.. UNITED NATIONS POSTAL ADMINISTRATION (~) Office of Geaeral Senices, United Nations, N. Y. ~ ~~ 10 January 1969 UNITED NATIONS TO ISSUE NE~I COMHEMORATIVE STft.. MP FOR UNITED. NATIONS I NSTITUTE FO}~ TRAINING . AND RESEARCH (UNITA...-q )_ The United Nations Postal Administration will i ssue a new stamp on 10 February 1969 to commemorate the United Hations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). One of the main functions of the Institute, wh i ch began operaticns early in 1965, is to train personnel, particularly from the developing countries, for service with national administratie ns or with the United Nations itself . UNITAR also conducts research on problems which concern the United Nations, such as the transfer of techn~logy to developing countries, the problems of certain small states and territories and the problem of migration of skilled personnel to affluent nations . The new stamp, in denominations of 6- cents (green, red, blue, purple, yellow and black) and 13-cents (purple, red, blue, yellow, black and grey) will bP printed in lithography by the Government Printing Bureau, Tokyo, Japan, j_n quantities of 2,100,000 and 2,200,000 respectively. It was designed by Olav S . Mathiesen (Denmark) and will measure 27 mm . horizontally x 33 mm . vertically, perforation to perforation (not 24 mm . x 29 r.~a . as previously announced on - -··· 7 2 December 1968) . Perforation 13-2· • Four marginal inscriptions wi ll appear on each sheet, two at the top and two at the bottom . They will consist of the United Nations seal with the text "UNITAR" in a semi-circle around the top of the seal with the year 11 1969 11 beneath it on the 6-cent sheet . A similar text in French will appear on the 13-cent sheet. The sheet of 50 stamps will be horizontal. The design of the stamp shows four books, the spines of which contain the text "INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH " on the 6-cent stamp and "INSTITUT DE FORHATIOJ\T ET DE RECHERCHE" on the 13-cent denomination . Detailed instructions of the pr ocedure for obtaining first day covers for the new stamps are as follows:- l. First day service is g iven only at United Nations Headquarters, New York, against payment in US dollars; 2 . The outside envelope must be clearly marked 11 FDC - UNITA2"; 3, Remittance to cover the cost of the stamps to be affixed. tc first day covers, plus a service charge of 5-cents per cover, must be encle sed in either money orde.r or certified chec11 1"'. Pe stage stamps will not be accep,,ed - 2 - and will be r eturned to the sender. Customers arc :P,minded not t • send cash through the ma il . N.B. This new arrangement of a 5- cent service charge per cover applies only when the UN Postal Administration is required to affix the stamps . Customers who affix their own stamps to their first day covers will not be subject t o the service charge; 4. 'The number of stamps to be a ffixed should be clearly mar ked i n pencil in the upper richt-hand corner of each envelope; 5 . A f i ller of medium weight should be placed in each envelope with the flap turned in . A poor cover may result if no filler is provided . Do not use a thick filler; 6 . Requests for mar ginal i nscripti ons will be filled only as far as possible, depending on the number of mar ginal inscriptions available; 7 . No _m ixed orders_ for both first day covers . and mint stam..12§_ will be process~d, but will be returned to the sender. Customers are, therefore, urged to send in FDC and mint orders separ at ely, with separate rein i ttances; 8. Irnpo:rta!}_~: ~lhen or dering blocks of stamps (marginal inscription blocks or plain blocks ), customers should address the envelope in the extreme lover left-hand corner, otherwise the address will be obliterated by the stamps; 9. It should be noted that r equests for special or unusual combina ti,., ns will not be honour ed . Such requests will be returned to the sender; 10. Due to the tremendous volume of requests f or first ·day covers, at least three weeks from the day of issue should be allowed for rece i pt before maki ng an enquiry . BULK ORDERS: Dealers ' servicing agents or ethers nay place e rders by ma il in advance of the date of issue and will be per mitted to collect their orders at 8 a .m. on 10 February 1969 . Only orders with a minimum value of $20 . 00 will be accepted for 8 a .m. picl-::-up; otherwise, working hours of the UN Postal Admi nistrati on on 10 Febr uar y will be 9 a .m. - 5 . 30 p .m. Orders for 8 a .m. pick-up should be accompanied by a money or der, certified cheque or bank draft for the amount of the or der and should specify that the stamps will be used for first day covers . Envelopes containi ng such orders should indicate t hat it is a "Dealer Pick- up" and be addr essed to the Chief , UN Postal Administration, c/o Box 20, Grand Central P . O. , New York, N. Y. 10017 . After affixing stamps, purchasers may rt:turn their envelopes for cancellation, presenting their copy of the stamp order invoice. The return for cancP,llation mus t take pl ace as soen as possi ble after the f irst day of issue, but in no case later than ten calendar days after the day of issue . I iINT STAi,iP ORDEJS : Separ ate orders for mint stamps should be addressed to t he UN Postal Administrati on, United l'lations, New York, N.Y . 10017 . Customers should also remember t .,} 8.llov for return pcstage i n their rerc1ittances and for registration when necessar y . The UN Pesta: Adi .1 inistration 1 s sa:es counters in the public lobby and concourst- of the General Assembly buildi ng will have, on t he fir st .. - 3 - day of issue, philatelic stock a va ilable for purchase by collectors . Jtiachine­ and hand-cancellations may also be obtained . UNITED NATIONS TO ISSUE NEW COMi'iEMORATIVE STAMP IN "BUILDING 11 SEITTES PLUS NEF _l.i -CENT _DEFI NITIVE AND NEW 10-CENT AIRMAIL STANP The United Nations Postal Administration announced today that it will issue three new stamps on 14 ~-ia rch 1969 - a commemorative issue of 6-cents and 15-cents in the "Building" series for the United Nat ions building in Santiag• , Chile, as ,,-ell as a 13-cent definitive and 10-cent a irmail stamp, to meet revised postal rates . The UN buildi ng stamp will be printed i n photogravure by Bundesdrucker ei, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, and will measure 41 mm . horizontally x 26 mm . vertically, perforation to perforation. The 6-cent stamp (blue , green and l i ght purple) will be printed in a quantity of 2;700,000 and the 15-cent denomination (maroon, orange and yellow) in a quantity of 2,200, 000 . The design was adapted from a photogr aph by Ole Hamann (Denmark) . The 13-cent definitive (blue, gold and black) will be printed in photogravure by the Government Printing Bureau, Tokyo, J apan, in an initial quantity of 4,000,000 . It was desi gned by L. Holdanowicz and n . Freudenreich (Poland) and will measure 25 . 5 mr.1. horizontally x 36 mm . vertically, perforation to perforation. The 10- cent a irmail stamp (red, orange and yellow) will be printed by the offset process by Setelipaino Sedel tryc::eriet, Fi nland, in an initial quantity ()f 4,000,000. It will measure 36 i·,m1 . horizontally x 26 mm . vertically, perforation to perforation, and was designed by Ol av S . iiathiesen (Denmark ). Further details about the stamps and i nstructions for the purchase of first day covers will be issued approx i mately five weeks before the day of issue . NK.T SLOGAN CANCELLATION A new slogan cancellation II Resear ch and Development" wi ll be put i nto u.e on 24 February 1969. This slogan will replace 11 1968 International Year for H1-wan Rights II which is currently in use . Collectors wish:tng to obtain copies with 24 February cancellation must ensure that their requests are i n the hands of the UN Postal Administration by 21 ?ebruary 1969. Those interested in obtaining copies may send in a reasonable nwnber of self-addressed envelopes affixed with UN postage stamps to the United Nations Postal Adm inistration, United Nations, New Yor k, N.Y. 10017 . The UN Postal Admi nistration will _n_o_t accept payment and/or affix stamps to covers . The outside envelope must be clearly mar ked with the word "Slogan·' . As each envelope will be returned individually through the ma il, sufficient stamps must be used to cover the cost of return posta[;e . Requests received too lat e for cancellation on 24 February will be g iven cancellation as soon as possi ble thereafter. United States stamps are not acceptable as postage . \ - 4 - A filler of medium we i ght should be placed i n each envelope, with the flap turned in. A poor cover might r e sult if no filler is provided . Cancellati on on a hand-back basi~ will be provided in the vicinity of the UN Postal Admi nistration 's sales counter in the General As sembly bui ldin8 . The designer of the UH I TAR stamp, Olav S .
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