Huai River Basin Flood Management and Drainage Improvement Project Henan Procurment Plan 2012 I. General 1. Project Informaiton 69227 Country: China Public Disclosure Authorized Borrrower: The People's Republic of China Project Name: Huai River Basin Flood Management and Drainage Improvement Project Project ID: P098078 Project Implementing Agency: Refer to Provcurement Plan 2. Bank's Approval Date of the Procurement Plan: May 28, 2012 3. Date of General Procurement Notice: 4. Period Covered by this Procurement Plan: 2012 II. Procurement of Goods and Works and Selection of Consultants I. Procurement Method and Prior Review Threshold: Procurement 前审限额Prior Review 采购类别Expenditure 采购方式Procure Threshold采购限额 Public Disclosure Authorized Threshold ((US$ Category ment Method thousands) (US$ thousands) ≥20,000 ICB All 1. 土建Civil Works <20,000 NCB ≥5,000 and 1/ <200 Shopping N/A ≥1,000 ICB All 2. 货物Goods <1,000 NCB ≥500 and 1/ <100 Shopping N/A ≥200 QCBS/QBS ≥100 <200 CQ ≥100 Public Disclosure Authorized 3. 咨询服务Consultants Individual >50 (for individual Services consultants consultants) and Single source all single source contracts selection 1. 1/ First contract of each county regardless of value 2. Short List Comprising Entirely of National Consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less US$300,000 equivalnent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of Para. 2.7 of the Consultants Guidelines. Public Disclosure Authorized 河南省淮河流域重点平原洼地治理项目2012年采购计划表 Procurment Plan 2012 for Henan 预计合同 合同估算金额 预计发标 预计完工/供货日 世行审查Revi 预期开标日期 签署日期 Estimated Cost 采购方式 日期 期 Expected Item 合同编号 合同描述 资格预审( ewed by the Expected Expected 执行机构Executiv 备注Remark Procuremen Expected completion/Deliv 项目 Reference Post Description of Contract 万美元 PQ) Bank(Prior/P Date of Bid Date of e body s 万人民币 t Method Issuing ery Date of (Equivalent ost) Opening Contract 104RMB date of BD Contract 104US4$) Signing 河南省合计 Total for Henan Province 10738.72 1704.56 一、土建工程类 I.Civil works 西华县重建沟17.27km河道治理 HN-TJ-ZK-05 Xihua county Chongjian Ditch 17.27-km 403.65 64.07 watercourse regulation 贾鲁河颍河下 西华县重建沟11座桥梁工程 Xihua 西华县项目办Xihu 游洼地 HN-TJ-ZK-06 432.39 68.63 NCB N/A Post 2012.05 2012.06 2012.06 2012.12 county Chongjian Ditch 11 bridges a City PMO Jialu River and Yinghe River 西华县重建沟涵闸工程 downstream HN-TJ-ZK-07 Xihua county Chongjian Ditch culvert-sluices 524.03 83.18 low-land Civil works 扶沟县芦义沟河道整治 扶沟县项目办Fugo HN-TJ-ZK-08 Fugou county Luyi Ditch watercourse 696.43 110.54 NCB N/A Post 2012.05 2012.06 2012.06 2012.12 u City PMO regulation 小计sub-total 2056.50 326.43 杜一沟、荆河、茅河3条河道整治 HN-TJ-ZMD-04 Duyi River ,Jing River and Mao river 493.08 78.27 watercourse dredging 丁港、龙口大港、柳条港3条河道治理以及丁港桥梁 工程 HN-TJ-ZMD-05 325.57 51.68 小洪河下游洼 Ding ditch,Longkou ditch and Liutiao river regulation and bridges of Ding gang NCB N/A Post 2012.03 2012.04 2012.05 2012.11 驻马店市项目办Zh 地 Low-land umadian City PMO along Xiaohong 丁港7座、龙口大港14座、柳条港6座涵闸工程 River HN-TJ-ZMD-06 Ding ditch 10 culverts,Longkou ditch 14 642.57 102.00 culverts and Liutiao 6 culverts 杨岗河31座涵闸 HN-TJ-ZMD-07 683.70 108.52 Yanggang River 31 culverts 农民排灌协会示范区建设(桥梁维修10座、 HN-TJ-ZMD-08 新打灌溉机井30眼及老井洗井18眼工程 ) 101.00 16.03 NBF N/A N/A 2012.03 2012.04 2012.05 2012.11 驻马店市项目办Zh Civil works of FDIA's demonstration area umadian City PMO 小计 Sub-total 2245.92 356.50 第 2 页 河南省淮河流域重点平原洼地治理项目2012年采购计划表 Procurment Plan 2012 for Henan 预计合同 合同估算金额 预计发标 预计完工/供货日 世行审查Revi 预期开标日期 签署日期 Estimated Cost 采购方式 日期 期 Expected Item 合同编号 合同描述 资格预审( ewed by the Expected Expected 执行机构Executiv 备注Remark Procuremen Expected completion/Deliv 项目 Reference Post Description of Contract 万美元 PQ) Bank(Prior/P Date of Bid Date of e body s 万人民币 t Method Issuing ery Date of (Equivalent ost) Opening Contract 104RMB date of BD Contract 104US4$) Signing 潢川县王大台提排站土建工程 HN-TJ-XY-09 803.39 127.52 Huangchuan county Wangdatai pump station 信阳市项目办Xiny NCB N/A Post 2012.03 2012.04 2012.04 2012.11 ang City PMO 潢川县刘小集提排站土建工程 HN-TJ-XY-10 837.04 132.86 Huangchuan county Liuxiaoji pump station 潢川县王大台、刘小集站输电线路工程 Huangchuan 信阳市项目办Xiny HN-TJ-XY-11 county Wangdatai liuxiaoji Electricity supply 516.00 81.90 NBF N/A N/A 2012.03 2012.04 2012.04 2012.11 ang City PMO line 沿淮洼地 Low-land 淮滨县小集提排站土建工程 HN-TJ-XY-12 842.36 133.71 along Huaihe Huaibin county Xiaoji pump station River 淮滨县吴寨、朱营提排站土建工程 信阳市项目办Xiny HN-TJ-XY-13 457.89 72.68 NCB N/A Post 2012.03 2012.04 2012.04 2012.11 Huaibin county Wuzhai Zhuying pump station ang City PMO 淮滨县韩港、范港提排站土建工程 HN-TJ-XY-14 619.51 98.33 Huaibin county Hangang fanggang pump station 淮滨县小集、吴寨、韩港、范港、朱营站输电线路 工程 信阳市项目办Xiny HN-TJ-XY-15 809.60 128.51 NBF N/A N/A 2012.03 2012.04 2012.04 2012.11 Huaibin county Xiaoji Wuzhai Hangang Fangang ang City PMO Zhuyingzhan Electricity supply line 小计Sub-total 4885.79 775.52 信阳巡测基地的生产用房及附属设施;叶台、韩营 、邬村、冷营、罗台和关庄的新建监测断面设施、 巡测基地建设 水位观测设施。 Xinyang Buildings at Xinyang base,monitoring profile HN-TJ-SZ-01 325.04 51.59 NBF N/A N/A 2012.06 2012.07 2012.08 2012.12 省水文建管局 monitoring facilities and water level observation base facilities at Yetai、Hanying、Wucun、Lengying、Luotai and Guanzhuang. 小计Sub-total 325.04 51.59 土建工程合计Total for civil works 9513.25 1510.04 第 3 页 河南省淮河流域重点平原洼地治理项目2012年采购计划表 Procurment Plan 2012 for Henan 预计合同 合同估算金额 预计发标 预计完工/供货日 世行审查Revi 预期开标日期 签署日期 Estimated Cost 采购方式 日期 期 Expected Item 合同编号 合同描述 资格预审( ewed by the Expected Expected 执行机构Executiv 备注Remark Procuremen Expected completion/Deliv 项目 Reference Post Description of Contract 万美元 PQ) Bank(Prior/P Date of Bid Date of e body s 万人民币 t Method Issuing ery Date of (Equivalent ost) Opening Contract 104RMB date of BD Contract 104US4$) Signing 二、货物类 II. Goods 潢川县王大台站、刘小集水泵、机电设备 Huangchuan county pumps and mechanical 潢川县项目办Huan HN-HW-XY-03 618.00 98.10 NCB N/A prior 2012.03 2012.04 2012.05 2012.11 equipments ofWangdatai liuxiaoji.Pumping gchuan City PMO 沿淮洼地 Station Low-land along Huaihe 淮滨县小集站、吴寨、韩港、范港、朱营水泵、机 River 电设备 淮滨县项目办Huai HN-HW-XY-04 Huaibin county pumps and mechanical 463.09 73.51 NCB N/A prior 2012.03 2012.04 2012.05 2012.11 bin City PMO equipments of Xiaoji Wuzhai Hangang Fangang Zhuyingzhan.Pumping Station 小计Sub-total 1081.09 货物合计Total for goods 1081.09 171.60 第 4 页 河南省淮河流域重点平原洼地治理项目2012年采购计划表 Procurment Plan 2012 for Henan 预计合同 合同估算金额 预计发标 预计完工/供货日 世行审查Revi 预期开标日期 签署日期 Estimated Cost 采购方式 日期 期 Expected Item 合同编号 合同描述 资格预审( ewed by the Expected Expected 执行机构Executiv 备注Remark Procuremen Expected completion/Deliv 项目 Reference Post Description of Contract 万美元 PQ) Bank(Prior/P Date of Bid Date of e body s 万人民币 t Method Issuing ery Date of (Equivalent ost) Opening Contract 104RMB date of BD Contract 104US4$) Signing 三、咨询服务类 III. Consultant and training 项目监测与评价咨询 HN-ZX-SZ003 62.40 9.90 NBF N/A N/A 2011.08 2011.08 2011.10 2016.02 Project monitoring and evaluation 移民安置外部监测 Monitoring and 项目监测与评 HN-ZX-SZ004 evaluation of land requisitionand 20.00 3.17 CQS N/A Post 2011.08 2011.08 2012.01 2015.01 价等咨询服务 resettlement Consuiltance service for 环境保护监测咨询 河南省项目办Hena monitoring HN-ZX-SZ005 Monitoring and evaluation of environment 37.48 5.95 NBF N/A N/A 2011.08 2011.08 2011.12 2016.02 n PPMO and protection evaluation, etc. 水土保持监测 HN-ZX-SZ006 Monitoring and evaluation of soil and water 18.50 2.94 NBF N/A N/A 2011.08 2011.08 2011.12 2016.02 conservation HN-ZX-SZ007 大坝安全咨询 consultance for dam safety 6.00 0.95 IC N/A Post 2011.08 2011.08 2012.01 2015.01 咨询服务合计 Total for Consultance service 144.38 22.92 注:汇率 6.3 Postte 1 :汇率采用1美元=6.3元人民币 Exchan rate 1USD = 6.3RMB 第 5 页.
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