Etq.Fft Seminar R \O Cl-GF \\ Etqflq'ss Exlribition :2G22 Jtily '96 6Qft-{R* R \) Rtqflt'sv Seminar: 2L July'96

Etq.Fft Seminar R \O Cl-GF \\ Etqflq'ss Exlribition :2G22 Jtily '96 6Qft-{R* R \) Rtqflt'sv Seminar: 2L July'96

tE a 6 I I I t I !!i ri ri al \l ti I T s'EFrR trEI efq,{ft € GryFHK Crafts Frame Exhibition & Seminar u;OW" ql.{ 8 <tqq[6rt u1qr Tfev< Venue : Bangladesh National Museum <to1ffi.t ffiFF s q.ffipg rrttce-n Bangl,adesh Folk Art & Crafts Foundation 6{Ftt{dt€, {r{I{tcIrtq Sonargaon, Narayanganj s'rfffi Gq eMffi € 6{R{rd Crafts Frame Exhibition and etq.fft Seminar r \o cl-GF \\ etqflQ'ss Exlribition :2G22 Jtily '96 6qft-{r* r \) rtqflt'sv Seminar: 2l July'96 q{letEf-ffq-iF t Chief Editor : Bazlur Rahmart Bhuiyan <q-{{r{TFwl Director eikF]Er$ Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts <l(s]-cq.t cfis \3 s.kPftE +]Brs"r{ Foundation Dxecutive Editor : fiffiq-pp g qnr Syed Mahbub Alam tr{q rt<$ Deputy Director S"t-{kEF-s Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts <tcql[q-.t 6fiO e F.rFiA TtBrsrf{ Foundation Cover & Illustration : elqn s qqqSTGt Jashimuddin ffiN6e-{ Display Officer erft Efrqt{ Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts Foundation <tsqfm"l6qt-E s T.rfFE +-Itsrs.f{ Photography: qfrmf+fo g Shafiqur Rahman qftT< T<lT{ Photographer {dHIrK Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts <lcEt[q"t 6{rf s s'lTFiE +-tBrs.rq' Foundation Date of Publication : l9th Jtrly eFFrC.FrstR{ a )br.lqflQ 555\e 1996 Publtshed by : efsf.FrfT B Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts <l(q[fi.t cq]n rs s.l.trFqfiEIs,f{ FoundaUon, P. O. Aminpur, qf<R"ttiw c"l]a EIfr-qt<, frl{I<i1€, I Sonargaon, Narayanganj H,Ctt c,cffi$frBe6636 * prtnter : Asiatic Civil Military Press <1ft Message Folk Art and Crafts of Bangladesh s <lEffi-cK ffi+ $ITfirq< w{4 has a glorious past. The craftsmanship &fuq' <z-srq r dfcq< {t{T{6t TTFFTff< and artistic ingenuity displayed by TsFEil s mG-o CUv.rm fl ffirsFq rE q{ village artisans is certainly a part of our sl wqICE< wr6-l 1".1fu< {r5EI € national culture, distinguished by its f,firc?'r-< mArK r et cEfucs {t(Tfu-$ own characteristics. With a view to eferq< crw {-flrq 6{Io e $t+FE collecting, preserving, promoting and +]E?e"F m6{< G.fs e ntrFfc{< qcrlq reviving our traditional culture q({T6t, q<( Bangladesh Folk Art and Crafts enrH T{-rfr-{cl, ffis I ffi[$ s TtFFl(q< "I{.trffi-<o< q-cr] Foundation has organized an exhibition Er6l-< lT<t<"t {Ecl( Fwf,{t-cfl-$fizq< and seminar on Cra-ft Frames. It is hoped .tfu s;Nr<;Ilrs +lcq fl{ftffn Ecsrfi that this exhibition will be a milestone in rejuvenating our golden folk heritage. e-rBrs.F s]iRGE stflT'{ @r sr{ft s ffifr-{l< qft{tq-{ qr q'qr$"rcrtfr} This is not only a noble attempt but also very time serving in the context of etRrset I TIBTSTrq< tlr<<,szq'< qt revivalism in folk art. It is hoped that 4r<\6I{Frs {E rr+nR mrv< erqlr< the exhibition and seminar organized by sn4ft e ffift-{K TIffi pfuo "n"na the Folk Foundation on the research- qrl qc< <cs ffi spt TR I oriented craft frames would go a long way in creating greater awareness of our qtfr +t*w 6q sq{ft s cqfrflr<-< folk culture. {ftfu a1-q-qr sT{-q1 ffi 1 I wish the exhibition and seminar of Craft Frames a grand e<lqn+.trrd stuA Obatdul 9uadcr efigtTg.lll{ q<r. State Minister {< Ministry of Youth & Sports and wqBfrm-+Eqrfl{ I Ministry of Cultural Affairs rrft Message I am very delighted to know that <I(ElCq.I 6Erc \9 T.ltrFE Bangladesh Folk Art and Crafts +l6ce.rc+< offitotq s Frfr< Bgr<-{ Foundation has organized an $lr{l 61q-{ qnifr s cq'fr-a< s-{6s exhibition and seminar on Craft q6o q-\e-,F qr{F1-s {fm 6qr{ ffi r Frames developed by the officials swFtrq< {yq E-gl.<{, erqtm qt ffi't and artisans of the Foundation. This +-tBce.rc-{-{ Uffi.r E mri <ls-<l{cq q$ is certainly a very appropriate attempt towards revivalism folk <re-<]Irl lrr5Fell in art on the part of the Foundation, ffi +tBcem qrcn&o rc1<6ql marked by inventiveness and mrq-{ er{fr s 6qfr-{I(< {t+Ei s]T{l artistic values. oRr I wish the exhibitlon and seminar on Craft Frames all success. q{rtels cqte cffircqsfu Prof. Md. Rezaul Karim {(qq qE-{i, cqEr<{ts Member of the Parliament , q<( Sonargaon qr{iqIF and 1 "IRIE Member, Trustee Board <T(flrfi frrs s sltrfiq +tBce.lq Bangladesh Folk Art and Crafts Foundation rrft Message The folk art and crafts of <lcErfi-rfi 6q'ls E slT Flcq-< Bangiadesh is the lifeline of the .bfuq< {L<I qmrm {VB-< s16l r 6Ers trar-litional culture of this country. tsangladesh Folk'"{rt and Crafts s s'r{'Frcq< q$E, q(Ts'.t s "Il-*6<l Foundation, whieh is engaged in I ffi-s <l(Ercr{ 6{l-o rs srcfiq collecting, preserving and reviving rtBce.l{' qE$es $wT'{ 6&r qvr,{ft e folk heritage, has organized a rare c{frlm <t(Erm6fi .fis s +]TFne-< exhibition and seminar of Craft This may be described as a qa a{H r fi-c.K Frames. "f{-r6-<rl ffi laudable effort on the part of the ,4trr{ E<rqfts flTF6< Fnq-fl-(qrc Foundation to revive and recreate e +]wftcq< en m {st{qt <c{eq r new trend of folk culture. It is hoped c{t+ e s*fi6.< &ferq< "1l-rffi_<r{ that the exhibition and seminar, which would reflect on the rural arts flBce.rcq-< offit"rc"r< qW W<s and crafts would help revive the Ttn'm c+rl< eq{ft e cqfrqK E-{fi{ much neglected folk crafts of the e+ eq14 ym <t?rm Tm qt'rTm artisans and play a vital role in projectirrg folk traditions._ R-rE r ptBce-n qrmfrs re]F{'{ I wish the exhibition and ffi seminar, organized by the qq{ft qnP--ql rczl< s cqfr-{tcr< wffi{ Foundation all success. +tr+ oR r Cz-"4- Md. Mokhlesur Rahman Secretary 6qE mt"{6qd{qrf{ Ministry of Cultural Affairs qE< {".?trfrrrsr"qotFl I YF<'-f Introductlon The common people of rural <T(sl-cqr.'lR qtcl-{ {l{l-d"t Tns qF-{{f{ Bangladesh have succeeded in creating a srE {K caf+ s s,rsflE {E golden heritage of folk tradition by qF T11 cffi ,hfq p rerrrq r making indigenous and aesthetically Af\9q{n 6fE s slffiE IE om cm satisfying objects of folk art and.crafts frrt a<1&< {frEnrs w{rt-qg from time immemorial. In doing so they srr{ YrE {"K T.lcq ffi r played a vital role in projecting time- qfrffiE qIcT< cfl_{ftdt ,htrEm honoured craftsmanship of the village l<1fr< nffirm, qrrErrs ffi arusans in world arena. In spite of their Tfu< Eflq qFrq Cq-rs € Gr#ftrGR extreme constraints in obtaining folk materials the band of folk artists Tfmfts Cqft\r- sr[q I IEd "IRDT, dedicated themselves in not only .{lmfr c{rs e ot+ffi Trrran {ril:s, range of craftsmanship rl-srct, <( q, ?<F[&r rEr+{, ?<Cc< expanding their but continually experimenting new qfqTF q'Ffi[€ Tetrg.r<< qffi 6qfs \3 methods and technique, reflectlng their o.wFne-< v]'stf,r$ FIfrT "ffrftfl< perception, and qfr@T depth of utmost skili ftqt<q-E1m okc* rqro e ingenuity. They always combined their sIeF|'frrr {iFEI s'lc6rl, {rffi-{ $Tl{ originality with technical know-how, so ErEaT <E | fisI-dlt <l(EI[q-rlK Cq]-O s as to invent new and advanced forms of el+FB qm'cl< c4?F crkq-{ fl{r{"t folk tradition with all the locally cErT-{ slrq ffi, q-{R-{ r <IFts available folk materials they can lay q-{rqi q(rf qrffrslr{ q&s r qcs,e their hands on. In combining old lr1fr< qs qflTcnqi qs r fr{r+< techniques with new methodolory, they rifrE-{, at1fu< tfrr<{ s eminently succeeded in universalising "fRE{, their crafts which never remain static. Sfu54f1< 1t{mfl{ q|-il-<F <Iqs 6EFF € Their craftsmanship is not only the hall- m.rfiE 1 66 ft<c+< fiH-s-fl 6qffi s mark of their age-old techniques but also s.|pFftq< Frft s otR't< sl{ rK "ir6.r{ slrnptomatic of the rural cultural ethos q-fG ,tfu<rt< E"nqH Gq-c<q e e in which they were bom and bred. In fact frm cfls e er*Ffg ffi "t< "im r folk art is a reflection of the iolk society Ae-t"I< cEFF \B c(TlE< am $exqrd in which they iive. Their hopes and 6qr{ $],G-s <r{{r[r {,flsd Efu-TH aspirations are deepiy engrained in their n"figfts m.Cei I-<-?[ei qls T-f<, ffi1.q works. These folk objects are not merely ,ff56 qlTS{ efcffqr{ Cv-ffi 6qls s the oniy sources of earning for these 1511oFm q_$_{ol_mn qq\o, <6Tl{ s craftsman say, potter, wood carver, bell sRsJN< r]{r<< q-{r m{t-sr<< EfuTF metal worker etc., but also they represent tfwq, R( q, ffifcb n"ffs"Rson-< a kind of transition from the past to the present and also pave the way they would reIcRsH[{qtqefsHs(ir r develop or crystalize in future. cEt-oeorctrnq-<ffiEq{Ilq-s.rR It is well known fact that a folk {ro $g cd-fi s{ b"r< Frd< artist is he who draws inspiratlon from +-rd qts{ \e 6ov{frs 6769I Erfikn the old arrd almost lost traditional c{rs € sltrFlrg< IE< sterrro cTa craftsmanship and tries to recreate his s<-rq I c{lrp e sItrFiTE< IE{ {Krs oljects with his ideas, concept, artistic qDEI, q<I]-€ <l"tN Ftfut{, qrsR-o feeling, with a view to enrich our folk traditional culture.

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