MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ,-.__ . r..- . oe-.c~----~,........,,.. ~ ,__,..,. .• -"" ' Public Documents of Maine : BEING THE ANNUAL REPORTS 01' THE VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEARS 1872-73. ' AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO TBB 5TATB. 1813. ANNUAL REPORT OJl' THB ADJUTANT GENERAL OJI' THB STATE OF MAINE, l'OR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1872. Published agreeably to a Resolve approved February 25, 1871. AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATR. 18'l 3. ST AT~E OF MAINE . .ADJUTANT GENEP.AL's OFFICE, } Augusta,, December, 31, 18'72. To His Excellency SrnNEY PERHAM, Governor and Cornmancler-in-Chief: Sm :-I have the honor to herewith transmit my report a.a Adjutant General, Acting Quartermaster and Paymaster General, for the year ending December 31, 1872. Very respectfully 1 Your obedient servant, B. B. MURRAY, JR., Adjutant General. REPORT. NEW ORGANIZATIONS. In the month of September last one company of artillery was organized at Lewiston. It is called the Androscoggin Light Artillery, and is commanded by Captain Aurestus S. Perham. It · had at the time of its organization the maximum number of men allowed to a company of artillery, many of whom had been in that branch of the military service during the war of 1861. It has been supplied with a new battery of three inch guns from the arsenal at Bangor, but has not yet been uniformed. The location of this company renders it probable that it will be well sustained, and the interest now manifested indicates that it will be kept up to a high standard of disciplin~ and drill. This being the only company of artillery under the control of the State, I recommend that it be provided with uniforms in the same manner as the companies organized under chapter 29 of the laws of 1869, and that it be made subject to the provision~ of that act. One company of infantry, called the Portland Montgomery Guards, commanded by Captain Augustus J. l\fcMahon, was organized at Portland in the month of October. This company has three commissioned officers and ninety-eight enlisted men. It has been armed with Enfield rifled muskets from the arsenal at Portland. Their uniforms, which have been contracted for, will be furnished at private expense. CADETS. The Legislature, by an act approved February 24, 1872, author­ ized the formation of ten companies of cadets, "to be composed of boys not subject to military duties under our militia laws." Chapter 307 of the laws of 1865, provides that '' every able­ bodied male citizen, resident within this State, of the age of • 6 ADJUTAXT GENERAL'S REPORT. eighteen years and under the age of forty-five years, shall be enrolled in the militia," and unless exempted, be liable to military duty. Several applications have been received from persons desiring to orga.nize cadet companies, and one or more from persons claim­ ing to represent existing independent organizations, requesting recognition and acceptance under the act referred to. But in examining the rolls forwarded to this office it was found, in each case, that the requisite number of those whose names were re­ turned did not come within the meanfog of the law, many being disqualified by reason of age, and some belonging to regularly organized companies of uniformed volunteers. The policy of organizing military companies of boys under eighteen years of age, of whom no duty could be required and who would not be responsible for the public property they would need to use is, at least, of doubtful expediency. No company has been organized or accepted under the act above mentioned. ORGANIZED FORCE. At the commencement of the year, there were ten companies of infantry orga!'!ized, nine of which had been uniformed. The Hersey Light Infantry, of Oldtown, has since been accepted as one of the ten companies which were authorize,d by act of the Legis­ lature, approved February 23, 1869, and has been paid commu­ tation of clothing. There are now ten companies of infantry uniformed and armed, one armed but not uniformed, and one of light artillery, which constitute the organized military force of the State. These companies have now been assigned to tlrn command of Major General Joshua L. Chamberlain, who was elected to the office of Major General of Militia by the Legislature on the 28th day of February, 1872. His report will be found to contain a clear statement of the existing organizations, and suggestions and recommendations of importance. I am not aware how long it will be possible to maintain a suf­ ficient degree of interest to keep this fo~ce, as now constituted, up to the present standard, if tho pc.,licy of having only company inspections with no opportunity for battalion movements is ad­ hered to. But if it should be assembled annually, or once in two years even, at some convenient place, for the purpose of • ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. 7 inspection and manoouvre as a corps, I think much more interest and a higher degree of efficiency would be attained. The vacancy of Captain in the Auburn Light Infa11try, caused by the death of Captain Almon C. Pray, has been filled by the election of First Lieutenant Delance Young as Captain. The vacancy of Captain in the Capital Guards of Augusta, caused by the resignation of Captain Joseph 1\ \Voodward, has not yet been filled. The usual inspections have been made by Brig. Gen'l James A. Hall, Inspector General. His report shows the condition of the companies to be quite satisfactory in most particulars. 'l'he present number of commissioned officers, exclusive of the General Staff, is as follows: :Major Generals. 1 Captains... 11 First Lieutenants:... 13 Second Lieutenants. 11 Total................. 36 The number of enlisted men is .............. 1,086 ENROLLMENT. The last enrollment of the militia of this State was made in the year 1865, and contains the names of but 57, 718 persons who were liable to military duty at tlrnt time. The a.mount of ordnance and ordnance stores which the State is entitled to receive annually from the United States, under a law of Congress approved April 23, 1808, is based upon the number of enrolled men as shown by the latest return. It is believed that a new enrollment would show a much larger number now than that of 1865, and if it would, it should be made in order that the State may receive its fair proportion of the sum annually allowed by the General Government for the use of the militia of the different States. I recommend that section 3 of chapter 307 of tho laws of 1865, be so amended as to allow an enrollment to be made in 1813 . • STATE OF MAINE. ROSTER OF THE GENERAL STAFF. Hrs ExcELLENCY SIDNEY PERHAM, Commander-in- Chief. STAFF. Lieut. Col. ALEXANDER B. SuMNER, l " " FREDERICK E. SHAW, JAides-de-Camp. " " JOHN W. ATWELL, " " GEoRGE vv. PARKER, Brigadier General BENJAMIN B. MURRAY, Jr., Adjutant General, .Acting Quartermaster and Paymaster General. Brigadier General JAMES A. HALL, Inspector General. Colonel ELBRIDGE A. THOMPSON, .Assistant Surgeon General. Colonel ELIAS MILLIKEN, .Assistant Commissary Gen~ral. Colonel J. MANCHESTER HAYNES, Assistant Judge Advocate General . • ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. 9 ROSTER OF MILITIA. Commissioned Officers of Militia. JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, MAJOR GENERAL, Brunswick. ROSTER OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF VoLUNTEER MILITIA. PORTLAND LIGHT INFANTRY. --- NAMB,·-----1--- Rank. I Residence. [ Date of Rank. Charles P. Mattocks ........... !Captain ......... Portland ....... j1 ,june 1, 1868. Nathan G. Fessenden .......•.. llst Lieutenant... do ..••••.. August 6, 1872 • • PORTLAND MECHANIC BLUES. Andrew M. Benson ...•........ /Captain ........ !Portland ....... · 1·1une 21, 1872, Edward ,v. Loveitt ............ 1st Lieutenant... do ........ :\fay 17, 1871. ~illiam C. Young ...•........ 2d Lieutenant... do ........ June 21, 1872. AUBURN LIGHT INFANTRY. Delanco Young ............... 1Capta_in ......... IAuburn ......... \October 21, 1872. Murray B. Watson ............ !st Lieutenant... do ........ :October 21, 1872. Eliphalet Noyes .............. 12d1 Lieutenant . .. do ........ \July 1, 187 2. NORWAY LIGHT INFANTRY. George L. Beal. .............. !Captain ......... :Norway ........ ,,October 16, 1869. William W. ~Vhitmarsh ........ 1.lst ~ieutenant .. · I do ........ · do do Henry R. Millett ............. 2d Lieutenant •. · I do . .. do do SKOWHEGAN LIGHT INFA:NTRY. Isaac Dyer ................•.. 1Captain ......... /Skowhegan ..... · )·0.ctober 9, 1869, Brooks D. Savage .•.•.•.•..... 1st Lieutenant... do ....... · I May 20, 1871. Asa S. Emery ................ 12d Lieutenant . • do ........ ,May 20, 1871. CAPITAL GUARDS, AUGUSTA. 1 William H. H ,v~~~· :: : : : : : : : .. Jf:t~~:t~~;~t::: l;.:t;~~;t·~:::::::: 1D·e·~. 'io,' is 10: ... ------ •........•..... :ld Lieutenant ...........•.....•......•.......•... JAMESON GU ARDS, BANGOR. Daniel White .............. "l Japta_in ......... Bangor .•...••..• JM. ay 24, 1870. James Dean .................. lst L1eutenant... do ........ Augu~t 1, 1871, Charles D. Clark .......... , ... 2d Lieutenant .. • do ........ May 21, 1872. BEU'AST CITY GUARDS. William. H. Fogler ............ !Capt~n ........ ,!Belfast .... ·····1May 28, 18zo. Andrew E Clark •..•••••.•... 1st L1eutemmt. do ........ :\fay 28, l8, O. Fitz W. Gilbert ............... 2d
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