ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) M.Sc. BOTANY SEMESTER - I BO- 7115 PAPER - I DIVERSITY OF VIRUSES, MYCOPLASMA, BACTERIA AND FUNGI (60 Hrs) Unit I Five kingdom, Eight kingdom classification and Three domains of 02 hrs living organisms. Unit -II Viruses – general characters, nomenclature, classification; 08 hrs morphology, structure, transmission and replication. Purification of plant viruses. Symptoms of viral diseases in plants Mycoplasma – General characters , classification ,ultrastructure 05 hrs Unit-III and reproduction. Brief account of mycoplasmal diseases of plants- Little leaf of Brinjal. Unit -IV Bacteria –Forms, distribution and classification according to 12 hrs Bergy’s System, Classification based on DNA-DNA hybridization, 16s rRNA sequencing; Nutritional types: Autotrophic, heterotrophic, photosynthetic,chemosynthetic,saprophytic,parasitic and symbiotic ; A brief account on methonogenic bacteria ; Brief account of Actinomycetes and their importance in soil and medical microbiology. Unit – V Fungi 20 hrs General characteristics, Classification (Ainsworth 1973, McLaughlin 2001), structure and reproduction. Salient features of Myxomycota, Mastigomycotina, Zygomycotina, Ascomycotina, Basidiomycotina and Deuteromycotina and their classificafion upto class level. Unit - VI Brief account of fungal heterothallism, sex hormones and 09 hrs Parasexual cycle. Brief account of mycorrhizae,lichens, fungal symbionts in insects, fungi as biocontrol agents ( Trichoderma and nematophagous). Unit – VII Isolation, purification and culturing of microorganisms 04 hrs (bacteria and fungi). 1 PRACTICALS: Micrometry. Haemocytometer. Isolation, culture and staining techniques of Bacteria and Fungi. Type study: Stemonites, Synchytrium, Saprolegnia, Albugo, Phytophthora, Mucor/Rhizopus , Erysiphe, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Pencillium, Morchella, Hamileia, Ustilago Lycoperdon, Cyathes, Dictyophora, Polyporus, Trichoderma, Curvularia, Alternaria, Drechslera and Pestalotia. Study of few bacterial, viral, mycoplasmal diseases in plants (based on availability). Activity/PIA Project work related to above topics REFERENCES • Alexopoulus, C.J. and Mims, C.W (1990) Introductory Mycology, 5th edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi. • Aneja, K.R. (1993) Experiments in Microbiology, plant pathology and tissue culture, Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi. • Burnet, F.M. and Stanely, W.M. (1970) Biochemical biological and biophysical properties Vol-I general virology 3rd edition Academic Press, NY, London. • Conrat, F.H.; Kimball, P.C. and Jay, L. (1988) Virology prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey. • Kodo, C.I. and Agarwal, H.O. (1972) Principles and techniques in Plant Virology, Van Nostrand, Reinhold company, NY. Pelczar, M.J. (Jr.) Cjan, E.C.S. and Kreig, N.R. (1988) th Microbiology, 5 edition McGraw Hall book company, Singapore. • Prescott, M.L., Harley, J.P. and Klein, D.A. (1990) Microbiology Wm C Brown publisher's, USA. • Schlegel, H.G. (1993) General Microbiology, 7th edition Cambridge University Press Cambridge, UK. • Stanier, R.Y., Ingraham, J.L.; Wheelis, M.L. and Painter, P.R.(1992) General Microbiology, Mac Millan Ltd., NY. • Wistreich, G.A., and Lechtman, M.D. (1988) Microbiology, 5th edition, Mac. Millan publishing company, NY • Hudson, Fungal biology. • Mehrotra R.S. and Aneja K.R.(1990)An introduction to Mycology. New Age International Publications. • Webster. J.(1980) Introduction to Fungi. Cambridge Univ. 2 ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) M. Sc. BOTANY SEMESTER - I BO - 7215 PAPER II DIVERSITY OF ALGAE AND BRYOPHYTES (60 hrs) ALGAE (30 hrs) Unit I A comparative study of important traditional and modern 05 hrs systems of algal classification; criteria of classification. Diversity of algal habitats; a general account of the ecology of fresh water and marine algae. Epiphytic, Endophytic and Parasitic algae. Unit II A comparative study of the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic 03 hrs algal cells; Pigments in algae and their significance. Unit III Thallus organisation in algae with reference to different groups 09 hrs (Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Charophyceae, Bacillariophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae). Unit IV Reproduction in algae; vegetative, asexual and sexual reproductive 09 hrs structures; Patterns of life cycles in algae; phylogenetic relationships of algae. Unit V Economic importance of algae; algal bloom, algal toxins, and 04 hrs extracellular products. PRACTICALS Type study of representative species of the following : 1. Cyanophyceae : Microcystis, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Rivularia, Gloeotrichia, Nostoc,Stigonema 2. Chlorophyceae : Scenedesmus, Zygnema, Oedogonium, Desmids, Cladophora, Draparnadiopsis. Coleochaete, Bulbochaete, Neomeris, Ulva, Enteromorpha, Codium, Helimeda, Caulerpa. 3. Charophyceae : Chara/Nitella 4. Xanthophyceae : Vaucheria/ Botrydium. 5. Bacillariophyceae : Pennate diatoms. 6. Phaeophyceae : Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Sphacelaria, Padina, Turbinaria, Fucus. 7. Rhodophyceae : Polysiphonia,Gracilaria REFERENCES • Bold, H.C., and Wynne,M.J.1978. Introduction to the algae: structure and reproduction. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,N.J. • Chapman and Chapman, 1973. The algae, Macmillan & Co., 3 • Dixon, P.S. 1973. Biology of the Rhodophyta. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. • Dodge, J.D. 1973. Fine structure of algal cells. Academic Press, London. • Fritsch, F.E. 1945. Structure and reproduction of algae. Vols. I and II. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. • Kingsley.R. 1998. Photosynthetic pigments of algae. • Round, F.E. 1973. Biology of the algae. Edward Arnold, London. • Smith, G.M. 1951. Manual of phycology, Chronica Botanica Publ. Co. Waltham, Mas. 4 BRYOPHYTES: (30 hrs) UNIT- I General characters of Bryophytes – Gametophytic characters; Sporophytic 02 hrs characters; Vegetative reproduction; sexual reproduction; heteromorphic alternation of generation UNIT - II Classification of bryophytes and criteria of classification. 06 hrs Characteristic features of the classes- Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotopsida, Bryopsida Characteristic features and affinities of the orders- Marchantiales, Sphaerocarpales, Calobryales, Takakiales, Jungermanniales, Anthocerotales, Sphagnales, Andraeales, Funariales, Polytrichales Unit - III Diversity in habitat, habit, morphology, anatomy and life cycle of the 14 hrs following genus- Plagiochasma, Sphaerocarpos, Calobryum, Takakia, Porella, Notothylus, Sphagnum, Andraea, Funaria, Polytrichum UNIT - IV Origin of Bryophytes- Algal origin and Pteridophytean origin, Inter 02 hrs relationships of bryophytes- UNIT - V Fossil Bryophytes; General structure of Bryophyte cell 03 hrs UNIT - VI Experimental work on bryophytes (In Brief). 03 hrs Economic importance of Bryophytes. 5 Bryophytes – Practicals Study of Morphology and anatomy of the following: 1) Riccia fluitans; 2) Lunularia; 3) Dumortiera; 4) Asterella; 5) Porella; 6) Pallavicinia; 7) Riccardia; 8)Anthoceros; 9) Sphagnum; 10) Funaria 11) Polytrichum 12)Plagiochasma 13)Targionia PIA/Activity – topic with reference to above REFERENCES • Cavers, F. 1964. Inter-relationships of Bryophytes. • Chopra, R.N. and Kumar, P.K. 1988. Biology of bryophytes. New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. • Parihar, N.S. 1970. An introduction to Embryophyta. Vol. I Bryophyta. Central Book Depot, Allahabad. • Sharma, P.D. 1978. Introduction to Bryophytes. • Smith, G.M. 19. Cryptogamic Botany. Vol. II. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. • Watson, E.V. 1971. The structure and life of Bryophytes. Hutchinson and Co., London. 6 ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) M. Sc BOTANY SEMESTER - I ECOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY Paper: III, BO7315 (60 hrs) Unit - I History, scope of ecology , 05 hrs (Interdependence,Holocoene, Limiting factors, Tolerance, Dynamism, Thermodynamics). Levels of ecological organization Unit - II Ecosystem – Concepts, Structure, Components, Functions, Dynamics. 05 hrs Homeostasis and feedback mechanism in the ecosystem. Unit - III Ecological factors - Climatic, Edaphic and Biotic factors 10 hrs (amensalism, commensalism, protocooperation, symbiosis, epiphytism , myrmecophily, saprophytism, parasitism). Unit - IV Population Ecology 03hrs (a)Growth and Characteristics of Population (b) Ecological niche. Unit - V Plant communities - Concept of Communities, Structure of 15 hrs Communities; Methods of Studying Vegetation (Quadrat, line and belt methods). Types: Evergreen forests, Dry and moist deciduous forests, scrub jungles, Grasslands, boreal forests, tundra, deserts and mangroves. General account of vegetation of Karnataka. Unit - VI Environnemental Pollution - 12 hrs (a)Sources, impact and control of Air, Water and Soil Pollution (b)Solid waste disposal and management (c)Radio Active Pollution - a brief account. (d) Noise pollution - Sources, effects, control and management (e) Heavy metals as pollutants – concept of biomagnification, Unit - VII 02 hrs Mercury and Lead as pollutants. Global Environmental Problems : Acid rain, Ozone Depletion, Global warming and Climate Change 08hrs Unit - VIII Environmental Education (primary, secondary, and tertiary levels), Management and Conservation of Natural Resources, Environmental Impact assessment, rainwater harvesting and water- shed management. Application of Remote Sensing in Plant Science (GIS). 7 PRACTICALS • Study of vegetation by Quadrat method. • Determination of importance value index (IVI) • Ecological Instruments : Maximum and Minimum thermometer, Anemometer, Thermohygrograph, Aneroid barometer, hygrometer, luxmeter, Rain gauge etc. • Analysis of water samples:
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