MandarinNewsLineSM SERVING THE MANDARIN COMMUNITY SINCE 2006 M EMBER OF THE RT PUBLISHING GROUP OF COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Volume 8, Issue 3 Visit our online edition at www.mandarinnewsline.com December 2013 It’s almost time for the holidays and Veterans honored at Community Nutcracker Billard Park By Martie Thompson By Contributing Writer Lynn Cuda, Mandarin Community Club is sold out. Tickets are still avail- Donald Wojciechowski, able to the three public perfor- USAF (retired). Capt. mances on Friday evening and Wojciechowski, as- Saturday afternoon and evening, sisted by his wife, Pat, December 13 and 14. placed the wreath at “The school performances the park’s Veterans are an awesome opportunity for Memorial. students to see a full length pro- Florida Troop 1512 duction in a real theatre,” Spivak of the American Heri- shares. “And we are proud to tage Girls led attendees off er free tickets for area non- in the Pledge of Alle- profi t organizations, retirement giance and Don Reyn- homes and underprivileged citi- olds of the Northeast zens to attend our Community Florida Conservatory Service Night.” Band played “Taps.” Community Nutcracker is The speakers this year the only non-profi t, volunteer- were Mandarin Com- Photo courtesy of Jim Moore, aikophoto. run organization that off ers a munity Club President Twenty-two years ago, a by Community Nutcracker. portion of its proceeds to local R. Emily Lisska and group of fi ve of Jacksonville’s “We each put $100 on the charities, while providing a Florida Representative most respected dance studio table and said, ‘let’s do this!’” beautiful holiday tradition for Charles McBurney. owners got together to discuss a Spivak recalls. Jacksonville. Since inception, The Billard Com- dream: to create a company to Fast forward to 2013, and nearly half a million dollars have memorative Park, give local dancers the opportu- the 22nd annual production by been raised for charities such as Capt. Wojciechowski salutes fl ag during the located on Brady Road, nity to showcase their talents, Community Nutcracker will be Dreams Come True, the Jackson- playing of “Taps.” Photo by Lynn Cuda. is owned and main- while giving back to the commu- held in mid-December at the ville Speech and Hearing Center, tained by the Manda- nity. Dulce Anaya, Beth Marks, Florida Theatre. School perfor- PedsCare Community Hospice, The Mandarin Community rin Community Club. Site of Debra Peters Rankin, Bambi mances, for approximately 4,000 St. Mary’s Episcopal Outreach Club (MCC) observed Veterans various events during the year, Berman and Mandarin and Fruit children on fi eld trips, will be Center, Sanctuary on Eighth Day on Sunday, November 10 it features a butterfl y garden, Cove’s own Mark Spivak of Mark held on December 12 and 13 and Street, We Care Jacksonville and with a wreath laying ceremony gazebo and Veterans Memorial. Spivak’s Institute and Dance Ex- are already sold out. Community Second Harvest Food Bank. held within the Billard Com- The club has observed Veter- tension invested their own funds Service Night will be on Decem- Four of the fi ve original memorative Park. ans Day within the park since as seed money for the fi rst pro- ber 12 in the evening and it too This year’s honored vet- 2007, the year the park was duction of The Nutcracker Ballet Community Nutcracker cont. on pg. 14 eran was MCC member Capt. founded. Start off the Julington Creek Boat Parade is lining up! What’s Inside New Year with By Donna Keathley Page 3 What’s New The holiday spirit opened in the immedi- Page 4 From the City Councilman a BANG! comes to the creek this ate area it will be a Page 5 The Sheriff Reports time of year. If you peer fun night for the entire Call 904-886-4919 out of your car windows neighborhood,” he Page 6 School District Journal heading north across the adds. for more information! Page 8 Political Commentary Julington Creek Bridge Established in Page 10 Civics 101 around the end of the 1988, the parade has month, you can see an estimated 30 pow- Page 11 Winter Celebration many “Captain” Santas. erboats lined up for the Page 12 MHS Band They are decorating their event. The parade route Page 13 Gingerbread houses vessels in hopes of a begins at The Marina at good clear night and low Julington Creek, goes Page 14 Loretto news network tides for sailing in the underneath the bridge Page 15 Mandarin Community 2013 Christmas on the and motors around Club open house Creek Light Parade. Bulls Bay, then returns The annual holiday event, Reade. “The best decorated boat under the bridge and continues Page 17 Mandarin Women’s Club sponsored by the Julington gets a $300 cash prize while down Durbin Creek. Spectators Page 18 Start Here. Go Anywhere Creek Prop Club, is scheduled for second place gets $200 and third can view the parade from the Ju- Saturday, December 7 at 7:00 place wins $100. We don’t leave lington Creek Bridge walkways. Page 20 Fishing Report p.m. Commodore Jeff Reade is out the homeowners with docks The Prop Club is a social Page 22 Holiday events extending an invitation to any decorated along the parade route. organization of boaters from The Permit No.4 Permit Page 23 Faith News US Postage Paid US Postage boat owner interested in decorat- The three best decorated docks Presorted Standard Callahan, FL 32011 Marina at Julington Creek. They ing their boat and joining in for win prizes also.” meet each month on the second Page 24 Gardening the fun to contact him at Jeff . “We expect a great turn out Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m. at Page 25 Mandarin Garden Club [email protected] for for this year’s parade; with all the dock. All interested boaters Page 26 Coast Guard Auxiliary more information. the growth at the creek and all are invited to join for boating “The more the merrier,” says the new businesses that have information and fun at the creek! Page 27 Ice Hotel NewsLine Mandarin Ste. 403 12443 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville,FL 32223 Page 2, Mandarin NewsLine • December 2013 • www.MandarinNewsLine.com .RUL5RDG (904) 268-7310 -DFNVRQYLOOH)/ www.jpperry.com +RPHq/LIHq%XVLQHVVq$XWRq(PSOR\HH%HQHILWV 66KDG(VVXUDQFHDXWRDQG 'DYHKDG6WDWH)DUPKRPHDQGDXWR 'RQQDKDG$OOVWDWHDXWRDQG Karen had Liberty Mutual 6$9('JRWWLPHVWKH and 6$9(' $1249$QJLHKDG&HQ- 6$9(' $616/LOO\KDG6WDWH home and 6$9(' when FRYHUDJH&DUOZDVZLWK$OO- tury 21 auto and 6$9(' with )DUPDQG6$9(' while J P Perry shopped for her. state and 6$9('$1,494 J P Perry while doubling coverage. increasing coverage with J P Perry. Mike 6$9(' $1981. with J P Perry. Having JP Perry shop their insurance... Well, you get the idea! Expect more...Get more! 0RUH&KRLFHVĪ0RUH6HUYLFHĪ0RUH6DYLQJVĪIf it’s Insurance... JP Perry does it better! q-DFNVRQYLOOHnV3URWHFWRUIRU<HDUVNLOOn3WWI< q3HUVRQDO6HUYLFH /DWHVW7HFKQRORJ\q3 O6 L / W W7 K O q([SHUW6WDIILQ(DFK6SHFLDOW\q( W6WIIL ( K6 LO q+XJH6HOHFWLRQRI,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQLHV q'HGLFDWHG&ODLP&RQVXOWDQW q&RQYHQLHQW0DQGDULQ/RFDWLRQ q$Q$FNQRZOHGJHG/HDGHU q*UHDW&XVWRPHU/R\DOW\ q,Q3HUVRQE\3KRQHRU2QOLQH 0,66,2167$7(0(17 7RDVVLVWRXUFXVWRPHUVLQSURWHFWLQJWKHLUIDPLOLHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVE\SURYLGLQJWKHKLJKHVWTXDOLW\LQVXUDQFHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHDQGWRXVHRXU ,QGHSHQGHQW$JHQWVWDWXVWRGHOLYHUWKHEHVWLQVXUDQFHYDOXHZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJKLJKHWKLFDOVWDQGDUGV www.MandarinNewsLine.com • December 2013 • Mandarin NewsLine, Page 3 What’s New Community Happenings Do you have community or club news you would Start off the like included in Mandarin NewsLine? Then contact Martie Thompson at: [email protected] or 886-4919. New Year with a The 82nd Airborne Divi- Join us at the Mandarin sion, Jacksonville All Airborne Branch Library for “Snowfl akes BANG! Chapter meets on the second in Florida? A Holiday Craft Publisher Rebecca Taus Saturday of each month at Time” program on December 21 [email protected] 10:00 a.m. at Golden Corral on at 2:00 p.m. We will use coff ee fi lters and lots of imagination Editor Martie Thompson San Jose Boulevard. Anyone Call us at 904-886-4919 from any branch of service, who to make our very own snow- [email protected] has graduated from any of the fl akes. The program is intended Advertising Sales, Linda Gay military jump schools and is for children two years and older to reserve an ad today! [email protected] qualifi ed to wear their branch of with no registration required. Advertising Sales, Heather Seay services’ Jump Wings, is wel- Please call the children’s depart- [email protected] come to join the chapter. For ment at 262-5201 for more additional information, please information. Advertising Sales, contact chapter chairman Emil Jasmine Quezada Knowles at 622-6946. Corrocoat USA is proud [email protected] to partner with Toys for Tots Graphic Design, Lisa Felegy Like us on during the holiday season. The [email protected] Facebook objective of Toys for Tots is to help disadvantaged children to RT Publishing, Inc. facebook.com/ 12443 San Jose Boulevard experience the joy of Christ- Suite 403 mandarinnewsline mas, to play an active role in Jacksonville, FL 32223 our nation’s most valuable Ph: 904-886-4919 resource-our children-and to unite all members of the com- Letters to the munity in a common cause during the annual toy collection Editor policy and distribution campaign, as At RT Publishing we well as to better the community Quit Smoking” class will be held December 16 at 9:30 a.m. in the Mandarin NewsLine Community Newspaper is a welcome Letters to the Editor. for the future. To donate, please on Saturday, December 7 from First Christian Church, located free monthly publication distributed via bulk mail to all addresses in Zip Codes 32223, 32258 and selected We request they be no more drop off a new, unwrapped toy 10:30 a.m.
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