BSCE2\/nP ll Jerusalern 1.992 rHE DIVERSITY OF }'EATIARPRINTS IlI TIIE CI1ARADRIIFORUESAND III THE ANSBRI FORI''ES Narin Perrenano Sect-lon of Systenatlcs and Ecology, Zoologicat Institute, l(.U.reuven, Naamsestraat 59, B-3000 Leuven, Belgiut! st luARr Scanninqelectron microscopy pictures (called feathef,prinr6) of lne teather autiace, of 55 charadriiforn species belonging ro 3I generaand 13 families, wer:e srudied to shed sone lighr on thetr qrvelsity and on their identificatlol va1ue. We statted our descliPtions with the different aspects of the obwerse rachls 3rrface (site Ix). Itar:ked differences in the feathalprint forirulaa of nearly aII species could be obserwed except in th; Three-banded Plover Chs-radrius tricollaris (r. Chaladrijitae) and rhe Redshank rrlhga totanus (F. scolopactdae). An idendtficatton key ts presented. Sixtee;r ansexif;rrn sp6cies were examined sinil_aily. Cl€6r-cut differe[ces trexe noticed between ducks, gee6e and swans. Xeyrcrds: featherprlnrs, SEM, Charadriif onnes, Anserlformes 199 INTRODUCTION Birds have been recogntzed as a potential hazard to 6afe operation of aixcraft since the lnception of the flrst aexoPlane aelvice (ICAO 1978). O'le of the flrst steps in reducing this risk ts establishing which species aie most likel.y to cause an accident. only when a detailed insight regarding the species most frequent-Iy invotved in btrd strlkes has been obtained, the most adequate pr:ewentive rneasur:es nay be taken. Apart fron preliminary biochemical studies of blood and Ilesh renains (De Bont et a-1. 1985), attention has been focused on the identification of feathers and feather fragments (Brom 1980, 1986, Ltrtle sti, 1991). The reason fox this is that nearly always feather renains aie present in the bird rernains. Up tifl recently none of the norphological nethods used in feather research iras comPletely satisfactory. So I developed a nevr method. Studyinq the drai"'nings on the rachis, rami and rachidial barbulea of the feathers by means of a scanning electron microscope very pronislttg xesultg wer.e oblained (Perrenans 1990). The nethod has been succ€a8fully used for the identification of the bilds -invofved ln a series of In this paper the submicroscopic characteristics, at a scanning electron nicioscope fevel, of 65 cha'iadiilfornes and of l5 Anseriforrnes are descr:ibed. Marked diferences in featherprint fornulae were noticed. A key is presented for th€ charadriifotn the foltow: UATERIAI AND }IETEODS qa-IericEfal I studied 65 charadriifoin species belong-ing to 31 genera and 13 families and 16 anseriforrn species belonging !o 12 genera and I fanity. Aythya te. The following Char:adr:iif omes weie exanined: r75a). coldr .Jacanldae: AfrlcEo J6cana Actophilornis rfrjcar. (cne1in, 1?89) i llattled a_lbellrs (l Jacana rac,na jd.an8 (Llnn5eus. 1766), Eyton, 1B3a. .Rost.atulidae: Painted Snipe &ost.stula benqhtlenslB (Linnaeus, 1758)l erythroPhth .EaeEtopodldaer Afrlcan Black oystercatche! Eaenatopus no?lln! Ao^apitte, 1356r oy6tercatche! Eamtopus o.crelegus Llnnaeu6, 1756i . Recurvi.os tlidae : Black-rlnged Stllt I'jtuDtopds hlnantopus (Linnaeu6, 1758)i .Surhinidae: spotted Thlck-Knee Barhinus capensis (Llchtenst€1n, 1823)i seneSal differenc;g Tbick-Knee aurllnus senegqlensiE (svalnson, 1337); water Thlck-(nee ,u!nlr!s diffelenr p ve.ntculatDa (Cab6n1s, IS68); Stone Curler lurlrlrus oedicrerus (Linnae!3, Preaa). rh€ 1753); atudy. .cla.€olidae: Egtptlan Plover Phvidnus aegtptjcas (Llnnaeus. 1758); colLared Prethcole 6lareol€ pratincolt (Ltmaeus, 1766) i Black-vinSed Pratt ore Nlns s.lt€s clEreola nordfunnf Flscher, la42i leminck's Cou.ser Cutsorius tetnhckll cleac!lbed: Stainson, 1622i Crer llatincole elateols cirerea Fraser, 1843; Rock ?ratlncole rarnl' (sl-!e Glateola nd.halls cray, 1a49 i proxlnaL (s .Charadrlidae. Lapwlng yan€llus varej-lus (Llnnaeus, 1758)i three-banded Plove! b€lor the- charadrius trlcollqrie vi€i1lor, 1618i {hite-flonted Ploler charadrlut rachidial br ndrginatus vieil1ot, 1818; Csspisn Plover Charadrius aslaticus lslLas, l77li lachia b€tr.€ Crey Plover Pluvitlis squatErald (Linna€us, 17s3)r Les6er Black-wlnged hpdng dlatal (sitc VaueTlus lugubrls (Lesson. 1326); cromed lapwing t/Erellus .ororatae (Boddaeft, 1783)i Spur-vinged Lalring yrrel./ui spjrosuE (Linnaeus, 1758); Afric6tr tr.tLled oncount€r€d Laprlng r,,elld5 senegallur (Linlaeus, 1766)i Brom-chested Lap{ing van.riu, Preaa) . superciliosrs (Relchenow, i886); Long-toed Lapeing Tsrellus ctasslrostrlt (HdrLldub. 1855); plover Ringed Chara.tr!uc hlettcula Llnnseus, 1756i Lltrte tinged.PIove! cha.a.r.ius dubjus s(opoti. 1706; Kittlltzts pti"." p€.rrd,e cirriirt"" remrnck, ra23; Forbes plover Ct..rd!.{us (ShelIey, is pluvidl!s forDesl l853) l eotdenPlover aprlcaria (LInnaeu6, r75s)r Jcolopacldse: :IY Black-talled Codsit ,jnosa llrosa (Llnnaeus, 1,758)i $oodcock t.olopdx tusticotd Llnnaeus, 175a, snipe 6alljraSo eetttndeo (L!^nae s, :a:.ss)l y"fl-_::r9tt"". rrtnaa sLaenat!rtE (Bechstetn, 1803) creenshelk DtDr1.rj, (Gunnerusi i ,ir,8, 1767); RedehaokrrtDgs totanis (Llnnaeu6, 175a): nrjDbiel :sh lw_ntu,sPhd.eopw.(Linnaeus, rTss): crear snlpe c,]U,!ao ,.ar" tr,"ti,*, iiazl, r.Dre.ples (Llnnaeus, rhe jlll:::l: i::1:.j'- 1758)r Ruff phllobachus puEaax LLrDnaeus,r753); curlew sandotDer calt.t!!E terruginer (ponLopptdan, t6, cat-ldr.!s i7;3); Lns l*:l: y". ninuta (Ler,1er, 1612); s.na",ir,s c;ra,iJ.Ja, ipiir"", s6ndpiper rctr'r.rs hyporeuco, Llnnaeus, r7s8; :he ;:::l:"nrga ocntopus-"-""T"1 creen sandprp€r :1y Lrnnaeus, r758: Uood saDdplpe! ! nga gtdrcoLa Llnnaeue. i75s; DunllnC,ljdrje !Iplr! (Ltnnseus, 1758J. rss .stcrcorarlldaer crear Skue Stercorar!us 6tu, A!unntch, 1764; by .klde! Etack-haded cululrus rldlbur.lu, r,r."""o", rrOi, cley_heeded tts dtus ctrrocephalu' cutt Llv vtetllor, 1818i Kelp curua.o6 a_i"ii"nu" Lr.r,i"i".ii., c"^"" cull tlrus carus linnaeus, of 19?!r(Llma.us, 17s6i Klrtl,ake R!s6. trj.t.ctrt, tTsB):.serrtng cull lrrus .,aenE.t!6 ponropptdan, rr63i .r.eh1dae:,sdndqtch Tern Srerna sEndetcensj, Latban:- trOTr Comon ,6rn Ster,, r758 | irhlLe-winr..t Bt6ck tern Chli.lonisE tercopt6rus Ln9 (ledilrck,13t5); I6 swlfr IFrn sre.n, oJ,gii l,t"tr.nut.rn, rezr; Afrrcan sktMer Ernchop| ttavtroEtit v.tetrlot, rar6; Lnt ..rc$.e:llTT!*':, Ra20rbilt Atca tordd Llnna€u., 17sa; puff1tr .Fratercul. ..ct_ic, lLlnn!.u!, 1758)r cuitlenoE Url. a.lr. (lontoppldrn, 1763)r Lttrf; AJ ;lI6 rrie (Llnnseus.t75a). ne folto$ing ,|nserilormes were exanrned, ?aclo.na ;Ti:t_u.i-::,_-"!"tgy:* tadorna (Llnnleus, rTss), u.ndllitr arx (LrnnaFus. r75a\. utoeon Aras penelope 13 c.dnll Lrnn..u., 1r5s, e. srrepe.r, Lrnn.eus, r7js, v;rlard A, p tl. rr.tlu I aiyrhyn;;""-;;;;;;;,-i;;:-;";;..d i;rr. A-acuta Linnaeus, r7s8, shoverer n. clpeai" (Lrnn6eus, iil";";". l]:.lya ^f:{jna r758). comonscotei-ryelaartt" ,r!i.--s6ee I iriii""", ta (Lrnnaeus, r75s), rere,us Ied :ffi; ,,,"""t9:?:I:^.. _"*epha r/53), ._ctansuta ;;:..::",:."""*". rhlte_backed Duck ?ralassornis leucoaoLus vtck ()x).ura naccoa (Eyaon, tBjA), Sourhern pochard lvetra aqrhtophthatna (ured, rs32), Mute uRtleg sw". cyqnus otir ic;;ii;,- i;,. Coose/llnser anser (Ltnndeus,I75s), ln.intraspecific sLudy esrablished that rhere are on.ty very sliqnL ,gal in rhe ?eatherpri,t" oi r".-tr*,-.--;j;1;;ii"'-i;". qrrrer€nl parL6 -in of the body ( perrenans 1990, p"rr".jrr, "l-.".1. Pless). rherefore onty th6 ,iinr" prrrnary 3!udv. was used in this sEl4 illn€ slt.es of perie *tr ;""'";:;_=;.J;.=i'a feather I :1?'1"..",,39' .if .,.in,i:"""il" ":i: i:::.i*11.*r r.rLE :l;rj, rne sane surfa.F (sire -bettdeen lhe rami (site 2), the I:I:In'!I i) and rhe distal (slre rv) surfac;-1u-"" or a,,ram",-or--ir,. ba,rbures, the reverse 'or l.cnidial-lY,.tl"- iurrace $,. barbules (sire V), the obveiso_.lateral s1, t}re prJxrmai-i"-rt"-"-r:JJ"-asurface of the :i:lji ?::::.i,,:l:vrrr) i-arnjlsrie_ ir,. surtace ot a ramua above the barbul€; and oDv€rsesurface of tha rhe rachis {sire rx). F"r. d";;;l;i;;"-;; ;"" Ied €rcounteredreatu'es see perremans pr€3s1. 1riibl ana ;";;;il:';;',;: i,^ 201 RESIJLTS 1960, r966r 1985, Holto First the results of the Charaalrlif o).mes vTifl be treated l bawe identificati found tour diflerent features (deep pits (DP)' very small pits on irnpossible 1 rvsPl. relativelv snooth {RS) and honev comb sLructure (HC)) Oue-l]et rrnes) and siLe'iX. cell boundaries are of Lvpe I (fine' deep lavinq chanqes your surface is flat "i lvp" e lno cell boundariies visjbre1. rhe ce]l kelati.n is u in all the exanined species. var:y among t the rachis ( Two featutes are litnited to one sPecies! a telativelv smooth (RS) obverse rachis surface is found tn the sported Thick-Knee Burnl"s is found in the African Until lecent ;;p;;;1" ;"J a honey comb (Ec) structurA ducks, qee6e Skimex Ryncnops tlavirostris. (chandler: L9 barbule node Ther:e are very snatl pits (VSP) at slte Ix in 1,9 species'-.Six of all (1 to 10) a' iii"." .p".1"; sho$7 ;Il iounaaries of tvpe 6 (rabte -r)' sites Eleven of diagnostic v sDecies are recoonizable bv ditferences at oLher 'rhe cnaractel? type 1 (Table 2)' b rlese species';;; sfiow cell boundaries o.I Br:on (1980) ;;;;i"" recoonizabre bv dilferences at other 6ites (rabre 2)' swift the domy ba ii" 1"" .p".i"" (African iaca^a ActoPhilornis afEicana .and at alte Ix i5 Tern Ster;d l,ergi:; whose type of cefl boundarv found a rable 1 ae fron a]L diff ""i""." aitt". "i "irr r'"^ a1i the species of geese and sr the species of Table 2. between duck qeese site rx' and s! The ieinaining species (n = 44) possess deep Pits-tvpe (DP) at width Ntr an( ;;; ;i ah;;;-.p:.ies sriow ceri b'ounaaries of 5-lrabre.3)' AII sholr forrnulae of raire : are differ€nt. The renaining 34 sPecias specles.
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