1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 6155 of total industry sales. And nearly 65 Nor is the industry content to stand In my State of West Virginia, there percent of the industry's plants employ still. Last year, according to U.S. Gov­ are 41 establishments employing 40,577 less than 20 people each. In all, ·some ernment figures, the chemical industry people; with an annual payroll of $256,- 830,000 men and women are employed in spent more than $1 ½ billion on new 738,000. West Virginia ranks 12th in America's chemical industry. plants and equipment. the chemical manufacturing industry. ing was repeated despite Israel's com­ Harrison, Va. Macdonald Rousselot HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harvey, Mich. Michel St. Germain plaints to U.N. truce supervisors. Healey Miller, Schwengel The U.S. delegation to the U.N. pressed Hebert George P. Scott TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1962 vigorously for a one-sided vote of censure Hoffman, Ill. Moulder Selden Hoffman, Mich. Murphy Shelley The House met at 12 o'clock noon. in the face of disputed testimony by Holifield Nedzi Smith, Miss. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Maj. Gen. Carl C. Von Horn, Chief of Huddleston Nix Spence D.D., offered the following prayer: Staff of the U.N. Truce Supervision Or­ Jarman O'Brien, Ill. Steed ganization, regarding the presence of Jennings Patman Thompson, N.J. Jones, Ala. Powell Van Pelt Micah 7: 7: Therefore I will look unto Syrian fortifications along the Israel­ Kee Pucinski Walter the Lord; my God will hear me. Syrian frontier. Kelly Rains Whitten O Thou who canst lift us out of weak­ Israel has presented facts to indicate Kitchin Rhodes, Ariz. Wilson, Ind. Kluczynski Roberts, Ala. Yates ness into power and out of weariness into a heavy buildup of Soviet-made weapons Lankford Roosevelt Zelenko peace, may we daily be blessed with the by Syrian forces along the frontier area L'. bonati Rostenkowski faith that will make us faithful. which gives rise to a question of alternate Grant that we may seek diligently and The SPEAKER. Three hundred and Syrian intentions against Israel. fifty-seven members have answered to covet earnestly Thy divine wisdom and The unilateral condemnation of Israel their names, a quorum. strength for the duties and responsibili­ leaves unpunished Syria's hostile ac­ ties of our high calling. By unanimous consent further pro­ tions, and could serve as an open invita­ ceedings under the call were dispensed Inspire us with devotion and dedica­ tion to Syria to resume its harassment with. tion to that which is noble and true in of Israel shipping. It can only lead to order that we may have within our hearts a further aggravation of an already the throb and thrill of Thy joy which the tense situation. REGULATION OF TEXTILE IMPORTS world cannot give or take away. The United States has repeatedly and Mr. ELLIOT!'. Mr. Speaker, by direc­ Endow us with that magnanimous and firmly expressed its support and deep tion of the Committee on Rules, I call up sacrificial spirit of our Saviour who nev­ commitment to an effective peace in the House Resolution 589 and ask for its er spared Himself in the great mission of Middle East. immediate consideration. giving to needy humanity the morning Therefore, I am today introducing a The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ wonder and glory of a new day. resolution requesting the Secretary of lows: Hear us in His name. Amen. State to furnish to the House of Rep­ Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resentatives, at the earliest practicable resolution it shall be in order to move that date, full and complete information with the House resolve itself into the Committee THE JOURNAL respect to the motivation, and underly­ of the Whole House on the State of the The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ ing reasons, for the sponsorship by this Union for the consideration of the bill (H.R. terday was read and approved. country and support before the Security 10788) to amend section 204 of the Agri­ Council of the U.N. of the censure of cultural Act of 1956. After general debate, Israel which occurred on April 9, 1962. which shall be confined to the bill, and shall MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE continue not to exceed one hour, to be equally divided and controlled by the chair­ A message from the Senate by Mr. man and ranking minqrity member of the McGown, one of its clerks, announced COMMITI'EE ON INTERIOR AND Committee on Agriculture, the bil: shall be that the Senate disagrees to the amend­ INSULAR AFFAffiS read for amendment under the five-minute ments of the House to the bill (S. 205) Mr. ROGERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, rule. At the conclusion of the consideration of the bill for amendment, the Committee entitled "An act to expedite the utiliza­ I ask unanimous consent that the Com­ shall rise and report the bill to the House tion of television transmission facilities mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs with such amendments as may have been in our public schools and colleges, and in be permitted to sit this afternoon during adopted, and the previous question shall be adult training programs," agrees to the general debate. considered as ordered on the bill and amend­ conference requested by the House on The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ments thereto to final passage without inter­ the disagreeing votes of the two Houses the request of the gentleman from vening motion except one motion to recom­ thereon, and appoints Mr. MAGNUSON, Texas? mit. Mr. PASTORE, Mr. MONRONEY, Mr. COT­ There was no objection. Mr. ELLIOTT. Mr. Speaker, I yield TON, and Mr. CASE of New Jersey to be myself such time as I may require, after the conferees on the part of the Senate. which I will yield 30 minutes to the gen­ CALL OF THE HOUSE tleman from Ohio [Mr. BROWN]. Mr. BOW. Mr. Speaker, I make the Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 589 CENSURE OF ISRAEL point of order that a quorum is not calls up for consideration H.R. 10788, a Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask present. bill which amends section 204 of the Agri­ unanimous consent to address the The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum cultural Act of 1956. This bill comes be­ House for 1 minute and to revise and is not present. fore the House under an open rule with extend my remarks. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a 1 hour of general debate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to call of the House. Section 204 of the Agricultural Act au­ the request of the gentleman from New A call of the House was ordered. thorizes the President to negotiate York? The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ agreements with foreign governments There was no objection. lowing Members failed to answer to their providing for limitation of imports of Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, the names: any agricultural commodity or products, Security Council of the United Nations [Roll No. 63) including textiles or textile products. has voted to censure Israel for its part Anderson, Ill. Cahill Dingell Section 204 also authorizes the Presi­ in last month's Lake Tiberius incident Andrews Casey Dooley dent to issue regulations implementing on the basis of a U.S. introduced and Anfuso Celler Dowdy those import agreements. Barrett Chelf Dwyer actively supported resolution. Batun Church Fascell But before discussing the details of the This resolution was introduced despite Blitch Coad Finnegan amendment to this section, let me sketch Boykin Collier Flynt briefly the background of the problem clear evidence that Syrian guns had fired Breeding Curtis, Mass. Fulton first upon Israel shipping in clearly rec­ Brewster Dawson Gavin with which the bill deals; namely, the ognized Israel waters and that the shoot- Buckley Derwinski Grant rise in cotton textile imports. 6156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 10 During the 4-year period from 1934 to H.R. 10788, the bill called up under CALL OF THE HOUSE 1938, cotton textile imports into the this rule, would give the President the · Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I make the United States from all sources averaged authority to protect the agreement point of order that· a quorum is not $39.7 million annually. In 1954 the total against the small minority of textile ex­ present. was $76.2 million. In 1955 the figure was porting countries who are not partici­ The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum $123.8 million. pants. Conceivably, the beneficial effects is not present. By 1960, the value of cotton textile of this long-sought agreement could be Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I move imports has reached $253 .5 million, or nullified without this bill. a call of the House. more than a quarter of a billion dollars. The bill is simple and it merely adds A call of the House was ordered. During this period I have just covered to section 204 the following language: The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ there was a considerable chang·e, of In addition, if a multilateral agreement lowing Members failed to answer to course, in the value of the dollar. But has been or shall be concluded under the their names: even in terms of what the economists authority of this section among countries [Roll No. 64] call constant dollars, the imports more accounting for a significant part of world Anderson, Ill. Flynt Murphy than quadrupled from 1934-38 to 1960. trade in the articles with respect to which Andrews Fulton Nedzi And, what is more of a danger signal, the agreement was concluded, the President Anfuso Gavin Nix may also issue, in order to carry out such an Auchincloss Grant O'Brien, Ill.
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