Rag Speciall FREE 25/01/01 Issue no: 999 Aliens have Human Dimestars Sport live review news Landed Auctions live review news p5 p7 p11 p22-24 Sewage Chaos by Luke Hickey Battersea Court. gave the students a letter apolo- Deputy Editor The receptionist at Batterseagizing for the inconvenience Court was unable to locate anycaused over the weekend, and A series of events took placedisinfectant, but did open theiroffering University help in moving over the last weekend, which couldcleaner’s cupboard, where somethem. He also made clear that the have led to a serious health haz-gloves, and further buckets werenew accommodation given to the ard. found. By now the water had start-residents (University Court) was The bizarre sequence of eventsed to relent and it was getting late,theirs until the end of the academ- began on Friday morning, as someso the residents decided to blockic year and that they would not be of the occupants of House 29,the gaps at the bottom of the bath-charged extra for it. Stag Hill Court noticed the toiletroom doors with their duvets and Paxton told barefacts that the and showers overflowing slightly,go to bed. problem was due to a build up of with green water coming up At about 1pm one of the resi-grease in the drains on Stag Hill. through the drains. The water soondents got up and noticed puddlesHe also said that before it is fit for died down, and by the time theof water on the floor. Security wereliving in again, House 29 will have Warden arrived to inspect, therecalled and residents were helpedit’s carpets replaced, and where was little left to see. The area wasto move out of their rooms for thenecessary refurbishment is then cleaned and to the best of thenight. required it will take place. Paxton residents’ knowledge nothing fur- Two of the residents, Clairecommended the residents for their Stag Hill 29 Ground floor ther was done about the incident. Cooper and Kelly Andow, toldactions over the weekend and their On Sunday morning, there was abarefacts of the conditions at thewillingness to cooperate in moving similar occurrence, with the watertime, “The place smelt absolutelyout quickly. He also made clear again dying down before thedisgusting, with toilet paper com-that the students who used duvets Warden could properly inspect theing up through the toilet and float-to block doors will not be charged area. ing across the bathroom, thefor doing so. Sunday evening, saw the thirdwhole place was a massive healthBarefacts has also learnt of sim- occurrence of the same pattern,hazard”. ilar problems in Guildford Court except this time the water did notThe following morning, the resi-over the weekend, although in this recede as before, instead gettingdents returned to find that thecase it is believed that the cause higher and starting to seep out ofwater level had dropped and werewas residents flushing plastic bags the bathrooms into the hall. Thetold not to use showers, baths ordown the toilet. Warden was informed of thetoilets. However, the rest of the Barefacts readers may be keen events and staff began attemptingcourt still was using the amenitiesto ask themselves why it took so to remove the overflowing liquidand soon the sewage began flow-long for the University to appreci- with buckets and hoovers.ing across the bathrooms, hall andate the potential seriousness of However, the staff soon left therooms again. this situation and why the resi- residents to continue the job onBy this time Richard Paxton, uni-dents were not offered temporary their own. The water began risingversity accommodation manager,accommodation immediately while too fast, so the residents decidedhad arrived to inspect the scenethe cause of the drainage problem Residents moving out to go to the only court receptionfor himself; he immediately offeredcould be investigated. open on Sunday evenings,to move the residents. Paxton later Stag Hill Burning By Luke Hickey fire. University security was thenWhen we entered the building, we Deputy Editor called, who in turn alerted the firefound that the grill pan had been brigade. safely extinguished by the use of Last Tuesday (23/1), CampusSub Officer Paul Crowder, sen-a fire blanket. The students con- was awash with flashing blueior firefighter at the scene, spokecerned acted in an entirely proper lights as the fire-fighters descend-afterwards of his delight at themanner. I would like to commend ed on House 22 in Stag Hill Court.way the resident handled the situ-security and the students for their Around 7:00pm, a resident wasation, “The fire department wasprompt action.” grilling a burger, when the grill panalerted by security that there was caught fire. The resident immedi-a fire on campus. When we ately followed correct procedurearrived security directed us to the and placed the fire blanket overscene quickly and four other offi- Fire engine on Tuesday night the grill, thus putting out the smallcers already on the scene met us. [email protected] News 1-2n Rag 3-5, n barearts 7-18n Lifestyle 21 n Sport 22-24 News 2 25/01/01 Editorial Welcome to our 999th issue, which this week sees Editorial Team rag taking it over for their own needs...so spot their Editorr stories. All of the money raised at rag will go to the Kevin Marston various charities that they support so the more money you can give the better. Deputy Editorr Luke Hickey As part of the fund raising various members of the barefacts team auctioned themselves off at the Production Editorr Human Auction raising about £70,. So a big thanksof luck as he’s going to need it. (and he’s only proof Andrew Thomas from me for doing so...even though I gave them thatread three articles...so the rest is my fault) little shove. News Team Film Editors News Team Film Editors Finally, I ‘ve decided to change the picture this week, James Buller Libby Hurt Also this week sees the introduction of a barefactsso watch out for more wacky pics in the future. Arthi Veerupillai proof reader, Duncan Hamilton...I wish him the best- Kev Science Editorr Political Editorr Nick Walsh Reuben Thompson ...News In Brief...News In Brief...News Sports Editorr 'Death-trap' Destroyed The metabolism of three soya foods will be exam- Features Editorr Dave Chapman ined though volunteers providing blood and urine Vacant Marketing Team A derelict Guildford building, notorious as a drug densamples. A preliminary study last year used volun- Music Editor Ali Danby and squat was knocked down last week. The walls ofteers from the local community wishing to contribute to Music Editor the old Biddle print-works started to fall as the demoli-a greater scientific understanding of nutrition and Owen Hazelby Ellen van Keulen tion experts started their 4-week job. health. Most subjects found the study an enjoyable About 40 tons of rubbish including used syringes forand sociable experience, Proof Readerr Arts Editorr injecting drugs had to be removed from the site in To find out more contact Anne Hawdon on 01483 Duncan Hamilton Vacant advance. In the past the emergency services have876480, email [email protected] had to contend with the danger of these as they were Contributers frequently called to the old factory. During the summer Police: We Know Damilola's Killer Ali Danby two drug related deaths were recorded there. Luke Mackenzie Guildford Firefighter Michael Franks said: "It was aOfficers investigating the stabbing of 10-year-old Lucy Andrews horrendous place. Horrible things and drugs wereDamilola Taylor say they know who did it but cannot Reuben Thompson inside, so we will heave a sigh of relief. It was a poten-act because they lack the firm evidence required. David Abbott tial danger to the public because of fire and other haz-Chef Inspector Trevor Shepherd, said a "culture of MWC ards." hostility" among young witnesses was stopping the Simon Robinson Offices will be built on the cleared land while the 200inquiry from progressing. He said many Peckham res- Music Team tons of steel and 700 tons of bricks will be recycled.idents have helped police but some have not. "It indi- SAIS Four year old Paul Mead who lives nearby has beencates a culture of reluctance to talk to police, if not & Dr Russ watching the wreckers. "It's exciting watching thedownright hostility that exists among what some would machine. When those bricks fall down it gets toocall gangs of youths on some of these large estates," noisy" he said. he said. "This said I would appeal to these youths, Neighbour Liz Shales however is sad to see theparticularly those who weren't actually responsible for structure go. "It was once upon a time a nice buildingthe injury, to come forward." and if the owners had done something with it 10 yearsTo date police have arrested 15 people in connec- ago we could have something better," she said. tion with Damilola's death but no one has yet been charged. Lakeside Makes Donation A renewed appeal was made by A Radio One DJ Jonathan Joseph on the BBC's Crimewatch program The Lakeside Restaurant has given £500 to a din-yesterday. 'DJ Spoony', filmed the piece just yards barefacts ner dance in aid of National Meningitis Trust and localfrom where Damilola bled to death. He said: "I know it Union House, University Of Surrey charity Cherry Trees. is difficult. I grew up on an estate just like Damilola Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH The restaurant run by students of the School ofwhere the police are often not the most welcome peo- Management Studies got the money by accumulatingple." He went on: "But this is such a tragedy..
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