UNITED STATES TARIFF CPMMISSIONd THE TARIFF AND ITS HISTORI A COLLECTION OF GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE SUB1ECT MI~CELLANEOUS SERIES UNITED STATU GOVERNMENT PRINTlNG OPFICB WASRINGTON.ltU UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION ROBFJRT L. O'BRIEN, OMiroll'" THOMA,S 'WALKER PAGB, Vice OM/rma" IiIDGAR B. BROSSARD OSOAR B. HYDFJR SIDNEY MORGAN, Secretarll Adches& AD CommDDieationa UNITED STATI!S TARIFF COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. CONTENTS ha Foreword... _________ .. ___________ .. __ .. ___ ...... __ .. ____ .. ,.. .. --... -:..-----"- --- vn Origin and definition of the word u tariffH .. .;. __ "__ .. _________" _______ ;;..,:,:. __ 1 vQuestions involved in the imposition of customs tari1fa! ' unfluence-.lnfiuence upon foreignhome country countriea____________________________ .. !.. .. _~_.;. ______:.:.--'-~-' __ - .. ..:_..:_~--- -'__ ..: __ _ 2 2 Customs duties: . General claBBifi... tion ____________________________________~ ____ _ Ii Ad valorem and specific dutieo--___________ " __________ ~ ________ _ 6 Mixed or compound duties ____ ...· ______________ " ... .;.. _____.;., ___ "__ l....: __ _ 8 10 ~~";~d~~~:::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~::::::::::(}oUDtervailiDgdu~ ________________________________________ _ 10 12 Penalty duties.. _________________________ • __________ c _________ _ 13 ;!he """toms tarilf of the United States _____________________________ _ 14 Tarilf history of foreign eountries: Ancient:Greece _______________________________ - ____ ----_______ --- lto... _______________________________ ~, __________________ _ 15 16 Commercial policies in the formation of modern Europe: Cities: 'The Italian cities _____________________________________ _ 17 The H"""""tic League________________________________ _ 17 States:France __________________ -' ___________________________. _ 18 The Netherlande_____________________________________ _ 18 Spain-------------------------------------,---------- 20 21 21 -i====:::==::Bulgnria ___________________ :::::: :::::::: ._" _______ :::::::: , _______________ :::: :::::: ::: _ 28 -"Canada ___________________ c __________________ , ______ _ 25 China_______________________________________ ._______ _ '}fl Denmark ___ .. ________________ .. _____ ' _______________ :.. __ 29 32 ~ng~dJEBodern--~------_-_---------~---------~------Flance ____________________________________________ ~ __ 33 37 <lreece ____________________________________________ c__ 40 ~y---------------------------------------~--"-- 42 42 ~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::Yugooiavia __________________________________________ _ 44 The Netherlands, modern _____________________________ _ 47 ~orway _____________________________________________ _ 48 Peru _______________________________ .. ________________ _ 49 Portugal, modern. _____________ -______________________ _ 50 llUIDania ____________________________________________ _ 50 Itu~ ______________________________________________ _ 50 Serbia ____________________________________________ c__ 52 South America. ____________________________' __________ _ 54 Spain, EBodet'Il _________________ '______________________ _ 65 Sweden _____________________________________________ _ 65 Swit&erland _________________________________________ _ 58 Turkey _____________________________________________ _ 59 60 m IV Regulation of tariffs in foreign countries by admjnistrative action: Relation between the executive end legislative branch""-__________ _ Restrictive meeeures other then tarilJB__________________________ _ 62 62 1rarJi~o~~~ir~-st;t;;:-------~------------------------- M ~~:r:::~11~Jg~-~,:---~----------------------- 70 Tariff Act of 1789_____ -----------------__________________ _ 1796_1815______________ " ___- _____________________________ _ 70 Tariff Act of 1816________________________________________ _ 71 1818-27_________________________________________________ _ 71 72 Tariff Act of 1828 ("tarilJ of abominatioDB'') ________________ _ 72 Tariff Act of 1832.. _________ ~ _____________________ • ______ _ Tariff Act of 1833 (oompronUae tarilI) ______________________ _ 73 Tariff Act of 1842________________________________________ _ 73 14 1857-71Tariff Act_________________________________________________ of 1846 (Walker tarilI)-------------------------__ _ 74 1812-89_________________________________________________ _ 75 76 Tariff Act of 1890 (McKinley tariJI)----- ___________________ _ 77 Tariff Act of 1894 (Wilson-Gorman tariJI)--------------_____ _ 78 Tariff Act of 1897 (Dingley tariJI) __________________________ _ 78 Tariff Act of 1909 (Payne-Aldrich tarilf)-___________________ _ 79 TariffEmergency Act of tariff, 1913 192L(Underwood__________________ tarilI)------------ " ___________________________ _ 80 82 Tariff Act of 1922 (Fordney-McCumber tarilI)--------------_ 82 TariffNational Act Industrial of 11l3O(Hawley-Smoot Recovery Act__________________________ tariJI)------------------__ _ 84 The Revenue Acts of 1932 and 1934_______________________ _ 84 Reciprocal trade agreementL ______________________________ _ 85 85 Foreign-trade aones _____________________________________ _ 87 Free Definitiontrade: of term___________________________________________ _ 88 Arguments advaneed by its advocates: 'Domestic production and prices____________________________ _ 89 SocislFo~~-------------------------------------------- and international relations___________________________ _ 89 Administration of customs tarilJa __________________________ _ 89 90 Protection:Definition of term... __________________________________________ _ Fundamental conceptions of tbe theory_______________________ _ 91 91 Arguments advanced by its proponents: Dynamic nature of society ________________________________ _ Diversified industry______________________________________ _ 94 Empdoyment ____________________________________________ _ 94 95 Home market___________________________________________ _ Infantind~es _________________________________________ _ 95 In.........d ...pitaL ________________________________________ _ 95 National independence____________________________________ _ 95 96 Attraction of ...pital and immigration _____________________ _ Vested interest___________________________________________ _ 96 96 Tho Uni~~i8JTarii-Q,;;;;;,j;;;;;,i.~------------------------------ 96 Hiotory: The Revenue Commjssion of 1865__________________________ _ 97 Commissioner of RevenU6_________________________________ _ 97 Tariff Commission of 1882 ________________________________ _ 97 Cost-of-production study by Deparlment of Labor ___________ _ 98 The Tariff Board, 1~12 ________________________________ _ 98 Utilizationtariff _dy of____________________________ B"""u of F~ and ~ " _______________ Commen:e fOl' _ Stateo Tariff COmmisoion.. _________________________ _ 98 _:Jun United 99 100 " ~~~~~~~~~---------------------------------Cooperation with oommittees of the House and Senate________ _ 100 Recommendations""t of 1922 ____________________________________________ of the Commission in the formulation of the _ 101 CONrENTS v The United States Tariff Commission-Continued Page New powers under the act of 1922______________________________ _ 101 Orgapimtion: Principal offics___________________________________________ _ 102 New "2"ork office. ________________________________________ _ 102 Europea.n headquarterB___ ~ _______________________________ _ 102 Coordination of work___________________ ~- ________________ _ 102 PernonnM _______________________________________________ _ 102 embershiP under the act of 1930 _____________________________ _ 102 uDction~ u?lder th!, act of 1930 ___ -: ___________________________ _ 103 L t of the prmclpai tariff acts of the UnIted States ______ , ___________ _ 105 Average~ ad valorem rates of duty on imports into the United States, by y_ under specified tariff acts__________________________________ _ 107 FOREWORD The conten~ of .this brochure are brought together under one cover in response to the many requests received by the Tariff Commission for general information on the subject of the tariff." Most of the' information herein set forth is earned through the Tari:tf Act of 1930;' which is the tarill' law of the United States at the time of the 'prel.'­ aration of this edition. Copies of the Tariff Act of 1930, which lS not a publication of the Tari:tf Commission but a congressional document, are obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, in this city at 20 cents a copy. The material contained herein consists in large 'part of excerpts from the Dictiona~ of Tari:tf Information, a publication issued by the Tariff CommissIOn in 1924 and now out of print. This diction­ ary, containing technical information and statistical data relative to commodities mentioned in the Tariff Act of 1922 and a descrip­ tion of tariff systems, methods, practices, and history, is a reference book to be found in most general libraries. The Tariff Commission hIlS no authority to devise or alter the national tariff policy or to construct the general tables of rates of duty. These powers reside in the Congress. The Commission hIlS .certain powers to advise Congress and the President, to exercise other powers and certain functions in cases falling under those provisions .of the Tariff Act of 1930 which prescribe and limit what tbe Com­ mission shall do. Its publications, therefore, do not contain or discuss arguments for or against any form of tariff, but are for the most [art economic studies of specitie articles covered in the tari:tf act, 0 industries, or of international trade as a:tfected
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