CENSUS 1961 GUJARAT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 17 DANGS DISTRICT R. K. TRIVEDI Sn]Jerintendent of Censns Operations. Gujarat PRIOE R'. 4.1D nP. '" '"I o ·0 ~ ..I , ~ ~ ~ ,."., I­ tl II: I­ ~ o TALUKA: DANGS & DISTRICT: DANGS CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CEN'rRAL GOVERNMJlJNT PUBLICATIONS a,mSllS of India, 191H Volume V-Glljarat js boing published ill the following parts: I-A General HepQl't I-B Report ou Vital Statistias lIud Fertility Sllrvey l-C Subsidiary 'rabIes !I-A General Populatiou 'l'abltl8 II-B (1) Oonoral Economic Table~ (Tables B-1 to B-IV·O) U-J3 (2) . Gemtrl11 Economic Tables ('1'&bI08 B-Y tu B-IX) II-O Cultural and :VIigration Tables III Household Economic Tablos (Tables B-X to D-XVIII rV-A Report on Housing and Establishments TV-B Housing and Establishment Tables V-A Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduleu Tribes V-B Ethnographic ?'Iotas on Soheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (including reprints) VI Village Survey 'lIonogmphs (25 '\lonogmphsl VIl-A Selected Crafts of Gujarat YII-ll Fa.irs and Festivals VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration }' Not for Sale VIlI-B Administratiou Report--Tabulation IX Atlas Volume X Special ttt>port Oil CitieK STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 17 District Census Handbooks in English 17 District Census Handbooks ill Gujarati CONTENTS PAGES P&BI'AOE v-ix ALPfllBBJI'I(]AL LeST OF VILLAGEB xi-xiii PART 1 dJ Introductory Ess1IQ . 1-20 \ l) Lo{'ation ,wd Physieal.l<'eH1ul· ... ::;, (2) Adminio,t] oh\ f Sd-H}!, (3) IJ)l,d t-.vlf G(JVl'rl,melli. (4) PopuJutirHl. (.1) Housing, «(i) AgricultuJ'('. (7) Liv(,,,tock. (,s) IlJ'igldi('}" (!l) CO-Ol,(Hdi<)l. (W) E(ol.cn i( Aetiyit:" (11) Ill~lustrio::; Mld Power, (12) Tl'anRpOl't and COIl,lllUllkHiiPlJ*" (l ~i) !\Icdilill and Puhlic }II altho (14-} Labour and Social Wolf«Z'{', (15) Price 'l'r€lndH. (Hi) CmnmlHljt~· DHVdopl! eId. {1 '/) Fiyc Y"c,t Planb, (18) 1TnrlOl'tunt Placl' ~ume8 (ii) Gazetteer QI Place Names 21-22 PAHT II (i) Census Tables _,-aBXBRAL POPULATION TAllLE~ NOTE 3-6 TABLE A·I Ar()t1, Hout:let> and Populutioll SUB-ApPENDIX 2 TO ApPENDIX Distl'ictJTalukap..lahal showing Hl51 po})utnt,ioll according to tPlTitol,jrd jt'tiFciictio}. ill UJ.'il du:trrgesin area and thQ population involved in tIIOSf' dWUgf't; • .. • \'PpEiNDIX III HOUSl'1PH\ and Ins1itlltioJluJ l'opuJatjoll • l'AJH"E A-III u Ii~ GENERAL b:UOXmlIC TABLES XOTE 9-14 fA-SloE H-I \Vorkm'S and Non-workers classified hy sex and l,road agE'-group~ 15 TABLE B-lII PART B lntlustriul classifil:atiol1 ofWorkel8 tlll(l ~on-,\ Otk('IS by Odlll'~lhcnallcv( l~ ill Rural 8.1 eHS only 15 TABLE B-IV PARt' A Industrial ulastiillcation by !;('x and (-lUBS of workn 01 p(TI:lOnS at wOrk at !Jouse. hold industry. • • • • • • • • • in PART B Inuustrial dn8silication by Sf'X and daRb of ,\ ork",!, of por,.,(!l\f. at '101'1. in nOll-h"ll~( l,rdd il}dustry. trude, bUBill.{,BS, profE'ssioll. 01' o:;erV1(;(> . • • . • 16 PART c: Industl'iHl ela.8B.ificRtion bys x uud divisi()I~S, lhlljUI' groups <ll;d minol' gro\lps of pll'SOnS <l.t,work other than cultivution. • • • . • • 17-20 .:-\.PPEN1HX TO TABL.E H-1Y PAE'!' C • 20 fABLE B-V O(.;uupu.tionnl dasfiiticaiioll by ~p.x of pt)I'FOlll:; at wfOlk (Jthor than (:uitivaiw!l 2L2S ApPENDIX 1'0 TABLE D-V • 29 rAB.t.E B-VlI PAR'r A [\::m,ons working prinuipally (i) ai'> Cultivdtor~, (Ii) a" AgricuIturflll;lhmrE"rlO 01 (Iii) at Household Indut:ltry clas~ificd hy I:i<'X <}nd by Spcondnry work (i) at HOIl!<d.lo]d llldllf3tr~·, (ii) as Cultivator or (iii) at; AgriclIltund IHld)llrpr 2\) _PART.u Indul:itriul dassificatioll by 81:'1 of pereor;;; "ol'king ill non-itnut-dlold Il1thl ... tl~. tn,dc, UUSill('S~, profe!:lr;ion or ti~rvic(' who nrc 01:;:0 cngtlgt'd in hout'f'hold indu"tr~ 30 TAB.t.E B-VIll PAlRT 13 PCt'I:iOHI:i 1l1ll'ltl(Jloyed aged 15 and auav.' by i'!ex and ('(hU'<jt 1011<1 I kvell:> ill RIlI'R 1 only 30 i'A.BLE B-IX Persou,; Hot at \York eiao;f'ifiE:d by sex, broad ng('-gr()l~plo ,11,dtYlloof ,l{;ti, ity 31 Ll (ii)-HOUSEHOLD ECONO~l1U TABLIlS l'ABt.E B-X :..htlllpl(lHou~eholds (i)elJ.gagf'dlleithpl· in c,uhivation 1101' housel old ind,:s11':Y, Iii) engngpcl either in cultivation or household indlllstI',\' but not in both tlnd (iii) rng8gcd both in cultivation and household indu£;t1'y for Rural U}TH B • • • • • 31 iii PA.GES ~ampliJ HousehOlds engaged in cuttivei.ion cla~sified b~ il,'l",n·lot inlsLd ar,_d B1ZE' of land oultivated in Rural areas . • • _ • • . • 31 >'\,unplo Households cllgagl.d in cultivationolllJ' ChH.,siij_l:d by si'L'- of l\.n.d\CuHivatfd Bnd number of family workers mid hired worke-rs in RUlid ,11'('38 32 TABLE B-XVI '::L'.mph:l 1?t'indp'\d Uou):;(",hold industry llla,B"ifhd by pcyiod uf working 'cHId tOll\l h\IIH\.n of workers ollga.'ged in household indn;,h'y in l{ural al" fl.8 33 ApPl!l"NDlX TO TABLE B-XVI TABLE B-XVII 1')d,ll1ple HOllSeholds cl;_lt;:-ifhd J,~ (J) of 111,,11:' al.d fcnlidf' mcllllwrr:, by sizl uJ h01ll3€hold n;"d \ii) ttl) in CllltiV;JtjOIL 1101' ill iHdustf)', (h) ill hODS\' hold itd1t3t'ry Duly cultivatlOn sllb'(']"bsinfd l)~ ~iz\' (,f}';lr.deuHivated 35 a·SOOIAL AXD OULTURAL TABLES ~OTE 37-38 TABLE C-I 00tTl"P03itioll of ::)111.op1", HOlli;E::1101d8 by re\atiollshir to heod ot f[tl)lily clUOl:-ifltd by 6izc of land cultivat,(d • • • • . • . • 39 TABLE C-II Age and :UariiRI Statue. 40 TABLE C-I1I PART A TABLE C-IV ~inglo Yoar ..Ago Return::- TABLE C-V .1IothoX'TDllgU'3 (Alphabeticfll order) TABLE a-VII 42 TABLE C- VIII ~CHED1)LED CASTES A~D ,sC1:IEDOL:ED 'l'EHBE8 PAR.T A Glassific!ltion by ftlLd industrial Lategory of "o1'lu:1'b arid non-worker8 among Scheduled 43 PART B CltBsiilcation by UteX'<1cy fJ.,nd industrial category of 'worken, 8r.d nou-workcrt- flu.ong Scheduled Tribes • • .' • • • • • • 43 E·HOUSING TABLES "SOTE .' 45-47 TABLE E-I CeuSllsHousvSlllldtlw Uf"E,tO which they ctreput 48 TA.BLE B-I1 Tenure stat.us of sllIllIJle CCl!;SllS 11ousdlo1ds living ill ('Cl1SUS houses ur,fd wholly Or partly as dwelling 48 TABLE E-IV Distrilmt'ion of sample homH'ho!d.B liYil.gin 01:') .. 511", ll0U8tb u:-'fd wbull~ or partly fl.b , dWtllling uy predominant material of wl111 and predominant material of raul' • 48 TABLE E-V Sa,mple housuholds elassifitd by numuer oflllemb,'rsaEd by nUllluel' OfrOolllb occupied 49 ~CT-SJ'ECIAL 1'ABLES FOR SCHllDL"LED C"ISTES AND tiCHEDL"L]:,D TRIBEi' NOTE 51 TABLE SeT-I PART A InuustriaJ chssificatioll of P81'SUl.b at \\-ol'k and nOH-workert> by sex for Schedulld Casto, .'52 PART U [ndust.l'ic:d das::;ification of p,'rbons at, WOrk <md non-workers by ::,;ox for ~cll\'duIEd Tribes 03-54 VlbL\.GEI'/ISE Ll~T OF t'l'D0~TRl'\:r.. ;';'::>TABLISBJ:llEJS'T8 • 58-56 ANNEXURE-STA.~DARD I~Dus'rRIAL CLASSIFICATIO:K 56-58 LIST I)F RURAL CRAFTS A::--<D NUliBER OF PE.RSOXS EJIt:[PLOYED 11'1 PRODUC'l'I(JI~ 59 Iii) Ollicial Statistics 63-79 (A detailed list of tables on Official Stat.istics is given at pago 62) PART III Village Directory ~OTE DA."NGS TALUKA 2-15 :\1.APS DISTRIOT/TALUltA MAP FRONTISPIEOE FAIRS F AOING PAGlII 79 iv PREFACE Before 1VJl, only the lignres of population adv;saiJle to incorporate as many of the of revenue villages were given in what wer" cellSus tables as possible to enhance its use­ then called 'Village Handbooks', But the fulness. The re.<ult has oeen that the District decision to bring out the District Uensus Uensus HandLook of 1961 d,iffers widely in the Handbooks giving extraots from all the impor­ matter of content and coverage from that tant census tables for every district of the published after the Uensus of 1951 and State was taken for the tirst time in 1951. In contains <I number of new features, eX<lwinod addition to the census tables, the minimum below. information given in the Primary Census i\bstract related to the area of the village, The District Oensus Handbook has been sub­ number of houses and households, total divided iuto three parts, viz. :-- population, houseless and institutional popula­ PART I-THE DISTRICT tion, literates, and agricultural and non­ agricultural classes distributed under 8 1l1ain (i) lntroductory Essay livelihood classes. Uensus statistics given in (ii) Brief (}a~etteer of Place Nameb the Primary Census Abstract were further supplemented by the addition of useful PART II-STATISTICS administrative information on such items as post offices, railway st"tions, distance of b"zzar (i) Oensus Tables from village, primary schools, village panchayats. co-operative society, etc. This (ii) ViIIagewise List of Industrial was a unique achievement of the Indian Censns Establishments giving as it did the basic demographic and economic information for the smallest adminis­ (iii) Handicrafts Tables trative unit, namely, the village, "nd in some (iv) Departmental or Official Statistics States, eyen for each hamlet "nd also [01' wards in towns and cities.
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