~o, BRYANT'S April I, 1992 The Kingdom of Bryant, College of Business Administration and Liberal Ans Volume 12, Number 13 About Our New Format. .. Bryant Declares Free by Wenowhut Weirdoln dam. After all, who else could you use? Certainly not The Archway, they are so Kingdom This issue of Bryant's Lack of Busi· unreliable! Just look al alt of the produc­ ness introduces a new format that wlll lion schedules they've missedl~ oHer a di~inclly different look that you'll ~The Archway? We sopped dealing by Fynuf Saye esses, including Baronesses Oaniels and be sure to notice. with them," noted Collegiate Adver1ising O'Arcy, and Barons Cartwright, Nelson, The standard bI-weekly, four-page, lel­ Agency representative Steve Medin. ~Af· It's now official! Bryant College Is now Hannon, Fogany, Orury, Talley, Kenney, ter·sized, glossy-paper Issue will be reo ter all of the stories of bklwn deadlines we free and independent I and Sloss. Assistant directors shall be placed forever by the new weekty, lab­ heard from Bryant's {publication's) 01· A proclamation issued joinUy from the known as lords; for example, lords Ioid·size, newsprint issue of Btyant'sLadc fices, we just couldn't keep up our con­ former Board of Trustees and President Alvarez, Pavao, and Blumenthal and of Business (BloB). This new and ere-­ trad with them. It was p.uet)' a business William E. Truehean earlier today de­ ladies Read, Powers, and Walker.- ative format will enable us to make 50 decision," clared that Bryant College Is seceding The proclamation continues: "May it many dandy changes to the publication, The tabloid format also will provide Iromthe United Slates, theStaleof Rhode be further noted that all members of the It is the first major change in BloB sInce BIoBwith more room in each issue, pro­ Island, and the Town of Smithfield. suppon staHs are now considered peas· we eliminated that extra two inches 01 viding more Information to Ihe entire Bry­ The proclamation reads as follows: ants, whilst professors of every status wasted paper In the summer of 1990. ant kingdom. Atter all, it Is important to MFrom this day forward. the college shall shall be known as court jesters, First of all, the switch to newsprint will keep the lines of communication active at be known as The Kingdom of Bryant, The board of trustees will. for all pos­ help BloB reduce our publishing cosls. Bryant This importance demands that COllege of Business AdmlniS1ration and terity, be known as the Knights 01 the The heavy bond, glossy paper we have we have a high degree of sophistication Uberal Arts. Furthermore, the adminis· Rec1angular Table. They shall be ad­ used since 1984 was expensive , made In this publication, edited specifically for tration of Ihe kingdom should be referred dressed, for example, as Honorable fresh from virgln-cut trees, and not envi· the entire Bryant kingdom. With this im· to appropriately. From this day forward, Knlgl'lt Selya and Knights Begin, ronmentalty safe. (As everyone knows. portance in mind, articles in BloB will be the president shall be known as King DeAngelis, and Sarkisian.~ thanks to the recent BEAC campaign, the written and selected caratully so that all William E. Trueheart. His wife will be The following declaration was also is~ glare from the gloss can blind a bIrd or of the important information is conveyed crowned Queen Carol. sued: ~ Sludents in The Bryant Kingdom small animal at 50 yards and cause them quickly, acwralely, and in a pleasant For all eternity, the executlYevlce pres.· are 10 be known simply as serts, because to crash in to objects they fail to see.) The manner dent/pfovost will be known as the prince, they are the real workers in our kingdoTl use of newsprint will be drastically From the Impact our outstanding stu· as in Pnnce Wallie Roettger AU vK::e and they provide the economic backbone cheaper, allowing us to aHom other vital dents make on our comrrunity to the presidents shan hlthtno be called dukes 01 our 0p818b:1tl proJeas, such as tlrnety news releases wonder1ulthingsourslaff dOes, the pages (ie. Duke lafond, Duke Meichelbeck, Now a soveregn state, Bryant IS free and other collegIate publications. In addi­ of BloB will certainly be tull 01 It Duke Gibson) and associate vice presi­ rrom alliagal constraints 01 the outside tion, Ihe availabilnyol recycled newsprint The other format feature you're sure to dents, marquises and marquesses (ie. world Therefore, gambUng will be legal­ will allow us 10 be roore environmentally notice is the revamped layout of the is· Marquise Olclharn and Marquess lema). ized within the gates of the kingdom. ~ 'II conscious as we strive to Inform the Bry· sue. OUr old layout was nice and neat The former deans and directors will be you can'llight 'em, join 'em' is our atti­ ant Kingdom. wijh plenty of wondeliuUy visual white forever known as Barons and Baron - tude : declared one of the coun jesters. Another format change Includes the space. Even afterourtransiUonto a desk­ inclusion ot advertising in Bryant's Lack tOjrpubllshlng operalion in September of Businesslortl'le lirst time ever. Adver­ 1990, our layout lett something to be tising in each weekJy Issue will provide desired. But now, in an effort to take Jimmy the Greek Named BIoBwith a revenue sou rce to help defray advantage of the expanded room avail· our operating costs and afford many vital able in each and every issue, BloB has projects. And remember, wijh each and updated ijs regular layout to utillze even Commencement Speaker every IsStJe of BloB. our dependence on greater desktop·publishing skills as tuition dollars will decrease thanks to Ieamed by our student interns in Or. by U.R. Gullible Although it is unclear at this 1In18 what cheaper newsprint and the use of paid Marsden's AV Graphics class. This new the theme 01 Jimmy's address will be, is advertising. equipment also gives us greater design If Yale Untversity can have George expected to address concerns that gam­ "The advMlsing in BloB Is ce~ainly a control and flexibility while reducing our Bush as ij's commencement speaker, bling should be added as an addijional braInchild,· noted Bryant actvenlslng pro· expensive prepress typesettfng and me· Bryant College can have : concentration in the BUSiness Adminis· fessor Steven Soulos in a Providence­ chanical services. Jimmy The Greek. tration program. Journal anicte on the subject laST week. And one more thing - walch for all the The long awaited announcement of In a phone Interview yesterday ,Jimmy "What better revenue than effi· source information about the Bryant Kingdom in the 1992 commencement speaker came expressed his concerns, saying "Hey , I cientty marketing ads to the Bryant king- Bryant's LaCk of Business. this week at a press conference held at haven', got a problem with gambling - the site 01 the new Zim's CaSino City look at my name for crimminies sake! Under the Dome. And with gambling becoming more and Thefamoushand~apperwaschosen more prevalent in today's global society, atterthe commencement committee care­ ij just seems to be a natural extension of fully reviewed the qualifications 01 anum· Bryant's mission of preparing student to ber of speakers. Also conSIdered in the operate in the global marketplace." search were lormer University of Ne· At apressconferenceheld in his throne vada·Las Vegas basketball coach Jerry room the Kingexpressed excitement over Tarkanien, Casino King Oonald Trump, Jimmy's upcoming appearance at Bry· former Nonh Carolina Slate basketball ant. coach Jim Valvano, and Providence From his throne, he declared, "I have Mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci. been in nearly constant contact with According to a statement released by Jimmy over the tast several days· what the commencement committee, the with the Final Four and aU,1 wanllo know choice "Was diffirutt, but in the end, we exactly what Cincinnati's chances are. decided that Jimmy best represented the Does anyone know what happened 10 my instijution - plus he has agreed 10 take a scepter thlngy?" ..... ",. ,,_~ .... f'''''''' position at Zim's as the casino's handi· Crown Prince WaUy Roetger was also 190:: '0' ...- capper'- excited about Jimmy's address. -I think ' BusinC'i!iptrsou The statement continued the eventual this will certainly legitimize Bryant as an , nl\med goalofthe casino is to replace las Vegas independent state and as a garroting as the center of garrbUng and odds mak· center. Hey, who stole the Klng's scepter ing In the United States, and MJimmy is by Ihingy?" far one of the most efficient ways of ACODVO '" e J n f I - i ch vi hat jimmv 10 Soeak. (Continue nrz f] ~e ) I Senior Class Gift Committee Announces Change by Scoop Snake £yes GROUND FLOOR Zinl's The Senior Class Gift Committee has CASINO CITY announced a change in the class gift lor '992. IUI £i.llIl.I&fllI The commitlee, headed by Deena Slot Machines - bring loIS of ~er3 , lhey'18 r9ged. Panarielto , had originally decided on an outdoor fitness trail. But, in the wake of II I:!UUU;';1 1l ,nnn. the recent interest in gambling, they have decided to change it 10 ·Zlm's Casino City Under the Dome . ~ II CDIHl D II The casino will be built on the area thaI was to be used lor the prison which was In] 1111 II lUll II II II proposed, but feU through, in March of '990. Since the class couldn't possibly raise II . 1111011.11 , enough money for the casino alone. they r have caned on real estate mogul Donald ~ Trump for assistance.
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