4:._;L(*5 ;L,, • 1 r (7.5 4:3• K39 The estimation of Naseem Hijazi in Urdu Literature Abstract: The article deals with the life and contribution of Naseem Hijazi towards reconstruction of Islamic thought through his historical novels in New Muslim generation. As a novel writer, Naseem Hijazi is regarded as one of the finest writers of Urdu language especially in the later 20th century. Among his popular contemporaries were Ibn-e-Safi Saadat Hasan Manto, and Shafiq-ur-Rehman, all having their particular line of literature. Naseem Hijazi is known for his potent and romantic description of history. There are only two writers prior to Hijazi who wrote history novels in Urdu: Abdul Haleem Sharar and Sadiq sardhunwi, but Hijazi's writing is most credible in terms of historical description and accuracy. He exercised extra care to back his study of history by through research and to cite his sources whenever possible. Hijazi creates his powerful expression by blending this study of history with fairytale romanticism. The story usually revolves around characters who were related to, and shown present at the actual historical event that wishes to focus on. Naseem Hijazi bases most of his work in 01;14 2.**A akUl ** ;14 Z*AlA a,t/L11 axU1 r_ai A:JD • a.-L.11 ;L9- ' • 1 r LL,:a4y Islamic history. In dealing with this history' he shows both the rise and fall of the Islamic Empire. This writer seems to have been inspired a lot by Allama Muhammad Iqbal's poetry. He tries, not very unlike Iqbal, to remind his readers of the lost glory of the Muslims and in a way inspire them to work with commitment to achieve lost glory in all walks of life. Naseem Hijazi has immensely influenced his readers both in and out of Pakistan. He has been one of the key sources of Islamist ideologies in Pakistan and worked as a key ideology and valour builder during the Soviet-Afghan War. Many Pakistani educated Youngsters throughout 1950s till today are believed to have been emotionally and ideologically inspired by his writings. He enjoys a very large reader base even after his death. j?•-ii I' Alt c.s/P jyall ,32.42:-- L) L) 4 ai 36' 61 (r1 91'1 /f1 Al •) " uLS c(r1 9 1 1' I Ar jt-41 LLA j919 I, g --!y,,o ( 199'1 if 1 91 t) ,i oL,t/.1 L11 e_cj Co.14..LP L)•),L, caA5L.41 y~yl t4)L7 yLSvl yl cc5.31D _<_21 " J,1;11 J riti11 rs, 1.5_14;i- Lijt-;; 4111) (3J-423 liJ ca...st 0 a ,;;:A!, ,J,Tj 1..)L.;_c•I ,:rc• 4:;;L(...5 4)6-- (V • 11r ct-012.!:P „JAI ci 4-S3 4) (:1. \ rry ill.. cj91911 r1 `I1 f "K's-c• LL:1° a5-k119 LAC .;L:r.,.(;•1 . of ,s- (:jA J a. , of l L3 ybj als- lA I.J.,g; ot_liyilo ALL 19 04_42111 tlj1.5" L:).113 : :3LJI 1.1A 0: cj)_11.1 L11 .7S-St c(j.:a.11 JL12.N1 ./4 .a.„4;JI L..,L;A<J1 ill7 army. L3,11 L142-4111 JL c;),AJI J.~11 L.11 j,,,i2.11 r~L 90 4.1)u*. 02..42114 4_Lp 4.5.11! 3t Lsji 3t •11 Aye a1--I-4 Lib),--j lgk LC- I J—P45 rj,J Li-Jr3 JI j4_st;y 3I ,J,)11 :4419.)1 &L.:1 4.19L7 L:„ 4,41.3 JtSlsji gsAYL,'>11 ca>T7-Al -A Lr.—A ;y-A vlS awl t—Pm.,- 21bt ,Dt_ ye—t, 31 -4 ISLA crls- (I ILI t4, 1-1-A 3t.qf._z1,•t 01A <9 " " 2L:_ y! " r 11 40S ;).6",:y... 2y AL1K.) Ol,- r V ct-42.2 11 ✓ a_,L.<11 L19tD ti)L.1- I yia 44-AA-4.:.-A. 4-r)j-,:. uc111 cr l ckrA fLp„," .'ts4 "3.1)Lii1' 21.41.1! Ly.-7_,(9 ctiL19j 42y„) oty; L*31-.,-L11 , r3k-41 " L ji_rbY L:J)-Z....r. °"" \ A =S La jiC x . .1_7;211 111> : :1—a- " " c v4.3j..4 L:74'D Jj.17 ymi Jyi ;L.,,t, /1St' 3. 11 0199 ~lS.~a1 1.1.1 9 cjit)11 ry,.11 jyttil cLAP j..!;„_c ;3).4s jLS. c..L1.1 .12,tx143 ,L,411 3,L11 vs ;11;1 C3y i.so I g-99 11_,yjf L:j_C 10._;;; " •Jlij I, 6,11 P. ii W i44 5111 0 ,,,JUJlq 3911 315; ca., Ls Ofi wt.! j uo_9. ,-.-,)-;01 Lie .)-439 4-691 kjc 3LS- 441. uI oy? 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