February 24, 1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8159 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 24, 1992 The House met at 12 noon. But I think it also goes back to some PROGRAM The Chaplain, Rev. James David of the legislation passed in this body Opening: Arnold Goldstein, Superintend­ Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ and the other body on title IX and ent, National Capital Parks-Central, Na­ er: some of the efforts that we have made tional Park Service. Presentation of the Colors: Joint Armed Teach us in all our ways, 0 God, to to make sure that Federal money is Services Color Guard, Military District of look upon others with the respect and spent equally on men and women ath­ Washington. honor that is due every person. We letes in the various programs that are "The National Anthem" : U.S. Air Force admit our disagreements and conflicts, sanctioned at the college level. Band, Chief Master Sgt. Alan Sine, Director. our disputes and quarrels, and yet we Mr. Speaker, certainly we want to Welcome by the Master of Ceremonies: Ar­ acknowledge You as the Creator and give tribute to our Olympic women and nold Goldstein, Superintendent, National Judge of the whole human family, a to all of the young Bonnie Blairs and Capital Parks-Central, National Park Serv­ ice. family bound together by Your gift of Kristi Yamaguchis who watched these Remarks: Honorable Russell E. Train, life and Your sustaining spirit. May Olympics and will be our Olympians in First Vice President, Washington National the spirit of tolerance mark our voices future years. Monument Society. and the spirit of understanding touch I think it is also important for us to Robert G. Stanton, Regional Director, Na­ our actions so we will see others as note that this Congress and this Nation tional Capital Region, National Park Serv­ companions on the road of life. May played a role in these achievements. ice. Your blessing, gracious God, be with us Honorable Herbert H. Bateman, U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District, Virginia. all this day and every day. Amen. Honorable James P. Moran, U.S. House of PERMISSION TO PRINT PROGRAM Representatives, 8th District, Virginia. AND REMARKS OF MEMBERS AT Musical Selection: Stevens Elementary THE JOURNAL WREATH-LAYING CEREMONY FOR School Glee Club and Bell Ringers. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ OBSERVANCE OF GEORGE WASH­ Presentation of Wreaths: ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Wreath of the U.S. House of Representa­ INGTON'S BIRTHDAY tives: Honorable Herbert H. Bateman, Honor­ ceedings and announces to the House Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, I able James P. Moran. his approval thereof. ask unanimous consent that the pro­ Wreath of the Washington National Monu­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ gram and the remarks of the two Mem­ ment Society: Honorable Russell E. Train. nal stands approved. Wreath of the National Park Service: Re­ bers representing the House of Rep­ gional Director Robert G. Stanton. resentatives, the gentleman from Vir­ Taps and Retiring of the Colors: Military PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ginia [Mr. MORAN] and the gentleman District of Washington. from Virginia [Mr. BATEMAN]. at the The National Park Service and the Wash­ The SPEAKER. The Chair will recog­ wreath-laying ceremony at the Wash­ ington National Monument Society would nize the gentleman from Mississippi ington Monument for the observance of like to acknowledge special thanks to the [Mr. MONTGOMERY] to lead us in the George Washington's birthday on Fri­ Military District of Washington, the United Pledge of Allegiance. day, February 21, 1992, be inserted in States Air Force Band, and to the students Mr. MONTGOMERY led the Pledge of and faculty of Stevens Elementary School today's CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. for contributing to the success of this pro­ Allegiance as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempo re (Mr. gram. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unit­ VENTO). Is there objection to the re­ ed States of America, and to the Republic for quest of the gentleman from Mis­ SPEECH OF REPRESENTATIVE JAMES P. MORAN, which it stands, one nation under God, indi­ sissippi? CELEBRATING THE BIRTHDAY OF GEORGE visible, with liberty and justice for all. There was no objection. WASHINGTON , FEBRUARY 21, 1992 The text of the program and speeches Today we are gathered to celebrate the are as follows: birthday of George Washington, the founder HAIL TO AMERICA'S FEMALE of our Country. We celebrate this occasion at OLYMPIANS PRESIDENT GEORGE WASHINGTON, 260TH one of many monuments throughout our Na­ BIRTHDAY OBSERVANCE, FEBRUARY 21, 1992, (Mr. MAZZOLI asked and was given tion memorializing the spirit and courage of 11 A.M., WASHINGTON MONUMENT, WASHING­ the first President of the United States. We 1 permission to address the House for TON , DC stand here today at this memorial-the tall­ minute and to revise and extend his re­ "The name of American* * *must always est monument in our city that serves daily marks.) exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than as a quidepost and reference point to how Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, 2 weeks any appellation derived from local discrimi­ important Washington was to our country of Olympic competition ended yester­ nations. With slight shades of difference, you and to all Americans. day. While the United States perform­ have the same Religeon, Manners, Habits I am especially proud to be able to speak ance was not what we would have loved and Political Principles. You have in a com­ at this gathering as the Congressman rep­ it to be-we did not win all the med­ mon cause fought and triumphed together. resenting the 8th.district of Virginia, where, The indep&ndence and liberty you possess are just southeast of here, George Washington's als-we certainly won a representative the work of joint councils, and joint efforts; home, Mount Vernon, is located. And, like share. I think all of us should take of common dangers, sufferings and suc­ all Virginians, I am proud that Washington note of the fact that 9 of the 11 medals cesses.' '-FAREWELL ADDRESS. served in Virginia's House of Burgesses and the United States won, and all 5 of the " * * *the Propitious smiles of Heaven, can lived here all of his life. gold medals which the United States never be expected on a nation that dis­ When I think of George Washington, I won, were won by our American regards the eternal rules of order and right, think of a man with exceptional principles, women. which Heaven itself has ordained."-FIRST backbone, and vision. A man so well loved by INAUGURAL ADDRESS. his countrymen that some thought of I think that goes back to a lot of " Knowledge is in every country the surest anointing him King, but who steadfastly re­ things, including the wonderful train­ basis of public happiness, contributing ines­ fused to accept any such title in the best in­ ing techniques that coaches have devel­ timably to the security of a free constitu­ terests of democracy. oped today, the great nutritional tech­ tion.* * *"-FIRST ANNUAL ADDRESS TO CON­ One need not wonder what our Nation niques, and new equipment. GRESS. might be like today if George Washington DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 3160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 24, 1992 had been a different kind of man. What if he In 1753, at the age of just 21, George Wash­ Our nation today remains symbol of the had not had the courage to serve as com­ ington was sent as an emissary to the Ohio spirit of George Washington. It is fitting mander of the Continental armies in our River Valley to deliver an ultimatum to the today that we pay tribute to him at this be­ Revolutionary War and lead the fight French warning them not to encroach upon loved site and rededicate ourselves to the vi­ against the British from the first stirrings of English territory. During this mission, sion of our nation that is our great inherit­ rebellion in 1776 to the victorious meeting at Washington was shot at by Indians, nearly ance from the father of our country. Yorktown in 1781. He steadfastly maintained drowned, and exposed to extreme cold and We must maintain George Washington's his conviction that fighting for your beliefs hunger. This experience demonstrates his faith and pride in our nation. We must follow does sometimes necessitate waging battles perseverance, which was to serve him well in his example and remain committed to free­ against those who want to limit your free­ the years to come. dom and democracy. As John Adams said, dom. In the fall of 1755, Washington was air " his example will teach wisdom and virtue Knowing that he had done his part to se­ pointed by Governor Robert Dinwiddie as to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only cure independence from British rule, Wash­ commander in chief of the Virginia militia. in the present age, but in future generations, ington should have been content with this The respansi bility of defending some 300 as long as our history shall be read." The service and retire to his home at Mount Ver­ miles of rugged frontier taught him the im­ memory of George Washington will be kept non, but he could not turn his back on the portance of strong leadership and statesman­ as long as humankind treasures liberty needs of his countrymen.
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