivity and the Failure of Implication," Synthese, Vol. 183:2 (2011) { \In Defence of Hume's Law" in Hume, `Is' and `Ought': New Essays, Charles Pigden (ed.), (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2010) { \Language, Locations and Presupposition" Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, v9, 2010. { \Barriers to Implication" (with Greg Restall) in Hume, `Is' and `Ought': New Essays, Charles Pigden (ed.), (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2010) { \A New Problem for the Linguistic Doctrine of Necessary Truth" in New Waves in Truth, Cory D. Wright and Nikolaj Pederson (eds.) (Palgrave MacMillan, 2010) { \Epistemic Viciousness in the Martial Arts" in Martial Arts and Philosophy, Graham Priest and Damon Young (eds.), (Open Court, 2010) { \Analyticity in Externalist Languages" in New Waves in the Philosophy of Language, edited by Sarah Sawyer (Palgrave MacMillan, 2009) { \One True Logic?" in the Journal of Philosophical Logic, April 2008, vol. 37. { \Knowledge by Indifference” (with John Doris) in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 86, issue 3, September 2008. { \The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction" in Blackwell's Philosophy Compass, vol. 2, issue 5, September 2007. Book Reviews & Other Publications { \The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction" in Oxford Bibliographies Online (OUP, 2012) { Timothy Williamson's The Philosophy of Philosophy, in Philosophical Books, vol. 51:1, 2010. { Warren Goldfarb's Deductive Logic in The Australasian Journal of Logic, Vol. 3, 2005. Honours and Appointments { Schwab Academic Excellence Award from the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, 2018 { Visiting Fellow at Australia National University, Australia, June and July 2017 { Visiting Scholar at Arch´eat the University of St Andrews, Scotland, June 2013. { Visiting Fellowship at Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (Netherlands) F2009. { Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, Spring 2009. { Visiting Scholar, University of Melbourne, Australia, July & August, 2000{06, 2008. { Harold W. Dodds Honorific Fellow, Princeton University, 2003{2004. { Bruce of Grangehill and Falkland Prize for Logic, University of St Andrews, 1996. Selected Talks Complete list available at: https://gillianrussell.net/talks/ { \Social Spheres", Colloquium at Syracuse University, March 2019. { \Structures for Subordination", APA (E), History and Philosophy of Logic session, Jan 2019. { \Logical Nihilism|Could there be no logic?", Edinburgh Philosophy Society, November 2018. { \Speech Acts and Speaking Up," the Dan and Gwen Taylor Lecture at the University of Otago, New Zealand, August 2018. { \Deviance and Vice: Strength as a Theoretical Virtue in the Epistemology of Logic" Conference at the University of T¨ubingen,Germany, July 2018. { \Speech Acts and Speaking Up," New York Philosophy of Language Workshop, Jan 2018 { \Speech Acts and Speaking Up" at the University of Vienna, Austria, Jan 2018. { \Deviance and Vice: Strength as a theoretical virtue in the epistemology of logic" Keynote talk at the University of Amsterdam Colloquium, Dec 2017. { \Deviance and Vice: Strength as a theoretical virtue..." Colloquim at MIT, Dec 2017. { \Deviance and Vice: Strength as a theoretical virtue..." Seminar, ANU, June 2017. { \Deviance and Vice: Strength as a theoretical virtue in the epistemology of logic" Rutgers Epistemology Conference, May 2017. { \Could there be no logic?" Gail C. Stine Memorial Lecture at Wayne State University, Feb 2017 { \Could there be no logic?"Colloquium at UT Austin, Jan 2017 { \Logical Vice" Logic as Science Conference in Bergen, Norway, November 2016 { \Deviant Logics" Summer Program for Diversity in Logic at UMass Dartmouth, May 2016 { \Logical Vice" Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 2016 { \Analyticity ... and the Justification of Basic Logical Laws" Warsaw, Poland, May 2016 { \Could there be no logic?" Colloquium Talk at Columbia University, NYC April 2016 { Keynote address at the Society for Exact Philosophy, McMaster University, May 2015 { \Could there be no logic?", 4th California Metaphysics Conference at USC { \Analyticity and the Epistemology of Logic", LANCOG, Portugal, September 2014 { \Hume's Law and Barriers to Entailment" Kripke Center/SWIP-Analytic CUNY, March 2014. { The Jowett Society, Oxford University, February 2014 { \Hume's Law and other Barriers to Entailment," Chapel Hill Colloquium, November 2013 { \The Epistemology of Logic", Colloquium at the University of Genova, June 2013 { \Analyticity and the Epistemology of Logic", Workshop on Necessity, Analyticity and the A priori, University of Oslo, Norway, June 2013 { \Metaphysical Analyticity and the Epistemology of Logic", NYU, April 2012 { Author Meets Critics Session on Truth in Virtue of Meaning, Chicago APA, February 2012. { \Logic & Meaning," Northern Institute of Philosophy, Aberdeen, Scotland, November 2011 { \Can there be true contradictions?" public lecture at Northwestern University, October 2011 { \Indexical Barriers and the Metaphysics of Propositions" at SPAWN, August 2011 3 { \One True Logic?", University of St Andrews, Scotland, September 2010 { \The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction", Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, The Netherlands, November 2009 { \Indexicals & Barriers to Implication" ILLC, Amsterdam, September 2009 { \Indexicals, Context Sensitivity, and Barriers to Implication" UC Berkeley, May 2009 { \Indexicals, Context Sensitivity, and Barriers to Implication" Stanford University, April 2009 Selected Courses Taught Complete list available at: https://gillianrussell.net/teaching/
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