195'0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7473 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. SCRIVNER: setts, to reject certain recommendations af­ H. Con. Res. 213. Concurrent resolution to fecting veterans contained in the report of Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public create a joint congressional committee to in­ the Hoover Commission; to the Committee on bills and resolutions were introduced and vestigate Federal grant-in-aid programs; to Veterans' Affairs. severally referred as follows: the Committee on Rules. 2159. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: By Mr. FLOOD: By Mr. HAYS of Ohio: Memorial of the General Court of Massachu­ H. R. 8586. A bill to authorize, for a tempo­ H. Con. Res. 214. Concurrent resolution ex­ setts, to reject certain recommendations af­ rary period, the purchase by the Government pressing the sense of the Congress that the fecting veterans contained in the report of of anthracite in amounts sufficient to main­ President should rescind foreign-trade agree­ the Hoover Commission; to the Committee tain normal production and employment in ments with Communist-controlled coun­ on Veterans' Affairs. the anthracite region, to promote the gen­ tries; .to the Committee on Ways and Means. eral national welfare, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public Lands. By Mr. FORAND: MEMORIALS SENATE H. R. 8587. A bill to amend section 2, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ Public Law 649, Seventy-ninth Congress, rials were presented and referred, as approved August 7, 1946, providing for the TuESDAY, MAY 23, 1950 disposition of vessels, trophies, relics,. and follows: material of historical interest by the Secre­ By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ <Legislative day of Wednesday, March tary of the Navy, so as to include certain lature of the State of Massachusetts, memo­ 29, 1950) additional veterans' organizations; to the rializing the President and the Congress of Committee on Armed Services. the United States to reject certain recom­ ·The Senate· met ~t 12 o'clock meridia~ By Mr. FORD: mendations affecting veterans contained in on the expiration of the recess. H. R. 8588. A bill to suspend certain import the report of the Hoover Commission; to the Rev. Samuel Forsyth, officer of British taxes on copper; to the Committee on Ways Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Empire, Minister of Adelaide Central and Means. Methodist Church, Adelaide, Australia, By Mr. MITCHELL: . offered the following prayer: H. R. 8589. A bill to make capital and PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS credit more readily available for financing Under clause 1 ·of rule XXII, private Almighty God, in whose hands are the small business, foster competition, and coor­ bills and resolutions were introduced and destinies of nations, we pray that Thou dinate Federal aids to small business, and wilt bless this Senate. Direct and pros­ thus to promote, foster, and develop the do­ severally referred, as 'follows: mestic and foreign commerce of the United By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: per its deliberations. Lead it in the way states, and for other purposes; to the Com­ H. R. 8598. A bill for the relief of Mrs. of honor, justice, and righteousness. mittee on Banking and Currency. Chisako Shimizu Sheldahl and Ryoichi Thou hast permitted us to increase By Mr. MURRAY of Wisconsin: Shimizu Sheldahl; to the Committee on the in. power and riches, and hast endowed H. R. 8590. A bill . to amend the act of Judiciary. us with gifts of knowledge and skill' and March 4, 1923, to provide for determinations By Mr. FARRINGTON: assigned to us a leading place among and reports relating to the manu_facture of H. R. 8599. A bill for the relief of Capt. Roy the mighty nations of the world. May filled milk in the United States, and for William Montrose Graham, United States we be mindful of the trust which Thou other purposes; to the Committee on Agri­ Navy; to the Committee on Armed Services. culture. By Mr. KILBU;RN·: hast laid upon us and ever be found By Mr. SULLIVAN: H. R. 8600. A bill for the relief of Yuriko faithful to Thy cause. H. R. 8591. A bill to provide for the con­ Aoyama; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Raise up in all lands noble and upright struction of the Jefferson National Expansion By Mr. LANHAM: men to be leaders and counselors of the Memorial at the site of old St. Louis, Mo., in H. R. 8601. A bill for the relief of U. S. people, and may rulers and judges and general accordance with the plan approved Homes, Inc.; to the Committee on the all who bear rule and.responsibility ex­ by the United States Territorial Expansion Judiciary. ercise their powers as ministers of Thy Memorial Commission, and for other · pur­ By Mr. McKINNON: justice and mercy. Deliver us from evil poses; to the Committee on House Adminis­ H. R. 8602. A bill for the relief of Charles tration. L. Pauter; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ambitions and selfish rivalries and false By Mr. P.OWELL: . By Mr. SCRIVNER: judgments. · H. R. 8592. A bill to provide for the rescis­ H. R. 8603. A bill for the relief of James We thank Thee for the spiritual rela­ sion of the order of the Postmaster General Nels Ekberg; to the Committee on the tionships that bind the peoples of the curtailing certain postal services; to the Judiciary. free world together in good will and Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. SHAFER: helpfulness. By Mr. WILLIAMS: H. R. 8604. A bill to provide for the con­ We thank Thee for what Thou hast H. R. 8593. A bill to grant credit under the veyance of the Percy Jones General Hospital enabled us to accomplish for others. Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, Gull Lake Annex, Gull Lake, Mich., to the as amended, for annual leave accumulated W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Deliver us, we pray Thee, from the sin in excess of 60 days; to the Committee on Mich.; to the Committee on Armed Services. of self-righteousness and keep us hum­ Post Office and Civil service. By Mr. WILSON of Texas: ble, truthful, and spiritually minded. By Mr. BROOKS: . H. R. 8605. A bill conferring jurisdiction Help us to serve our day and generation H. R. 8594. ./',.. bill to provide for the acquisi­ upon the United States District Court for in the spirit of Him who said: "Inas­ tion, construction, expansion, rehabilitation, the Northern District of Texas to hear, de­ much as ye did it unto one of the least conversion, and joint utilizati~n of facilities termine, and render judgment on certain of these ye did it unto me." Amen. necessary for the administration and train­ claims of Charlie Joe Starnes; to the Com­ ing of units of the Reserve components of mittee on the Judiciary. THE JOURNAL the armed forces of the United States, and for other purposes; to the Committee on· On request of Mr. GEORGE, and by Armed Services. PETITIONS, ETC. unanimous consent, the reading of the By Mr. LEMKE: Journal of the proceedings of Monday, Under clause 1 of rule XXIl, ·petitions May 22, 1950, was 'dispensed with. H. R. 8595. A bill to authorize the issuance and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk of trust patents in lieu of land-use exchange MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT assignments issued on the Standing Rock and referred as follows: Sioux Reservation, located in .South Dakota 2156. By Mr. HAGEN: Resolutions adopted A message in writing from the Presi­ and North Dakota, prior to January l, 1950; by the Independent ~etail Lumber Dealers dent of the United States submitting to the Committee on Public Lands. Association at Minneapolis, Minn., relative to nominations was communicated to the H. R. 8596. A bill to waive in certain cases sundry Government programs and legisla­ Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ the priority of payment of debts owing to the tion presently pending before the Congress taries. United States in the administration of a of the United States; to the Committee on deceased debtor's estate; to the Committee Ways and Means. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE on the Judiciary. 2157. By Mr. LANE: Memorial of the Gen­ A message from the House of Repre­ By Mr. SPENCE: erai Court of Massachusetts, to reject certain sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its H. R. 8597. A bill to permit national banks recommendations affecting veterans ·con­ to give security in the form required by tained in the report of the Hoover Commis­ clerks, announced that the House had State law for deposits of funds by local pub­ sion; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. passed a bill <H. R. 8567) making appro­ lic agencies and officers; to the Committee on 215.8. By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: priations to supply deficiencies in cer­ Banking and Currency. Memorial of the General Court of Massachu· " tain appropriations for the fiscal year t7474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 23 ending June 30, 1950, and for other pur· Senator from :North Dakota [Mr. has passed House Joint Resolution 476, poses, in which it requested the concur· YouNG] are absent by leave of the Sen· appropriating the necessary funds. The rence of the Senate. ate. effect of it is to make -the increases of CALL OF TIIE ·ROLL The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. pay for the. last part of -May and all of LODGE] is absent by leave of the Senate June applicable to all employees. rt is a Mr. ,GEORGE. Mr. President, I do on official committee business. matter of great importance. The ap­ not see on the floor the Senators who The Senator from New Hampshire propriations committee has gone ove~ have charge of the time on the pending [Mr.
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