I I MEDICINA INTERNACIA 27-a volumo MIR N-ro 3 (108) Junio 2017 R E V U O LENTINULA EDODES (SHIITAKE) – BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY MUSZYŃSKA Bożena1, PAZDUR Przemysław2, LAZUR Jan1, SUŁKOWSKA-ZIAJA Katarzyna1 1. Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland 2. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland Abstract: Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler (shiitake) is a species with medicinal properties that is used pri- marily in traditional medicine, but also in conventional oncology treatment. The first records of Lentinula edodes cultivation reach back to China under the Song dynast (960-1127). The Japanese adopted the Chinese technique of shiitake cultivation, thus becoming its main produc- er. Currently, shiitake is used in the treatment of lifestyle diseases. Polysaccharides contained in this species strengthen the immune system, eliminate side effects of chemo and radiotherapy and have strong antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial properties. The year 1972 saw a discov- ery of substances with anti-atherosclerotic effects, with the most important being eritadenine (2 (R), 3 (R)-dihydroxy-4 – (9-adanyl) butyric acid) and statin – lovastatin. L. edodes is of interest to researchers due to its content of therapeutic compounds. These substances have an- titumor, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, antihypertensive, hypoglycaemic and antioxidant effects. Keywords: Lentinula edodes, shiitake, lentinan, eritadenine, immunostimulating effect Corresponding author: Bożena Muszyńska, e-mail: [email protected] Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler – shiitake of the of carbohydrates in the dry matter of Lentinula family Omphalotaceae (Basidiomycota) commonly edodes fruting bodies is 67.5-78.0%, of which called shiitake is an edible mushroom from East simple sugars constitute 15.87%. Among carbo- Asia which is cultivated and eaten in many Asian hydrates, mono-, di-, tri – and polysaccharides countries as well as in Europe. It is a species with can be distinguished. The simple sugars are as medicinal properties, which is used primarily in follows: glucose, mannose, galactose, xylose, ri- traditional medicine, but also in conventional on- bose, fucose and rhamnose. The disaccharides cology treatments [1,2]. include sucrose and maltose. Raffinose trisac- The Japanese name shiitake consists of shii, charide is also present. There is a high percent- derived from the common name of the Castanopsis age of polysaccharides in the content, including cuspidata tree, whose wood is used for the culti- (1→3)-β-D-glucans, which determine therapeu- vation of this species, and take the Japanese term tic properties of this species (antioxidant and for “mushroom”. The generic name edodes comes protecting against UV). Polysaccharides, which from Latin, meaning “edible”[3]. are present both in fungal cell walls and intra- L. edodes grows in groups on decaying decid- cellularly, are soluble (α – and β-glucans, galac- uous trees, particularly on the Castanopsis cuspi- tates, manganates, xyloglucans) and insoluble data species and other species of the following in water (heteroglycans, polyuronids, β-glu- genera: Aesculus sp., Quercus sp., Acer sp., Fagus sp, cans). Polysaccharides contained in this species Eucalyptus sp., Populus sp., Carpinus sp., Morus.sp. It strengthen the immune system, eliminate side grows naturally in the warm and humid climates effects of chemo and radiotherapy and have of Southeast Asia [4]. strong antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Lentinan is a branched β-D-glucan. Biologically active substances found in Other polysaccharides responsible for immuno- Lentinula edodes fruting bodies modulation and identified in edible shiitake ex- Fresh Lentinula edodes fruting bodies con- tracts are: KS-2 (mannopeptide), LE (polysaccha- tains 88-92% water. Their calorific value is 387- ride-protein complex), L-II (α-(1→3)-D-glucan) 392 kcal per 100 g of dry matter. The content and JLS-18 (lignin) [1-6]. Article submitted: 09.05.2017, Accepted: 06.06.2017 189 I I MEDICINA INTERNACIA R E V U O 27-a volumo MIR N-ro 3 (108) Junio 2017 The fruting bodies of this species contains all determined in the amount of 679 mg per 100 g of exogenous amino acids. The essential amino acid dry matter of the mushrooms. Ergosterol in the content is 39% of the total amount of all amino fungal cells is present in free form, as peroxides acids. Thanks to their presence, shiitake fruting and esters with higher fatty acids, glycosides or bodies has a nutritional value ranking after meat complexes with polysaccharides. Apart from er- products and before dairy products [2]. gosterol, shiitake fruting bodies also contains its As antioxidant properties of the shiitake ex- derivatives: ergosta-7,22-dienol, ergosta-7,5-dien- tract have been shown to depend on extract con- ol and fungisterol. centration, i.e. the concentration of active ingre- Like other mushroom species, edible shiita- dients, we have also determined the contents of ke fruting bodies are a good source of vitamins, phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Antioxidant especially from group B. The content of vitamin properties have been found to be weaker than B1 is comparable to that of cereal grains and larg- in the case of ascorbic acid. Polyphenols (gallic er than in eggs. Vitamin B2 is present in higher acid, protocatechuic acid, catechin), tocopherols, amounts than in vegetables. It is important to β-carotene, polysaccharide fractions are respon- have vitamin B12, especially for vegetarians. Like sible for antioxidant properties [2,3]. In addition, animals, mushrooms have the ability to biosyn- in 1976, Ac2Ps with strong anti-viral properties thesize vitamin D. In mushrooms, vitamin D2 (er- were isolated from aqueous L. edodes dried fruits. gocalciferol) is produced from ergosterol under Ac2P is a high molecular weight polysaccharide the influence of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight). composed of pentose with the highest activity Studies in rats showed an increase in both serum against smallpox virus [7-9]. 25-hydroxyvitamin D and bone mineral density In addition to polysaccharides, several anti- following Lentinula edodes fruting bodies-based microbial substances have been identified, many diet irradiated with UV light. The results indicate of which have been patented. Edible shiitake is that vitamin D2 from UV-irradiated mushrooms therefore a source of antibacterial and antifun- was well absorbed and metabolized in this ani- gal compounds. The isolated antibiotics include: mal model [10, 11]. Nuclease enzyme with the an- lentin (protein), lenthionine (exobiopolymer con- tithrombotic activity was isolated from this spe- taining sulphur), lentysine (purine compound), cies (eye pouch and anti-cellulite preparations). lentinamycin A and B (polyacetylene derivatives). Like other mushrooms, edible shiitake has a Lentin and lenthionine also exhibit the antifun- high potency to accumulate elements. The con- gal activity. Th protein content in edible shiitake tent of elements in the fruting bodies depends fruting bodies varies from 13.4 to 17.5% of dry on the composition of the cultivation medium. matter [8]. Lentinula edodes contains more calcium than other In 1972, the first anti-atherosclerotic substanc- species of edible mushrooms. It also comprises es such as lentysine were detected in fruiting significant amount of potassium, magnesium, so- bodies of L. edodes. Another one eritadenine (2 (R), dium, zinc and phosphorus [12]. 3 (R)-dihydroxy-4-(9-adanyl) butyric acid) is one of the most important compounds reducing lip- Lentinula edodes cultivation id levels in the blood and derived from L. edodes Currently cultivated Shitake is used in the fruting bodies. It is an inhibitor of S-adenosyl-L- treatment of lifestyle diseases. The first records homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH). The amino acid of Lentinula edodes cultivation reach back to called lentinacin shows similar activity [9]. China during the reign of the Song dynasty (960- The lipid content in the fruting bodies is low 1127). The Japanese adopted the Chinese tech- and ranges from 4.8 to 8.0% of dry matter. Fats nique of shiitake cultivation, and thus became include fatty acids, mono-, di-, triglycerides, phos- its main producer. The first methods of shiitake pholipids and sterols. Fats with unsaturated fatty cultivation consisted of the inoculation of logs acids comprise a high percentage (78%). Linoleic of oak, chestnut and eucalyptus. Cultivation acid has the highest proportion in the lipid con- techniques were then developed using special tent – about 68%. There is also oleic acid – 5.5%; plastic bags filled with sawdust. Sawdust is among saturated acids – palmitic acid –16% of the the most basic substrate for synthetic mixtures total fat content. Among sterols, ergosterol is the used to produce shiitake, but other substrates highest percentage (83-89%). This compound is may include straw or corn cobs. Regardless of part of the cell membranes of mushrooms. It was the main ingredient, starchy supplements such 190 I I MEDICINA INTERNACIA 27-a volumo MIR N-ro 3 (108) Junio 2017 R E V U O as wheat bran, rice, soybean, millet, rye or corn Antitumor properties may be added to the mixture. Cultivating in Research into the potential uses of antitumor special plastic bags reduces production time, in- substances found in mushrooms began in Japan creases productivity and allows for production in the 1960’s.
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