FREE ST. PHILOMENA: THE STORY OF A STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS PDF Courtney C Filomena Lee | 126 pages | 24 May 2013 | Createspace | 9781489548245 | English | United States St. Philomena: The Stubborn Little Princess Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Philomena by Courtney C. Filomena Lee. Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — St. A princess conceived after the St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess conversion of her parents, Philomena was always special. She vowed herself to Jesus at a young age and was soon put through the ultimate test: the test of her love for her Spouse. This is the incredible true story of a girl who knew that Jesus is worth everything and that her purity was worth dying for. Philomena: The Story of a A princess conceived after the prayerful conversion of St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess parents, Philomena was always special. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess was written to draw people closer to the teen saint and inspire them to follow her example of purity and love of God. It is a religious biography aimed toward young adults but has already proven to be just as inspirational to those of all ages. This book is a fast-paced and gripping read that will leave you feeling closer to one of the youngest saints in the Catholic Church. It is a story about a young princess who defied a Roman Emperor and gave up her life while following Jesus. Like a bright light in the darkness of our culture, St. Philomena is waiting to tell you her story in this charming and relatable tale. Recommended for ages Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about St. St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princessplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of St. May 20, Melissa rated it really liked it Shelves: read-aloud. A great read aloud story! My daughter loved hearing about the stubborn little princess. I'm going to search for more books like this for our bedtime story. Dec 02, Alexandra Ray rated it it was amazing Shelves: books-i-ownfavorites. I love St. And this St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess is an excellent way to get to know her better. It's short and sweet and perfect for this incredible saint. There is so much to learn from her, and I am so blessed to have found St. Philomena to invite her into my heart. I thoroughly recommend this book for any who want to know this saint a little better. Kathleen rated it it was amazing Jun 11, Grey Cee rated it really liked it Jan 15, Gzas rated it it was amazing Jan 03, Ana Paula rated it liked it Jun 29, Kate rated it really liked it Jul 09, Melissa O'Keefe-Swartz rated it it was amazing Jan 04, Cathleen rated it it was amazing Sep 04, Tess rated it it was amazing May 18, Kiara rated it it was amazing Jan 06, Chris rated it it was amazing Apr 08, Katie rated it really liked it May 02, Ashley rated it it was amazing Jan 04, Cecilia rated it it was amazing Jun 20, Nana added it Feb 04, Yolanda marked it as to-read Feb 04, David marked it as to-read Feb 05, Chelsea Moga marked it as to-read Aug 03, Alexandra marked it as to-read Jan 12, Johnston added it Apr 20, Rebecca Christie marked it as to-read Aug 13, Gemma marked it as to-read Aug 20, Bonny marked it as to-read Sep 29, Lauren Kaylor added it Feb 13, Farah added it Mar 02, Angela Eckel added it Jul 05, Pamela added it Aug 11, M Herzog marked it as to-read Nov 15, Katrina marked it as to-read Dec 31, Janna added it Jan 25, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Courtney C. Courtney C. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more Trivia About St. Philomena: Th No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess to your Goodreads account. August Liturgical Book List - elizabeth clare Saint Philomena was a young consecrated virgin whose remains were discovered on May 24—25,in the Catacomb of Priscilla. Three tiles enclosing the tomb bore an inscription, Pax Tecum Filumena i. Philomena is the patron saint of infants, babies, and youth. The remains were moved to Mugnano del Cardinale in There, they became the focus of widespread devotion; several miracles were credited to Philomena's intercessionincluding the healing of Pauline Jaricot inSt. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess received wide publicity. John Vianney attributed to her intercession the extraordinary cures that others attributed to himself. From tocelebration of her liturgical feast was approved for some places, but was never included in the General Roman Calendar for universal use. The typical edition of the Roman Missal included a mention of her, under August 11, in the section headed Missae pro aliquibus locis "Masses for some places"with an indication that the Mass to be used in those places was one from the common of a virgin martyr, without any collect proper to the saint. On May 24,in the Catacombs of Priscilla on the Via Salaria Nova, an inscribed loculus space hollowed out of the rock was found, and on the following day it was carefully examined and opened. The loculus was closed with three terracotta tiles, on which was the following inscription: lumena paxte cumfi. It was and is generally accepted that the tiles had not been positioned in the sequence of the words, and that the inscription originally read, with the leftmost tile placed on the right: pax tecum Filumena "Peace with you, Philomena". Within the loculus was found the skeleton of a female between thirteen and fifteen years old. Embedded in the cement was a small glass phial with vestiges of what was taken to be blood. In accordance with the assumptions of the time, the remains were taken to be those of a virgin martyr named St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess. The belief that such vials were signs of the grave of a martyr was still held inwhen a December 10 decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites confirmed a decree of April 10, But this view has been rejected in practice since the investigations of Giovanni Battista De Rossi — InCanon Francesco De Lucia of Mugnano del Cardinale requested relics for his oratory, and on 8 June obtained the remains discovered in May reduced to dust and fragments. InPope Leo XII gave to the church in Mugnano del Cardinale the three inscribed terracotta slabs that had been taken from the tomb. In his Relazione istorica della traslazione del sagro corpo di s. Filomena da Roma a Mugnano del Cardinalewritten in[10] Canon De Lucia recounted that wonders accompanied the arrival of the relics in his church, among them a statue that sweated some liquid continuously for three days. A miracle accepted as proved in the same year was the multiplication of the bone dust of the saint, which provided for hundreds of reliquaries without the original amount experiencing any decrease in quantity. Devotion includes the wearing of the "Cord of Philomena", a red and white cord, which had a number of indulgences attached to it, including a plenary indulgence on the day on which the cord was worn for the first time, indulgences that were not renewed in Indulgentiarum doctrinathe general revision of the discipline concerning them. At the age of about 13, she took a vow of consecrated virginity. When the Emperor Diocletian threatened to make war on her father, her father went with his family to Rome to ask for peace. The Emperor "fell in love" with the young Philomena and, when she refused to be his wife, subjected her to a series of torments: scourging, from whose effects two angels cured her; drowning with an anchor attached to her two angels cut the rope and raised her to the river bank ; being shot with arrows, on the first occasion her wounds were healed; on the second, the arrows turned aside; and on the third, they returned and killed six of the archers, after which, several of the others became Christians. Finally the Emperor had her decapitated. The story goes that the decapitation occurred on a Friday at three in the afternoon, as with the death of Jesus. The two anchors, three arrows, the palm and the ivy leaf on the tiles found in the tomb were interpreted as symbols of her martyrdom. In the Neapolitan nun's account, Philomena also revealed that her birthday was January 10, [8] that her martyrdom occurred on August 10 the date also of the arrival of her relics in Mugnano del Cardinale[6] and that her name "Filumena" meant "daughter of light".
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