The Salem Cross Inn is named for the hex-mark found on the front door-latch of the Inn. In the town of Salem and throughout the Bay Colony this mark was used to protect the inhabitantsTHETHE against SALEM “ye evillsSALEM of witchcraft CROSS and CROSS DINNER MENU diverse other manifestations e ofTHE Salem devilltry”.eTHE CrossSalem Inn CrossSALEM is namedInnSALEM is namedfor the forwitch- CROSS the witch- CROSS Since themark Inn foundhasmark been foundon therestored onfronte the by Salemdoor-latch front ethe Cross SalemSalemdoor-latch ofInn Cross the is namedofInn.Inn the is namedInn.for the forwitch- the witch- family, led by RichardIn the Salem, townIn the markof townthe Salem foundpun markof Salemand on foundon thethroughout theand name onfront throughout the decided door-latch thefront Bay door-latchthe Colony Bay of theColony ofInn. the Inn. this markthis was markIn usedthe was townIn to usedthe protect of town toSalem protect theof Salemand inhabitants the throughout and inhabitants throughout against the againstBay the Colony Bay Colony the title of the Inn.“ye evills“ye of evills thiswitchcraft ofmark thiswitchcraft was andmark useddiverse wasand to used diverse otherprotect to manifestations otherprotect the inhabitantsmanifestations the inhabitants against against The originalof devilltry”. King’sof devilltry”. “yeGrant evills“ye of of evillsthe witchcraft Salem of witchcraft Crossand diverse Innand diverseother manifestations other manifestations was made to a grandson ofSince Peregrineof devilltry”. theSinceof Inn devilltry”. White, the has Inn been the has restoredPilgrim been restored by the bySalem the Salem child born on thefamily, Mayflower family,led by ledRichardas it by lay RichardSince inSalem, Plymouth theSince Salem, the Inn punthe has the Harbor.Innon been pun the has onrestoredname been the restoredname by the bySalem the Salem For eight generationsdecided membersdecided the titlefamily, the ofof title family,theled Inn.Whiteofby theledRichard Inn.by family Richard Salem, lived Salem, the pun the on pun the onname the name edecided originaledecided the original King’s title the of King’sGrant titlethe Inn.of Grantof the the Inn. Salemof the SalemCross Cross here, through theInn Queen wasInn madeAnne’s was to made War,a grandson toe the a grandsonoriginal French eof Peregrine original King’s andof Peregrine White,King’sGrant White, Grantofthe the Salemofthe the SalemCross Cross Indian War, the RevolutionaryPilgrimPilgrim childInn Warborn childwasInn made andon born was thenumerous to made on Mayflowera grandsonthe to Mayflowera Indian grandson ofas Peregrine it lay ofas Peregrine init White,lay in White, the the raids. John WhitePlymouth was killedPlymouth Harbor.Pilgrim by the Harbor.Pilgrim IndiansForchild eight bornForchild in generationsBrookfieldeight on born the generations on Mayflower the membersin Mayflower members as it lay as init lay in 1710, prior to theof building the ofWhite the ofPlymouth White thefamily mainPlymouth familylived Harbor. house. here, lived Harbor. The Forthrough here, originaleight Forthrough the generationseight Queen the generations Queen members members ell with its “borningAnne’s room”Anne’s War, andof the theWar, walls French ofWhite the thelined French White familyand with Indian familyandcrudelived Indian War, here, lived the through War,here, thethrough the Queen the Queen RevolutionaryRevolutionaryAnne’s WarAnne’s War, and War thenumerousWar, and French thenumerous French Indianand Indian Indianand raids. Indian War, raids. the War, the handmade bricks to deflect Indian arrows awaits restoration. John WhiteJohn RevolutionaryWhitewas killed Revolutionarywas by killed the War Indiansby the and War Indians in numerous Brookfiled and in numerous Brookfiled Indianin Indianin raids. raids. The area,1710, historic prior1710, in toJohn prior Indianthe White buildingtoJohn theWars, Whitewasbuilding of waskilled the was maincrossedof by killed the the house. main Indiansby the house.e Indians in Brookfiled e in Brookfiled in in the Bay Path andoriginal the oldoriginal ell Boston with1710, ell its Postwithprior 1710,“borning itsRoad,to prior “borningthe room” buildingasto thewell androom” building as ofwalls beingtheand lined main ofwalls the with house. linedmain with house.e e a favorite campingcrude ground handmadecrude fororiginal handmade the bricks Wampanoags,original ell with tobricks deflect ell its withto “borning deflectIndian whoseits “borning Indianarrowsroom” and arrowsroom”awaits walls andawaits lined walls with lined with chieftain, Philip ofrestoration. Pokanoket,restoration.crude is rememberedhandmadecrude handmade bricks for tobricksKing deflect to deflectIndian Indianarrows arrowsawaits awaits erestoration. area,e restoration.historic area, historic in Indian in IndianWars, was Wars, crossed was crossed by by Philip’s War. Relics are still to be found in freshly turned the Baythe Path Bay and Path the and olde the Boston area, olde historic Boston Postarea, Road,historic inPost Indian asRoad, inwell IndianWars, asas well was Wars, as crossed was crossed by by fields. The choicebeing of the abeing favorite housethe a favorite campingBaysitethe Pathitself campingBay groundand Pathwas the grounddictated andfor old the Boston for Wampanoags,oldby the Boston Post Wampanoags, Road, Post asRoad, well asas well as the ever present fearwho ofse wcIndianhhioefstbeingea ic nhattacks,,i eP fahtbeing afavoriteiliinp, oPfor afh Pfavoritei lincampingoipk atheonf oPk campingocellar,ekt ground,a inso rk enotemt ground, e fori ms rb etheemre e fordWampanoags,m fbo theer re dWampanoags, for too far from the giantKing Philip’scentralKing wPhilip’s War.hchimneyose wcRelics hWar.hioef ssquaretea icareRelicsnh,i eP stillfht flowsai liarei npto, oP bestillfh Pi alfound oi psteadytok ao nbef o P inkfoundo e ktfreshly,a inso rinkeem tfreshly,e ims rbeemreedm fboer red for stream of pure, coldtruned spring trunedfields. water.King fields.e Philip’s LegendchoiceKing e Philip’s War.choiceof has the Relicsit houseWar.of that the are siteRelicshousewhen stillitself aresite to was be stillitself found to was be in found freshly in freshly dictateddictated by thetruned everby the truned fields.present ever fields.epresent fear choice of e fearIndian choiceof of the Indianattacks, houseof the attacks, for sitehouse itself for site was itself was the house was preparing for possible attack by Indians, pots in the cellar,in the dictatednot cellar, too dictatednot farby toothefrom fareverby the thefrom present giant ever the centralpresent feargiant of centralchimney fearIndian of chimney Indianattacks, attacks, for for of water were placedsquare in squareflowsevery ina flowsroom steadythe cellar, ina against streamsteadythe not cellar, streamoftoothe pure, not faruse oftoo fromcold ofpure, far fire springthe fromcold giant water.springthe central giant water. centralchimney chimney arrows and the smallerLegend childrenLegend has itsquare that has were whenitsquareflows that told thea when flowssteady to house hide thea streamsteady was housein thepreparing streamof was pure, preparing of cold for pure, spring cold for water.spring water. cellar in a recess withinpossible possiblethe attack chimneyLegend byattack Indians,Legend has base.by it Indians, thatpots has whenitof that potswater the whenof were housewater the placed were washouse preparing inplaced was preparing in for for Of additionalevery roominterestevery against possibleroom is the against possiblethe attack fact use the thatof byattack fireuseIndians, Salem arrows ofby fireIndians, potsCross arrowsand of the potswater and smaller of thewere water smaller placed were inplaced in childrenchildren were told were to toldhide to in hide the cellarin the in cellar a recess in a withinrecess within Inn is located in West Podunk,every being roomevery about against room two against the miles use the of fireuse arrowsof fire arrowsand the and smaller the smaller the chimneythe chimneychildren base. children base. were told were to toldhide to in hide the cellarin the in cellar a recess in a withinrecess within westward of the area know Of fromthe additional chimney OfIndianthe additional chimney interest base.times interest isbase.as the Podunk. fact is the that fact that To the rest of theSalem country CrossSalem Podunk Inn Cross is locatedhasInnOf ais additionalconnotation located inOf West additional in Podunk, interestWest of Podunk, interest isbeing the factabout isbeing the that factabout that a mythical locationtwo but miles twoaround westward milesSalem these westward CrossSalem of partsthe Inn Cross areaof it isthe always know locatedInn area is from knowhaslocated in West Indian from in Podunk, West Indiantimes Podunk, beingtimes about being about referred to a specificas Podunk. area.as Podunk. Totwo the miles Toresttwo thewestward ofmiles therest westward countryof ofthe the country Podunk areaof the know Podunk areahas from aknow has Indian from a Indiantimes times connotationconnotation asof Podunk.a mythical asof Podunk.a mythicalTo location the Torest location thebut of therestaround but countryof thearound these country Podunk these Podunk has a has a parts itparts always connotationit alwayshas referredconnotation has of referred toa mythicala specificof toa mythicala specificlocation area. location area. but around but around these these parts itparts always it alwayshas referred has referred to a specific to a specific area. area. 260 West Main Street, Route 9 West Brookfield, MA 01585 508-867-2345 • www.salemcrossinn.com HISTORICALHISTORICAL
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