HHisisttooricricalal VVieieww JaJaccququeess PPaauull AAPPCC ((UUMMRR 77116644)) CCEEAA--SSaacclalayy I.E.S. 3 April I.E.S. Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky 3 April Caarrggèèssee Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky 2006 TThhee XX-- aanndd ggaammmma-a-rraayy ddoommaaiinn Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 2 EEleleccttrroommagagnneetticic ssppeeccttrruumm ffoorr asasttrroonnoommyy WWavaveleleennggtthh ((mm)) 0 7 4 1 2 1 1 1 8 5 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 GamGammma-raya-ray X-rayX-ray UUVV IIRR radradioio VVisiisibbllee X- andd ggaammmmaa--rarayyss:: mmoorere tthhaann 500%% ooff tthee uussaabbllee EEMM sspeeccttrum Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 3 TThhee atatmmoosspphheerricic ssccrreeeenn 110000 50% reduction of atmospheric ) ) 8800 m m transmission k k ( ( e e d d 6600 u u tit tit 4400 Al Al 2200 radradioio IIRR VV UUVV XX-ray-ray ggaammmma-raa-rayy Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 4 FFooccuussiningg XX-- anandd ggamammmaa raysrays radradiio,o, IIR,R, vviissiibbllee,, UUVV Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 5 AAssttrroonnoommyy wwitithh XX-- aanndd ggamammma-a-rrayay pphhoottoonnss PPhhootonton eneneergrgyy V V V V V e V e V e V e V V e V T e V G e V M e V k T G e M e k e V T e G e M k e 0 T 0 G 0 M 0 k 0 0 T 0 0 G 0 0 M 0 0 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GGamammmaa raysrays X-rayX-rayss very hiigh energy hiigh energy llow energy hard soft HESS GLAST INTEGRAL XMM Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 6 GGiivviinngg aacccceessss ttoo ssppaaccee Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 7 SSppacacee ccoonnqquueesstt Some dreamed about it¼ Military have done it ! 4 October 1957 Konstantiin Eduardoviitch Tsiiollkovsky llaunch of Spoutniik-1 by the Russian rocket (1857-1935)) R7 Semyorka Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 8 BBaallollooonnss aanndd rroocckkeettss FFastasteerr aanndd ccheaheapperer acaccceessss ttoo spspaacece For hard X-rays and gamma rays For soft X-rays Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 9 FFiirrsstt sstteeppss ooff XX--rraayy aassttrroonnoommyy aa ffoorrttuunnaattee brbreeaakktthhrroouugghh Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 10 FFirirsstt ddeetteeccttioionn ooff eexxttrraatteerrrreessttrriaiall XX--rraayyss On 29 September 1949, a set of smallll Geiiger ccoouunntteersrs ((sseennssiittivvee onlly to X-rays)) was fllown onboard a capttuurreedd GGeermrmaann V2 rockett Above 87 kmm,, the detector showed a sharplly modullated response every tiime the Sun was iin iits fiielld of view The Sun iis a source of X--rraayys !! Friiedman et all..,, Phys. Rev. 8833,, 1025,, 1951 It had been proposed few years before (Alfven and Edlen, 1941) that the solar corona should be a 106 K plasma (i.e. hot enough to radiate such X-rays) Yohko X-ray image of the Sun recorded on 8 May 1992 Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 11 XX--rraayy aassttrroonnoommyy inin tthhee eeaarrlyly 6600''ss In the 50's, the low X-ray output from the Sun discouraged many astronomers to search for X-ray sources outsiide the sollar system In 1959,, a group lled by Riccardo Giacconii at AS&E started work iinvestigate the possiibiilliitiies ffoorr ccaarryyiinngg oouutt XX--rarayy aassttrroonnoommyy Estimates of fluxes from sources outside the solar system Giacconi, R., Clark, G.W., and Rossi, B.B. ASE-TN-49, Jan. 15, 1960 Source Maximum Mechanism Estimated Wavelength for Emission Flux Sun < 20 Å Coronal emission ~ 106 cm-2 s-1 Sun at 8 light years < 20 Å Coronal emission 2.5 × 10-4 cm-2 s-1 -2 -1 Sirius if LX ~ LOPT < 20 Å ? 0.25 cm s Flare stars < 20 Å Sun like flare? ? Peculiar A stars < 20 Å Particle acceleration ? Crab nebula < 25 Å Synchrotron ? Moon < 23 Å Fluorescence 0.4 cm-2 s-1 Moon ~ 20 Å Impact from solar wind e- 0-1.6 × 103 cm-2 s-1 Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 12 ObObjjeeccttifif LLuunnee ((TToowwararddss tthhee MMoooonn)) Undeterred by NASA's rejection of a proposal to search for cosmiic X-rays,, Giiacconi persuaaddeedd USAF to ffuunndd tthhee pprroojjeecctt To make thee pprroojjeecctt mmoorere aatttractiive,, the primary goall of the flliight was to llook for X-rays from the Moon The AS&E team''s fiirst two X-ray astronomy rocket flliight faiilled On 18 June 1962,, one miinute before miiddnniigghhtt,, aa ppaayyllooaadd ccoonnssiisstting of three llarge area Geiiger counters was llaunched usiing a USAF Areobee 150 rocket.. The rocket was above 800 kmm for a tottall ooff 5 miin and 50 sec,, and reached a maaxxiimmuumm aallttiittuuddee ooff 225 kmm.. As the spiinniing rocket clliimbed aabove 80 km the doors opened and diiscovered the fiirst eviidence for X-ray radiiatiion from beyond our sollar system Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 13 335500 sseeccoonnddss tthhaatt sshhooookk tthhee wwoorrldld Number of couunnttss vveerssuuss aazziimmuutthh aannggllee Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 14 AA ffoorrttuuititoouuss ddisisccoovveerryy Portiion of the skyy eexxpplloorreedd bbyy tthhee ccoouunntteerrss Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 15 AA gglolorrioiouuss ffuuttuurree ffoorr RRicicccararddoo GGiaiaccccoonnii Uhuru and the X-ray binaries The X-rayy background resolved Nobell Priize iin Physiics 2002 Giiacconi et all.. ApJS 139, 269, 2002 Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 16 WWhhaatt ababoouutt tthhee XX--rrayay MoMooonn ?? ROSAT iimage of the MoMooonn Schmiitt et all.. Nat 349, 583, 1991 Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 17 FFirirsstt sstteeppss ooff ggaammmmaa--rraayy aassttrroonnoommyy IItt wwaass aa lloonngg wwayay¼¼ Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 18 AA ccuummbbeerrssoommee hheerreeddiittyy 1911-1913 1932 Hess diiscovery of cosmiic rays Goiing upstream to CR sources Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 19 AA lolonngg eexxppeeccttaattioionn 1952 Prediictiion of the hiigh-energy gamma-ray emiissiion of the Gallactiic diisk via p-p iintteractiions Hayakawa,, Prog. Theor. PPhyys.. 88,, 571,, 1952 1958 Inventory of the cosmic siites expected to radiiate gamma rays: It iincllude the Crab Nebulla,, Cyg A and the Sun Morrison,, Nuovo Ciimentoo 77,, 858,, 1958 1958 Fiirst detectiion of cosmic gamma rays duriing a sollar fllare Peterson & Wiinckller,, Phys. Rev. Let. 1,, 205,, 1958 1967 Fiirst exhaustiive revue devoted to gamma-ray astronomy ...ten years after the llaunch of Sputniik 1,, one had not succeeded iin defiiniitelly detectiing any gamma rays from cosmiic siites localliized beyond the sollar system...... Faziio,, ARA&A 5,, 4811,, 1967 Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 20 SSppeeccififiiccititieiess ooff tthhee ggaammmmaa--rraayy ddoommaiainn In comparison wiith X-ray observatiions,, gammmaa--rayy oobbsseervrvaattiioonnss hhaavvee to suffer from two addiitiional diiffiiculltiies: At equall radiiated power, a cceeleessttiiaall bbooddy aacctiivvee iinn thhe gamma-ray domaiin radiiates much lless photons Large deviices and long oobserviing tiimes Much more than for X-ray detectors,, the cosmiic rays are ffoorr allll gamma-ray deetteeccttoorrss aa hhuuggee source of background that cannot be entiirelly suppressed even at the expense of massiive shiiellds Heavy deviices and very llong observiing timeess Fruiitfull meeasurements of cosmiic gamma rayys iimplly llong duratiion balllloon flliights or, much better,, iin orbit observatiions Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 21 FFirirsstt ddeetteeccttioionn ooff ccoossmmicic ggaammmmaa rraayyss ((11)) 1968 Diiscovery of the high-energy (> 100 MeV)) Gaalaaccttiicc ggaammmaa--rayy emiissiion wiith a paiir-productiion detector aboard OSO III Cllark et all..,, AppJ 153,, L22033,, 1968 OSO III (1967-1969)) Gallactiic eemmiissssiion llatiitude pproroffiillee Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 22 FFirirsstt ddeetteeccttioionn ooff ccoossmmicic ggaammmmaa rraayyss ((22)) 1968 Balllloon hard X-ray and llow-energy gamma-ray (< 5000 keV)) detectiion of the Crab nebulla and pullsar Haymes et all..,, ApJ 151,, L9,, 1968 Fiishman et al.. ApJ 153,, L61,, 1969 Overallll Crab spectrum Liight curve of the Crab pullsar Jacques Paul I.E.S. Cargèse ± Observing the X- and Gamma-ray Sky ± Historical View ± 3 April 2006 Slide 23 FFirirsstt ddeetteeccttioionn ooff ccoossmmicic ggaammmmaa rraayyss ((33)) 1967 Fiirst llocalliizatiion of a cosmiic GRB by Vella 5A and Vella 5B 1973 Fiirst report on the detectionn ooff ccoossmmiicc ggaammmmaa--rraayy bbuursrsttss Kllebesadell et all..,, ApJ 182,, L85,, 1973 Artiist viiew of a Vella satelllliite Liight curve of GRB 670702 Jacques Paul I.E.S.
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