Township of Wellington North P.O. Box 125 7490 Sideroad 7 W Kenilworth ON NOG 2E0 Regular Meeting of Council Monday, April 14,2008 Following Public Meeting - 7 pm Municipal Office Council Chambers, Kenilworth AGENDA Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM PAGE NO. A. CALLING THE MEETING TO ORDER - Mayor Mike Broomhead B. PASSING AND ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA C. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST D. MINUTES - Regular Meeting of Council, April 7, 2008 1 E. DELEGATIONS 1. K Smart & Associates, Trevor Hoard Re: Bridge # 25 Tender 2. Representatives from Drinking Water Source Protection Re: Presentation on Developing the Terms of Reference and Municipal Involvement Regular Meeting of Council Agenda April 14,2008 Page 2 of 4 I, I AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGENO. 1 F. STANDING COMMITTEE, STAFF REPORTS, MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Works Committee Meeting - Minutes, April 10,2008 (under separate cover) - Recommendations for the following capital items: - Grader Tender - Asphalt Tender - Tar 1 Chip Tender 2. Economic Development Committee - Minutes, February 13,2008 Meeting - Report by Linda Reader, EDC G. CORRESPONDENCE FOR COUNCIL'S INFORMATION AND DIRECTION 1. City of Ottawa Re: Request for Support of Resolution regarding Province of Ontario paying a proportional share of MPAC costs related to Education Property Taxes. 2. Society for the 400thAnniversary of the Province of Quebec Re: Let's Ring Out Together! 3. County of Wellington Re: Road Committee Spring Road Tow Thursday, May 15,2008. 4. Townships of North Frontenac; Lanark Highlands; Greater Madawaska and Addington Highlands Re: FederalProvincial Programs to continue to allocate some funding to Municipalities on a per capita basis and the year round population of many of the smallest rural municipalities. 5. Townships of North Frontenac; Lanark Highlands; Greater Madawaska and Addington Highlands Re: Current Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenue states that the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) will allocate the Funds to Municipalities on a per capita basis. P.\Agendas\Council\2008\April14.2008 Agenda doc Regular Meeting of Council Agenda April 14,2008 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM PAGE NO. G. CORRESPONDENCE FOR COUNCIL'S INPORMATIOAND DIRECTION 6. Ministry of Transportation Re: 2008 Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Investment for the Township of Wellington North has been approved for funds in the amount of $733,945.00 towards Municipal Road and Bridge Capital Investment needs. 7. Ministry of Transportation Re: 2008 Highway Connecting Link Allocation - the Township of Wellington North has been approved to receive funds in the amount of $1,179,000.00 towards your connecting link project. 8. Notice of an Application for Consent: - B43108 Ronald and Gail Wilson - B36108 Lorne and Wendy Schills - B41108 Tara and Rick Fowles 9. Wellington County Draft - Forest Conservation By-law. H. BY-LAWS 1. 33-08 Being a By-law to Temporarily Close Main Street Former Town of Mount Forest for the Purpose of Holding the "Trillium Run". 2. 34-08 Being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law Number 66-01 for the Township of Wellington North for the Purpose of the "Running of the Bull". (two proposals) I. ACCOUNTS J. OTHERBUSINESS - In Camera - "Property" : Matter K. COUNCILLOR'S PRIVILEGE Regular Meeting of Council Agenda April 14,2008 Page 4 of 4 AGENDA ITEM PAGE NO. L. NOTICES OF MOTION M. ITEMS FOR COUNCIL'S INFORMATION N. CONFIRMING BY-LAW NO. 35-08, BEING A BY- LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 0. ADJOURNMENT Lorraine Heinbuch C.A.O. / Clerk MEETINGS, NOTICES, ANNOUNCEMENTS Finance Committee Wednesday, April 16,2008 8:30 a.m. Water/Sewer Committee Thursday, April 24,2008 4:00 p.m. Public Meeting Monday, April 28,2008 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting Monday, April 28,2008 7:00 p.m. The following accessibility services can be made available to residents upon request with two weeks notice: Sign Language Services - Canadian Hearing Society - 1-800-668-5815 Documents in alternate forms - CNlB - 1-866-797-1312 Wheelchair accessible taxi - Twins Taxi: 519-848-3339 or 1-866-875-2088 or www.twinstaxi.com THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WELLINGTON NORTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Mondav, April 7,2008 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor: Mike Broomhead Councillors: Ross Chaulk Bob Mason John Matusinec Dan Yake Also Present: Chief Administrative OfficerlClerk: Lorraine Heinbuch Executive Assistant: Cathy Conrad The meeting was held in the Municipal Office Council Chambers, Kenilworth A. CALLING THE MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Broomhead called the meeting to order B. PASSING AND ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Moved bv: Councillor Chaulk Seconded bv: Councillor Mason THAT the Agenda for the April7, 2008 Regular Meeting of Council and the April 7, 2008 Supplementary Agenda be accepted and passed Resolution Number: 1 Carried C. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None declared. D. IN CAMERA 1. Propeity" Matter sale of municipal property Moved bv: Councillor Mason Seconded by: Councillor Chaulk THAT Council go into a meeting at 6:30 p.m. that is closed to the public under subsections 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - to consider a proposed disposition of land owned by the Township Resolution Number: 2 Carried THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WELLINGTON NORTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Mondav, April 7,2008 Pace Two D. IN CAMERA (continued) Moved by: Councillor Yake Seconded by: Councillor Matusinec THAT Council rise from In-Camera at 7:01p.m. Resolution Number: 3 Carried Preliminary Concept Plan Part 1 Ref. Plan 61R7881 formerly know as the Murphy Lands Moved by: Councillor Chaulk Seconded by: Councillor Mason THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Wellington North approve the preliminary concept plan (of Part 1, 61R-7881, formerly known as the Murphy lands) prepared by J.L. Cox Planning Consultants Inc dated February 28, 2008 and that staff be directed to initiate an official plan amendment in accordance with such plan as submitted Resolution Number: 4 Carried E. MINUTES 1. Public Meeting, Arthur Concession 6 Noi-th Road Drain, March 17, 2008 2. Regular Council Meeting, March 17,2008 Moved by: Councillor Mason Seconded by: Councillor Chaulk THAT the minutes of the Arthur Concession 6 North Road Drain Public Meeting and the Regular Meeting of Council held on March 17, 2008 be adopted as circulated. Resolution Number: 5 Carried F. DELEGATIONS 1. Scott Smith, Staff Sergeant, Wellington County OPP Re: Policing Issues Staff Sergeant Scott Smith appeared before Council to review the calls for service for 2005 - 2007. Wellington North accounts for 15% of the calls for service. Violent crime - sexual assault and other assaults have decreased. Propel-ty crime - break & enter, and mischief have decreased; theft of auto and theft under $5,000 have increased; theft over $5,000 as remained the same. Traffic - motor vehicle collisions increased (many involving collisions with deer); impaired driving has decreased slightly. 13 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WELLJNGTON NORTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Monday, April 7,2008 Page Three F. DELEGATIONS (continued) 1. Scott Smith, Staff Sergeant, Wellington County OPP Re: Policing Issues (continued) County wide the OPP is concerned with the increasing number of domestic, mental health, theft from motor vehicle and impaired driving calls they attend. The OPP is seeking community assistance with community participation, the Lock it or Lose it program and the R.1.D.E program. 2. Thomas Schneider, Schneider Power Inc. Re: Proposed Wind Generating Turbines Mr. Schneider appeared before Council to discuss his proposed Arthur Wind Farm Project. He provided inforlnation as to where the project will be located, advantages of the site, environmental assessment and studies completed, community relations, construction activities, background information for Schneider Power, past projects and owners. MI. Schneider requested Council assistance with a public meeting for a Zoning By-law Amendment. G. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS, MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Arthur Pool Fundraising Committee - Minutes, March 19, 2008 Moved by: Councillor Yake Seconded by: Councillor Matusinec THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Wellington North receive the minutes of the Arthur Pool Fundraising Committee meeting held on March 19, 2008. Resolution Number: 6 Carried 2. Mount Forest & District Sports Complex Committee - Minutes, March 20, 2008 Moved by: Councillor Matusiuec Seconded by: Councillor Yake THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Wellington North receive the minutes of the Mount Forest & District Sports Complerw Building Committee meeting held on March 20,2008. Resolution Number: 7 Carried THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WELLINGTON NORTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Monday, April 7,2008 Paee Four G. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS, MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS (continued) 3. WaterfSewer Committee - Minutes, March 19, 2008 Moved bv: Councillor Yake Seconded by: Councillor Matusinec THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Wellington North receive the minutes of the Water/Sewer Committee meeting held on March 19,2008. Resolution Number: 8 Carried 4. Gary Williamson, Manager of Public Works - Report Regarding Fuel Tender Moved by: Councillor Yake Seconded by: Councillor Matusinec TIUT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Wellington North award the three year fuel tender fo Chalmer Fuels Based on the $.lo discounflitre for marked and clear diesel commencing on April 15, 2008 as recommended By the Works Committee. Resolution Number: 9 Carried 5. Mount Forest Fire Department - March 2008 Response Report - March 2008 Fire Prevention Officer's Report Moved bv: Councillor Chaullc Seconded by: Councillor Mason THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Wellington North receive the Mount Forest Fire Department March 2008 Response Report and the March 2008 Fire Prevention Officer's Report. Resolution Number: 10 Carried THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WELLINGTON NORTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Monday, April 7,2008 Page Five G.
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