IAPIOAYE Vital Statistics 1930-1939 Translations by Etta Perkins 107 IAPIOAYE VITAL STATISTICS 1930-1939 Most names translated by Etta Perkins Those names marked with # Translated by Pat Spears and friends • Volume 59-January 1930 #1 Baptism pg 3 MITCHELL, CURTIS WILLIAM son of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mitchell bap 11-10-1929 - Parmelee, SD [v 59 # 1 p 3] FRAZIER, RAMONA MILDRED dau of Mr. & Mrs. Earlwin Frazier bap 11-10-1929 - Parmelee, SD [v 59 # 1 p 3] EAGLEHAWK, BARBARA PANSY dau of Mr. & Mrs. Raymon (Louisa) Eaglehawk bap 12-29-1929 - Cannupsapa (Norris, SD) [v 59 # 1 p 3] EPSEN, LEONA dau of Mrs Elsie Isabel Epsen, born 10-12-1920, bap 1-1-1930 - Ohnihde (Pilgraim) [v 59 # 1 p 3] EPSEN, DONALD son of Mrs Elsie Isabel Epsen born 5-8-1922, bap 1-1-1930 - Ohnihde (Pilgrim) [v 59 # 1 p 3] EPSEN, MARVIN son of Mrs Elsie Isabel Epsen born 10-18-1923 bap 1-1-1930 - Ohnihde (Pilgrim) [v 59 # 1 p 3] EPSEN, ALVIN son of Mrs Elsie Isabel Epsen born 10-19-1926 bap 1-1-1930- Ohnihde (Pilgrim) [v 59 # 1 p 3] EPSEN, BETTY JEAN dau of Mrs. Elsie Isabel Epsen born 1-24-1928 bap 1-1-1930 - Ohnihde (Pilgrim) [v 59 # 1 p 3] ONESKUNK, ARTHUR bap 12-16-1920 - Frazier Memorial, Chase, SD [v 59 # 1 p 3] Baptism pg 3 KITTO, BERLIN MYRTLE dau of Mr.& Mrs. David (Nancy) Kitto born 10-21-1929 (?), bap 10-20-1929 - Cankuwaste (Good Road - Stanford, SD) [v 59 # 1 p 3] LONGWARRIER, GERMAINE ETHEL dau of Mr. & Mrs. Asa (Martha) LongWarrier born 8-11-1929 bap 10-20-1929 Cankuwaste (Good Road- Stanford, SD) [v 59 # 1 p 3] PENAUX, WOODROW WILSON son ofMr. & Mrs. George (Millie) Penaux born 11-11-11-1929 bap 12-8-1929 Gilbert Memorial [v 59 # 1 p 3] BLACKBEAR, CLIFFORD ELIAS son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chester (Anna Elkhead) Blackbear born 5-1-1929 bap 8-20-1929 - Pejito (Yellow Medicine - Granite Falls, MN) [v 59 # 1 p 3] ELKHEAD, PEARL MURIEL dau of Mr. & Mrs. Philip (Inez) Elkhead born 9-23-1929 bap 12-19-1929 - Pejito (Yellow Medicine - Granite Falls, MN) [v 59 # 1 p 3] • Volume 59 - February 1930 #2 Baptism pg 7 TWOBEAR, HENRY son of Mr. & Mrs. George Twobear bap 10-24-1929 - Mdecan, Tokio, ND [59 # 2 p 7] REDFOX, ETTA dau of Mr. & Mrs. Archie Redfox bap 10-24-1929- Mdecan, Tokio, ND [v 59 # 2 p 7] MOORE, PATRICK son of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Moore bap 10-24-1929 - Mdecan, Tokio, ND [v 59 # 2 p 7] GARREAU, CALVIN son of Mr. & Mrs. Saraphine (Lillie) Garreau bap 1-5-1920 LaPlante, SD [v 59 # 2 p 7] BIRDNECKLACE, ALMA LORINE dau of Mr. & Mrs. Moses (Lauisa) Bird-necklace bap 1-5-1930 - LaPlante, SD [v 59 # 2 p 7] NICHOLAS, CECELIA ROSE dau of Mrs. Mary Nicholas bap 1-5-1930 - LaPlant, SD [v 59 # 2 p 7] FRAZIER, ALBERTA MARIE dau of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Frazier born 4-26-1929 and bap 5-8-1929- Eagle Butte, SD [v 59 # 2 p 7] JONIS, ELISE THELMA dau of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jonis born 5-19-1929 bap 5-26-1929 Eagle Butte, SD [v 59 # 2 p 7] BLACKBEAR, ELIAS CLIFFORD son of Mr. & Mrs. Chester Blackbear born 5-5-1929 bap 8-11-1929 - Eagle Butte, SD [v59#2p7] ELKHEAD, PEARL MURIAL dau of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Elkhead born 9-23-1929 bap 12-1929-Eagle Butte [v 59 # 2 p 7] Deaths pg 7 BARROW, THOMAS d 1-22-1930 - Eagle Butte [v 59 # 2 p 7] BADWARRIOR, RAYMOND d 1-13, 1930 - Eagle Butte [v 59 # 2 p 7] 108 BADMALE, JANE d 10-5-1929 - Eagle Butte[v 59 # 2 p 7] LOOKINGHORSE, CHILD of Mr. & Mrs. Lookinghorse d 1-18-1930 - Eagle Butte [v 59 # 2 p 7] ELKHEAD, CHILD of Mr. & Mrs. Simon Elkhead d 4-15-1929 - Eagle Butte [v 59 # 2 p 7] CORN, CHILD of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Com d 10-1929 - Eagle Butte [v 59 # 2 p 7] Marriages pg 7 COTTONWOOD, AUSTIN m Miss Esther Douglas 8-4-1929 - Mdetanka (Big Lake, Cannon Ball, ND) [v 59 # 2 p 7] DOUGLAS, ESTHERm Austin Cottonwood 8-4-1929 - Mdetanka (Big Lake, Cannon Ball) [v 59 # 2 p 7] YELLOWHAMMER, JOSEPH m Miss Nancy Twoshield 8-11-1929 -Mdetanka (Big Lake, Cannon Ball) [v 59 # 2 p 7] TWOSHIELD, NANCY m Joseph Yellowhammer 8-11-1929 - Mdetanka (Big Lake, Cannon Ball) [v 59 # 2 p 7] BIRDHEAD, JOHN m Hazel Craven (no date)- Pahinsinte (Porcupine, SD) [v 59 # 2 p 7] CRAVEN, HAZEL m John Birdhead (no date) - Pahinsinte (Porcupine, SD) [v 59 # 2 p 7] Death page 8 IRONMAN, HANNAH d 10-11-1929 - Wipazukawakpa (Bird Tail - Manitoba, Canada [v 59 # 2 p 8] GRAHAM, MRS JAMES (WASUDUTA) d 12-31-1929 (Age 70)- Shakapee, MN [v 59 # 2 p 8] • Volume 59 - March 1930 #3 Marriage pg 10 SPOTIEDELK, HENRY m Sarah Wisespirit 2-16-1930 - Cannonball, ND [v 59 # 3 p 10] WISESPIRIT, SARAH m Henry Spottedelk 2-16-1930 - Canonball, SD [v 59 # 3 p 10] Death pg 11 CANE, DORA died 1-19-1930 - Wososo Oinkpa (Cut Meat- Parmelee, SD) [v 59 # 3 p 11] Baptisms pg 11 DUPREE, MARION PAUL son of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dupree hap (no date) Mato Wakpa (Bear Creek) [v 59 # 3 p 11] GABER, GERALD MAY child of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gaber hap (no date) - Mato Wakpa (Bear Creek) [v 59 # 3 p 11] RENCOUNTRE, FRANCIS GORDON son of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rencountre bap 1-12-1930 - Wososo Oinkpa (Cut Meat - Parmelee, SD) [v 59 # 3 p 11] LOOKINGHORSE, STANLEY RAYMOND son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Lucy) Lookinghorse, born 1-24-1930, hap 1-24-1930 d 1-30-1930 - Pejitowakpa [v 59 # 3 p 11] Deaths pg 11 REDDOG, MRS FANNIE died, 1-2-1930 - Makaizita (Smoking Earth - Oglala, SD) [v 59 # 3 p 11] Deaths pg 12 KILLSFIRST, MRS IRENE died 9-26, 1929 - Eagle Butte, SD [v 59 # 3 p 12] GOODBEAR, DAU John Goodbear died 6-12-1929 - Mdetanka (Big Lake, Cannon Ball, ND) [v 59 # 3 p 11] ELK, CHILD of Mr. & Mrs. John Elk died 1-28-1930 -Mdetanka (Big Lake, Cannon Ball, ND) [v 59 # 3 p 12] MAKEY, MRS JULIA died 2-3-1930 - Flandreau, SD[v 59 # 3 p 12] Baptism page 12 DOGSKIN, DENNIS son of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Dogskin, hap 3-31-1929-Mdetanka [v 59 # 3 p 12] EAGLESTAFF, SIMON son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Eaglestaff born 1-12-1920, hap 2-12-1930 by Rev. Ben Brave, Wakpawaste Inkpata (Upper Cheyenne, SD) [v 59 # 3 p 12] 109 • Volume 59 - April 1930 #4 Marriage pg 13 DUGAN, PETER J m Martha Leftbear 1-29-193- - Ft. Totten, ND [v 59 # 4 p 13] LEFTBEAR, MARTHA m Peter J Dugan 1-29-1930 - Ft. Totten, ND [v 59 # 4 p 13] Baptisms pg 15 NOTAFRAIDOFPAWNEE (PADANIKOKIPESNE), JOHN Bap 2-15-1930 (age 86) died 2-18-1930- Hante (Cedar) [v59#4p15] ANTELOPE, NELSON son of John Antelope bapl-3-1930 - Hante (Cedar) [v 59 # 4 p 15] KENNEDY, ALBERTA dau of Elizabeth Kennedy born 4-17-1928 bap 1-5-1930 - Culbertson, MT [v 59 # 4 p 15] COMESLAST, ROSA MARIE dau ofMr. & Mrs. Albert (Margaret) Comeslast born 11-6-1929 bap 1-26-1930 Culbertson, MT [v 59 # 4 p 15] DEMARRIAS, MARTIN DAVIS son of Mr. & Mrs. Matt Demarrias born 1-10-1930, bap 2-16-1930 - Culbertson, MT [v59#4p15] NIGHTCHASE, PENNISE dau of Mr. & Mrs. ErnestNighchase born 2-22-1930, bap 3-30-1930 - Cedar (Cong) [v 59 # 4 p 15] RUNSCLOSE, MARLYN JUSTIN dau of Mr. & Mrs. Jonah Runsclose born 3-15-1930, bap 3-30-1930-Cedar (Cong) [v 59 # 4 p 15] Deathpg 16 CROW, ALFRED died 3-12-1930 - Kangiokute (Crow Creek) [v 59 # 4 p 16] • Volume 59 - May 1930 #5 Deaths pg 18 YELLOWHAWK, MRS SOLOMON d 7-3-1929 -LaPlant, SD [v 59 # 5 p 18] DREAMER, LYDIA d 12-18-1929 - Oglala, SD [v 59 # 5 p 18] Baptisms pg 19 DOGEAGLE, GLADYS REGINA dau of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis (Rosalie Counting) Dogeagle born 3-1-1930, bap 3-2-1930 Matowakpa (Bear Creek) [v 59 # 5 p 19] CHIPPS, BESSIE dau of Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Chipps bap 3-30-1930 - Wamblee, SD [v 59 # 5 p 19] SPOTTEDBIRD, EDWARD son of Mr & Mrs. Willaim Spottedbird bap 2-8-1930 - Ft. Totten, ND [v 59 # 5 p 19] BEAREAGLE, CORA dau of Mr. & Mrs. James (Grace) Beareagle bap 3-23-1930 - Wounded Knee, SD[v 59 # 5 p 19] YELLOWHORSE, VELMA GRACE dau ofMr. & Mrs. Leonard (Fannie) Yellowhorse bap 3-23-1930 - Wounded Knee, SD [v 59 # 5 p 19] Death pg 19 HENRY, MARIE dau of Mr. & Mrs. Alex (Olive) Henry died (no date) - Wounded Knee, SD [v 59 # 5 p 19] LONEWARRIOR, SUSAN MABEL bap and died 2-1930 - Brockton, MT [v 59 # 5 p 19] LOUIS, MRS LUCY LAWRENCE born 3-1882, died 2-26, 1930 - Brockton, MT [v 59 # 5 p 19] KITTO, CLARENCE RUDOLPH son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Jeanette) Kitto born 3-3-1927, died 2-24-1930 Flandreau, SD [ v 59 # 5 p 19] • Volume 59 - June-July 1930 #6 Deathpg22 HARLAN, JOSHUA d 4-20-1930 -Tawacinwaste (Good Will) [v 59 # 6 p 22] 110 Baptisms pg 23 VEO, THOMAS JASPER son of Mr.
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