-A51-1/1984 Agriculture 1+ Canada RESEARCH BRANCH REPORT ~1984~ RAPPORT DE LA DIRECTION CENERALE DE LA RECHERCHE Canada Research Branch Report 1984 Rapport de la Direction generale de la recherche RESEARCH BRANCH DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA RECHERCHE AGRICULTURE CANADA Copies of this publication are available from Research Program Service Research Branch Agriculture Canada Ottawa, Ont. KIA OC6 On peut obtenir des exemplaires de cette publication au Service aux programmes de recherche Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture Canada Ottawa (Ont.) KIA OC6 @Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1985 Cat. No. A51-111984 ISBN 0-662-53715-7 Printed 1985 @Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1985 No de cat. A51-111984 ISBN 0-662-53715-7 Impression 1985 Contents Table des matieres Foreword IV / Avant-propos V Headquarters / Administration central VI Branch Executive VI/Haute direction VI Program Coordination Directorate VIII / Direction de la coordination du programme VIII Administration Division IX / Division de I'administration IX Branch Financial Management IX / Gestion jinanciere de la Direction generale IX Organization of the Research Branch X / Organisation de la Direction genera Ie de la recherche XI Map of research establishments XII / Carte des etablissements de recherche XII Program Structure XIII / Structure du programme XIV Institutes Directorate / Direction des Instituts Biosystematics Research Institute 5 Chemistry and Biology Research Institute 21 Engineering and Statistical Research Institute 35 Food Research Institute 45 Land Resource Research Institute 55 Research Program Service 69 Atlantic Region / Region de l'Atlantique 73 St. John's West, Nfld. 77 Charlottetown, P.E.I. 83 Kentville, N. S. 91 Fredericton, N. B. 105 Quebec Region / Region du Quebec 117 Centre de recherches alimentaires, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec 121 LennoxviIle, Quebec 125 Sainte-Foy, Quebec 135 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec 149 Ontario Region / Region de ['Ontario 157 Animal Research Centre 161 London Research Centre 183 Delhi, ant. 193 Harrow, ant. 199 Ottawa, Or.t. 211 Vineland Station, ant. 225 Prairie Region / Region des Prairies 235 Brandon, Man. 239 Morden, Man. 245 Winnipeg, Man. 251 Melfort, Sask. 265 Regina, Sask. 271 Saskatoon, Sask. 279 Swift Current, Sask. 289 Beaverlodge, Alta. 299 Lacombe, Alta. 305 Lethbridge, Alta. 313 Pacific Region / Region du Pacifique 331 Agassiz, B.C. 335 Kamloops, B.C. 339 Saanichton Research and Plant Quarantine Station, B.C. 345 Summerland, B.C. 349 Vancouve~ B.C. 361 Contents iii FOREWORD In 1984, the Research Branch operated with a The Research Branch Report is an annual pub- budget of $237 million and 3594 person-years, lication of the Research Branch of Agriculture including 918 for professional persons. Under the Canada. It includes brief summaries of research capital strategy plan the branch had a budget of results obtained during 1984, as well as listings of $50 million for the construction or improvement management, research staff, and publications. of research facilities. These resources are supple- Research programs in the branch are developed mented by contracts and grants to stimulate in response to the needs of the agri-food industry, research by agencies outside the department. Pri- as determined through the mechanism of the ority is given to projects related to energy, agri- Canadian Agricultural Services Coordinating cultural mechanization, food processing, reduc- Committee and consultations at all levels of the tion in the use of chemical pesticides, and industry. These programs must be consistent with biotechnology. the department's agri-food strategy for Canada, as The Research Branch cooperates with other outlined in the 1981 document "Challenge for branches of Agriculture Canada, with other fed- Growth". Program reviews, usually involving a eral departments, and with various agencies in number of external authorities, are conducted activities related to the agri-food sector. It also regularly; each commodity or discipline is usu- provides research assistance in developing coun- ally examined at 5-yr intervals. During 1984, tries and trains their scientists in Canada. national reviews were completed for beef Research results are reported in both scientific research, for potato pathology, and for the pro- and extension-type papers, listed at the end of gram on international assistance to developing each station's report. This information is passed countries. on through various provincial committees and During 1984, an operational planning frame- technology-transfer mechanisms to the producers work (OPF) was approved and implemented by and food processors. From the plant-breeding the branch. All research is now organized under programs of the branch, 20 new cultivars were four sub-elements, namely resources and sup- licensed or released in 1984. For the first time, port, animal productivity, crop productivity, and three potato seedlings were offered competitively food research (see "Program Structure", page to commercial companies on an "exclusive xiii). rights" basis, primarily for export seed sale. Also The five regions of the Research Branch, the first triple-M wheat (medium protein, namely Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairie, and medium gluten strength, medium kernel hard- Pacific, include 29 major establishments, as well ness) HY-320 was licensed for Canadian produc- as a number of smaller units. Each one carries out tion. Following extensive research and extended research contributing to national and regional negotiation, Canadian rapeseed (canola) was objectives while developing technology pertinent granted GRAS status (generally recognized as to the specific area where it is located. In addition safe) in the United States, thus opening major to establishments in the regions, the Institutes potential markets for this important crop. Directorate includes five research institutes in Subsequent sections of this report present list- Ottawa that combine research on national pro- ings of management and research staff, research grams with special services to regional establish- results, and publication lists for each establish- ments and the public. A Program Coordination ment, by region. within the Research Branch. Directorate, located at Branch Headquarters in Ottawa, coordinates research programs at the national level and develops policies consistent E.J. LeRoux with furthering the objectives of the branch. Assistant Deputy Minister. Research AVANT-PROPOS Les programmes de recherches de la Direction generale sont elabores en reponse aux besoins du Le Rapport de la Direction genera Ie de la secteur agro-alimentaire mis en lumiere par recherche est une publication annuelle de la l'intermediaire du Comite de coordination des Direction generale de la recherche d'Agriculture services agricoles canadiens et de consultations Canada. II comprend de brefs sommaires des effectuees a tous les niveaux du secteur. Ces resultats de recherches obtenus en 1984 ainsi que programmes doivent etre compatibles avec la des listes des publications et du personnel de la strategie agro-alimentaire du Ministere pour Ie recherche et de la gestion. Canada, dec rite dans Ie document de 1981 intitule iv Research Branch Report 1984 Le deft des annees 80. Les programmes font tion generale avait un budget de 50 millions de l'objet d'examens reguliers, ce qui necessite ha- dollars pour la construction et l'amelioration de bituellement la participation d'un certain nombre l'equipement de recherche. Aces ressources d'administrations extemes; on examine generale- s'ajoutent des contrats et des contributions visant ment chaque produit primaire ou discipline tous a encourager la recherche par des organisations Ies cinq ans. Au cours de 1984, des revisions ont de l'exterieur. La priorite va aux projets portant ete effectuees a l'echelle nationale pour la sur l'energie, la mecanisation agricole, la trans- recherche sur Ie boeuf, la pathologie des pommes formation des aliments, la reduction de l'utilisa- de terre et Ie programme d'aide intemationale aux tion de pesticides chimiques et la biotechnologie. pays en developpement. La Direction genera Ie de la recherche colla- Sur Ie plan de l'organisation, la region Ouest de bore avec d'autres directions generales d'Agri- la Direction generale a ete divisee, au cours de culture Canada et d'autres ministeres federaux 1984, en deux regions, celles des Prairies et du ainsi qu'avec divers organismes dont les activites Pacifique, et son administration est de men agee sont reliees au secteur agro-alimentaire. De plus, de Saskatoon a Regina et a Vancouver. Ces elle fournit aux pays en developpement une aide a changements ont permis de porter une attention la recherche et elle forme leurs chercheurs au plus particuliere aux problemes agricoles propres Canada. a cette region diversifiee. Ala Ferme experimen- Les resultats des recherches paralssent dans les tale centrale, une etude approfondie a ete menee ouvrages scientifiques et les articles de vulgarisa- sur la future structure organisationnelle de tion enumeres a la fin de chaque rapport de sta- l'etablissement et un rapport a ete envoye a la tion. Cette information se rend jusqu'aux pro- haute direction du Ministere. ducteurs et aux etablissements de transformation En 1984, un Cadre de planification operation- des aliments en passant par divers comites nelle (CPO) a ete approuve et mis en vigueur par provinciaux et mecanismes de dissemination des la Direction generale. Toute la recherche est connaissances. A partir
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