American Journal of Medical Genetics 86:107–111 (1999) Complete Androgen Insensitivity in a 47,XXY Patient With Uniparental Disomy for the X Chromosome Shigeki Uehara,1* Mitsutoshi Tamura,1 Masayuki Nata,2 Jun Kanetake,2 Masaki Hashiyada,2 Yukihiro Terada,1 Nobuo Yaegashi,1 Tadao Funato,3 and Akira Yajima1 1Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan 2Forensic Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan 3Laboratory Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan We describe a unique patient with complete tes, absence of Wolffian and Müllerian derivatives, and androgen insensitivity syndrome and a high serum concentrations of testosterone and gonad- 47,XXY karyotype. Androgen receptor assay otropins. These abnormalities are caused by the ab- using cultured pubic skin fibroblasts sence or malfunction of the androgen receptor (AR) re- showed no androgen-binding capacity. Se- sulting from various types of mutations of the AR gene quence analysis of the androgen receptor located on Xq12 [Graffin and Wilson, 1989; Sinnecker gene demonstrated two nonsense muta- et al., 1997]. The 47,XXY karyotype causes Klinefelter tions, one in exon D and one in exon E. Mi- syndrome, which is characterized by tall stature, a crosatellite marker analysis showed that slender build with long extremities, male external the patient is homozygous for all five Xq loci genitalia with a small penis and small testes, and in- examined. The results suggest that the long- fertility due to azoospermia. The prevalence of arms of the two X chromosomes are identi- Klinefelter syndrome is approximately 1 in 1,000 males cal, i.e., uniparental isodisomy at least for [Levitan, 1988]. Endocrinologic evaluation in adult pa- Xq, and carry the same mutations in the an- tients with 47,XXY typically demonstrates hypergo- drogen receptor gene. This explains how nadotropic hypogonadism, and atrophic changes in the complete androgen insensitivity syndrome testes. occurred in this 47,XXY individual. Am. J. A combination of AIS and 47,XXY was reported in 5 Med. Genet. 86:107–111, 1999. cases [Bartsch-Sandhoff et al., 1976; Gerli et al., 1979; © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc. German and Vessell 1966; Müller et al., 1990; Scully et al., 1990]. The rarity of this concurrence is explained by KEY WORDS: androgen insensitivity syn- the random nature of X-inactivation in XXY patients drome; Klinefelter syndrome; [Disteche, 1995; Lyon, 1961], because overall, a defect microsatellite markers; meio- resulting from a mutant AR allele on one X chromo- sis II nondisjunction; double some is masked by the effect of the normal allele on the mutation; uniparental di- other X chromosome. However, AIS can occur in XXY somy patients when a mutant allele is preferentially ex- pressed through non-random X-inactivation, or when both X chromosomes carry mutant alleles, i.e., homo- zygosity. INTRODUCTION Here we describe a Japanese patient with complete Patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome AIS and 47,XXY chromosome constitution, and discuss (AIS), an X-linked disorder with a prevalence of about the mechanism leading to the manifestation of AIS in 1 in 65,000 males [Jagiello and Atwell, 1962], have fe- 47,XXY individuals. male genitalia and breasts (despite a male karyotype) with a very low grade of pubic hair development, a CLINICAL REPORT blindly ending vagina, intra-abdominal or inguinal tes- A 30-year-old woman presented with primary amen- orrhea and sterility for 4 years. Her height was 165 cm *Correspondence to: Shigeki Uehara, MD, Department of Ob- (+1.5 SD for the Japanese women), and weight 61.5 kg. stetrics and Gynecology, Tohoku University School of Medicine, She was muscular for a woman and lacked breast de- 1–1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980–8574, Japan. E-mail: velopment (Tanner grade I). The vulva appeared im- [email protected] mature with no pubic hair development (Tanner grade Received 2 July 1998; Accepted 3 May 1999 I); she had a narrow vagina lacking the cervix. Pelvic © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 108 Uehara et al. examination, ultrasonography, and magnetic reso- nance imaging showed absence of the uterus. The pa- tient was hypergonadotropic: serum luteinizing hor- mone was 19.2 mIU/ml (normal, 0.8 to 8.3 mIU/ml for males, 1.4 to 15.3 mIU/ml for follicular-phase females); follicle-stimulating hormone, 46.3 mIU/ml (1.2 to 10.2 mIU/ml for males, 3.2 to 12.2 mIU/ml for follicular- phase females); prolactin, 2.8 ng/ml (3.4 to 16.2 ng/ml for males, 3.7 to 24.8 ng/ml for females); 17-estradiol, 20.6 pg/ml (<5 to 48 pg/ml for males, 4 to 60 pg/ml for early follicular-phase females); progesterone, 0.99 ng/ ml (<2.4 ng/ml for males, <1.82 ng/ml for follicular- phase females); and testosterone, 1.0 ng/ml (2.86 to 11.48 ng/ml for males, <0.1 to 0.9 ng/ml for females). Laparoscopic examination demonstrated small, whit- ish, testis-like gonads on the walls of the pelvis. No Fig. 1. Saturation curve of specific binding of [3H] R1881 to the andro- gen receptor on cultured fibroblasts derived from the patient (᭹) and a Müllerian or Wolffian derivatives were identified. Bi- control subject (᭺). No androgen binding was detectable in fibroblasts from lateral gonadectomy was performed. Histopathological the patient. examination demonstrated a few degenerating seminif- erous tubles with no spermatogonia and Leydig cell clusters in the stroma with fibrotic replacement; no 15% FBS until sufficient numbers of fibroblasts were tumors were seen. Two maternal aunts also had pri- obtained. Two days before the assay the medium was mary amenorrhea and sterility. Chromosome analysis changed to serum-free MEM. Fibroblasts were har- of lymphocytes and fibroblasts showed a non-mosaic vested in Hanks BSS containing 0.01% trypsin and 47,XXY karyotype. 0.02% EDTA, rinsed with PBS, and suspended in MEM containing 25 mM tricine (Sigma-Aldrich Japan, To- 5 METHODS kyo). Duplicate tubes of fibroblasts (7×10 cells/ml) were incubated for 1 hr at room temperature with vari- Whole-Cell Receptor Assay of ous concentrations (0.16 to 5 nM) of [3H] methyltrieno- Androgen Receptor lone ([3H] R1881; New England Nuclear Research Products, Boston, MA) in the presence or absence of a The method of Nakao et al. [1992] was followed for 1000-fold excess of unlabeled R1881. After incubation, AR radioreceptor assay. Briefly, pubic skin samples cells were washed three times with PBS and then lysed from the patient and from a female control (obtained under informed consent at vaginal hysterectomy per- formed to treat her uterine carcinoma in situ) were minced and cultured in flasks containing 5 ml Eagle’s MEM (GIBCO BRL, Rockville, MD) supplemented with TABLE I. Primer Sequence Used in the Present Study Primer pair Sequences (5Ј–3Ј) AR-Exon B GCCTGCAGGTTAATGCTGAA GTTATTTGATAGGGCCTTGC AR-Exon C GTTTGGTGCCATACTCTGTC ATGGCCACGTTGCCTATGAA AR-Exon D GAGTTTAGAGTCTGTGACCA GATCCCCCTTATCTCATGCT AR-Exon E AACCCGTCAGTACCCAGACT GCTTCACTGTCACCCCATCA AR-Exon F GGGCTTATTGGTAAACTTCC GTCCAGGAGCTGGCTTTTCC AR-Exon G TCAGATCGGATCCAGCTATC TCTATCAGGCTGTTCTCCCT AR-Exon H GAGGCCACCTCCTTGTCAAC AAGGCACTGCAGAGGAGTAG HUMARA [AGC]n TCCAGAATCTGTTCCAGAGCGTGC GCTGTGAAGGTTGCTGTTCCTCAT HUMHPRTB [AGAT]n ATGCCACAGATAATACACATCCCC CTCTCCAGAATAGTTAGATGTAGG DXYS156 [TAAAA]n GTAGTGGTCTTTTGCCTCC Fig. 2. Sequences for the androgen receptor (AR) gene in the patient. CAGATACCAAGGTGAGAATC (a) A partial sequence of AR-exon D with a C-to-T substitution that DXS731 [CA]n CCTGATCATCCCTGAGGCTA changes glutamine (CAG) to a stop codon (TAG) at codon 640. (b) A partial TTAGTCCCAGGGGGGAGAG sequence of AR-exon E with a G-to-A substitution that changes tryptophan DXS738 [CA]n CCAGCAATAACCATAAGTAAAACC (TGG) to a stop codon (TGA) at codon 749. Arrows indicate each substi- AATGTGTTGTTGTATTCACCTTGC tuted nucleotide, bar depicts the substituted termination codon, and nucleotides above the arrows indicate the wild type. Androgen Insensitivity With UPD for X Chromosome 109 Fig. 3. Microsatellite marker analysis of HUMARA (a), HUMHPRTB (b), DXYS156 (c), DXS730 (d), and DXS738 (e). X chromosome-specific markers are present in a single peak (arrowhead). Product size is 288 bp for HUMARA, 287 bp for HUMHPRTB, 140 bp for DXYS156, 195 bp for DXS730, and 150 bp for DXS738. For DXYS156, a Y-specific marker also is detected (arrow); X-specific and Y-specific alleles are discriminated by their product size. Remaining peaks represent internal size controls. with 1 ml of absolute ethanol. The aliquot was trans- screen for bacterial colonies containing the correct in- ferred to vials containing 10 ml of ACS-II cocktail (Am- sert. Each PCR product was sequenced with a DSQ- ersham, Buckinghamshire, England) for liquid scintil- 1000L automated DNA sequencer (Shimazu, Tokyo, lation counting. The results were analyzed by the Japan) using the dideoxynucleotide method. To distin- Scatchard method to quantify specific [3H] R1881 bind- guish mutations from randomly misincorporated ing. nucleotides, sequences were examined in six clones ob- tained from each exon. Nucleotide Sequencing Microsatellite Markers Analysis Sequence analysis was carried out for exons B to H of the AR gene, using the method of Nakao et al. [1992] Leukocyte genomic DNA from the patient was ana- and Lubahn et al. [1989] (Exon A was not examined lyzed for polymorphisms of five microsatellite markers because of the rarity of mutations.) Primer sequences on the long-arm of X chromosome. DNA from her par- are shown in the Table I. Polymerase chain reaction ents was not available because both were deceased. (PCR) products were purified and concentrated using a Briefly, DNA sample was amplified by PCR using QIAEX II apparatus (Qiagen, Tokyo), and subcloned primers for HUMARA (AR) on Xq12 [Edwards et al. into pGEM-T (plasmid, Promega, Madison, WI). DH-5␣ 1992], HUMHPRTB (HPRT) on Xq26.1 [Edwards et al., (Escherichia coli) that was transformed by the plasmid 1992; Huang et al., 1991], DXYS156 on Xq and Y [Chen were cultured, thereafter direct colony PCR using both et al., 1994], DXS730 (MS21) on Xq26 [Hudson et al., M13 forward and reverse primers was performed to 1992], and DXS738 (E114) on Xq21.1 [Hudson et al., 110 Uehara et al.
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