Media Report Gelato World Tour Asia-Pacific Stage Singapore, 2020----2222 MarchMarchMarch 201520152015 By Valentina Righi [email protected] DATA ANALYSIS GWT Total Clippings 202 Category Press 47 23,27% Web 151 74,75% TV/Video 3 1,49% Radio 1 0,50% Countries Italy 53 26,24% Rest of the World 149 73,76% Paesi PRESS WEB TV/Video Radio TOTALE % 18 34 1 0 53 26,2% ITALY GERMANY, AUSTRIA, 1 0 0 1 2 1,0% SWITZERLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% SPAIN, PORTUGAL 0 6 0 0 6 3,0% USA 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% RUSSIA 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% UAE 2 8 0 0 10 5,0% OCEANIA 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% WORLDWIDE 23 81 1 0 105 52,0% ASIA 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% SOUTH AMERICA 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% UK 44 129 2 1 176 87,1% SUBTOTAL 3 22 1 0 26 12,9% OTHERS LIST MEDIA OUTLET CATEGORY COUNTRY LINK DATE MEDIACORP TV/VIDEO SINGAPORE 09/10/2015 RAI ITALIA TV/VIDEO ITALY 14/07/2015 GELATO & BAR PASTICCERIA PRESS ITALY 20/06/2015 GELATO & BAR PASTICCERIA PRESS ITALY 20/06/2015 http://www.heraldsun. com.au/news/national /the-ultimate-list-of- HERALD SUN adelaide-and-north- WEB AUSTRALIA 11/06/2015 adelaides-late-night- dessert- destinations/story- fnii5yv7- 1227384478127 http://www.inter- INTERVISTA vista.it/news/item/719 WEB ITALY 26/05/2015 1-26-05-2015-rimini- fiera-utile-di-3mln-nel- 2014.html MANILA BULLETIN PRESS PHILIPPINES 21/05/2015 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS SINGAPORE 17/05/2015 PASTICCERIA INTERNAZIONALE PRESS ITALY 08/05/2015 http://www.dailytelegr aph.com.au/newslocal /inner-west/a-hidden- DAILY TELEGRAPH gelato-bar-in-summer- WEB AUSTRALIA hill-is-off-to-italy-in- 06/05/2015 2017-for-the-gelato- world-tour/story- fngr8h4f- 1227338250507 DAILY TELEGRAPH PRESS AUSTRALIA 06/05/2015 http://www.jakpost.tra vel/news/promoting- JAKARTA POST TRAVEL WEB INDONESIA indonesia-through- 04/05/2015 jamu-gelato- 5F80LngRzcJWlPuQ.h tml CIAO MAGAZINE PRESS AUSTRALIA 01/05/2015 PRESTIGE SINGAPORE PRESS SINGAPORE 01/05/2015 http://www.thehindub usinessline.com/news THE HINDU BUSINESS LINE WEB INDIA /states/gelatomaker- 16/04/2015 boomerang-to-go- global/article7109851. ece GELATO & BAR PRESS ITALY 16/04/2015 PASTICCERIA http://m.thehindu.com /features/metroplus/F THE HINDU WEB INDIA ood/a-slurpworthy- 14/04/2015 summer/article710198 0.ece/ http://celebrity.sunsta r.com.ph/2015/04/14/b CELEBRITY SUN.STAR WEB PHILIPPINES ono-artisanal-gelato- 14/04/2015 makes-it-to-worlds- best-gelato/ http://www.abs- cbnnews.com/video/li ABS-CBN NEWS TV/VIDEO PHILIPPINES festyle/04/10/15/how- 10/04/2015 pinoy-gelato-got- asias-attention http://www.abs- cbnnews.com/video/li ABS-CBN NEWS WEB PHILIPPINES festyle/04/10/15/how- 10/04/2015 pinoy-gelato-got- asias-attention http://media.mimesi.c om/cacheServer/servl E20 EXPRESS WEB ITALY et/CNcacheCopy?file= 09/04/2015 201504/09/1044_page- 488096779.html&auth Cookie=750969716 http://www.tnp.sg/new THE NEW PAPER WEB SINGAPORE s/back-good-old- 06/04/2015 days-sg50-gelato THE NEW PAPER PRESS SINGAPORE 06/04/2015 http://sydneyscoop.co SYDNEY SCOOP WEB AUSTRALIA m/food-drink- 06/04/2015 features/gelato-world- tour-results/ http://faithjoyhope.blo gspot.it/2015/04/medi FAITHJOYHOPE WEB SINGAPORE a-invite-singapores- 06/04/2015 very- first.html#.VTEJiiy4zd E http://www.scmp.com/ SOUTH CHINA MORNING lifestyle/food- WEB CHINA 03/04/2015 POST wine/article/1754255/a sian-spins-gelato-win- contestants-trip-italy SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS PRESS SINGAPORE 03/04/2015 http://www.wheninma WHEN IN MANILA WEB PHILIPPINES nila.com/bono- 02/04/2015 artisan-gelato-taste- and-experience- gelato-like-no-other/ http://www.misstamch MISS TAM CHIAK WEB SINGAPORE iak.com/plus39- 02/04/2015 gelato-bar/ http://meryl- MERYL-LPY BLOGSPOT WEB SINGAPORE lpy.blogspot.sg/2015/ 02/04/2015 04/gelato-world-tour- 20-2nd-edition.html http://www.foodanddri nkbusiness.com.au/n FOOD&DRINK BUSINESS WEB AUSTRALIA ews/adelaide-gelato- 02/04/2015 in-the-running-for- world-title http://her- EVERYTHING BLOGSPOT WEB SINGAPORE everything.blogspot.s 02/04/2015 g/2015/04/gelato- world-tour-2015.html http://www.thetummyt raveler.ph/2015/04/01/ THE TUMMY TRAVELER WEB PHILIPPINES bono-artisanal- 01/04/2015 gelatos-mango-ube- symphony/ http://babylingrkm.blo HÜBSCH JESS BABY WEB SINGAPORE gspot.sg/2015/04/sing 01/04/2015 apore-gelato-world- tour-20.html http://www.gourmand asia.com/whats- cooking/singapore- GOURMAND ASIA WEB SINGAPORE events/gelato-world- 01/04/2015 tour-2-0-singapore- crowned-gelato- master-of-asia- 12431.html http://www.friedchillie s.com/articles/detail/5 FRIEDCHILLIES WEB MALAYSIA -most-interesting- 01/04/2015 flavours-at-the-world- gelato-tour PDF 2014-2015\Focus FOCUS MALAYSIA PRESS MALAYSIA Malaysia 01.04.15.pdf 01/04/2015 PDF 2014- NOURISH PRESS MALAYSIA 2015\Nourish 01/04/2015 01.04.15.pdf PDF 2014-2015\Coffee COFFEE T&I PRESS THAILAND t&i 01.04.15 (2).pdf 01/04/2015 http://viaggi.repubblic a.it/articolo/singapore REPUBBLICA WEB ITALY -50-anni-in- 31/03/2015 armonia/231583?ref= m|home|vaschetta_7_ viaggi|pos_2 http://outoftownblog.c om/bono-gelato-won- OUT OF TOWN BLOG WEB PHILIPPINES a-peoples-choice- 31/03/2015 award-at-the-gelato- world-tour-2015/ http://www.frozenfood FROZEN FOOD EUROPE WEB ROMANIA europe.com/article/ne 31/03/2015 ws/gelato-world-tour- 20-arrives-singapore BERITA HARIAN PRESS MALAYSIA 31/03/2015 http://indonesia.shafa qna.com/EN/ID/11003 SHAFAQNA.COM WEB INDONESIA 9-Local-flavors-are- 30/03/2015 king-in-Gelato-World- Tour http://www.goodnews pilipinas.com/filipino- GOOD NEWS PILIPINAS WEB PHILIPPINES twist-on-gelato-is- 30/03/2015 peoples-choice-at- gelato-world-tour/ http://news.asiaone.c ASIAONE WEB SINGAPORE om/news/soshiok/foo 30/03/2015 die-confidential-ice- queen http://news.asiaone.c ASIAONE WEB SINGAPORE om/news/soshiok/loca 30/03/2015 l-flavors-are-king- gelato-world-tour http://allpinoynews.co ALL PINOY NEWS WEB PHILIPPINES m/local-flavors-are- 30/03/2015 king-in-gelato-world- tour/ http://reviews- A&W COUPLE'S BLOGGER WEB SINGAPORE all.blogspot.sg/2015/0 30/03/2015 3/gelato-world-tour- singapore.html THE SUNDAY TIMES PRESS SINGAPORE 29/03/2015 LIANHE WANBAO PRESS SINGAPORE 27/03/2015 http://babylingrkm.blo gspot.sg/2015/03/cafe HÜBSCH JESS BABY WEB SINGAPORE -asia-2015- 26/03/2015 international-coffee- tea.html http://singapore.coco nuts.co/2015/03/26/mo COCONUTS WEB SINGAPORE molato-wins-top- 26/03/2015 gelato-award- dedicates-flavor-lee- kuan-yew http://www.campus.co CAMPUS MAGAZINE WEB SINGAPORE m.sg/2015/03/cafe- 26/03/2015 asia-2015/ http://www.todayonlin e.com/lifestyle/food/a TODAY ONLINE WEB SINGAPORE sian-flavours-top- 25/03/2015 first-leg-gelato-world- tour http://qing.blog.sina.c QING BLOG WEB CHINA om.cn/tj/673279be330 25/03/2015 055vf.html http://www.mixerplan et.com/gelato-world- MIXER PLANET WEB ITALY tour-e-boom-di- 25/03/2015 visitatori-nella-tappa- di-singapore/ http://www.ITALYnicio us.com.au/news/articl ITALYNICIOUS WEB AUSTRALIA e/aussie-gelato- 25/03/2015 makers-on-the-world- stage http://manila.coconut s.co/2015/03/25/bonos -mango-ube- COCONUTS WEB PHILIPPINES symphony-bags- 25/03/2015 peoples-choice- award-gelato-world- tour http://www.choosephi lippines.com/specials/ CHOOSE PHILIPPINES WEB PHILIPPINES people/2700/pinay- 25/03/2015 artisan-bags-peoples- choice-award- singapore/ http://www.rappler.co m/life-and-style/best- eats/87778-bono- RAPPLER WEB PHILIPPINES gelato-wins-peoples- 24/03/2015 choice-award- singapore-gelato- world-tour http://www.broadshee t.com.au/sydney/food- BROADSHEET WEB AUSTRALIA and- 24/03/2015 drink/article/scoop- gelato-world-tour http://www.ardmediat hek.de/radio/SWR- Verbrauchernews/Tig er-Beer-Tofu-oder- ARD MEDIATHEK RADIO GERMANY Balsamico- 23/03/2015 Singapu/SWRinfo/Aud io- Podcast?documentId =27232580&bcastId=8 588226 https://sg.news.yahoo YAHOO NEWS SINGAPORE WEB SINGAPORE .com/local-flavors- 23/03/2015 king-gelato-world- tour-170000253.html http://www.tribunaITA TRIBUNA ITALY WEB ITALY LY.it/2015/03/23/singa 23/03/2015 pore-asia-e-australia- campioni-di-gelato/ http://www.csc.mofco SINGAPORE-CHINA m- ECONOMIC&TRADE WEB CHINA mti.gov.cn/csweb/csc/ 23/03/2015 COOPERATION info/Article.jsp?a_no= 369451&col_no=132& dir=201503 http://www.prischew.c PRISCHEW WEB SINGAPORE om/food/singaporean- 23/03/2015 flavour-wins-gelato- world-tour/ http://www.pasticceria extra.it/features/gelat o/item/964-good- PASTICCERIA WEB ITALY ol%E2%80%99-days- 23/03/2015 INTERNAZIONALE di-sharon-tay-vince- la-tappa-asia-pacific- del-gelato-world-tour- 2-0.html http://www.martinibla nc.com/2015/03/gelato MARTINI BLANC WEB SINGAPORE -world-tour-2-0- 23/03/2015 gelato-ice-cream- anymore/ http://m.jakpost.travel /news/local-flavors- are-king-in-gelato- JAKARTA POST TRAVEL WEB INDONESIA world-tour-- 23/03/2015 rDuRhls1n8emM3iO.h tml?sthash.v1edWuR c.mjjo http://www.ilgelatoarti gianale.info/News/Go od-Ol-Days-Di- IL GELATO ARTIGIANALE WEB ITALY Sharon-Tay-Vince-La- 23/03/2015 Tappa-Asia-Pacific- Del-Gelato-World- Tour-20.kl http://www.goodfood. com.au/good- food/food- GOOD FOOD WEB AUSTRALIA news/australias-48- 23/03/2015 flavours-in-running- for-world-gelato-title- 20150323- 1m59em.html DIRE PRESS ITALY 23/03/2015 ALL FOOD ONLINE WEB ITALY 23/03/2015 http://www.abs- cbnnews.com/lifestyle ABS-CBN NEWS WEB SINGAPORE /03/23/15/pinoy- 23/03/2015 gelato-wins-peoples- choice-award- singapore http://samsayswhut.bl SAMSAYSWHUT WEB SINGAPORE ogspot.sg/2015/03/enj 22/03/2015 oy-sweet-sam-sation- with-gelato.html http://kavielteo.blogsp ot.sg/2015/03/gelato- world-tour-2- Spreading-The- Culture-of-ITALYn- KAVIEL TEO - THE BOY WITH WEB SINGAPORE Style-Gelato-All- 22/03/2015 DREAMS Around-The-World- 20th-march-to-22th- march-2015-at- marina-bay-sands- convention-centre- hall-d.html
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