NAGAHAMA MAIBARA HIKONE Guidebook The old castle towns of Hikone, Nagahama and Maibara which make you feel the liveliness of old times. Both are very popular areas as tourist spots, where restaurants, shops and galleries which are renovated from traditional buildings stand side by side. 可以感受昔日繁華面貌的彥根、長濱和米原之舊城邑。在這超高人 氣 觀 光 區,以 傳 統 建 築 改 建 而 成 的 餐 廳、商 店、藝 廊 等 櫛 比 鱗 次。 옛날의 번화했던 모습을 느끼게 해주는 히코네, 나가하마와 마이바라의 구 성시. 두 곳 모두 관광명소로도 인기가 높은 지역으로, 전통이 있는 건물을 리모델링해서 만든 레스토랑과 샵, 갤러리 등이 늘어서 있다. National Treasure Hikone-jo Castle Keisokuji Temple Mt. Ibuki 長浜 米原 彦根_p1_H1_H.indd 1 2016/09/01 13:59 Feel the history and culture Omi-ji Road, which was made along the side of Lake Maibara Biwa, is dotted with spots that will make you feel the 4 Izutsuya history and culture, spots such as Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, as well as the Hikone-jo Castle, Omi-ji Road sake breweries, etc. Why not enjoy exploring it while contemplating the beautiful scenery, which was selected as one of the 100 best sceneries in Japan? 在琵琶湖畔一路延伸的近江路,除寺院佛閣外,還座 Model Route 落著彥根城和酒廠等歷史與文化景點。在入選日本百 選的優美景觀相伴下,一起享受散步其中的樂趣吧! 可以體驗歷史與文化的近江路建議路線 비와호를 따라 이어지는 오우미지에는 사찰과 신사 역사와 문화를 접하는 오우미지 모델 루트 외에도 히코네성과 주조회사 등 역사와 문화를 느낄 수 있는 곳들이 많다 . 일본 100 선에도 선정된 아름 다운 경관을 보며 산책을 즐기자 . ekiben Maibara 「近江七福神」的一間寺院。江戶時代初期, The shop founded in 1889, at the same time of the 由樂樂園設計者「香取」所規劃的枯山水庭 establishment of the Tokaido line. We recommend you Okowa 園,已獲指定為國家名勝。 Kohokuno-ohanashi for ¥ 1,150. ingredients change each season, so you can enjoy seasonal fresh tastes. 「오우미 칠복신」 중 하나인 사원. 에도시대 초기, 라쿠라쿠엔의 작자 가토리씨에 의해 만들어진 1889年與東海道線同時創業的便當店。特別推薦「湖北一話」 Seigan-ji Temple 1,150日圓。糯米飯的配料依季節而不同,可品嚐當季美味。 3 일본식 정원은 일본의 명승으로 지정되어 있다. MAP P.10 0749-52-0463 │ 1889년, 도카이도선과 같은 시기에 창업한 에키벤(도시락) 가게. 추천 669 Maihara, Maibara City 메뉴는 「고호쿠노오하나시」 로 1,150엔. 계절에 따라 밥에 들어가는 재 One of the temples of the “seven 료가 바뀌어, 계절의 맛을 즐길 수 있다. gods of good fortune in Omi”. 9:00-17:00 Tue. ¥ 300 MAP P.10 The dry landscape garden, made Credit cards not accepted 0749-52-0006 │ in the early Edo period by “Mr. Approx. 5 min. walk from JR Maibara Sta. Maihara, Maibara City (JR Maibara Sta. west exit) Katori”, the creator of Rakuraku- 10:00-18:00 None scheduled En Garden, is designated as a Credit cards not accepted National Scenic Beauty. Right outside JR Maibara Sta. west exit Hikone Nagahama 6 Model Route Yume-Kyobashi Castle Road START JR Kinomoto Sta. 1 Kinomoto Jizo-in Temple 5 min. walk MAP P.10 A 6-meter image of Jizo (a Buddhist deity) standing 0749-82-2106 │ | Kinomoto Jizo-in Temple in the temple grounds, which is an imitation of the 944 Kinomoto, Kinomotocho, 1 principal image, which is rarely unveiled, “greets” Nagahama City 8:00-17:00 the visitors, who come from all the country. It gets Open 365 days 2 min. walk crowded with many vendors and visitors during the You can visit the temple grounds great temple festival in August every year. and the garden for free. The | kaidanmeguri (dark corridor tour) 2 Tomita Shuzo 境內矗立著6米高的地藏菩薩像,其形象來自秘佛 costs ¥ 300. 本尊,在此迎接來自全國的善男信女。每年8月的 Credit cards not accepted 「大廟會」,攤販沿道排開,參拜的香客絡繹不絕。 Ride a train on the JR Hokuriku Main Line 5 min. walk from JR Kinomoto Sta. from Kinomoto Sta. for approx. 30 min., get 경내에 서 있는 6미터의 지장은 비불인 본존을 본따 만들어진 off at Maibara Sta. and walk approx. 5 min. 것으로 전국에서 찾아오는 참배객들을 맞이한다. 매년 8월의 공양일에는 많은 노점과 참배객으로 활기가 가득하다. A street reproducing the castle town of the Nagahama Hikone Edo period with lattice windows, wing walls, | Seigan-ji Temple white walls, etc. There are many shops, such 3 as restaurants, sweets shops, gift shops, etc. 5 min. walk 街道上的格子窗、袖壁、白壁等,重現江戶時 Tomita Shuzo Hikone-jo Castle 代老街風貌。小餐館、甜點店、土產店等,各 | 2 5 式店家櫛比鱗次。 4 Izutsuya 격자창, 돌출 벽, 흰 벽 등 에도시대의 성시를 재현 They use shuzo kotekimai i.e. rice suitable for It’s one of the famous castles of Japan brewing sake (rice with fewer agrochemicals 한 거리. 식당과 카페, 기념품 가게 등 많은 가게가 Ride a train on the JR Tokaido Main Line from and the symbol of Hikone City with one of 늘어서 있다. and no chemical fertilizers). The brand was the only five castle towers designated as Maibara Sta. for approx. 5 min., get off at MAP P.11 made in memory of the seven young soldiers, a National Treasure. It’s also on the World 0749-22-2954 │ Hikone Sta. and walk approx. 10 min. Shichihonyari (Seven Spears) of Shizugatake. Heritage Tentative List. (Hikone City Visitors’ Information Center) The label characters use tenkoku (seal- 天下名城之一,擁有全日本僅5處的國寶級 Around Honmachi, Hikone City | engraving) by Rosanjin. Hikone-jo Castle 天守,是彥根市的象徵,已登錄在世界遺產 Vary by shop 5 使用酒造好適米(適合釀酒米,少農藥無化學 暫定名單中。 Approx. 15 min. walk from JR Hikone Sta. 肥料米)。品牌名來自7位年輕武士「賤岳七支 5 min. walk 천하의 명성 중 하나로 꼽히며, 전국에 5개 밖에 槍」。標籤文字使用的是魯山人的篆刻。 없는 국보 천수를 가지고 있는 히코네시의 상징. 세계유산 잠정 리스트에도 등재. | 주조호적미(농약을 줄이고 화학비료를 사용하지 않은 6 Yume-Kyobashi Castle Road MAP P.11 쌀)를 사용. 상표는 7명의 젊은 무사 「시즈가다케노 시 0749-22-2742 │ 치혼야리」 에서 유래하고 있다. 라벨의 문자는 로산진의 1-1 Konkicho, Hikone City 15 min. walk 전각을 사용. 8:30-17:30 (Entrance closes at 17:00) MAP P.10 0749-82-2013 │ Open 365 days ¥ 600 (Adult) 1107 Kinomoto, Kinomotocho, Nagahama City Credit cards not accepted 9:00-18:00 Tue. A, J, M,V Approx 10 min. walk from JR Hikone Sta. GOAL JR Hikone Sta. 5 min. walk from JR Kinomoto Sta. to the ticket booth 2 3 長浜 米原 彦根_p2-3_H.indd すべてのページ 2016/09/02 11:01 Chikubu Island Cruise! Chikubu Island Cruise Nagahama Route (Nagahama Port-Chikubu Port, round trip) NAGAHAMA See LIKE Go to Chikubu BIWA Island, which is also called "the god- There are 5 round trip services between Nagahama Port and Chikubu Port everyday. It's said many people constantly come to Chikubu inhabited island". Island to worship, which is also a place flowing with mystical energy. 長濱港與竹生島之間1天有5個往返航班,前往能量景點竹生島的善男信女總 前 往「 神 明 所 在 島 」ー ー 竹 生 島 。 MAP P.10 是絡繹不絕。 0749-62-3390 (Biwako Kisen Nagahama Office) 나가하마항과 치쿠부섬 사이의 왕복편은 하루에 5편 운행. 파워스폿이기도 한 치쿠부섬 “신이 사는 섬” 이라고 불리는 치 ¥3,070 (Adult, round trip fee) * Entry fee for the island: ¥400 (Adult) 에는 참배객이 끊이지 않는다고 한다. 쿠부섬에. A, D, J, M, V, 銀 Kasho Rokube Designer's monaka "Ku" 1 piece ¥248 "Ku Crystal" 1 box Buy KINOMOTO (4 pieces) ¥1,154 With more than 80 years in business. Even Kohoku-no-sato, where a lot of shops though it's a shop with a long history, its motto is "to make modern Japanese confectionery". you want to stop over stand side by side. The picture shows stylish doughnut-shaped "designer's monaka (bean-jam wafer)". NAGAHAMA 好店一家又一家的湖北之里 들러보고 싶은 샵들이 늘어서 있는 고호쿠 創業80餘年,雖是老店,卻是以製作現代日式糕 Explore the nostalgic old looks of the town! 點為宗旨,照片中是時尚的甜甜圈造型甜餡餅。 창업 약 80년. 역사가 있는 점포이지만, 모던한 화과자를 悠閒漫步鄉愁老街! 만드는 것이 좌우명. 사진은 스타일리쉬한 도넛 모양의 디자이너즈 모나카. 향수를 불러일으키는 옛 거리를 산책! 0749-82-2172 MAP P.10 1087 Kinomoto, Kinomotocho, Nagahama City 9:00-18:00 New Year's Day Credit cards not accepted Approx. 3 min. walk from JR Kinomoto Sta. Tsuruya Bakery Buy Left: Shichihonyari Sengoku Kurokabe Square Set (junmaishu & josenshu A bakery, popular for its saradapan, a spe- See Tomita Shuzo 180 ml each): ¥1,080 cialty consisting of finely minced takuan Buy Buy Right: Konokuni no-bake pickled radish and mayonnaise inside soft Eat cheesecake Shichihonyari: bread roll. Fun ¥620 人氣麵包坊,招牌商品是沙拉麵包,在柔軟的長 The tourist spot of Nagahama that makes use of its The sake brewery, famous for Shichihonyari, sake made 條麵包中夾入醃蘿蔔碎片和美奶滋。 traditional buildings. The impressing building called Opened in Mar. 2014! using infiltrated water from Okuibuki mountain range MAP P.10 0749-82-2013 부드러운 쿠페빵 안에 잘게 다진 단무지와 마요네즈를 넣 "Kurokabe First Building/Kurokabe Glass Building", Saradapan, the KUROKABE AMISU and locally grown sakamai (rice for sake). You'll also find 1107 Kinomoto, Kinomotocho, 은 명물 샐러드빵이 인기인 베이커리. which combines Japanese style with Western style, lots of items with sake motifs. soul food of Shiga Nagahama City ¥145 MAP P.10 was built in 1900 and it's said to have been called 0749-82-3162 Buy 知名酒廠,使用奧伊吹山系的伏流水與本地酒米釀造成的清酒 9:00-18:00 Tue. A,J,M,V 1105 Kinomoto, Kinomotocho, Nagahama City "the bank of Kurokabe" for its aspect. You can also 七本鎗遠近馳名。還有各種與酒相關的週邊商品。 8:00-19:00, Sun. & Hol.: 9:00-17:00 Approx. 5 min. walk from JR experience glass craft making. Please have a try. Open 365 days Credit cards not accepted A shop that deals with products that make 오쿠이부키산의 복류수와 지역산 주조용 쌀로 만든 청주 시치홍야리가 Kinomoto Sta. 讓傳統建築群重獲新生的長濱觀光景點。東西合璧的穩重建 유명한 주조 회사. 술을 모티프로 한 아이템도 취급하고 있다. Approx. 5 min. walk from JR Kinomoto Sta. 築「黑壁1號館、黑壁玻璃館」,興建於1900年,因其外觀 us feel the peculiar history, culture and cli- 而有「黑壁銀行」之稱。提供玻璃工藝體驗,千萬別錯過! mate of Shiga. You can see the "real" skill of 전통적인 건물군을 활용한 나가하마의 관광명소.
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