c. t t Collohun __ / &#39; I 0J7e2:ooc1Z Co rod - E vans _.______ i &#39;1 Gole Rosen &#39; 1 I / SUii1Vqn : V Tovel &#39; Trotter __...,______ Tele Room Holmes _ Gundy 7 W? *1-" &#39;--" -""&#39; "&#39;7 -*~- - - _ l Was I§r|hsh I Frogman Betrayed? I LONDON,Sept. UPI!--The 7 Express Daily .reported ~ tmsy that Ex-Comdr. L£on&#39;:.&#39;="t*C.&#39;moo,the irogmanwho dis- appeared in Portsmouth Harbor in 1956, was betrayed by a Soviet "master spy" who had worked his way into an im- plortant Britishgovernment agencyand isstill workingl t ere. 1 Officials declinedcomment the on report. , , . torThe the beliet Express that acited spyS. in Britain U. intelligence warnedofficials theRussians asthesource that _ &#39;J Comdr. Crabb would be prospecting around underwater try- I ing to get information about equipment carried by the So~ &#39; &#39; viet Cruiser Svercllov, then in Portsmouth. 92 The spywins linkedwith theBritish trioor DonaldMac-_ - O / L-cart, Ha.re1..&#39;t=&#39;ht1_!.;;,1_enc.92the lateGuy Burgess,who edto * / Russiagovernment. as ailté&#39;fWoT&#39;l¬ingwhile spiesby employed British - the 92 , - ; Comdr. Crabb disappeared on April 19, 1956. A headless, / hanciless body in a irogman suit, found a year later on a beach near Portsmouth, was officially identied as his, but there have been repeated rumors that it was not. J. Bernard"&#39;Hutton,a newsman from RedCzechoslovakia, &#39; wrotea book. published in 1960, in which he said Comdr: - Crabb was taken prisoner by the Russians and was at that time traini Irogmen Ior them somewherebehind ttgg1;-on I uiin.C i Thu Washington Pout and 1...? Times Herald The Wqshinqton Daily News __..._.... The Eveninq Star ....._.....__.__.....__.._.. New York Herald Tribune _.._____ New YorkJournol-American __..__ New York Mirror _l_.....____.._ New York Dolly News .._.__.__._._ I; . if 5, ti"";. New York __._____._______Post is-&#39; The New York Times _.._____...___._._. &#39; ,, The Worker The New Leader _._,__,______,__.________ K The Wall StreetJournal _,_..._.___ ; ""i.- 0s 92 _ - A Ii i» . TheNational_ A_ Observer __.___.___ ~&#39; .- | p " &#39;:Date NQTji1I-YrO1{1_Ji3D- __. is--n-on V - &#39;&#39; " - &#39; 191 SEP 111903 o;:LP 7 I963 ___ ____, _ * &#39; : r r re =&#39; " -1 r 4, - _____ _________n____F_ t-.- - _._ _ ,_w_ C . §ZiT°E-é Caspe Callahan _._.._.._ E ans Gale H osen A Sullivan I -_ ~ Tcvel Trotter i______ Tale. Room ____ Holmes _____ Gandy _..i___ A uI-29 Lo O QHOV -THE DAILY EXPRESS SAID TODAY HAROLD KIM! PHILBY WAS ROM BEIRUT BY THE RUSSIA-NS BECAUSE THEY FEARED HE WAS ABOUT T0 R£VEAL TO BRITISH INTELLIGENCE THE NAME or A SOVIET MASTER SPY wno STILL IS WORKING FOR A BRITISH covrnwnznr Aczncv. AND PHILBY THE EEONOMIST, ronnrn MIDDLE EASTwzur BEHIND CORRESPONDENT THE IRON CURTAIN FOR THE IN JANUARY SUNDAY oasznvznAND IT L,// vAs LEARNED LATER THAT HE wAs A SOVIET AGENT. FHILBY THE EXPRESS A ronrn IN BRITISH A DISPATCH FOREIGN FROM orrxcz WASHINGTON o1PLonAI BY RENE uAs mAccoLL A nEAv§sAIn DRINKE AND vAs consxoznso A LIABILITY av THE nus§IANs. HCCOLL sAIn wnsu PHILBY TOLD THE RussIANs THE HEAT wAs on HIM lgin ILBY THE PORT OLEFT MIDDLEEAST,BEIRUT IN run A RUSSIAN sovxsrs TRAWLER ARRANGEDuuzcu ton HIM TOOK TO asHIM T0 &#39;LIFTED&#39;A BLACK AND I 8/31 "&#39;-TD1 OI OAED s;5~» /A / , -I ,1 I I I u. -A I&#39; I DI" bd -I -- 92I _ - ~ 1!A! ---;a&#39;D U *5 - ~ -~ ,..92 &#39; cf ,4} 1-. I/*4- :¬ -I ,3:-Aw, |___&#39;.19"; 6: 9 ,1 _ 1 _ 27 -3&#39; Q7 5/ __ 6 _2QvAsHINoT0N Q CAPITAL &#39;&#39;mews s1zRv}gtL - SEP NOTFtFCORDED 5 1963 W1 .|I ~77" P, _. r &#39;LAh&#39; "f}"""" " "Q-&#39;.&#39; "&#39;1;-C-41&#39; Q»- -,i--._.-i--Z-_ ;;. "Q=3;4§h.Q§Q@§%g&??§;§fL;w3hjL1T " ,. .,_,,-1-&#39;.&#39;._;&#39;<&#39;_;r _ _ A &#39; &#39; A _ Mr. Tolawn ...__-- Mr. Iir-lmoIlL__-- C &#39; O Mr. I&#39;~I&#39;iI-I ------- 91;-, &#39;5-rive! "-- -"~in--.n._... :1 "&#39;r&#39;!"&#39;~&#39;I,. 7 1 I - 7 MountClipping in Space Bilowi WW I ii," i Wimr . ~ &#39; i By Flililllltbilllil, lierawliiplointie Correspondent I . |-&#39; . AIIOLD KIM PHILBY, i&#39;I1e formerwe-l__.___i. r 921. ~ , ...,. ¢I|n!9|-nnl-...... "&#39;5 gave Bu:-gess_a:&#39;1r.IAPPLIED I &#39;57 2&#39; 1"-Z &#39; in-:1! Maclean the tip-off that sent them&#39;After Phiiby disappeared &#39; . ii&#39;HILL&#39;l. - fleeing to Russia in I951, is in Moscow. .it was widely believed he had _ vie. Ilunm.._._.... .* He has been granted asylum in Russia-and ed behind the Iron Curtain. l.!is.= H-5-iznrs. l ~"il&#39;his was oorlnrmed yesterday rE.&#39;1Vel.&#39;i $01161? citizenship. S0 the three &#39;rnnnwnv&#39; Miss Candi ....... .. i... 7 e__~-~r- i- ---v v-----v - ----u n J i by"-the Russian newspaper LB1-itish diplomats are togetheriagainbehind. the Izvéstia which said Phiiby had &#39;Iron Curtain. &#39;, applied to the Soviet authori- l II .........._...__.-,----~---~ tieelwith a request for political Last night Western news-&#39;asylum and ior Soviet citizen- h:p_u I _ I .i_ lindicole page, noi-no oi paper reporters in Moscow ngwlpupur, cily and Ituta.! thought it likely that Philby. Izvestla added: The i Supreme Soviet oi the USSR I Burgess and Maclean hadi have satised Philby&#39;s request." F I already had a reunion at I- The newspaper said Phiiby villa outside the city. I held a leading position in the DAILY HERALD 3 Philby, who had fbeen British Intelligence Service." working as Middle East In 1956 the Foreign _Omee correspondent tor a. British otiiciaily assured botn The newspaper. disappeared Observer and the Economist- Pg . 1 from his home in Beirut. who mud engaged Phiiby as their Middle Ea-st correspondent Lebanon, in January. _&#39;§~ that he had-no Iiirther links A month ago the Lord with Intelligence or Govern- Privy Seal. Mr. Edward 1ni_ent_work oi any hind. _ . _. London J England &#39;l-l_eath. revealed in the House . 92 .l-92~..~,_y f;:.rTij or Gommons that 51-year- =&#39;i~ DOUBLE SPY &#39; old Philby was the third tar." - man" who tipped off Bur- Eess and Maclean in 1951. &#39;But four day: alter Mr. Heath J. told MP5 that Phiiby was the third man " in the Burgess- 4%-/-&#39; 92 Maciean case, rm evidence reached the Daily Herald that Philby was employed as a -l.1i¢~&#39;¢&#39;*T ll . double agent in the Middle East. i I;/ L I-le had worked as a spy for i both Britain and Russia until 1 just before he vanished. n I PhLlby&#39;s American wile. Eleanor. came to Britain in May with their two children. They i have been staying at e. leoret i Dciie: 1- haddress. &#39;lit d her a likes." Last night the Foreign Oice Edition: &#39;_"__ n :2 I 1. 5* would :=:"* not say =r>_v~:..*=.er.--4.»:where Mrs. Philby Author: &#39; was. IA spokesman added: "Al -<a/~~"<- an American citiz-en she is a Ediiol= tree agent. She can do what Title"? 5311* 0 Ir _ FUMO ; és? é "* Character: or " R, GB Cioaliiicuiiori: . /~§¢&#39;&#39; I Submitting Oiiice: London -&#39; -*~ -L ,1 5 - I. é=»i:_=&#39;ont...___;.r,-..._.. K - . 0 I MohrI emon .._._._.._....._.._. __l,._..__ ./ $33.1... ...._ gniloach&#39; onrud _._...i*; Evans __.__.____ Gale ..............._. R os n &#39; Q q TuveylSuléldhi ._._i_ _ fl Trotter __._.._ R} Tele. Room _.._.. Holmes _l..___ Candy ___..___ L9 C-r Q . _ T? .~ /I /Q 92. .2 v!F4C 92£! . gr&#39; %§%gw! urx-ss I HESIZVESTIAADD DEFECTOR MOSCOWCLASHED nzonr UPI-1&8! or wxrnL aaxrxsa covznnnrnr 92 LroINFORMATIONTHE orSINCE nous: HIScommons RESIGNArant POM asTHE no FOREIGNnanACCESS SERVICEto 1!. D FLATLY THAT HE WAS OCCUPYING ALEADING BRITISH SEC ON WHEN HE DEFECTED- H_ID§A§TT GOVERNMENT PgNDENT&#39;SC HASAFTER ADHITTEDHE LEFT POST IT RECOMMENDED ITS SERVICE.PHILBY FORHIS ; 0..- E q_u1ev- nu-l:.~n»¢! / 92 _ _ P 0 3:;:""" Tolson -*1 Casper ..______ Callahan ____,___ Conrad __________ DeLoc|ch ______ .. Evans __,_____ 1 Gale __g====____ Rl RosenA Sullivan ___,_____________ Tavel _______ Trotter ____._____ Tele. Room Holmes ._______ Gondy _________ um -so ----i...i,,._ Lon§Dgn¥%§so on nos¬ALsou§no coo néarnow:-as: tono tn: nous:or CommonsJULY 1stii...i.._ rant PHILBY nan ADHITTED an nan wonxro roa THE sovxzrs nunlnc wonLn UAR II- HE S HAS THE HYSTERIOUS THIRD NAN HHO TIPPED OFF T PLOHATS BURGESS AND MACLEAN THAT SECURITY . AGENC TAKE ACTION AGAINST THEM JUST BEFORE THEIR ~ X &#39;95as 2 - »==nn-FOLL . HE LIGHT I 1 . -* * " 7.. A ~- on , _ w-Ii-C &#39; 1 .;.~y"£_. &#39;.._Tr _4 C 92 I I . N. - .1 . L PHI . EANOR FORMERLY~ HAS MARRIED TO NEW YORK TIMES I s C zrzlont __.i._ Casper _____._..___ Callahan _.._._... Conrad ______.____. DeL.oach ..__i.._ Evans _.__......_._ . Gale ___.&#39;____ 1 Rosen ....._._..._....._..
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