BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM S A List of Albums in The Library of the University of British Columbi a Rare Books and Special Collections (~ .kk . (- ~ 'uv~ ALBUM I/1 C 1. Eleot+,io~Signolling Installation . Siemens Control System . North and West Curve Junction, Didcot . Brought into use July 16, 1908 . 38 Lever Locking Frame . Casing removed . External view . (2 photos) 2. Didoot8 .N °R ~ In course of erection and testing . (On wood blocks ; to facilitate wiring ) At the foot of 5—arm bracket signal . One signal machine operating 5 arms, any one of which is selected by th e coupling above the machine . (2 photos) 3. Interior of the Cabin . Didcot . Signal an Taylor operating the levers . Signalman Hnap* writing up the train book . (2 photos ) 4. Didco t The Cabin and Battery Hous e Top—Front View. Bottom—Back Vie w (2 photos } 5. 38 Lever Electic Locking Frame . Didcot (1 photo ) 6. Didco t Facing Pints at West Curve Junction . Lineman Bourne— Provender Store i n distance . Temporary levers for working Main Line Signals . May 6, 1905 . Signalman French and Train Staff East End Cabin, Didcot . For working train s over single line . (] photos ) 7. Lperating the Train Staff Instrument . Didco t Cardiff Express passing East End Cabi n Interior of West Curve Cabin . Interior of East End Cabin . Signal0an French at the Levers . (4 photos) ALBUM #1 (con d at Dbjou t ) 8~ "La France ." Engine No . 103, built in France ; after on week on the road . July 9, 1908 . Gear of the above Locomotive . July 9 ° 1908. (2 photos ) 9 . Battery control Suttohboard, Didcot . 3 batteries, Carge : discarge at 12 8 volts, and 32 Volts in cyclical order . (for the Locking Frame se pp . 1 & 2 . ) Pacl6s at work, Didcot . Dressing the road bed . The Train Staff - at Dawlish, Devon . For safe operation of sinle line . The Staff is a special form of Bar, with a large loop on one end : the fireman i s seen in the act of hanging it on the proSeuting hook, while the train i s travelling at speed . (3 photos ) 10. In Indi a Railroad in India : Junction operation by the Siemaens Magneto System . (3 photos of the Arkonam Junction, India ) 11 . In India . Arkonam, India . (2 photos) o 12 . Six views in the Rail r-BigneIling Shop . Messrs Siemens Bros . and C- -'~s-Works, Woolwich . R .S . Test Department, Woolwich Works . Messrs Minstedt & Jones . Storekeeper & Foreman . Testing Pint E. Signal Machines . The latter are tested by their raising a weight . N.D .B .P. Test Engineer . (3 photos ) 13 . Back of Birmingham Frame . Locking Boxes and Tappets, before the lockin g was made . Back of Birmingham Frame . Showing Locking Boxes & Tappet s 224 Lever Locking Frame for Birmingham . Front View . Single arm disc signal s in the foreground . (At Woolwich LAE) (3 photos) ALBUM #1 (cont'd) 1 14. Electric Sig-~~" allation ° G .W.R. - Snow Hill, Birmingham Sieman . Brought into use October 31, 1909 . s Check-Lock System Aug . 8th, 190 9 Coach off the Road . Wheel resting on one of ur point Detectors . August 14th , 1909 . (] photos) 15. Birmingham . Birmingham North Signal Cabin . Looking towards Wolverhampton . Interior of Cabin . Siemens 224 Lever Electric Locking-Frame . Bloc k Instruments on shelf . Interir of Cabin-showing the 224 Lever Electric Locking Frame . (3 photos ) 16. Birmingham Dec . 19, 1909 . 8 Arm Signal Gantry . The steel case at the right is an Indicator, so tha t that arm may be used for several roads . Dec . 19 . 09 . (3 photos) 17. Mechanical Interlocking of the Levers, so that they can only be operate d in the correct sequence . (1 photo ) 1G^ At Birmingham . By the Cabbose . In hard weather . Cargeman ; Self ; & Foreman . December 18, 180 9 Lay-out of Facing Pints (No . 154), and Double Disc . Nov. 19, 1909 . (3 photos ) 19 . At Birmingha m The Yard at night : the white dots on ground are disc signals, the streak s are engine head-lights . Nov . 15, 1090 . (40 min expos .) The Power House . Nov . 17 . 09 . Motor-Generators, for charging the batteries . The Switcbsoard .Oct .1 E {3 photos) ALBUM 41 (cont'd ) 20 . Interior of old Snow Hill Station, Birmingham. Posing a 60-ton girder at Birmingham for the new Snow Hill Station . Feb .5 .1910 . (2 pbotma Roof of the)21° old station- from outside May 22, 1911 . The Old - on Saterday (sic) The New- on Monday April 191 1 Great Charles Street Bridge . {3 photos ) 22. Signals and Route Indicators - Birmingham North . Up scissors signals Ap . 16 . 1911 . Birmingham, South Box, Levers . (5 photos) 23 . Birminham North Signal Cabin 224 levers . Brought into use November 1909 . 224 Lever Electric Locking Frame . The pitch of the Levers is 2 inches , so 3 levers aan be moved by one hand . The Block Instuments are on th e shelf & a large framed diagram of the Junction is seen above them. (1 photo ) 24 . Eirmingham North Cabi n The Signal Cabin mounted on steel columns, owing to restriction of space . (2 photos ) 25 . Cable Ship "Faraday," alongside Siemens Works, Woolwich - on the Thames . Loading submarine cable from the plant . (3 photos composed as one ) 26 " Carmarthen . The signal cabin near the River opwrated pints & signals o n the other side of river by means of a submerged cable . Junction to Carmarthen . Before and after opening of the n,m bridge . Point machine and detector ° Bridge open . S .S . ^Merthyrx passing through . (4 photos) 27 . Carmarthe n The bridge from 4 arm signa l The operating mechanism . The bridge from the cabin . The bridge open : form Cabin . ( (4 photos) 28. The Schertzer Rolling Bridge, Carmarthen . This bridge replaced one built by Brunel . Isambard Brunel was Chie f Engineer to the Great Western Railway Company about 1870 . (1 photo ) 29. The Bridge Ope n (1 photo ) 30. Charleville, France . Locking frame, Des-cubes System, Front . Back. Locking frame - Descubes System . Mechanical locking . (3 photos ) 31. Charleville, France . Vew of Cabin - Poste II I Towards Givet Charleville Station . Views from the Cabi n (3 photos ) 32. Charleville, France . 1912-13 . Gare de Mezieres - Charleville . Group in the Cabi n O ° D ° B . Phillips operating the signal s (3 photos ) 33. Charleville, France . Electric Traverser, for moving a coach from one track to any other . Tu views of the Cabin, Poste III . (3 photos ) 34~ Group at Charleville . Signal de Direction, at Nouvion-sur-Meuse . Poste H . Lumes Triage . Gravity Shunting . (4 photos) ALBUM #1 (cont 4 d ) 35. Two Battery Si gnal Machines on one post ; Block Automatique, Lumes . 2 machines of as— des Signaux . 2 macnines of Siemens . Automatic signals operated by battery . Lumes Triage, Ardennes, France . This triage is the largest in Europe, trains being marshalled for al l points in France, Belgium, Germany and other Countries . (2 photos) 36 . Locking Frame - Descubes System . Nancy . Poste 4 . March 3, 191 3 After a got day at Vesoul . Buffet on the station platform . Disque at Vesoul . (N.D° B° P ° in whitc straw hat . ) (3 photos ) 37. Chartres, Eure et Loire . Disque July 16, 191 3 Treadle for operating Disque . April 21, 1913 . (2 photos ) 33 . Shunting - Chartres Deal 14, 1912 . Disque a Valmy . (Disque Autom ) Tunnel nearly two miles long , constructed by the English seventy years ago . Bonnieres . Qugust 2, 1013 . Cabin built of stone taken from the tunnel, at the same period as the tunne l ael ~ ~ Bonniereo August 2, 1913 . pnbtos } 39 . Pont Riquet, La Villette - Paris . July 21, 1913 . Train backing up from tunnel, La Vilette . July 21, 191 3 Loco of the Midid : at Horoaux ° France . July . 13 . 1907 . ' Estacion del Norte, San Sebuotion, Spain . T he railway gauge in Spain is no t the same as in France . July 13 . 1907 . (4 photos ) 40. R .M.S . Briton in Dock, Southampton . (1 photo) 41. R .M.S . Briton in Dock . Cape Town, outh Africa. In the background Tabl e Mountain {4000 ft .), with the "Tablecloth ." N .D .B. Phillips at the masthead . (1 photo ) ALBUM #1 (cont'd) 42. Thrust Block . Port Engon e The Tunnel Shaft i Port Engine . 18" Diao ° Engine Room : R .M .S . Briton . (Refigerating Machine C O at left) by Hall , of Dartford . 2 (3 photos ) 43 . R .M .S .Nozman in Dry Dock, Cape Town . Damaged Propellers, after running o n the rocks at St . Johns . Note Rudder hard over, in order that the caisso n could close . (1 photo ) 44 . Engine room, R .M .B . Briton . Starting Platform . Looking forward . The columns were hollow, used for storing Engine Oil . (1 photo ) 45 . Looking aft . (1 photo ) 46 . R .M .S . Briton . photographs taken while "on the coast" (lying at anchor a t a S .A . Port ) In the Stoke hold . N .D .B .P. on left, holding an arc lam p N .D .B .P . is the figure on right . {3 photos } 47 . Link Gear : Spindle 5" diam . Taking Indicator Diagrams . {2 photos ) 48 . Submm_:ine Cable, Thou . Is . Engine Room . Thou . Is . (2 photoc ) 49 .Power Station, Abbeville . B .E.F. N o ° 356 Electrical a Mechanical Company . 1916 . 4 Lancashire Dynamos & Tangye Oil Engines 17 .6 ku~ each 40 B.H.P . each . Lieut N .D.B.P . on right of sappers . Staff Serjeant (sic) in centre . (1 photo) n d ) 50. Power Station, Abbeville . N o ° 356 E . & M . Co. B .E .F . 191 6 (1 photo ) 51 . Automatic Switchboards of the Lister—Bruston Lighting System . Lister' s Works, DursleV, Glos . Eng . 1921 . [1 photo ) 52 . Kettle Valley Railway, British Columbia . (3 photos) 53 . In the Kettle Valley .
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