Index Page numbers in italics refer to fi gures; those in bold to tables Acasta gneisses 347 sea fl oor divided into 84 diversity of 288–9 accretionary orogens, structure 287, 309, Aleutian accretionary prism growth latest phase of compression 289 336–42 rate 267 Andean foreland, styles of tectonic active, seismic refl ection profi les 295, 315, Aleutian arc, focal mechanism solutions of shortening 292, 292, 293, 294 340, 342 earthquakes 256, 257 foreland basement thrusts 292, 293 Canadian Cordillera 336–7, 338, 339, 341, Aleutian–Alaska arc, prominent gap in segmentation of foreland 292, 294 376 seismicity 259, 261 thick-skinned and thin-skinned fold and common features of 338, 340, 502 alkaline series, includes shoshonitic thrust belts 292, 293 western North America 336, 337 lavas 271 Andean-type subduction, specifi c types of accretionary prisms 251, 264–9, 270 Alpine Fault, New Zealand 228–30, 338 deposit 417–18 accumulation of sediments including accommodation of oblique slip 244, 245, backarc environment, granite belts with olistostromes 267 246 tin and tungsten 417–18 creation of mélange 268 Breaksea Basin once continuous with stratabound copper sulfi des 417 décollement 264, 266 Dagg Basin 220, 221, 222 Andes, central 301–2 sliding on 267 central segment, weakly/non-partitioned arcuate shape (orocline) 294 deformation front 264 style of transpressional evolution of shortening (model) 300 development of 243, 244 deformation 213, 223 fl at and steep subduction zones 289, 291 and development of forearc basin 267 change in relative plate motion, oblique Neogene volcanism above steeply fold and thrust belt 264 continent–continent collision 228 dipping slab 289 frontal accretion 265 crustal structure below 213, 242, 242 rotation round vertical axis during the large negative anomalies 252 dextral movement, accommodation Neogene 294 lateral growth 265–6 of 213, 220, 228 seismic refl ection profi le suggests long-term circulation of material in 267 dextral transform fault 113, 113 presence of fl uids 274–5, 296 Nankai Trough 264, 266 Five Fingers Basin 220, 221 strongest inter-plate coupling 298, 299 lateral growth rate 267 large crustal root beneath Southern volcanic gaps and fl at slab segments 289 out-of-sequence thrusts 266, 266 Alps 213, 228–9 Andes, central, deep structure 294–7 overall shape in profi le a tapered interpretation of mantle deformation cold lithosphere of Brazilian Shield to wedge 267, 268 below the Fault 229, 229 east 296–7 mechanical adjustments of late Cenozoic, became locus of slip crustal thickness 286, 294 oversteepened surface slope 267 between plates 228 lithospheric thinning beneath the thickened by tectonic shortening 267 linear trace extends across South Puna 293, 294 pore fl uid pressure Island 211, 213, 215 lithospheric-scale cross-section 296 and fl uid fl ow, sensitivity to Resolution segment, pull-apart basin 220, low wave speed zone beneath Los Frailes fl uctuations in 269, 269, 270 221 ignimbrite fi eld 296, 297 increasing and decreasing restraining bend 220, 221 refl ectors mark top of subducting Nazca mechanisms 268–9 southern segment, strike-slip partitioned Plate 294 proto-décollement zone 264 transpression 221, 223 seismic refl ection profi le across Taiwan 332, 333 COPYRIGHTEDsurface uplift and exhumation MATERIAL 243–4 294, 295 tectonic underplating 266, 267 unusually thin seismogenic layer 243 contrasts with those collected under top defi ned by trench slope break 267 vertical thickness of root below South fossil mountain belts 294, 296, 338, accretionary wedges see accretionary prisms Island 230 341, 364 accretive/constructive plate margins 92, 122 explanations of root geometry 230, distinct Moho conspicuously symmetric magnetic lineations 84, 112 230 absent 294 Adama Rift Basin 158, 159, 160, 161 Alpine–Himalayan belt 411 Andes, central and southern, general Aegean Sea 153, 162, 163, 164 Altyn Tagh Fault 316, 318, 321 geology 291–4 Afar Depression 155, 157, 203 Amazonia–Laurentia collision 372 Altiplano-Puna 288, 291 Afar hotspot, Ethiopian fl ood basalts 101, Americas–Europe and Africa, similarity of period of intense crustal 172 coastlines noted 2 shortening 291–2 African superswell 176, 394 Andean cordillera Quebrada Blanca Bright Spot 295, 296 age provinces compression in overriding plate and zone of low seismic wave speeds matched across S Atlantic 58–9, 59 mountain building 288 beneath 296 463 464 INDEX Andes, central and southern, general Archean cratons 419 axial magma chamber 143 geology (cont’d) banded iron formations (BIFs) 350, 419 seismic evidence for 131–3 backarc region 288, 292, 294 general geology 350 Neogene shortening 292 granite-greenstone belts 350, 352–3 backarc basins 251–2, 252, 279–85 Chile Ridge currently subducting 294 greenstone belts 350 backarc lavas, compositional Liquiñe–Ofqui fault zone 294 high grade gneiss terranes 350 variation 282 models simulating deformation in 321 tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite in continental settings 284–5, 285 narrow forearc region 292 (TTG) suites 350 in context of Andean-type convergent Precordillera exposes Precambrian low velocity zones weak or absent 349 margins 279–80 basement 292 lowest surface heat fl ow of any most characterized by thin, hot Western and Eastern cordillera 288, 291 region 349 lithosphere 285, 296 Andes, Chilean, arc compression 263, 273 understanding of mineral deposits is form behind volcanic arc in the overriding andesites complicated 412–13 plate 279 calc-alkaline series 271 Archean metallogenesis, many aspects heat fl ow decreases with age 383 high-Mg (boninites) 353 require further investigation 419 Lau basin 280, 281, 281 anorthosite 350 Archean tectonics 349–61 model of crustal accretion for 282–3, massif-type 419 crustal structure 355–8 283, 284 anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite horizontal and vertical tectonics 358–61 weaker mantle or thinner (AMCG) suites 363 Archean–Proterozoic boundary, change in lithosphere 254 anorthosite massifs 363 nature of lithosphere-forming magmas 282 anoxic event 409 processes 364 mechanisms postulated for formation Antarctica Arctic water, provides enhanced of 282–4 fi rst major build-up of ice 409 precipitation over Antarctica 411 roll-back mechanism 282, 300, 344 warming and deglaciation in late Arequipa Massif 292 sources of tension 282 Oligocene 409, 410 aseismic creep 233 model of formation generalized mid-Oligocene, surrounded by southern aseismic ridges 289 283–4 Ocean 408, 409 Asia, in continuum models of most associated with extensional tectonics separation from Africa 407, 409 indentation 321 and high heat fl ow 279 separation from India 408, 409 Asia, fi nite element models oceanic, crustal composition 280–1 sudden build-up of ice, mid- and late- effect of indenter shape on distribution of regions of crustal extension and Miocene 409, 410–11 deformation 322–3, 322, 323, 324 accretion 92 Appalachian fold belt–Caledonian fold belt lateral escape of crust 323 rifting of existing island arc along its of N Europe, continuity 58, 59 lithosphere especially viscous and length 280 Appalachian orogen, data collected in strong 323 structures corresponding to mid-ocean Newfoundland 340, 341 modeled as a viscous sheet 322, 322 ridges not always present exotic terranes accreted onto Laurentia asthenosphere 44, 48–51 281–2 margin 340, 341 anomalously hot 159 backarc spreading centers, backarc crustal many rifted from NW Gondwana 340, beneath Africa 176 accretion and subduction, 376 and mantle drag force 389 linkages 282 seismic refl ection data may mark old mantle melting point most closely Baikal Rift (System) 153, 153, 159 subduction zone 340, 341 approached 49, 49 Baltica 372 apparent polar wander curves 67–8 and relative movement of plates 49 Banda forearc see Australia–Banda arc APW for Gondwana, disagreement over Atacama Fault (System) 97, 292 collision zone details 68, 70 Atlantic ocean, reconstruction of continents Banda volcanic arc 330 positions of South Pole 4, 68 around 55–8 banded iron formations (BIF) 350, 361 continental drift has occurred 67, 69 atmosphere common in Archean cratons 419 paleomagnetic signature of plate removal and return of CO2 to 411, 412 Algoma and Superior types 419 convergence/divergence 67–8, 70 and seawater, changes in chemistry of 8 basalts 78 two methods of displaying paleomagnetic aulacogens (failed rifts) 153, 421 backarc basins, variation in data 67, 68 Australia, western, evidence for collision and geochemistry 283–4 arc magmatism 271–5 suturing of Yilgarn and Pilbara fl ood basalts general model of 252, 273–5, 274 cratons 365 continental 101, 101, 153, 154, 171, 172, depth to zone of seismicity 273 Australia–Banda arc collision zone 330, 331 172 mechanisms of melt generation Australian–Antarctica boundary, comparison tholeiitic 172–3 272–4 of models REVEL and NUVEL-1A mid-ocean ridge arc–continent collision 287, 330–2 109, 109 from slow- and ultra-slow spreading active examples 330 Australian–Pacifi c plates, and oblique ridges 140 oblique, Taiwan 287, 332, 333 continent–continent collision 228 refl ect fractionation environment after sequence of events 330 Avalonia 340, 341, 376 partial melting 140 Timor–Banda arc region 330, 331 rifted from Gondwana 376, 377 rift, enriched 172 INDEX 465 subducting, chemical reactions in 275, metamorphic core complexes 167, confi ning pressure, increasing with 276, 277 169, 170 depth 35 tholeiitic 175, 354, 354 Sevier Desert Detachment Fault 169, and differential stress 34–5 basin inversion 303 170 Griffi th theory of fracture 34 in association with strike-slip faulting 222, slip on low-angle normal
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